10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (2024)

Whether you’re in a need of interesting new pub quiz round ideas, looking to liven up your Zoom quiz team buildings, or plan to use quizzes to unlock thousands of leads and sales for your business—even the best quizmasters are sometimes in the need of fresh quiz ideas for inspiration.

Free Quiz Ideas: 270 Quiz Title Ideas Your Audience Will Love

Here at LeadQuizzes, we’ve helped our users collect 73.9 million answers using quizzes, generating over 4.7 million leads along the way. We even grew our marketing agency selling quiz services to over $720,000 in yearly revenue.

In this article, we’re going to do a deep dive sharing the lessons we’ve learned, including the 10 types of quizzes you can choose from, 4 research strategies to find the perfect quiz idea, how to create a compelling quiz title that gets clicked and shared, and finally 50 examples of great quiz ideas and titles that you can use—from creating a fun pub quiz for your friends to growing your business.

Table of Contents

10 Types of Quizzes for All Kinds of Quiz Round Ideas

So you’re interested in creating a quiz but how do you choose which type of quiz to actually use?

Well, it all depends on your goals.

  • Do you want to create a viral Facebook quiz that will generate a massive amount of impressions?
  • Do you want to increase engagement with your audience?
  • Do you want to direct your leads to a specific product offering?
  • Do you want to segment your leads so you can personalize your email marketing?
  • Do you want to qualify leads for a sales team?
  • Do you want to do market research for a new or existing product or service?
  • Do you simply enjoy being a quizmaster? And just looking to create a fun quiz for pop culture trivia night with your friends?

Take a second to think about what you’re trying to achieve before grabbing a quiz template or creating a quiz from scratch using one of the best quiz platforms. Once you understand your goal, you can create your quiz idea.

Now, let’s explore the 10 different types of quizzes you can choose from and the pros and cons for each.

1. Diagnostic Quiz

The first quiz type is the Diagnostic Quiz.

This quiz helps your audience understand their problem and matches them with a solution.

It could help them identify a marketing mistake they are making, what product on your website best meets their needs, what content will help them solve their problem, etc.

Fit Father Projectcreated a diagnostic quiz titled “Are You A Fit Father?”.

The quiz asked them health questions and helped them identify the #1 health challenge holding them back from their goals such as time, nutrition, improper exercise, etc.

Based on their results, Fit Father Project showed a personalized sales video and sent custom email marketing campaigns to speak to that specific challenge.

This approach led to Fit Father Project generating 15,000 leads profitably from Facebook and increasing their monthly revenue by 900%!


  • Help quiz takers identify or better understand a problem they have.
  • Help quiz takers match a solution with their specific problem.
  • Survey and segment your audience.


  • Less likely to be shared socially.

Diagnostic Quiz Template

*To use this template, just create an account (or login), and then select the template from our builder.

2. Buzzfeed Style Quiz

Buzzfeed Style Quizzesare fun, entertaining, often nonsensical, and some of the most popular quizzes.

You’ve seen them before: “If You Can Identify Even Just 10 Of These ‘00s Cartoons, Than You’re An Expert” and “This Quiz Will Reveal If You’re More Like Coca-Cola Or Fanta”.

They seem silly but they can actually be an effective tool if you make quizzes that your business audience would be interested in taking.


Bourbon and Bootscreated and tested seven different Buzzfeed style quizzes and advertised them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Their top-performing quiz was titled “QUIZ: Can you pass this Southern-saying challenge?”.

This quiz ultimately went viral being shared over 26,663 times and capturing over 23,675 leads in just three short weeks!

Even though the quizzes were fun and playful, Bourbon and Boots southern styled eCommerce products resonated really well with the quiz takers. Their quiz campaign ultimately doubled Bourbon and Boots sales.


  • Very effective at driving impressions, brand awareness, and viral traffic.
  • High engagement leads to a higher lead capture rate and cheaper advertisem*nt costs.
  • Can quickly build huge email lists.


  • May have less segmentation and audience learning from this type of quiz.
  • You can collect a lot of leads but may have lower conversions immediately into sales.

Buzzfeed Quiz Template

*To use this template, just create an account (or login), and then select the template from our builder.

3. Personality Quiz

A Personality Quiz is a highly engaging quiz that helps quiz takers learn something about themselves.

This could be a more serious personality quiz like the Myers-Brigg assessment or it could be a fun Buzzfeed Style personality quiz.


Neil Patel used a personality quiz on his website Nutrition Secrets.

