Champion of the Veil - WxlfGhoul - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter One

Chapter Text


THE PAIN QUICKLY faded and, as though his consciousness was floating in a cold space of nothingness, Harry felt disconnected from his body. Like the feeling you get when your foot falls asleep. That emptiness was quickly replaced by his magic forcing its way down into something long and narrow, like a whip or a sword.

His magic started off cool, but with each beat of his heart, it seemed to get hotter and hotter till it thrummed in his chest.

With a start, Harry woke, his heart racing as he found himself in an unfamiliar room. The sunlight streamed in through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the rustic wooden furniture and plush bedding. He blinked, trying to clear the fog from his mind. Though he had no recollection of how he'd arrived here, one thing was certain - this was not the world he remembered. The air itself felt different.

'Where the bloody hell am I?' he muttered, running a hand through his unruly jet-black hair. His vibrant green eyes scanned the room, searching for any clues regarding his new reality. As he swung his legs out of bed, he noticed that his body felt different - stronger, more toned. He couldn't help but admire the changes as he stood up, stretching his well-built frame.

'Well this is… new,' he whispered to himself.

As he scanned the room, a book on the bedside table caught his eye. Its title read: ‘The Magic of Maturity: A Guide for Young Wizards and Witches.’

Curiosity piqued, Harry picked it up and began to read. The tome explained that magic in this world played a vital role in adolescence, helping teenagers mature at an accelerated pace. This rapid development granted them exceptional physical and mental capabilities by the time they reached 18. But once they hit that milestone, their aging process slowed considerably, allowing them to maintain their peak condition for decades.

'Blimey,' Harry muttered, understanding now why he felt so different. 'This is…an incredibly weird power for a dream.'

'Good morning, love!' said a familiar voice from the doorway. He turned to see Lily Potter standing there with a captivating smile that radiated from her enchanting face. Her beautiful curves were hugged by her red hair which flowed like a never ending river down her back and around her waist. As she stepped closer, his own eyes mirrored hers, shining brilliantly with passionate love and tenderness.

'Happy birthday!' she shouted joyfully, running to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. His skin tingled as her supple body pressed into his chiseled muscles, sending a wave of warmth through him. She kissed his cheek before he lifted her off the ground with one arm in an effortless display of strength. Harry's face blushed as she held him tightly against her chest.

'Thanks, Mum,' he replied, loving calling her mum, he quickly releasing her and stepped back. 'I… I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm glad you're here.'

She eyed him strangely, a smile still gracing her lips.

'I don't have to work on your birthday, silly!' she booped his nose and started walking out of the room. Harry's eyes watching the curve of her ass as she reached his door. 'There's presents waiting downstairs. Get dressed, the others are waiting.'

'Presents? Others?' each word sounded foreign to Harry, but he couldn't help a grin stretch across his face as he pulled off his pajama shirt and pulled on a baggy black shirt. Whilst he was pulling off his shirt, he hadn't noticed Lily waiting by the door, eyeing his chiseled frame.

The pair left the bedroom together, Harry couldn't shake the feeling that this dream was too good to be true. That Ron's snoring would somehow bring him out of it. He would punch Ron if that happened. But for some reason he could feel his magic acting up, almost as though it was racing through his veins, all surging outwards from a ball of fire in his chest.

As Harry followed his mother downstairs, he couldn't help but study her beauty. Lily Potter was undeniably attractive, her flowing red hair framing a face filled with delicate features. Her green eyes were full of warmth, and Harry found himself lost in them for a moment. Her jeans and black vest carefully accentuating her womanly hourglass figure. Her full lips curved into a playful smile as she caught him staring.

'Like what you see?' she teased, her cheeks flushing a rosy pink. Harry's heart raced as he realized he had been inadvertently flirting with his own mother.

'Oh, yeah— I mean, no! Sorry, Mum,' he stammered, feeling the heat rise to his face. She giggled softly, clearly more amused than offended by his reaction.

'Relax, love. It's natural to appreciate my new jeans,' she said gently, her laughter like music to his ears, she mock-posed in her jeans. 'Besides, Tonks is waiting for you downstairs. I think she's eager to talk to you after your date last week.'

'Tonks? Really? D-date?' Harry asked, intrigued by this new aspect of his relationship with the metamorphmagus.

'Quite,' Lily replied with a knowing smile.

As they entered the living room, Harry spotted Andromeda sitting on the sofa, her dark hair falling over her shoulders. Next to her sat Tonks, who looked absolutely stunning. Her bubblegum-pink hair framed a mischievous grin, and her bright blue eyes sparkled as they met Harry's gaze. She was clad in tight-fitting jeans that accentuated her firm backside, and a low-cut top that left little to the imagination.

'Happy birthday, Harry!' Tonks exclaimed, rushing over to envelop him in a tight hug. The scent of her perfume wafted over him as her breasts pressed against his chest, further fueling his arousal. He could feel the heat of her body as they embraced, and a desire to explore her in more intimate ways threatened to consume him.

'Thanks,' Harry managed to choke out, his voice thick with lust. Tonks pulled back slightly, her eyes locked onto his, and he could tell she was experiencing the same carnal yearning. He had to admit that he had a crush on the shapeshifter when he was in his fifth year, had many wet dreams about her, but none where she was so forward.

'Let's go upstairs,' she whispered sultrily, her breath hot on his ear. Unable to resist, Harry followed her eagerly to his bedroom. Andromeda shook her head as Tonks dragged Harry up the stairs. Lily looked almost heart broken as the pair disapeared back up the stairs.

Once they were safely behind closed doors, Tonks pushed him against the wall, her lips crashing against his in a passionate kiss. Their tongues danced together hungrily, their hands roaming each other's bodies with unrestrained urgency. Slowly, she sank to her knees before him, deftly unzipping his trousers to reveal his throbbing erection. With a wicked grin, Tonks wrapped her lips around his co*ck, taking him deep into her warm mouth.

'Merlin, Tonks...' Harry gasped, overcome by the incredible sensation. She continued to work her magic, her skilled tongue teasing the sensitive underside of his shaft. He groaned as she slowly swirled her tongue around his head, her hands quickly finding his balls.

'f*ck,' Harry grunted as she wrapped one hand around his shaft and began pumping his co*ck. When she noticed him looking down at her, she smiled as she opened her mouth, tongue hanging out of her mouth as she continued to pum phis co*ck, her breast swelling underneath her vest.

'Cum for me Potter.'

Harry growled, his eyes half-lidded as he felt himself teeter on the edge. His pelvic thrusts increased as Tonks continued to suck him, her tongue sliding up and down the length of his shaft and her hands kneading his balls. With one final thrust, Harry let out a guttural roar as he erupted, his cum spilling down Tonks' throat. She licked her mouth clean, a satisfied smirk on her face as Harry's legs threatened to buckle beneath him.

Tonks stood, her hand firmly gripping his still-throbbing member as she pulled him onto the bed. Harry's eyes widened as his gaze traveled seductively down her body.

She kissed back up his body, nibbling on his ear.

'Happy birthday Harry.'

The two kissed, that feeling of something hot in his chest rising, pressing against his skin and pushing outwards. A blush appeared on Tonks' face.

She warily eyed the bed, 'it is his birthday...' he heard her mutter.

'Sorry?' Harry asked, pulling up his jeans.

'Harry,' she panted, rising back to her feet. 'Has your mum ever told you about the ancient magical laws—more specifically, the Merlin's Law?'

He shook his head. Even if Lily had told him, he definitely didn’t know it now.

Still reeling from the intensity of their encounter, he listened intently as she explained the magical rule that only pureblood families new, the law allowed powerful wizards to bind witches to them, absorbing their unique abilities. The witches would give a channel to their magic to the wizard, allowing them to pull on their magic in need. The witch, in return, would have their magical pool size doubled, making them stronger. In order to bind a witch, a wizard needed to be powerful enough. The wizard would then have sex with a witch, and he must cum inside of her. He must be thinking of binding the witch to him. She reveals that the pair had spoken about it before, about how Harry should try binding Tonks to see if he's powerful enough, but said that Harry must have thought her joking if he couldn’t remember.

Her eyes danced with excitement as she spoke, and Harry could sense her genuine desire to be bound to him.

He cleared his throat and held Tonks' hand, 'we'll try it one day.'

She nodded with half lidded eyes. She wanted him.

As Harry buttoned his jeans back up, the image of Voldemort slithered into his thoughts like a snake through tall grass. What if he could gather an army of powerful witches bound to him, their combined power channeled through him to finally vanquish the dark wizard? The possibilities were tantalizing, and the thought of being surrounded by beautiful witches certainly fed his teenage desires.

'Harry, we should head back downstairs before someone thinks we've ruined me for marriage,' Tonks whispered jokingly, her eyes shining with excitement as she adjusted her clothes.

'Right,' Harry agreed, his mind still racing with thoughts of facing Voldemort and the potential harem at his side. Mentally he made a note to research both Merlin and Maiden's Law… if there were books on such an idea in a dream world.

Hand in hand, they descended the stairs and reentered the living room where conversation flowed around them. Lily and Andromeda seemed deep in discussion about something. The pair looked very different than how they were in the real world, outside of this dream-like place.

'Ah, there you are,' Andromeda said with a knowing smile as Harry and Tonks rejoined the group. 'Lily was just telling me about your impressive accomplishments at Hogwarts this year, Harry.'

'Really?' Harry asked, curious to hear more about how he fit into this world.

'Indeed,' Andromeda continued, her eyes twinkling. 'Not only have you excelled academically this year, but your athletic prowess is well-known – you're quite the Quidditch star it seems. And, of course, your loyalty to Neville. Must be lonely having his reputation.'

Listening to Andromeda's words, Harry felt a strange mix of pride and curiosity. He could feel a blush hit his cheeks. As he glanced around the room, he noticed that Lily watched him with admiration. She was proud of him. And it caused him to swell with pride. Lily was dead, so it was nice, even in a dream, to see her proud of him.. Even if she did look different.

'Thank you,' Harry murmured, his cheeks flushing under Andromeda's praise. 'I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything, but I try my best.'

'Trust me, Harry,' Lily chimed in, her eyes crinkling with pride. 'You're truly special.’ She then looked at the clock. ‘Seems we don’t have much time before we need to leave.’

Andromeda and Tonks also looked at the clock, all sighed and stood up.

‘We may need to pack a few more things. We’ll meet you at his tent?’

Lily smiled and hugged her friend.

‘We’ll meet you both there.’

After the pair disappeared, Lily gave Harry a hug, ‘best go pack Harry, you’re not going to be prepared for the quidditch world cup on your own.’

Harry nodded and ran upstairs.

Qudditch World Cup? He thought. At least I have an idea of when this dream is happening.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harry and Lily plopped down into the field where the Quidditch World Cup was being held, they were directed to their plot by Mr Roberts. As they approached their tent, Harry saw a figure with long shaggy black hair step out from an almost gauche tent.

Seeing the man had caused his stomach to flip, his head to heart and a tear to slip free from his eye.

It was Sirius.

It was as though locking eyes with him made him remember that the last thing Harry saw before he fell asleep, was a jet of red magic hitting Sirius in the chest and sending him flying into the Veil. Lily saw Harry stumble slightly, a look of panic spread across her face as she wrapped an arm around Harry. Harry felt another arm, a stronger arm, wrap around his other side and help him into the tent.

Once inside of the tent, Harry sat at a the table in the entrance room. Lily fussed over him whilst Sirius stood behind her, his brow furrowed.

'Do we need to head home?' Lily asked as her wand slipped into her hand and she waved it over his body, a blue mist puffed from her wands tip. She worried her bottom lip, 'the diagnostic spell says that nothing should be wrong with you... are you okay Harry?'

He meekly nodded his head.

'I'm fine, probably just the excitement,' he replied, 'promise.'

She looked to Sirius, 'do you mind keeping an eye on him? I'm going to go ask Andy if she can have a look.'

'Of course Lils,'

Once Lily left they waited in silence.

Eventually Sirius decided to break that silence.

'You placing any bets on who'll win?'