The quiz was titled “Which Diet Is Right For Your Personality?”.

After promoting it all over his website, he increased his website lead capture by 500%!


  • High engagement leads to higher lead capture rate and cheaper advertisem*nt costs.
  • Survey and segment your audience.


  • You can collect a lot of leads but may have lower conversions immediately into sales.

Personality Quiz Template

*To use this template, just create an account (or login), and then select the template from our builder.

4. Trivia Quiz

A trivia/general knowledge quiz tests quiz-takers knowledge on a particular topic—be it a Harry Potter trivia or a music quiz.

They play off our innate curiosity and competitiveness, while trivia questions can be written on a serious topic or as a Buzzfeed-style quiz.


Jeff Hayslaunched a documentary called Bought, which featured the topic of GMO’s.

He created a quiz titled, “How Well Do You Know GMO’s?”. At the end of the quiz, he captured their contact information and drove them to a viewing of his documentary.

After advertising this popular Facebook quiz, Jeff grew his email list by 31,421 leads.


  • Very effective at driving impressions, brand awareness, and viral traffic.
  • High engagement leads to higher lead capture rate and cheaper advertisem*nt costs.
  • Help quiz takers identify or better understand a problem they have.
  • Survey and segment your audience.


  • You can collect a lot of leads but may have lower conversions immediately into sales.

IQ/Trivia/Knowledge Quiz Template

*To use this template, just create an account (or login), and then select the template from our builder.

5. True/False Quiz

Similar to the IQ/Trivia/Knowledge Quiz, the True/False Quiz is specific to just true and false answers.

Because this type of quiz has very short and to the point answers, it speeds up the time it takes to complete, therefore increasing your lead capture conversion rate.


  • Higher completion rate because of simple answers structure.


  • n/a

True/False Quiz Template

*To use this template, just create an account (or login), and then select the template from our builder.

6. Assessment Quiz

This quiz is often known as a teaching quiz. It is a more traditional assessment quiz to test comprehension, often after you’ve taught your audience something.

Examples could include a quiz testing comprehension at the end of a blog post or prior to starting a video course.


  • Great to measure your audience’s understanding of a topic.
  • Great for benchmarking progress.
  • Can segment your audience based on their knowledge level i.e. beginner, intermediate, advanced.


  • n/a

Assessment Quiz Template

*To use this template, just create an account (or login), and then select the template from our builder.

7. Matching Quiz

The Matching Quiz type is another assessment-style quiz but with image-based questions and/or answers.


  • Useful if you have a visual topic to assess comprehension or visual products you want to create awareness for.


  • n/a

Matching Quiz Template

*To use this template, just create an account (or login), and then select the template from our builder.

8. Scored Quiz

A scored quiz can be a knowledge, diagnostic, or assessment-based quiz but with a specific score that is provided to the quiz taker at the end.


Annmarie Gianni Skin Careused a scored quiz titled “What’s Your Skin Score?” to capture more leads from their website.

In replacement of newsletter and product discount optins, this quiz increased lead capture by 400%.

Not only did it drive more leads but being the quiz provided a personalized result and offer, it also increased sales by $200,000 in two months.


  • The score can create intrigue and competitiveness, therefore increasing engagement.
  • Providing a score can allow quiz takers to benchmark their progress.


  • Providing an accurate score can be difficult when there isn’t a clear right or wrong answer or scientific calculation involved.

Scored Quiz Template

*To use this template, just create an account (or login), and then select the template from our builder.

9. Picture Quiz

Maybe not a quiz type per se—given that most of the types of quizzes above can be either pic or text-based—still, a picture round is always a good quiz idea.

Use screenshots, emojis, showcase your photoshop skills, add your own baby pictures, or compile photos of famous people (for a “guess who” quiz round)—there’s no limit to your creativity when it comes to picture quizzes.


  • Most people are visual learners
  • More engaging than text-based quizzes


  • n/a

10. Zoom Quiz

The pandemic-induced lockdown has forced us to move all those in-person team-building activities online. Yep, we’ve all had at least a Zoom meeting or two that could’ve been an email. But Zoom (and other video calling/screen sharing platforms) also provided us with a replacement for a quiz night in your favorite pub.

Hosting a virtual quiz over Zoom is easy if you use one of our templates!


  • Can be hosted remotely


  • Another video conference call, really?

Any quiz can be a Zoom quiz! So check out all the templates on the link below—you’ll surely get some fresh quiz ideas.

4 Research Strategies to Find Perfect Quiz Ideas

Now that we’ve gone through the 10 different types of quizzes and discussed the use cases for each, let’s dive into 4 research strategies that will help you find the perfect quiz idea for your audience.

1. Get Inside Facebook Groups

With over 1 billion users, chances are that your target audience hangs out in a couple of these groups. You can use them to dig up frequently repeated discussion topics and then re-purpose them into fun quiz ideas.

Step 1: Find the Right Facebook Groups

There are several ways to find niche Facebook groups where your audience hangs out.

– Write your niche in the search bar and filter groups.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (6)

– Visit your influencers’ Facebook profiles and go through their groups section.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (7)

– Google it.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (8)

Step 2: Search for a Common Problem

Once you’ve joined a couple of groups, look for common discussion topics. Alternatively, you can also search for your niche keywords in the group and go through the discussions that pop up.

So if you’re a health coach, you can search for obese, healthy eating, Atkins, etc.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (9)

Going through the discussions, you can come up with some great ideas for quizzes. For example, I came across this great question. You can use it to frame an anti-sugar quiz. Start brainstorming.

  • How good are you at stopping your sugar craving?
  • How many sugar alternatives can you name?
  • Can you live a sugar-less life?

And so on.

2. Seek Help From Q&A Platforms

Quora and Reddit are two popular Q&A platforms. You can unearth some great gems through them.

Here’s what you do:

– Search for your niche and go through the questions and queries that come up.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (10)

– Go through subreddits on Reddit, and topics on Quora to find out often discussed topics in your niche.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (11)

Use these topics as a basis for your quiz.

The best part about using this strategy (as well as, Facebook groups) is that you can use your audience’s words in your quiz questions, answers, and results. This personalizes your quiz and makes it far more compelling for participants.

3. Google Quizzes

Google other quizzes in your niche and find elements that you can base your quiz on.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (12)

– You can turn one of their interesting questions into a quiz topic. Or even use an answer as a keyword for your quiz.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (13)

You can easily turn this question into a quiz topic and even use the answers as your results. You’ll need to flesh them out and make them more interesting, but it could work great as a starting point.

– Offer a different angle, or change the wording.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (14)

For example, if a quiz is ‘Are you addicted to sugar?’, turn it into ‘Are your sugar cravings getting completely out of control?’, ‘On a scale of 1 – 10, where does your sugar addiction lie?’, ‘Are you a sugar fiend?’, ‘Do you have a healthy relationship with sugar?’ and so on.

4. Find Popular Blogs In Your Niche

Niche blogs run by influencers can be a great way to source quiz ideas. You can use Google or Buzzsumo to find popular blogs in your niche.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (15)

And then once you’ve made a list of them, start your quiz-topic-hunting process. There are 2 easy ways to do that:

– Blog posts: Go through their blog posts. Can you turn any of them into a quiz topic? Can you offer a different angle of them to turn them into a quiz topic?

– Blog’s Popular Categories: Click on their category header and look through them. If you’re aiming for a general quiz, you can easily use one of the categories as a base for your quiz.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (16)

Brainstorm and come up with a few topics. Like,

  • Are you a workout-holic?
  • How motivated are you toward healthy eating?
  • Find out what workout program is best for your personality?

And so on. Add these keywords in your other quiz titles or other people’s quizzes, and viola, you have a new quiz topic.

Download This Quiz Idea Worksheet to Help Develop and Organize Your Quiz Idea.


Download This Quiz Idea Worksheet to Help Develop and Organize Your Quiz Idea.


Creating a Compelling Quiz Title

At this point, you should have a great quiz idea that matches your goals.

The next step is developing a compelling quiz title that will make people want to take it.

Being 80% of readers will never make it past your (quiz) headline, this is an extremely important step.

Upworthy, one of the leaders in viral content will spend hoursand come up with dozens of titles—at least 25 possible options—before they decide on one.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (17)

Actually do it; write 25 headlines.

Types of Quiz Titles

Let’s jump next into some of the quiz titles that work best.

The “Actually” Title

We’ve seen these quiz titles everywhere. These quizzes ask you to reveal a truth about yourself, whether it pertains to your personality or your knowledge. For example:

  • How much do you actually know about _?
  • What type of _ are you actually?
  • What should you actually be doing?
  • How should you actually be living?

The Comparison

These catchy quiz titles make a comparison between the person taking the quiz, and someone or something. The comparison should be a flattering one, otherwise, why would quiz-takers want to share it with their social media audiences?