'You're supposed to be dead.' Harry said. 'Dream or not, this is cruel. Even for my own mind.'

Sirius' face paled.


'You died, Sirius.' Harry repeated. 'In front of my eyes. Literally hours ago.'

Sirius eyebrows knitted together tightly.

'Did you get enough sleep last night, Harry?'

Harry shook his head and stood up, his blood was beginning to boil. He could feel his magic heating up, rising to the surface.

'You died.' Harry insisted. 'Now be gone from this dream. I can't bare to see you alive. Smiling. As if nothing happened.'

Sirius stepped towards Harry and knelt down so that they were eye level. Harry looked deep into the lord of house Black's as he in turn stared into his. As quick as a flash, Sirius' wand tip was pressed against Harry's throat.

'Who the f*ck are you?' he asked.

'I-I'm Harry,' he replied. His wand was in his coat pocket. He couldn't get it out without Sirius noticing it and blasting Harry.

'I won't ask again.'

Harry raised his hands in surrender.

'I'm telling you the truth! I am Harry Potter. Who the f*ck are you? Sirius Black is dead. He fell through the veil'

Sirius' eyes widened. Tears welling up.

'How do you know that?'

'I saw it happen,' Harry began to cry too. 'I watched him die. I once saved your life against hundreds of dementors after you and Remus got into a fight!'

Sirius pulled him in for a hug. Harry could barely make out his words inbetween their intermingling sobs.

'I don't know... how... but... Merlins beard... I am so happy to see you Harry...' he sobbed. After a minute or two of the pair crying, Sirius pulled back, wiped his eyes and took Harry's appearance in.

'Y-you look different. A good different. But different.' he said looking Harry up and down.

'You look terrific,' Harry said.

Sirius flashed that crooked smile.

'I feel terrific Harry,' he then turned serious again. 'How are you here Harry?'

'What do you mean, here,' Harry said. 'You're inside of my head. This is my dream.'

Sirius paled once more, smile slipping from his face.

'Harry, do you think this is all a dream?'

Harry thought for a second, then shrugged.

'I don't know. I thought this was a dream when I woke up and saw Lily. But seeing you? I know I've had my share of nightmares but I don't think even my mind is sad*st enough to bring you into them.'

Sirius chuckled.

'I hope that's true, because this is making my day.' he then cleared his throat. 'Okay, so, you don't know anything about this place?'

Harry shook his head.

Sirius nodded, 'right, okay, so, first things first, this is a whole new world. Similar to our own, but I better update you with some things. Big one, in this world, you are not the Boy-Who-Lived.' He let Harry take that in.


Sirius nodded.

'On the night when Voldemort came to your parents and killed them both, in this world, Voldemort went to the Longbottom's. Making Neville the Boy-Who-Lived. Alice and Frank died. In this world, Bellatrix came to your house after Peter betrayed their location. She tortured your father into a coma as your mother was trapped and had to watch. No one is sure what happened, but somehow your mother broke out of her bindings and managed to restrain Bellatrix long enough for the authorities to arrive.' he took a deep breath. 'Your father has been a permanent resident of St Mungos since.'

Harry took that all in. That would explain how Lily was alive.

'Right,' Harry said, looking pleadingly to Sirius to continue.

'In this place I am Lord Black, and I brought my cousin Andromeda back into the family, which has meant that you have grown up with her lovely daughter Nymphadora. In fact you two are very close.'

Harry eyed him suspiciously.

'I’m… uh.. quickly seeing how close.'

Sirius chuckled at that, ‘I have no doubt! Things are slightly different in this world. The timeline doesn't completely add up to how things were back in our world. When you were in your first year, Tonks was in her sixth year. At one point, there were talks about you and Tonks entering into a marriage contract, but Lily was worried that Tonks would break you.'

'She probably would have,' Harry joked.

'You say that, but Tonks was your first kiss.'

Harry sputtered at that. Then thought back to early that morning.

'That... makes sense.'

Sirius chuckled again, 'yup.' He then thought for a second. 'You are just about to go into your fourth year of Hogwarts, but, like I said, the time line is a bit different, but so is this world's magic. You've just turned fifteen, so your magic is going to start aging you up.'

'What?' Harry asked.

'In this world, there are a few laws written into our very magic. One is called the Faerie Law. When a witch or wizard hits a certain age, their magic stretches outwards, feeding from the magic its absorbed across your life and it matures the body to match its max output. After it's completely changed to be able to carry your magic energy, your body's clock is slowed down. The more power in the core, the slower your aging becomes.' Sirius said. 'Which is why your mother still looks like she's still in her early twenties.'

Harry looked at Sirius, properly taking him in. He looked young, as though he was in his mid twenties. There was not a wrinkle on his face, his body was thick with muscle and his eyes which were grey the last time Harry had looked into them were now almost violet. The traditional Black family eyes.

Harry gulped.

'I don't look fifteen.' he commented. 'When I saw myself this morning, I look about eighteen. And... I'm much more muscled than I remember being.'

Sirius nodded.

'No you don't,' he then looked pensive for a moment. 'Perhaps slightly more than you were in this world, but the change isn’t so dramatic that people will notice. Most people will just assume that its just the Faerie Law working and won't question it.'

The two were just silent. After a moment Harry pulled him in for a hug again.

'I can't believe I'm hugging you right now.'

Sirius squeezed him.

'Neither can I.' Something dawned on him. Sirius pulled back slightly and placed his hand on Harry’s chest. ‘Ah, yup. Thought so.’


‘We’ll talk more about it later, in private, but I’ve got a feeling your going to be experiencing some magical flares for the foreseeable future. When your magic is feeling hot. Got somewhere private, don’t talk to anyone, until it cools down.’

Lily stepped back into the tent with the beautifully buxom Andromeda Tonks. When they spotted the hugging pair they froze. Not wanting to interupt what looked to be a tender moment.

Luckily for them, the slender figure of Nymphadora Tonks stepped into the tent, took one look at the pair, and snorted.

'Well the game hasn't started yet so you can't be crying because you've lost all your money to me.' she jested. Harry looked up at Tonks.

She had a thin, sharp face, deep violet eyes, long flowing black hair that curved around her large chest. She was wearing a black vest top and black jeans with boots. No doubt she'd be forced to change into robes before they headed off to the stadium.

The two parted, Sirius wiped his eyes and stood up.

Lily's eyes darted between the two.

'I-Is everything okay?' She asked.

Sirius nodded, and a mask appeared on his face in the shape of his signature smirk.

'Seems your boy is finally embracing the Faerie Law.'

His eyes flicked to Harry, to whom he winked, which caused Harry to go pale and shiver slightly. Everyone in the room took Harry in and collectively gasped. They all surged forward and started congratulating Harry. Lily was the first to wrap her arms around Harry, pulling his strong form against her form, her plush chest cushioning the hug. Which caused him to get a little excited again, of which he told himself that its just the adrenaline of the situation.

'I did think you looked different this morning!'

After they all hugged Harry, Sirius clapped his hands. Everyone turned to face him.

'Are we all ready to watch some quidditch?'

The group made their way to the stadium. Harry felt a little out of place in his dark blue robes, especially compared to everyone else's bright coloured ones. He felt like he stood out like a sore thumb.

When they arrived at the stadium, Harry spotted Draco Malfoy walking towards the VIP Box as well, his father wearing silk black robes, his silver blonde hair tied into a bun, and his wife Narcissa standing behind the pair. Her body masked by a rather conservative black dress.

When they finally climbed the stairs to the VIP box, Draco was already seated and he shot Harry a dirty look as soon as their eyes met. Harry couldn't help himself but roll his eyes and scowl back at him. As they shuffled past the Malfoy's and other upperclass witches and wizards. Harry felt guilty at enjoying Lily's bum pushed against him as they found their seats.

Sirius took them all to the best seats in the house, right on the front row with a perfect view of the pitch. They could see every twist and turn of each player as they flew around on their brooms.

As they sat down Lily smiled at Harry, her cheeks flushed red with excitement. 'It never gets old watching quidditch. I'm pants, but I'm just in awe of their skill,' then it looked like she had a thought and her face lit up brighter. 'I can’t wait to come see your games when your older and go pro!' she said giddily, placing a hand on his thigh as she turned to watch the players set up. His face warmed up with embarrassment but he smiled back nonetheless. He knew that she was impressed by him even though he wasn't good enough for professional teams just yet, even by his own worlds standards.

Harry looked around at everyone and couldn't help but admire Lily's beautiful red hair and massive chest which seemed to defy gravity no matter what she wore or did. He blushed slightly as he realized that he had been caught staring too long, so he quickly turned away looking for something else to focus on instead.

That's when he felt another hand caress his other thigh thigh, sending shards of electricity through his veins. He glanced to his right and saw Lily, her chest rising and falling with each breath; there was something inviting about her that made his co*ck stir with desire. He then turned to the other side, and caught Tonks stealing a knowing glance at him, the slightest smirk teasing the corner of her mouth. Before he could utter a word, she curled her fingers around his thigh and moved her hand upward until it reached the bulge in his jeans. Her palm lingered there as if she were claiming him as her own.

Harry's heart raced as Tonks leaned in close to him. Her breath hot on his ear as she whispered, ‘is it me or is your little monster bigger than last time?' her voice was like velvet, she then giggled ever so quietly as she palmed his bulge. 'I bet you've missed this.'

Her hand continued to stroke him through his jeans, and he found himself unable to resist her touch. He leaned into her, seeking the heat of her body as he subtly pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was deep and passionate, their tongues exploring one another as Tonks's hand continued to work its magic on him. He could feel a heat rising in his stomach that surged outwards, causing his length to stiffen more under the dark haired beauty's ministrations.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a loud cheer from the crowd, which masked Harry's moan. The pair pulled away from each other, both of them breathing heavily. Harry was feeling both thrilled and guilty at the same time, he didn't really know the Tonks of this world, and had barely been in it for a day. Yet here he was, almost getting his second encounter with her. Despite everything Sirius told him earlier, he was still half-convinced that this was all some elaborate dream he was having. He probably hurt his head badly in a quidditch match and was currently in the infirmary.

Lily, who had been sitting on his other side, looked at him with concern. ‘Are you alright, Harry?’ she asked, placing a hand on his arm, a jolt running up his arm. It was as though their magic had just intertwined.

Lily gasped, her cheeks turning red.

Harry almost flinched.

Harry nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

Lily hesitatingly nodded, 'as long as your sure.'

The crowd rose again to cheer at something the players had done. Harry had been here, done that.

A few moments had passed and his bulge was still yet to recede. And his magic was burning in his chest. Remembering Sirius’ advice, he excused himself, stood up and walked past his row to head towards the toilet. As he walked past the Malfoy's he felt something hard hit his ankle causing him to stumble. He peered up to see Draco smirking at him.

Prick! Harry mentally cursed, his anger surging.

'Are you okay?' came a provocative voice.

Harry turned his gaze to the person sitting next to Draco. The beautiful Narcissa Malfoy. Her blonde hair fell in ringlets past her shoulder and blanketed the top half of her black dress that stretched over her impressive bust and found its neckline against her neck. Her violet eyes invited Harry to stay and make conversation. He almost felt compelled to stay and talk to Narcissa, to perhaps ask her if she would like a drink. But Harry's boner won that mental battle. Being at eye level with her bust due to the fall had caused his 'little monster' to stir, so he apologised and quickly moved along.

'Yes, yes, just look where you're going next time Potter,' Malfoy spat as he moved his head to get a better look at the game. He quickly gave this up and stood up so that he could stand next to the Minister as they watched the game together.

Harry found the toilet to the VIP box empty so slid inside and quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans down and took his length into his hand. He was rock hard. He didn't understand. He'd never had issues like this before. Truth be told. He'd very rarely gotten aroused before. He wasn't sure what happened to him, but he kept finding his gaze searching and resting on the nearest pair of boobs, or plump bum, the most mesmerising eyes--of which was his mothers. Which caused him to feel even more aroused due to the taboo nature, and guilty. She wasn't his mother. Not really. She didn't really look like his mother from the photos he'd seen. But she was a Harry Potter's mother, and so he felt like he was betraying the name. And Tonks.

f*ck! Tonks. Harry wasn't really sure on the relationship the pair had, but it seems that they were a lot closer than Sirius had mentioned.

Harry felt his mind flashing through images of Lily that morning in her tight tank top, of watching her ass as she walked down the stairs, or her smile and of her bright green eyes, then of Andromeda and her impressive rack. Then his mind went to Tonks, her bouncing breasts in her black vest top, the way she massaged his penis moments ago. And his mind even showed him an image of Narcissa, her giant breasts (much bigger than Tonks and Andromeda. Possibly the same size as Lily's).

He desperately pumped his aching member until a gasp of fear escaped his lips as the door to the toilet flew open. In a panic, Harry turned to see Narcissa Malfoy framed in the doorway like an angel of temptation, her curves accentuated by her tight clothing, her face crimson and her chest heaving as she gasped for air.

'Mrs Mal--' she silenced him with a finger on his lips locking the door with a single flick of her wrist, she mouthed something and a pulse of magic wrapped itself around the doorframe. Wandless silencing charm a voice in the back of his head said.

'You should really be more careful, before disrobing Mr Potter,' she purred, never letting her gaze wander from his erect manhood that he continued to stroke.

She pushed him back onto the toilet seat and knelt before him, and brought her face level with his throbbing member. Narcissa inhaled deeply, relishing his salty scent as her body trembled desire. With a hand on each of Harry's thighs she parted them before taking his head into her mouth without any hesitation. Harry moaned loudly, the pleasure that Narcissa was giving him was indescribable. He grabbed onto her blonde hair and pulled her closer to him. Narcissa didn't seem to mind at all, in fact, she seemed to encourage it. She expertly slid her mouth up and down his shaft, taking him deeper each time. Harry could feel the pressure building up inside him, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.

As if sensing his impending release, Narcissa pulled away and stood up, a wicked grin spreading across her face. She was an efficient woman, and she quickly unzipped the zipper at the side of her dress and let it fall to the floor. Harry's hungry eyes took in her naked body, floating like a puffy cloud on an endless sea. Her breasts were even bigger than he had imagined, and her dark nipples were already hard and begging to be sucked. Harry didn't need any more encouragement. He rose from the toilet seat and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around it until she gasped

'Oh yes!' she moaned. ‘How I’ve longed to be touched!’ she cried as she shuddered slightly under Harry’s tongue.

It was obvious that Narcissa liked a little bit of pain with her pleasure, and Harry used his teeth to grasp her nipple and tugged at it slightly with each of his sucks.

His hand wandered down her stomach to her wet puss*, his fingertips gliding through her soft blonde pubic hair until they came across her cl*t. As he pressed down on it, Narcissa shuddered and moaned loudly in pleasure. He had never experienced anything like this before. He didn't care that she was his mother's age, she was incredibly sexy, more so because she wanted him to do this.

He couldn't wait any longer. He pulled away from her breasts and turned her around, positioning her ass towards him.

He couldn't help but admire the beautiful shape of the woman. Her peach ass swayed from side to side, enticing him to play with her.

He swallowed his guilt and resolve--this world may not be real, and how often do you find yourself in this kind of situation? he asked himself.

He raised his hand and brought it down quickly, his palm bouncing off of her right butt cheek, a light blush pink handprint quickly appearing. Narcissa moaned.

Harry hit her again and again, until he heard a splash on the floor and saw Narcissa's body shake against the toilet seat as she came.

Harry didn't know what to do. He'd never been in this situation before.

He stepped closer to Narcissa, his co*ck brushing against her very damp slit, the only thing keeping them apart was her underwear.

Through her ragged breath, Harry could hear her whisper something.

'What?' Harry asked.

'f*ck me, Potter!' she begged, swaying her ass against him.

Knowing the basics from magazines and hearing the boys in his dorm, he embraced his Gryffindor courage and pulled her sodden thong to the side and grabbed her hips, lining his member up with her wet puss*, and drove himself deep inside, his balls slapping against her thighs drove himself into her, feeling the pressure ease off of his co*ck as he was enveloped in wet, warm puss*.

She pushed back against him, her ass slapping against his pelvis. Harry reached around and grabbed her tit*, pinching her nipples. He felt her shudder and tighten her puss* around his co*ck, squeezing him and not wanting to let him go.

He smacked her ass and felt her body shudder, her walls tighten around him. Taking the hint Harry grabbed her hair and pulled it back as he buried himself inside her.

'Harder!' she demanded as she bucked her hips against him, her voice filled with lust and need.

Harry didn't need telling twice. He increased the speed at which he was f*cking her, hammering into her, his balls slapping against her wet puss*. He took one hand from her hair and placed it on her back, connecting it with her damp skin as he pulled her back against him as he pounded away inside her.

'Oh Potter!' she moaned loudly.

He growled as he felt his org*sm beginning to build. He held onto her hips as he thrust into her fervently, grunting as he slammed into her. Narcissa was moaning so loudly that Harry was sure that if she hadn't put up a silencing charm that the whole stadium could hear her. He thrust into her deeper and quicker, but she felt so good he didn't want to stop. Her puss* was like a velvet vice, swallowing his co*ck over and over.

He could feel his balls tightening, his palmed bounced of her ass again as he tweaked her nipple. The room smelt of sex, which only acted in encouraging Harry to thrust harder and faster into the sexy witch.

'You like being f*cked in a toilet, you whor*?' Harry felt guilty saying them, but they left a sting on his tongue. A kinky kind of sting that he liked the feeling of. Her body trembled again, the sound of liquids spilling onto the floor told him that, she liked it too.

He could feel her walls squeezing around his shaft as he thrust inside her and her body shook as another org*sm crashed through her. Harry pulled her hair back, causing her back to arc as she squeezed around Harry's member and screamed at the top of her lungs. This caused Harry let go of his climax, the floodgate was open, with a final thrust Harry pushed as deep as he could go and spilled his seed deep into the matriarch of the Malfoy family.

Narcissa began shuddering again. Harry could see her eyes roll back into her head as she gripped one of her voluptuous breasts.

'You like being used like a slu*t, do you?' As the words left his lips, Harry felt a rush of pleasure at the bitter taste of them. A guilty pleasure that he couldn't deny. Her body trembled again, not from fear but from arousal, as a pool of her own juices spread beneath her feet.

Narcissa shuddered, the sound of her arousal dripping onto the ground causing Harry to grow increasingly aroused. He could feel her walls quiver around him as he thrust into her deeper and deeper, their combined moans growing louder in the small room. Harry pulled her hair back even more firmly and she arched her back as she squeezed tightly around him. His climax crept up upon him and with a final powerful thrust he pushed as deep as he could go, spilling his seed deep into the depths of Narcissa's womanhood.

Narcissa shuddered once more, her eyes rolling back into her head as she grabbed her voluptuous breast and screamed out in pleasure. Harry could feel his org*sm build to its full intensity before the floodgates of pleasure opened and released his seed into Narcissa's depths. His magic core flared with heat that he felt travel through his co*ck and into her waiting womb. A pulse of golden energy burst from his chest but quickly fizzled out with each gasping breath they took. He collapsed on top of her, both of them basking in the afterglow of their intense coupling.

They both stayed their, gasping deeply, a mixture of Harry's and Narcissa cum spilling from her gaping hole onto the floor below, adding to the puddle of juices on the floor.

Harry eventually caught his breath and started to slid his girth from her sweltering depths, but her hand snapped upwards, grasping his wrist.

'D-don't. Leave.' she said. 'n-not. yet.'

It seemed that their coupling had taken most of her energy, even her voice sounded hoarse from all of her screaming.

Harry did the one thing he thought made sense, and he started grinding again.

Narcissa giggled at this, just like a school girl she turned her head so that she was looking over her shoulder at Harry.

'That was perfect, Potter,' she started. 'But I don't think even that monster co*ck of yours can go again. No matter what rituals you've done to yourself.'

Harry pulled himself from her warmth at that comment as she began turning around.

‘No rituals needed. I’m all natural.’ He said with as much charisma as he could muster.

Harry took her in. She looked around twenty five, breasts far bigger than her figure would suggest. She had a perfect hourglass figure, a flat stomach and a beautiful face. In her traditional pureblood clothes, you would never suspect the kind of body that hid underneath her clothes. What a beauty she was.

'What are you staring at?' Narcissa asked, a blush spreading across her cheeks and an arm now covering her chest as if she'd suddenly gotten self conscious.

Harry chuckled.

'Your marriage to Malfoy is wasted on you. You're beautiful, Narcissa. Truly, beautiful,' he said. 'how you put up with Malfoy is--' he stopped himself. 'Ah. I guess I'm the most recent in your line of conquests to keep you entertained?'

Narcissa's eyes widened, and she looked cross. She stood up, hands on her hips. Her previous body-shyness completely gone as she displayed all of her goods to him. From her dark pink nipples down to her neatly trimmed bush of dark hair.

'I'll have you know that I'm not that kind of woman!' she exclaimed. 'You are the only person that I have ever, ever been with other than Lucius!'

That baffled him.

'S-so why me?' he asked. 'If you've never cheated on your husband till now... why do it with me? I'm basically a child you know.'

He didn't mean to make it sound like a judgement on her, but she did eye him up and down and her blush quickly returned as she quickly bent down to fish for her dress.

'I-I don't know why,' she finally got out as she pulled her damp panties up her legs. 'I just... when you fell in front of me and our eyes met... something awoke in me. Like my magic was singing, burning, and only you could help me cool it down. I wanted to confront you to see what spell you might have non-verbally cast on me, but when I saw you... I don't know. It was as if something... primal had taken over. Then when you started to fuc--' she caught herself. 'Then when we were together, it just felt right.'

Harry smiled at her as he pulled his shirt back on as Narcissa zipped up her dress.

'I know what you mean. That did feel, it just felt right.'

At that comment Narcissa stiffened and faced Harry. Her eyes wide, and the ghost of a smile dancing on her lips. She then shook her head and threw Harry's jeans to him.

'Well, it doesn't matter how it felt. It can't happen again. I'm a married woman. A mother! And you are, as you say, a child. Same school year as my son. Even if the Faerie Law has aged you up... I... I was wrong to--'

Harry interrupted Narcissa by placing his hand on her cheek.

'Nothing that happened here was wrong. It was a surprise. A great surprise. But it wasn't wrong. You weren't wrong. I've enjoyed myself, just like I know you have,' Harry said, looking down at their puddle of cum on the floor. 'So let's go out and enjoy the rest of the quidditch game, secretly knowing that we just had a magical moment with someone else. That no one needs to know about.'

Narcissa leaned into his palm, moaned and smiled.

'I like the sound of that Mr Potter.'

'Call me Harry,' he said. 'least you could do after what's happened.'

Narcissa gazed deeply into his emerald eyes and nodded.

'Very well, Harry.'

She then bowed her head slightly, waved her hand at the door, a wave of distorted light vanished.

'I hope you enjoy the rest of the game.' she said. 'I know I have so far,' and with a sultry wink she left the toilet.

Harry finished getting dressed then headed out of the toilet. There was crowds of people, so it was easy to walk through back to his seat without raising any suspicion. There are multiple toilets and they are around the back of the top VIP box, so no one would suspect a thing.

To get back to his seat Harry had to shuffle past Narcissa and a grumbling Draco and a few other high profile witches and wizards before finding his seat between Tonks and Lily.

When he sat down Tonks looked at him curiously.

'Did I take it too far?' she mouthed.

Harry smiled at her and shook his head.

Not far enough. He thought to himself.

He didn't know if this world was a dream or even if it was real. But it was a world where he didn't have the pressure of being the Boy-Who-Lived, Sirius was alive, his mother (who was drop dead gorgeous here) was still alive, and he was able to have intimate relations with beautiful witches? Then it was a world he could see himself really enjoying living in.

The game soon ended the same way it had before, with Victor Krum catching the snitch. There were groans and cheers across the stadium. Harry peered over and saw Sirius trying to hide his smile as he received cards and coins from many people in the VIP box.