  • What celebrity are you most like?
  • What type of food are you?
  • What type of friend, person, parent, etc. are you?

Both the actually and the comparison quiz evoke a self-serving bias,which means you’re telling people good things about themselves. People like to hear good things about themselves, thus the success of viral marketing quizzes.

Emotion Evoking Titles

Next, let’s talk about adding emotionally charged words to your titles.

Creating emotion in your titlesis so crucial that it’s spawned its own fancy term: Emotional Marketing Value (EMV), which can be assigned a score.

Research continues to show that posts with a higher emotional value score get shared more.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (18)

When you’re creating your quiz titles you can easily calculate your EMV score using the Advanced Marketing Institute tool, which offers a free emotional value headline analyzer tool.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (19)

It’s quite simple and shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to enter your headline and get your score.

10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (20)

When you’re crafting a headline, use action words or trigger words to evoke emotions.

Here’s a handy list of 600+ of the most powerful words to elicit emotions, which you can use to come up with your next quiz title and boost your EMV score.

50 Example Quiz Titles by Industry

Alright, now you know how to create a great quiz title.

But in case you’re still looking for some more inspiration, here are some great quiz title examples listed by industry:

Health and Fitness Quizzes

  • Am I At Risk For Thyroid Disease?
  • How Healthy Is Your Skin?
  • Are You At Risk For Gut Disease?
  • Could You Be Suffering From Adrenal Fatigue?
  • Are You Overtraining Or Undertraining?
  • Is Your Workout Helping You Lose Weight?
  • Could You Be Suffering From Adult ADHD?
  • Are You Overstressed?
  • Is It The Flu Or Allergies?
  • Are You At Risk Of Alzheimer’s?
  • Are You Ready For Your Newborn?
  • Do You Know The Breast Cancer Basics?
  • What Type Of Eater Are You?
  • Find The Best Workout for Your Age.

Love and Relationship Quizzes

  • Do You Have A Healthy Marriage?
  • How Good Are You In Relationships?
  • Are You A Magnet For Emotionally Unavailable Men?

Finance Quizzes

  • Can You Spot A Shady Financial Adviser?
  • How Much Do You Know About Personal Finances?
  • Are You Ready To Invest Your Money?
  • Are You A Financial Grown-up?
  • Are You An Impulsive Buyer?
  • Do You Have The Spending Habits Of A Typical Millennial?

Real Estate Quizzes

  • How Likely Is Your Property To Rent In 30 Days?
  • Is Your Credit Score Good Enough to Buy a Home?
  • Are You Ready to Buy a Home This Year?
  • How Fast Will Your Home Sell, and For How Much?
  • What Kind of Home Will Make You the Happiest?
  • Should I Keep Renting Or Buy My First Home?
  • How Much Do You Know About Mortgages?
  • How Many Real Estate Terms Can You Correctly Define?

Insurance Quizzes

  • How Much Do You Actually Know About Home Insurance?
  • What Should You Do After A Car Accident?
  • How Much Do You Know About Auto Insurance?

Car Quizzes

  • Which Car Is Right For You?
  • Can You Name These Classic Cars?

Business Quizzes

  • Do You Have What It Takes To Be Successful In Business?
  • Do You Have What It Takes To Be A 6-Figure Coach/Consultant?

Marketing Quizzes

  • How Accessible Is Your Business, Online?
  • Is Content Marketing Right For Your Business?
  • Which Type Of CRM Is Right For Your Business?
  • Are You GDPR Compliant?

Education Quizzes

  • How Many Of These Words Do You Actually Know?
  • If You Can Score 90% On This Math Test, You’re A Genius!

Legal Quizzes

  • What Should You Do After A Car Accident?
  • Do You Know How To File A Patent?

Travel Quizzes

  • Which US Route Should You Road Trip This Summer?
  • Build Your European Travel Itinerary

Sports Quizzes

  • How Much Do You Know About The Arizona Coyotes?
  • How Much Do You Know About The Phoenix Suns?

*To use these templates, just create an account (or login), and then select a template from our builder.

Conclusion: Put Those Quiz Ideas into Action

We’ve taught you the different types of quizzes, when you should use them, how to create a compelling quiz title, and finally provided 50 examples of great quiz ideas and titles that you can use today!

Now go create your quiz!

Get set up in less than 30 minutes using LeadQuizzes.

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10 Quiz Ideas Your Audience Will Love + 50 Proven Quiz Titles (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5312

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.