'That sly dog,' Harry muttered under his breath with a smile.

Lily turned to him, her face still beaming.

'What was that?' she asked.

Harry chuckled.

'Nothing, just how lucky Krum was for catching that snitch.'

He then felt Tonks head rest on his left shoulder as he faced his mother.

'luck? Krum doesn't need luck. That man is a god, and could fly circles around you Harry.'

He stuck her tongue out at him and he did the same back.

'Your bodies may age, but will you two ever mature?' Lily asked.

The pair looked at eachother then back to Lily with grins on their faces.


She gave a sad smile to them both.

'I hope so.'

They didn't stay at the stadium for too much longer. Harry had looked around to see Ron or Hermione, but couldn't see them anywhere. Which was weird, because he couldn't have imagine events changing so much that they wouldn't come.

They got outside and as a group they piled into Sirius' tent.

Inside it was huge. It had a chandelier, a second floor, ten actual bedrooms, a kitchen and two lounges. It was the epitome of pureblood status.

They all found themselves sitting round a table in the kitchen playing a game of muggle cards--Lily had taught the others games from her childhood. They played and spoke about the game and ministry gossip until they heard a scream coming from outside. Harry's heartbeat quickened.

How could I forget?! he cursed.

Tonight the death eaters attacked the field.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harry's heart stopped as he heard the screams coming from outside. He knew exactly what was happening outside, and he wished more than anything it wasn't.

He looked up at his mother and saw her face was pale with worry, but Sirius only nodded in understanding while Tonks and Andromeda had looks of determined grimness.

'It's time to go' Sirius said coolly, standing up from the table they were playing cards around.

The group all got up in an orderly fashion and started to make their way out of the tent. Sirius' tent suddenly seemed too small for them all; like a spider's web that was about to be broken through.

Once outside, Harry felt even more uneasy then before. The darkness of night seemed so cold compared to the warmth of the tent, yet he felt like he belonged here; like this was where he belonged even if it meant facing danger. The group split up into pairs as they made their way towards the field, Tonks stayed with Lily and Andromeda whilst Sirius followed Harry as they both ran towards their doom.

The field seemed eerily empty when they got there. There were no people, just fires, screams and tall hooded figures approaching them.

Wands now in their hands their assumed duelling position. Sirius eyed Harry's stance. He looked more poised, more battle hardened and experienced compared to when he saw him before falling through the veil.

'Before we face what may be our death Harry, can an old man ask you a question?' he asked.

'Why not, might be the last thing I say so make it something good,' Harry joked.

Sirius smiled at that but made sure to keep his awareness.

'Did you follow me through the veil straight away?'

That questioned had startled Harry. He lowered his wand, just an inch.

'I don't know. I don't know how I got here Sirius. My memories before I woke up in my bed here are all foggy. But...' he said, concentrating on the mist in his mind. Then he saw an image of a potions book, of a young Tom Riddle, and of Slughorn. 'It was definitely after my sixth year.'

Sirius nodded.

'You must catch me up, when you can remember.'

A second later a flash of green zipped between the two. The figures were within firing range. The two opposing groups began swapping spells. Explosions filling the night air.



'f*ck!' the pair heard one of the death eaters yell as a slicing curse cut at his leg.

The night air echoed with the sounds of spells passing through it, both from those in the group and from their adversaries. Sparks of green and red filled the sky as curses flew back and forth, some hitting their mark while others missed or were blocked.

Harry gritted his teeth, exchanging curses with an adversary. He knew he was outclassed – he only had a few years of duelling experience against at least a dozen or so years they had – but still he kept going, determined not to back down even if it meant his death.

He felt a burning sensation in his arm and looked down to see a splintering spell had marginally caught him, causing a shallow cut along his forearm that was already starting to heal up thanks to the flaring of his magic surging through his veins.

He heard a loud yell from one of the Death Eaters and saw one had been hit by a slicing curse on his leg, causing him to stumble backwards in pain but otherwise he remained untouched. His gaze shifted back over to Sirius who was duelling another Death Eater just across from him, dodging left and right as spells whizzed past him.

Harry knew this could not keep going on; they needed to end this before someone got seriously hurt or worse killed. He raised his wand again, sweat causing his hair to stick to his face and yelled 'Arresto Momentum!' A wave of energy spread out from him, neutralising all the spells currently being cast in the area and leaving both sides exhausted yet alive.

It was as though for a moment, time ceased to exist. The two opposing groups just regarded one another. A second later, the other group dispersed, splitting up.

Without a word to the other, Harry and Sirius started firing stunners, paralysing a few, but there were a handful that managed to escape their range. Nodding to the other, they ran in opposite directions, chasing their new targets.

As Harry ran he could feel his chest burn from exhaustion. He was really pushing himself. His arm continued to bleed and he could feel him stretching his magic, forcing it to flow through his body quicker.

When he finally caught up to the pair of death eaters that he'd been chasing--of which he quickly saw a manky old boot just ahead of them, something raged within Harry. The aches and pains dulled themselves as the distnat sound of hissing whooshed past Harry's ear as he slashed the air with his wand non-verbally casting Sectum Sempra. The pair stiffened and each fell to the floor. Harry cast a body binding curse and a pretrificus totalus for insurance. He bent on his knees to catch his breath, once he was able to get the taste of copper in his mouth to die down, he trod over to the pair and snatched the hats off of their heads and yanked the masks free from their faces.

A cold chill shot through Harry's veins.

Paralysed, cuts all over their faces, angry and determined looks in their eyes, was the faces of Amos and Cedric Diggory.

Things really must be different here, Harry thought. He pointed his wand up into the sky and shot off a bolt of red mist. A flare.

Minutes later a group of aurors appeared, all gasping, their clothing in shreds. They thanked Harry (some giving him a suspicious look) as they took the Diggory's into custody. As they all walked back to the centre of the field, a jet of green eldritch power whizzed through the air into the dark clouds above. The clouds began swirling and reforming; soon a skull with a serpent coiling around it was in the sky.

'Captain, what is that?' asked one of the younger aurors.

'That's the dark mark,' replied the captain. A man that looked to be in his early forties. Harry assumed that his physical age was close to this real age. He didn't seem very powerful. 'It's a sign boys. These death eaters. All those stories we've been hearing. That.' his body started to shake with rage. 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, is back.'

The captain turned to Harry.

'Your that Potter boy, aren't you?' He asked.

Harry nodded.

'Who're you here with?'

It was then that they all heard someone clear their throat. They turned to the source to see Sirius black, wearing ripped up fancy black robes trailing a group of five death eaters behind him. A group of aurors levitating two more.

'He's with me, Chang.'

The man nodded to Sirius, 'Assistant.'

'There were a few that managed to get away, but I think we're lucky that we managed to snag these ones,' he then looked to the two that Harry managed to restrict, his eyes narrowing when he saw the faces of the Diggory's. He was surprised to see just how cut up and tightly bound they were, but also, the fact that it was them. They were the last faces he expected to see.

'It seems that tip we received was correct. Its just a shame that we were unable to get the right kind of security this side of the field. Madam Bones is on the other side, last check in stated that she had half a dozen death eaters that were harassing muggle-born families.' he looked sullen for a moment. 'Mr Roberts and his family have been killed.'

There was a moment of silence that washed over the group.

They then saw a burst of silver light appear in front of them, a crane appearing.

'We've managed to catch a trail of a few death eaters that escaped our men, heading North.'

Sirius pulled a rusted metal key from the pocket of his torn robes and passed it to the most senior looking auror.

'Take Smith and Brackbone with you.'

The men began moving, Harry's hand clenched around his wand. The heat that had surged through his body had cooled down, and he was really starting to feel the ache and pain of the duel. He took a step forward, but Sirius placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him his signature smile.

'You've done great, but let the officials deal with this.' he then pulled out a small phial from the same pocket at the key. 'this is a healing potion, drink it. Head back to Lily. I'm sure she's worried sick about you. And, maybe try and distract Andy. She can get quite stressed when she doesn't know what's going on. They'll be in the main stadium.'

It didn't take long for Harry to make it back to the stadium. There were plenty of people milling about the place, families wrapped in blankets, panicked children and parents. He pushed through the crowd to try and find Lily, Andromeda and Tonks. As he pushed, he felt something tugging at his magic. He looked around the room, trying to see who was pulling at him. He couldn't make out who it was, but he noticed a pair of dazzling blue eyes and long silver hair. But just as quickly as he laid eyes on the eyes, they disappeared as someone stepped in front of him. closing the gap, and the mystery person gone.


He turned around and there he saw the long red hair that he was starting to associate with comfort.

He jumped as she pulled him into a tight hug.

'Harry! Are you ok? Where were you? We were so worried!'

'I'm fine, mum. It's ok.'

'I heard one of the aurors say they saw you fighting with a group of death eaters,' she gasped 'I thought you were gone, I thought I'd lost you.'

'I'm here, mum. It's ok. I'm fine.'

'Harry, why did you follow Sirius?' she asked.

Harry turned around to see Andromeda, and Tonks. All three were looking at him with a worried expression.

Harry turned back to his mum, laughing.

'I don't know, my body was moving before I could think. I didn't mean to worry any of you.'

His mother pulled him for a hug again. The four waited in the stadium to hear news of when they can leave--they spent their time comforting those around them, it didn't take long before they formed little groups, of which Harry was happy to sit on a conjured seat made of interweaving grass. One of the men there, he had dark hair and bright blue eyes and a beard of salt and pepper, pulled a guitar from over his back and together everyone sung songs; songs Harry didn't know, but was happy to sit and let his magic recharge. He caught Lily's worried eye every now and again. She she realised he was looking back at her, she'd avert her gaze somewhere else.

Her worry filled him with warmth. The only person that he could remember that made him feel like someone else genuinely cared for him, was Hermione, and even Ron (although he was not as good at displaying his affection).

It didn't take long for the aurors and ministry officials to return to the stadium, apologised for any inconveniences and that all of the ‘troublemakers have been apprehended’.

Everyone was quickly portkeyed to their locations and and floo network costs would be covered by the ministry.

Harry and Lily stepped through the threshold of their house, the house seemed more quiet than it had ever felt before.

As Lily locked the door, she felt Harry's arms snake around her waist. Her heart leapt into her throat. She didn't understand what it was about him today, but anytime he was close to her today, it caused her magic to sing. Like, literally sing. She could feel her magic vibrate and heat up her body. Which caused certain parts of her to heat up too, making her feel things that she hadn't felt in years. Which of course made her blush.

Is it because of the Faerie Law? She kept asking herself. She had to admit that this morning he did look older, and more manly--but she didn't think that it was a credible excuse. Her stomach fluttered in anticipation, but she pushed that feeling down. She breathed in deep through her nose and relished the natural vanilla smell that Harry always smelt of. His arms wrapped around her, his delicious scent, his strong body pressed into her chest--her cheeks reddened and she had to disengage from the hug.

'Goodnight darling,' she said affectionately.

Harry beamed at her, 'sorry again, for worrying you.' She smiled in response. 'Goodnight, mum.'

With that the two walked up the stairs to their respective rooms.

Lily quickly undressed, chucking her clothes into her wash basket, leaving only her black lace knickers on. She stepped over to her wardrobe and pulled a black vest top from one of the shelves and tugged it over her head and struggled to get it down over her boobs. Once she was dressed, she slid under the covers of her bed. She tried to go to sleep, but her thoughts kept falling on Harry. Of how muscular he looked that morning, of how his magic called to her, of his beautiful messy black hair and crooked smile.

She couldn't take it anymore. She needed to see him, to feel his body against hers. She slipped out of bed and made her way to Harry's room. She hesitated before knocking but eventually decided to go in. The room was dimly lit by a single candle. Harry was sitting up, reading through a book that Lily recognised as being Harry's journal.

He was topless. And her cheeks reddened again. She was very grateful for the low lighting. She stepped further into the room and sat on the edge of Harry's bed.

'I-is everything okay, mum?' Harry asked.

Lily nodded her head, but then stopped herself.

'N-no,' she whispered. 'I'm so confused, and I was so worried. Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions.'

Harry sat up in the bed, the duvet falling away from his body, he placed his journal on the bedside table and wrapped an arm around her. His body felt like fire against her sleeveless top. Her heart started thrumming in her chest.

She felt a question threatening to break out, so she swallowed her fear and embraced her Gryffindor nature.

'C-can I sleep in here with you tonight?' she asked, 'or are you too old to sleep with mummy?'

She could have sworn she saw some movement under the duvet and Harry's face get darker, but she waved those thoughts away. There's no way, she thought.

'Of course, why else would I have such a big bed?'

The pair chuckled as Harry lifted a corner of the duvet. Lily stood up and stepped round the bed and crawled under the covers. At first the pair were just lying on their backs next to eachother. But the call coming from Harry was getting too loud. Eventually she turned over and rested her head hesitantly on his chest.

'Is this okay?' she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation.

Harry nodded his head, a silent confirmation that ignited a fire deep within her.

'Of course, as long as you're comfortable. You've had a long day.'

She felt his strong arm wrap around her back and her heart raced. Her mind was alive with possibilities--with thoughts of what would happen if Harry swept the delicate straps of her vest top off her shoulders. Would I let him? she wondered, desire coursing through her veins. But then reality crashed through her thoughts and she was reminded that this was her son. She shouldn't be thinking these kinds of things.

Sleep came quickly to her and in the darkness of night she dreamt of Harry, his bare chest facing her, aiding her in the most intimate moments. The heat between them was palpable and soon she felt herself slipping into an abyss of pleasure. She felt tears stream down her cheeks; steam rising from between them as her knickers dampened from sheer bliss. Unknowingly, she had been grinding against him, eagerly seeking something more.

The next morning, Lily woke up feeling groggy and disoriented. It took her a few moments to remember where she was and what had happened the night before. Her worry returned when she remembered Harry racing off with Sirius but her worry was quickly replaced as she blushed as she recalled the vivid dream she'd had about Harry. She couldn't believe that she had let her mind wander there, even in her subconscious.

She quickly slid out of bed and stepped back into her bedroom. She felt as though her legs were cooler than they normally were in the mornings, that's when she noticed that her knickers were soaking wet. Mortified, she quickly changed into a fresh pair and threw the soiled ones into the laundry basket. She prayed that Harry hadn't noticed anything.

Once she was dressed she went downstairs and into the kitchen where she saw Harry biting into a slice of toast. He looked up and beamed at her.

'Morning mum.' he said.

'Morning darling.'

Lily's heart skipped a beat. Had he seen what had happened? She tried to stay calm as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

'Did you sleep well?' he asked, still grinning.

Lily nodded.

'I did. Thank you for letting me stay with you last night, I was too worried to sleep on my own.' she said as she plonked two slices of bread into the toaster.

'Well if you ever feel worried again, feel free to sleep in my bed. I know that sometimes having that other person, something warm in bed with you can help you get to sleep easier.' he said.

Lily's face lit up as her sons offer of kindness. She could feel her eyes fill with tears of joy, and she threw her arms around Harry, her chest pressing into her back.

'Thank you,' she whispered, barely able to contain the immense gratitude she felt. Lily never felt happier at another persons kindness.

'N-no problem,' Harry stuttered out.

Lily could feel his heartbeat against her. Her magic screamed in protest, her heart thundering in her chest. She could feel Harry's magic resonating with her own, their powers swelling in strength. Her body started heating up, and she could feel Harry's body temperature get hotter too.

'Alright, alright,' Harry chuckled. 'You're going to make me blush.'

Lily's grip loosened as she stepped away from her son. She blushed again, realising what she had done. She turned away from Harry and walked over to the toaster as it popped out of the machine.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harry spent most of the day reading through a journal that he'd found in the bedside table. It was a detailed account of how the Harry of this world had spent his life before Harry appeared. It helped. But it also caused more questions than it did answers.

In this world, Harry was not friends with Hermione and Ron. At least, he knew who they were, they were just not close friends. Based on the notes, Hermione was an outcast that would stick to Harry in classes but between class and in free time she would be in the library, and Ron spoke to Harry but that was the extent of their interactions.

Harry's closest friend in this world was Neville Longbottom, the Boy-Who-Lived, who was currently in Germany. His Grandma believed that as the Boy-Who-Lived, that Neville needed to network with the wider wizarding world, leaving Harry alone this summer.

He understood what kind of training he would have had--he joined the quidditch team in his first year like he had in his own world. He took all the same classes in first, second, and third year. He had a strict exercising routine and practiced his magic in the Duel Club, which Professor Lockhart had started in second year, and had been continued in third year by Snape thanks to Dumbledore's encouragement.

Harry had helped Neville in the first year of school thanks to the advice of Sirius, and in his second year, when Ginny Weasley had been taken, Neville and Harry had gone down to the Chamber of Secrets--of which Neville had opened using parseltongue, and they had dragged Lockhart with them. Events played out similarly, except that Harry was there to stand with Neville against the Tom's Shade. Meaning that in this world the Boy-Who-Lived didn't get help from Fawkes and the Sword of Gryffindor.

Third year was relatively relaxing. Nothing big really happened. Neville joined Harry on his morning and evening runs, and on his dieting, which made him more attractive and so Harry spent most of the year listening to Neville's many romantic encounters.

So here he was, there were a few other differences in this world, but those were the basics.

Harry essentially had a blank slate to work with, and he wasn't sure what to do. He had knowledge of the future, and had to be smart with how he used it. He still didn't know what he was doing in this world and why.

When he woke up in the morning, he had awoken with a mix of emotions. The biggest one was that this world was real. It wasn't a dream. Which caused the consequences of what he'd done on his first day come crashing down on him. The second was that he was sharing a bed with a very scantily dressed Lily Potter who was incredibly busty and curvaceous, and also looking as though she were only in her mid-twenties. His leg felt damp, and his magic was burning through his chest.

That was something he quickly learned. His magic and arousal levels seemed to be linked closely together. Anytime his magic flared, he was aroused.

The only thing different here, was that Lily was grinding against him. Which only fuelled his excitement.

He had untangled himself from the bed, crept into the shared bathroom, took a shower and wank'd until he came. He felt a burst of energy leave his body and his mind felt clearer.

The magic in this world, was strange to Harry. Despite his slight memory loss, he knew that his magic never felt like this back in his world. It was as though his magic here was literally a part of his body. Embedded into his very being.

He placed the journal back into the drawer in the bed-side-table and sighed as he huffed onto his back.

What do I do? he asked himself. What do I f*cking do?

He realised that yesterday he and Malfoy's gorgeous mother had shared a moment that he knew was bound to have some kind of consequence that he'd have to deal with at some point. If Lucius found out, Harry had better know more spells than a Hogwarts student would know--Lucius knows all the same spells and more.

He decided to put that thought to the side for now, revisit it later.

His thoughts instead turned to how it felt to be with Narcissa. She was the first person he'd ever been with, and the experience was fantastic. The feeling of her soft breasts in his palm, of her sweltering walls clinging to his co*ck, of the pressure washing past him as her juices puddled on the floor. He felt his chest heating up, and his magic shouting to him to be used.

As he laid on his back, he pulled his shirt off, unbuckled his jeans and pulled his co*ck out from under his boxers. He wrapped his hand around his co*ck and began pumping to the thought of f*cking Narcissa.

He was so in the moment, that he didn't even notice the door open. A figure walked in slowly, closing the door and locking it behind them. They stepped over to him, pulled their hair into a ponytail.

The feeling of something warm around his penis caught his attention and his eyes to snap open. There, kneeling on the edge of the bed was Tonks, smiling up at him.

'I came in to tease you because I thought you were reading,' she said as she started licking at Harry's length like it was a delicious lollipop. 'I wasn't expecting you to have your little--' she eyed his co*ck and chuckled. 'maybe not little anymore. Your monster wasn't this big the last time we tussled.' she joked.

'I'm sorry,' Harry said hesitantly. 'I didn't realise you were there.'

He knew from the journal that the pair had a very intimate relationship. They hadn't gone further than her giving him a blowj*b, and he going down on her. But she had trained him in what she likes, and whenever they were alone together, they often fell into making out and their faces between the others legs.

'Mmm, that's alright,' she smiled, still pumping his co*ck. 'I was just teasing you. That Faerie Laws a bitch, eh?' she added as she took Harry's co*ck into her mouth. She looked up at Harry her eyes twinkling.

As he stared into her violet eyes, he felt his magic burning hotly in his chest, calling to Tonks. She subconsciously, slowly dangled her hand into her knickers, playing with herself slowly.

Harry's co*ck twitched under her touch. His body responded to hers, and his magic flared. He couldn't help but moan.

Tonks's hand left her knickers and she placed her fingers against his lip. Instinctively, Harry sucked her juices off of her fingers.

'How's the snack?' she teased.

'Delicious,' Harry replied.

His confidence had surprised her, but with the way her magic was reacting to the situation, and how horny she felt, she decided that she didn't give a f*ck what gave him his confidence. She needed to cum.

She continued to bob on his co*ck, lubing his length with her saliva. It soon got too much for her, she raised her head away from his penis, a trial of saliva still connecting them. She grabbed Harry's wrists and quickly flipped the two of them. When Harry was on top of her, his strong body holding her down, his hot co*ck pressed against her clothed puss*, she could feel her breath hitch and her magic was desperately calling for her to allow him to enter her.

For the first time in her life, Tonks was speechless. Harry's lips pressed to her neck, and slowly made his way down. Sucking on her collarbone as his hands pushed her shirt up and her bra down so that he could pepper her breasts with his kisses. Her moans only acted in encouraged him to move down, sucking, nipping and biting at her creamy skin, her navel, and then her thigh. He completely avoided her soaking sex.

'Harry,' she finally made out. 'please.'

Harry hooked his fingers around the top of her knickers and slid them down her legs.

As Harry removed Tonks' panties, he could see the glistening wetness between her thighs. He couldn't resist the temptation any longer. Without any warning, he plunged his face into her puss*, making Tonks gasp and writhe beneath him. He licked and sucked at her cl*t, driving her wild with pleasure.

Tonks gasped as his tongue flicked over her cl*t, sending shivers of pleasure through her body. She had never felt like this before, and she knew that Harry was the reason why. His magic was intense and powerful, and it only heightened the sensations she was feeling.

With every stroke of his tongue, Tonks felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge. She could feel the pressure building up inside her, and she knew she was on the brink of org*sm.

‘Harry,’ she moaned, gripping the sheets tightly. ‘I'm gonna-‘

But before she could finish her sentence, Harry plunged two fingers inside her. Tonks cried out, her body arching off the bed as he pumped them in and out of her at a steady pace. His tongue never stopped its assault on her cl*t, and Tonks felt like she was going to explode.

As her body came down from its high, Harry crawled back up so that he was face-to-face with her. He watched her beautiful face as she tried to catch her breath, he could feel his co*ck lightly press against the hot pool between her legs, and his chest got hotter.

I need to cool myself down, I feel like I'm about to combust.

When Tonks' eyes stopped rolling she gazed into Harry's eyes and couldn't help but smile up at him.

'T-thank you, Harry.' she then grabbed his face and pulled him down for a kiss. As their lips pressed together, their mouths opening slightly as their tongues slid against the other, Tonks could feel Harry's co*ck twitch against her opening.

Tonks parted her legs wider, allowing Harry to position himself. He gave her a look, she knew what he was asking. She hesitantly nodded her head.

As far as she knew, they were both virgins. They had been close all of their lives, and since Christmas, they'd had an intimate relationship. She trusted Harry more than anyone else in the world, and although their was such as thing as Maiden's Law. She was more than happy to allow Harry to be the one to take her maidenhood. There was something about him that sung to her, demanded that this needed to happen. And who was she to deny some strange angelic voice?

With a slow and steady thrust, he entered her, filling her completely. Tonks moaned into his mouth as she felt him stretching her, his length hitting all the right spots inside her. She lashed forward with her mouth, using their kiss to muffle her quiet scream.

A silver glow spread from where their sexes met and spread outwards, basking the two of them in a cooling glow. Whilst it covered the two of them, they heard a second heart beat. Could feel their own magic sing louder than it had ever done before, the cooling silver magic the only thing stopping their magic from bursting out of their chests like fireballs.

Their heartbeats quickly fell in sync with the other, as did their breathing. Tonks eventually moved back, tangled her fingers in Harry's hair and spread her legs further apart.

'I'm okay Harry.'

With her cue, Harry began moving.

Their movements were slow at first, but as the intensity grew, so did their pace. Harry's hands roamed over Tonks' body, gripping her hips tightly as he pounded into her. Tonks clawed at his back, urging him on, her magic flowing between them like a river.

As they moved together, Harry felt his magic building, pulsing inside him like a living thing. He could feel Tonks' magic responding to his, amplifying the pleasure they were feeling. He knew that they were both going to reach their climax soon.

Tonks' moans grew louder and more urgent, and Harry could feel her walls clenching around him.

Harry pushed deeper inside of her, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing off the walls. Tonks' eyes rolled back into her head as a wave of pleasure washed over her. She gasped and moaned, her body arching off the bed as Harry continued to thrust into her with an unrelenting pace.

Finally, Tonks felt herself teetering on the edge of org*sm.

'Harry, I'm gonna cum!' she cried out, her voice strained with pleasure. 'B-bind me! Do it! Claim me as your--ffffucckk!'

He brought his lips to her neck again as he began tweaking her left nipple, sending her over the edge. Tonks screamed his name as she came, her body shaking with pleasure. Harry kept thrusting, the feel of her tight walls around him driving him closer and closer to his own release.

He tried to stave it off as long as possible, but the heat was starting to overpower the cooling silver light, and he had to start thrusting into her again. Hard. Fast.

His thrusts became erratic, and he knew he was close. Tonks was the same, he could feel her muscles convulse beneath him. Despite only just cumming, she was ready to go again. She quickly wrapped her legs around him, bringing him as deep as he could physically be.

With one final thrust, Harry came, his hot seed spilling inside Tonks. Tonks screamed his name, her body convulsing as she came harder than she ever had before.

Their magic erupted between them, filling the room with a blinding light. They could feel their magic intermingling, the silver light meshing with the golden pulse that erupted from Harry and surged into Tonks' body. As more and more of his cum entered her, her stomach began to bloat. As though his cum was laced with a sh*t ton of magic that looked as though it filled her her stomach.

For a moment, they were lost in each other. They forgot about the attack yesterday, of their own stresses, of where they were, or even what their relationship would be. They only knew the pleasure they were feeling.

Finally, they collapsed onto the bed in a tangled heap, their breathing ragged. They lay there for a long time, wrapped up in each other, their hearts beating as one.

As they lay there, Harry knew that he would protect Tonks with all of his power. He owed it to the Harry of this world. And to his budding feelings for the girl.

After a moment, Harry pulled himself free from her puss*, a mixture of their cum leaking out down past her asshole and onto the clean sheets beneath them. Harry rolled over so that he was laying next to her on his back. She turned sideways so that she was leaning on his muscular chest, her sweaty boobs squishing against his side. She couldn't quite get comfortable, so they shrunk until they were barely a handful big and she nuzzled into Harry's side.

'So,' she said. 'that was new and unexpected.'

Harry smiled.

'Yeah, it was. But I enjoyed myself though.'

Tonks smiled at him.

'Me too.' then she looked down at her stomach, 'although, it does look like you got me pregnant. I shouldn't have let you cum inside me. It's bad enough I let you take my maidenhood from me.' she whispered, silently cursing herself.

Harry curled a finger under her chin and raised her gaze to meet his.

'Did you enjoy yourself?' he asked.

'Yes.' she replied honestly.

'Then we will deal with what happened later.'

‘And thank you, for not binding me… I don’t think we’re there yet… I don’t even know if your strong enough for that!’

The two laughed, but Tonks stopped, having thought of something.

She gulped.

'But Harry... we just... we just f*cked... I was a virgin... I know my mum isn't technically a Black anymore, but I was still capable of having myself a decent marriage... now?'

'Like I said, we'll deal with that later.'

He didn't say much, but the confidence he said it, somehow reassured Tonks.

She sighed.

'Fine, but if I'm pregnant you're the one to tell your mum.'

She leaned back against his chest and Harry choked on his own saliva.

'Only teasing you Harry, I'm on the potion.'

He settled down into the cuddle as the sound of Tonks' cute little snores filled the sex smelling room.

Her comment about pregnancy had caught him off guard. When he'd been having relations with Tonks and Narcissa, he hadn't really been thinking. He'd let his body do what it felt it needed and let his magic guide him. He didn't even think about the consequences of cumming inside women. But now that the reality that this world was defintely real, his mind raced with the idea of binding witches to him.

For f*cks sake Potter! he cursed himself.

Chapter 2: Chapter Two


Harry tries to wrap his mind around his new situation in this strange world, figuring out his magic, his relationships, and decides if he wants to give this world a fair shot, he needs to learn new types of magic.


New month! New chapter! This chapter has a few X-rated scenes, lots of establishing of some of the magic in this world, relationship dynamics and will also introduce the first official arc to the fic!

Chapter Text


THE BLACK MANOR library was huge, filled with shelves upon shelves of books that hadn’t been touched in years. An old Victorian style library with painted white wall, with an intricate pattern of vines intertwining around one another., four floors of books that were shelved in varying degrees of ancient magic. A long fifteen foot long oak wood table sat in the middle of the room. Huge windows lined one side of the room, letting in an abundance of light which was cast onto the dark mahogany furniture that filled the room and gave anyone in the library a brilliant view out towards the colourful grounds.

Harry stared out the window as he tried to make sense out of what he had just read; his chin resting upon his hand as he pondered different possibilities. He was trying to understand why his magic felt the way it did, and how sex was closely linked. But all of the texts seemed to written by quite reserved members of the Black family as they completely abstain from mentioning any emotion, sexual or otherwise.

Harry had been so deep in thought that he didn't even know that someone else was in the library with him until he heard someone softly clear their throat. He looked over to see Sirius stepping into the room.

'How're you getting on?' he asked as he pulled out a chair next to Harry.

He knew that his godfather wasn't asking about the book.

He was asking how he was getting on in this world. Neither of them were born here. But they did now live here.

Harry sighed.

'If I'm honest, I'm still trying to wrap my head around things here. There are so many rules, and the ancient magic laws!' Harry exclaimed. 'Faerie Law, the Maiden Law, I've even seen mention of a Morgana's Law, whatever that is.'

Sirius chuckled.

He raised his hands in surrender when Harry glared at him.

'Sorry, wasn't laughing at you. Just feels nice to finally laugh about the situation. I was where you are only a few years ago.' he said. 'trying to wrap my head around how this whole world works. Had to learn quick. Being Lord Black, if I didn't read up then I'd be chewed out of this world fast. The Sirius Black was well socialised. He had all kinds of connections, and was positioned as the Assistant Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Considering I entered this world as a fugitive in ours... that was a massive step up.'

'When you first arrived here, did you experience anything.... strange with your magic?' Harry risked.

Sirius pondered for a moment then nodded.

'I did, actually. For the first few weeks, my magic kept surging out. I struggled to keep it contained at first. In the most awkward situations I kept finding myself--' he stopped himself. Looked at Harry and gave a bigger smile. 'Well f*ck me, no wonder you were able to take down some death eaters. How horny have you been Harry?'

Without skipping a beat, Harry replied, 'painfully.'

Sirius started howling.

'Yeah, I visited a brothel in Diagon Alley three times a week just to think straight.'

'Why is that?' Harry asked.

Sirius thought for a second.

'You still have no idea how you got here?'

Harry shook his head.

'Well, I'm going to throw an assumption out there, that you got to this world the same way I did. You slipped through the Veil. Not sure on the circ*mstance, or the how it all works. But I'm guessing that passing through the Veil had somehow got you into this world. You're still you, but you're a little more charged with magic than the usual witch or wizard is here in this world. So your magic is trying to force your body to accommodate for its massive power. The Faerie law has clearly started to help you, but…' Sirius thought for a second before continuing. 'The Harry of this world was a pretty scrawny kid with a slightly above average aptitude in magic. You come into this world, your bodies fuse together, all of a sudden the same scrawny body now has to accommodate for a massive amount of magic that it didn't have before. Will probably make you feel like your burning up.'

Harry nodded.

'That is exactly how it feels.'

'Just means you've got to spend that excess magic Harry.' Sirius winked at Harry.

'You mean--?'

He chuckled.

'Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. You know what you’re doing or do we need to visit the brothel at Knockturn alley for a little help?'

'I've... uh... managed to get some help recently.'

Sirius quirked an eyebrow at Harry but didn't show any sign of judgement. But Harry could see the cogs working behind his eyes.

'Well, in this world, one of the ways that a wizard can expend any extra magic, is through ejacul*tion. I'm not sure how it works, it just does. A witches body is capable of ingesting the magic, and actually absorbing it. Whether it be in a waiting womb or in their stomachs. This makes the witch stronger and it helps the burning in your core go down, it’s a very rough mansplaining of what the Morgana’s Law is. So its a win-win situation for both parties.'

Harry nodded.

'Right, glad that's kind of sorted out. None of these books give any advice on how magic works… like that.'

Sirius threw back his head and roared with laughter.

'HA!' he cried. 'No Black would dare write the word sex on a parchment, lest they run the risk of a daughter deciding to become stronger than her brothers or father and sleeping around with powerful wizards. Bad for the family purity business.'

Harry shook his head.

'That's just weird.'

Sirius shrugged, 'that's just how this world works Harry.'

The two fell into a conversation about what Sirius had done after the quidditch game last week, and the two shared their concerns on how although some things were different, it still felt exactly as it did before.

'I need to be better prepared this time.'

'Harry,' Sirius's voice was thick with sympathy. 'You're not the Boy-Who-Lived. You don't have to fight this worlds battles. You've been given a clean slate. Your magically more powerful. You could legally get emancipated now due to the Faerie Law and become Lord Potter. You can bed many beautiful women... or, should I say, more beautiful women. You’re the heir to house Potter and your still my chosen heir. You have years of knowledge over your classmates, so you could get brilliant grades and choose any career, any life that you want. You've even got your mother back. You can choose to just spend your time with her if you wish. Just... don't waste what you've got Harry.'

Harry stood up, he didn't know why. But he just felt so angry. His magic was heating up again.

'What else can I do? Yes. I'm not the Boy-Who-Lived anymore. Why should that f*cking matter? I know things about the future that will save hundreds, if not thousands of lives! Yes, I have lots of school knowledge, so why should I waste my time going back to Hogwarts? I love that castle more than anywhere in the world, but the best thing for me and for this world is if I don't step foot there yet. I'm better off honing my skills, becoming a more capable fighter. Learning spells that Riddle couldn't possibly know, so that I actually stand a chance against him.'

Harry's heavy breathing filled the empty space. Sirius stood up, the chair creaking underneath him as he stepped to Harry and pulled the green eyed boy into an embrace.

Harry could feel his body shake as he tried to calm down.

'If that's what you think you need to do. Then I'll try and help you arrange this,' he whispered.

'What?' Harry asked, dumbfounded.

'If you wish to go off and train. Then I will be happy to facilitate this for you Harry. But before we do that, we’re going to need to see where you’re at. ‘

‘What do you mean?’

Sirius pulled away from the hug.

‘You want to be a warrior, we’re going to need to see how strong of a warrior you are.’

Sirius then closed the book Harry had been reading and walked off, waving his hand indicating for Harry to follow.

Sirius took Harry to a large duelling room. Wooden floors, black brick walls, a long stretched mirror on each wall, and above them was a black sky with twinkling stars. Once Harry and Sirius stepped into the room, the stars shifted and formed different constellations.

‘That’s pretty cool,’ Harry said, looking up in awe.

Sirius looked up too.

‘I must agree. It is something. Its charmed to show who’s in the room. That constellation there is canis major, the dog. Which would be me. And I guess that one there would be you.’

Sirius pointed to a constellation that looked like a kite with two legs coming from the tail.

‘What constellation is that?’ Harry asked.

Sirius eyed it, ‘Not sure. Been awhile since I’ve brushed up on my astrology.’ He shook his head and whipped out his wand. ‘Anyway. Let’s get down to business, shall we?’

‘What? You want to duel?’

‘Said it yourself. Your memory is a little foggy still. We need to access how much you know already.’ Sirius, with a playful grin, raising his wand. ‘Ready, Harry?’

Harry nodded, assuming the position, his emerald eyes focused. ‘Ready, Sirius.’

With a flick of his wand, Sirius sent a streak of red light towards Harry, who deftly blocked it with a shield charm. The impact sent a shockwave through the room, causing the candelabras to sway and mirrors to shake.

Harry retaliated with a stunning spell, but Sirius gracefully sidestepped it. The spell hit a nearby suit of armour, causing it to burst into sparks and dance around the room. The armour clanked and clattered as if it had come to life.

Sirius chuckled and sent a freezing charm toward Harry, who countered by summoning a gust of warm, swirling air. The two forces clashed, creating a mesmerizing display of frost and steam that filled the room, obscuring their view.

Emerging from the mist, Sirius summoned a swarm of shimmering fireflies with a Lumos Maxima spell, casting an ethereal glow on their surroundings. Harry responded by transfiguring a tapestry into a colossal, writhing snake. The serpent slithered menacingly toward Sirius, who parried it with a conjured wall of water.

As the duel escalated, they moved through the manor's corridors, leaving traces of their magic in their wake. Paintings came to life to offer commentary on the duel, and ancestral portraits cheered or jeered their efforts.

Sirius attempted a disarming charm, but Harry swiftly countered with a protego totalum, encasing himself in a protective bubble that expanded to encompass them both. It was a standoff, each wizard trying to outwit the other.

Sirius smirked, Harry was providing a much better challenge than he anticipated. He reached down into his chest where he felt his magic cool and steady. It took him awhile to get control over his magic. He reached inside, where he pictured there to be an electric blue rune shifting in the centre of a pool of black water. He grabbed it and forced the power that emanated from it to fill his veins.

He felt his body almost convulse in pleasure as wild magic raced through his body. Harry was transfiguring the floor into a makeshift shield, conjuring tables and then breaking them apart to fortify his wall. Harry looked over at Sirius and felt his core in his chest heat up, almost as though it was threatened by the purple aura coming from Sirius.

‘W-what kind of magic—?’

Sirius smirked.

‘I told you. When I came here, my magic was volatile. But it had its perks.’ Sirius reached his arm up, and grabbed at something invisible in the air. Eventually he grabbed hold of something, the veins in his arms bulged, his violet eyes glowed as he yanked his arm down as a loud clap of thunder filled the duelling chamber. Harry barely had time to leap out of the way as a jet black bolt of lightning with a white outline came crashing to the spot where Harry just was, sending his wooden shield into cinders.

‘f*ck!’ Harry exclaimed.

His heart was vibrating in his chest, his magic was thrumming, boiling and sending liquid lava through his veins. He eyed Sirius who’s arms were covered in sparks of electricity that ran up and down.

‘I told you Harry, magic works differently here. You have to be prepared for anything.’

Sirius began slinging his arms back and forward, shooting daggers of electricity at Harry.

He initially threw up a protego charm, but the bolts slipped through the shield, almost slicing into Harry. He rolled out of the way and fired an accio at Sirius’ body, but as the spell took hold of Sirius, the lightning bolts pulsed outwards, disabling the spell. Sirius then reached up again, and sent a bolt of lighting crashing down to Harry. He was barely able to get out of that one.

Harry was panicking. He’d never seen anyone use such magic before.

He could see steam coming off of his body, he was overheating so much that sweat was quickly evaporating away. He summoned his magic, imagined his pool of water, and thrusted his hands into it. Something cried in his ears as he looked up to Sirius, pulled his arms back and slammed his hands together.

The clap caused all magic apart from the electricity surrounding to Sirius to cease.

Lord Black stiffened slightly, but smirked.

‘Has the real Harry come to play?’ he asked.

Harry couldn’t move. So much magical power was racing through his body that it was taking all he had to not lose control. He was a sitting target, but he felt powerful.

But he noticed that Sirius had only moved his legs once.

Sirius threw a couple of electric bolts at Harry, who couldn’t move. He was struck in the shoulder and rib. This caused his magic to heat up even more. And his frustration to mount. He felt his magic spark from his finger tips. His eyes began to burn.

He wants to see if I’ve got what it takes that much?! Then take this! Harry mentally screamed as balls of flames erupted in his hands. He began chucking the flames at Sirius.

The Lord Black couldn’t move, and so his clothes began to quickly melt onto his body.

‘Harry!’ Sirius shouted through gritted teeth.

He looked over at his godson. The boy’s body was covered in a golden aura, balls of flames continued to burst from his palms, his eyes were glowing green, and Sirius’ magic felt very threatened. He could almost picture a black dog baring its fangs with its tail between its legs as it looked up at some kind of winged beast glaring down at him.

Sirius reached up with his right hand till his fingers found the hard invisible horizontal line that he could find with his magic. He gripped it hard and yanked it down, focusing on just behind where Harry was standing.

Harry’s eyed widened, he swished his arms until his palms were together and he screamed as a torrent of swirling flames rushed towards him. He yanked his arm down, a black lightning bolt crashing down behind Harry, sending his body flying.

Sirius’ eyes widened as the red-and-gold flames rushed towards him. He quickly imagined himself letting go of the blue rune in his magic pool, and let his body fall limp. As the flames rushed past him, he could feel the ends of all of his hair become singed due to the intense heat.

The pair laid on the floor for some time, each catching their breath.

After awhile, Sirius tried pushing himself up into an upright position.

‘You okay over there pup?’

‘Y-yeah.’ Harry replied.

‘You sure?’

‘That was just… more intense than I was expecting it to be.’

‘You passed. You’re ready.’

‘For what?’

‘To go out there and test yourself against this world. To learn spells and magic that Tommy-boy never learned. I’ve got an idea for your first adventure.’

‘What’s that?’ Harry asked. He was stilling laying down flat on the floor.

‘Your body. Seems you’ve got the spark of ancient magic in you too. But its useless to you in a battle if you can’t move your body. I know somewhere where they might be able to help you with that. Not just when your using that kind of magic, but in general. Most wizards are lazy f*cks. If your physically fit, you’ll have one over on most wizards.’

Harry chuckled.

‘Sounds like a plan to me.’

‘I’m glad you think so, because we’re going to have a hard time of it.’


‘We're going to need to come up with a bloody good story to convince your mother.'

Harry gulped.

He forgot for a moment that he actually had parents in this world.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The red head slammed her fist against the kitchen table, a monopoly piece dropping to the floor. It was the night after Harry and Sirius spoke in the Black library. They'd spent most of the last three days coming up with their plan. They thought that by cornering Lily on Games Night, in front of Remus, Andy, Tonks, and Teddy that she would be less likely to resist things.

'No.' she said.

'But Lily, it's for the best!'

'He will be missing so much school!' she protested.

'But he will still be able to take his school tests if that's the problem.'

Andromeda decided to pipe in in support of one of her closest friends, 'You want Harry to go off on an old fashioned quest?'

Harry cleared his throat, 'I wouldn't put it quite like that.'

'Sirius says that after the events of the quidditch world cup that the DMLE want you to join their young auror programme so that you can train in combat and other useful skills so that you basically have a guarantee into the auror department?' Andy asked. Harry nodded. 'Sounds like a quest to me.'

'I'm not letting my baby, my only child leave my house so that he could willing run into danger!'

Sirius raised his hands at Lily.

'Lily, I’ll be keeping track of his every move. He won't be going anywhere without me knowing about it. If he's in trouble and the leaders of the training are unable to help, I'll be able to dive straight in and help the situation.

'And what about Harry's studies?' Lily asked, her voice softening slightly.

'He'll still be able to study and take his exams. The program is set up to accommodate for that,' Sirius replied.

'But what about his friends? His life here?' Remus chimed in.

'Harry will still be able to keep in touch with his friends. And this experience will only enhance his life, make him a better wizard,' Sirius explained.

Lily sighed, rubbing her temples. 'I don't just seems like a lot. And out of nowhere'

Harry took a deep breath, his magic pulsing inside him. He knew he needed to make a case for himself. 'Mum, I know this isn't what you want for me. But I'm not just your little boy anymore. I've been given a chance to do something incredible. To make a difference. And I can't just sit back and waste this opportunity. I need to do this. For myself.'

The red headed beauty wiped her eyes and sat down and held Harry's hand, a spark sizzling through their bodies from their fingers. Their eyes locked for a moment.

'C-can you either---both of you promise me that Harry will be back safe?'

'Lily I--'

'Can you promise me?' she asked Sirius, turning to face him.

He stared into her eyes and glanced back at Harry and sighed.

'Yeah, I can promise you that.'

'Me too,' Harry said, giving his mother a reassuring squeeze.

Not long after the games, the older witches and wizards pulled out a bottle of vibrant-rum (which meant that their skin would be glowing for the first hour of drinking) whilst Tonks and Harry went upstairs. There the two quickly stripped the other of their clothes and ravished the others body.

Harry's lust for Tonks burned, and he felt that he could almost see a thin golden thread tied around Tonks tummy and connecting to him, pulling her closer to him.

He was gentle, exploring her body with his hands and mouth, savouring her taste and soft curves. He slid into her easily, their wet bodies sliding against each other. Both of them grunted as their hips snapped against each other. The heated friction drove them wild, their bodies becoming slick with sweat.

They came together, each of them crying out their lovers name as a pulse of magic burst from Harry. Tonks' stomach bloated quickly as his white cum spilled out from her. Harry collapsed onto Tonks, his body shaking. They lay like that for a long time, neither saying a word.

Harry stopped and looked down at the gasping beauty. The two were wrapped in each others arms, their fingers entwined, their legs tangled together. The two were still nude and in bed, their sweaty bodies lying on the soft sheets, catching their breath. Their breathing had slowed, the afterglow washing over the pair.

'Do you have to go?' Tonks asked.

'I do.'

'Well... do you have to go long?' she asked again, she grabbed his wrist and snacked it around her neck and rested his palm on her left boob, which Harry felt get bigger under his grip. He felt his co*ck twinge. 'Because I'm kind of getting addicted to having sex with you. I don't know why, but I can't seem to physically stop smiling after you’ve painting my me white!' she half-joked.

'It shouldn't be too long. I'm not really sure how long the programme is for, but I know that I'll be missing you like crazy. The feeling of your body. Of being deep within you.'

She playfully smacked his chest.

'Oh, I'm sure you'll miss me. For like five minutes. Then some other chick's gonna get your attention and she's gonna want you because you’re a f*cking sex god, and you'll come back like Tonks-who?'

Harry started rubbing her breast with his thumb as she ran her fingers up and down his hand.

'Tonks, you mean the world to me. I'm not going to forget about you just because I can't see you.' he then thought to add, 'and besides, who says I want to f*ck other girls?'

She scoffed and turned over so that they were face to face.

'Harry, you've got a massive monster co*ck. Not sure if you’re aware but you literally bleed magic. Any witch in the right mind will drop their knickers and flirt with you. Just look at me, you cum in me and I almost look pregnant because of your magical cum. I don't know what's happened to you these last few days, but you've somehow got stronger. Like. Stronger. I was only half-joking when I said about you not being strong enough to invoke the Merlin’s Law… I think you are strong enough Harry. Which basically means I better expect you to have more than one witch.'

There it was again. Merlin's Law.

'I know you’ve mentioned it… but what is that?'


'Merlin's Law.'

'One o' those ancient laws,' when she saw Harry's blank face she sighed. 'There's lots of other sh*t around it, but the main principal is: the stronger the wizard, the larger his pool of magic to draw from is. The more witches he is bound to, the larger that pool becomes. But likewise, it means the more excess magic he has. So he needs witches to spill that magic into. That magic makes the witches stronger, and thus his pool of magic to draw from bigger. Its a cycle of ensuring that powerful wizards stay powerful and have a steady stream of power to draw from. You're pretty powerful and your still only young. You'll be f*cking quite a few girls until you bind some witches to you.'

That was a lot to take in.

'Right, sorry, you need to spell this out for me.'

'Didn't your mum teach you this stuff?'

Harry shook his head.

'Great, okay, I'll be mummy.' Tonks' hair turned red, her breasts enlarged into two cushions, her hips and thighs filled out and her butt inflated. Her eyes shined green as freckles peppered her face. She didn't look quite like Lily. She looked younger. And her hair still looked like Tonks' signature messy look. If anything she looked like what Harry imagined his sister to look like.

Which, considering she was naked, and still had his cum leaking from her puss*, caused his co*ck to stir against her thigh.

Tonks' eyes widened as she felt it.

'Looks like a new kink has been unlocked,' she joked. 'Potter boy has a thing for milfs.'

Harry shook his head, 'I… you don't really look like as she is right now. You look more like my sister… if my sister took after mum and not dad.' He looked to her breasts. ‘A lot like mum.’

She smiled deviously at him.

'Oh, so big bro's got a hard on for his little sis?' she said as she gripped his co*ck in her hand, she pumped a few times, encouraged by Harry's groan as he quickly hardened in her grip. She pumped, and pumped, seeing him grind the air, she moved so that she could engulf him. Harry was still pretty horny. He entangled his fingers through her dark, almost auburn hair, and began face f*cking her. Tonks made a wonderful gleuk gleuk gleuk noise on his co*ck. She lightly grabbed his balls and began fondling. With a thrust he came in her mouth. But she only had a little mouth and he gave her no warning, so cum shot from her nostrils and spilled from the sides of her mouth. His co*ck popped out of her mouth and started spraying her face with his seed.

She pulled back once he was done and looked down at herself.

'f*cking hell,' she said as she started scooping up his cum. 'we just had sex, how can you cum this much?'

Harry shrugged.

'So Merlin's Law. Break it down for me.'

She slurped some cum of her finger, hummed as she swallowed it and continued collecting his seed as she explained.

'Okay, so a strong wizard who doesn't exercise his magical core often will tend to have an excess amount of magic. He needs to get rid of that or it could have terrible effects on his body. So he f*cks a pretty witch--or wizard, except wizards can't really digest magic the same way witches can--and he c*ms inside her. A witches body is able to take that cum, and absorb the magic laced within it. Causing her to get stronger, and the wizard is back to normal health. The stronger the wizard, the more often they have to cum.'

'To ensure that they have a loyal and reliable witch to accept their excess magic, a wizard will invoke Merlin's Law, in which that witch is bound to that wizard. A wizard must do this with the witches consent, and must be done as he c*ms inside her. That wizard is then magically connected to that witch. Meaning that he can draw on her magic if he ever needs more magic than he currently has access too. This becomes his magic pool. Every time he f*cks the witch, she gets stronger, and so the pool of magic he can draw from also gets bigger. So its a win-win. The stronger the wizard, the more witches that can be bound.'

'Right,' Harry said, 'that makes sense. Is it like a marriage?'

Tonks shook her head as she wiped some cum from her chin into her mouth.

'No, the wizard can still get married. So can the witch if she isn't taken on as a concubine. And the wife doesn't have to be bound either. Wizards and their need for politics.' Tonks remarked. 'But obviously, its an ancient law. Not many wizards can actually take advantage of the law. Mostly because they're all average in terms of their magical potential. Maybe Dumbledore, but no ones seen him with a girlfriend, and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had hundreds of followers. Who's to say that none of them weren't bound?'

As she said it, the two physically cringed at the thought.

'Well, thanks for that mental image, and,' he looked her up and down again. He couldn't get over how sexy she looked as his sister. 'Thanks for telling me about the law.'

She nodded.

'No big,' she then turned her head and sighed. Her red hair flashed black, her eyes turned violet. Her boobs shrunk slightly, and the rest of her body returned to what Tonks referred to as her 'base form'. She cast a cleaning charm on herself and pulled her clothes on. 'mum and dad are saying their goodbyes to the others.'

Harry nodded and started getting dressed too.

They went downstairs, Harry said goodbye to all of their guests. Tonks gave him an extra tight hug before she left and whispered a 'good luck' and a kiss on his cheek before she left. When Sirius left, he gave Harry a hug and said 'Your mum's on board. Pack in the morning, I'll come grab you around mid-day.'

Harry squeezed his godfather before he left.

Then it was just the two of them.

Harry turned to see Lily staring at him, worrying her bottom lip.

'Is everything okay?' he asked.

She nodded, and gulped. Her cheeks were red.

'I-i'm just going to miss you... so--' she hiccup'd.

She's drunk. Harry realised.

'Let's get you to bed,' he said as he wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her up the stairs. With each step her boobs bounced. Lily must have caught Harry staring because she looked down at them and smiled.

'Mummy's boobs are quite big aren't they?'

Harry blushed.

'Um, uh, I don't--'

She shushed him.

'It's okay, I know you look. Nothing wrong with--*hic*--looking. I look all the time. It's fun. Its--*hic*--naughty.' hearing Lily say that word caused him to stir again. The familiar heat rising in his chest.

Are you f*cking kidding me? I've had Tonks twice today and you still want more? he then remembered what Tonks said. If a wizard isn't exercising his core enough then he will have more excess magic. Even if Harry didn't learn any new spells. Using his magic will drastically help his situation.

'Yeah. your boobs do look fantastic. Best pair I've ever seen.' Harry said, thinking that she may not remember the conversation in the morning, and that he was leaving so there would be time apart to forgive any comments either of them make.

She blushed.

'You like them that much?' she asked as they got to the top of the stairs and stepped onto the landing.

'I love them. I didn't realise I was a boob guy until I had yours to admire everyday.' Not a word of what he said was a lie.

She smiled and pulled her white t-shirt up over her head, displaying her boobs clad in a sage green bra.

'This should help you oogle better Harry,' she said as they stepped into her bedroom. Harry tried to keep her stable, as she pulled her black jeans off. She bent down to unhook them from her feet, which mean that she was jutting her peachy bottom towards Harry. Who was already straining against his bottoms.

When Lily successfully took off her jeans she turned around before standing up and was eye-to-eye with Harry's bulge and she smiled. She tickled it with her fingertip and looked up at Harry with pleading eyes.

'I think it's rude that I am in my underwear and you are not.'

Not one to back down from a challenge, Harry quickly slipped his shirt and jeans off. Standing in just his boxers in front of his mum. Sensing a challenge, Lily stood up and reached behind herself and unhooked her bra, letting it slip from her arms and dropping to the floor. Her lovely breasts rested on her chest as she bared them for Harry's eyes to feast upon, who's eyes widened into saucers as he took in the beautiful mountains that were peaked with pink gumdrops.

Harry felt his mouth go dry as he gazed upon Lily's perfect figure. He had grown accustomed to seeing her scantily dressed before bed, but this was entirely different. He had never seen his mother naked before and it was both a little overwhelming and incredibly titillating at the same time.

Lily stepped closer to him and cupped his face in her hands biting her bottom lip. She moved closer, pressing their bodies together until it was difficult to tell where hers ended and his began. His heart raced as they shared a slow and passionate kiss; their hands gently exploring each other like untangling knots in a rope.

Eventually, Lily pulled back so their faces were only inches apart, their breathing heavy and uneven. She looked up at him with a mischievous glint in her eye before taking one of his hands and guiding it down the curves of her body until he was cupping one of her breasts in his palm. She gasped as pleasure shot through her veins like lightning bolts zigzagging across the sky during a thunderstorm.

Harry could feel himself getting lost in the sensations coursing through him from Lily's soft skin against his hand; he rested his forehead against hers. He was so excited and confused about the situation, that he didn't know what was the right way to continue. And it seemed that Lily felt the same. She was breathing heavy at Harry's ministrations but was also happy to just feel his warmth.

'Lily,' Harry said. 'Shall we go to bed? You're drunk, and our emotions have been high tonight.’

She hummed her response. She wandlessly summoned one of her signature tank tops and pulled Harry to the bed. Once they were under the covers, their collective body temperatures were high. As they spooned in the bed, none of them made comment on the fact that Harry's hand had never left her boob, or the fact that Harry's hardened bulge was pushing against her plump rear.

The two last Potter's slept peacefully.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lily Potter wasn't trying to hide her sadness as Harry packed his bag--an old magical item that James had told Lily about when they were younger; the Potter family Bag of Holding. A grey bag with the lightest brown etching across it, forming a bowl that had stag horns crowning it. He stuffed travelling clothes, a black fur cloak, different potions, a sleeping equipment, parchment, spare ink, and other essentials. Once the bag was filled with things Lily knew Harry might need, she cleared her throat.

'Close your eyes darling,' she said.

He did and felt her raise his hand and place something cool in his hands. He opened his eyes to see a bronze chain pooling in his palm that connected to a small locket. He raised it up and clicked the button to see it open up to show a portrait of James and Lily holding baby Harry, and on the other face was a photo of Lily, Harry, Sirius, Tonks, Andromeda, Teddy, and Remus that had been taken just before Harry went off to Hogwarts.

He smiled at her.

'Thank you, I really appreciate it!'

The two embraced, neither willing to part from the other.

Then there was a knock at the door.

The two parted, tears welling in Lily's dazzling eyes.

'That'll probably be Sirius.'

The two walked downstairs and through the glass of the front door they could the familiar dark mane that always accompanied Lord Sirius Black, head of house Black and Assistant Head of the Deparment of Magical Law Enforcement.

Harry opened the door and smiled as he saw his godfather.

'Morning pup, we all packed?'

Sirius was wearing a simple black suit and tie, but Harry could see that he had a small yellow ribbon in his pocket. He eyed the black bag at Harry's side.

'Alright, good thing you have a bag of holding, saves you carrying so much!' Sirius said as he hugged his godson.

'I'll just grab the last few things,' said Harry. He turned to his mother, who was trying to hide the fact that she was weeping.

'I do love you mum, I'll write.'

'I love you too son. I'm going to miss you.'

Harry smiled at his mother and embraced her tightly, before turning and walking out the door.

He was saying goodbye to a mother he felt he had only just met, someone he felt he had the starting embers of a great fire with.

The two said their goodbyes to Lily and walked through the garden to Sirius' motorbike that was parked on the curb outside.

The air rushed past them as they sped along the roads, deafening them both from any conversation. Harry looked up to the trees that were now covering the sky, blocking out almost all of the light. As they drove through a wide forest, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding; something was waiting for them in the depths of these woods.

When Sirius finally pulled to a stop, it was at an abandoned building on the outskirts of the forest: Sirius clapped Harry's back.

'This wood is filled with some ancient tribes. If you want training that old No-Noes doesn't have, learning from these guys will be a great place to start.' he then worriedly looked to the woods. 'I've sent message ahead to let them know that you’re on your way. You'll be looking for the Redwood pack. They’re one of a few True Wolf packs left.’

‘True Wolf?’

Sirius nodded, ‘so they don’t exist back in the Other Place, but they’re essentially a tribe of wizards that connected deeply to nature. A few centuries ago, they faithfully followed a wolf god, who blessed the tribe, giving them a blessing. This blessing turned their spiritual wolf into a physical thing. Just like the regular werewolves they transform on a fullmoon. But they also have the power to transform during the rest of the month. On a full-moon, all of their werewolf powers are tripled, and they become blood thirsty. The tribes all fight with one another for territory during this time. You have a while to get yourself integrated and learn their ways before you may be thrown into a wolf-pack war.’

Harry nodded.

‘Will I be learning to become a werewolf?’

Sirius shook his head.

‘only if you get bitten or scratched, making you cursed. They’ll teach you how to use your magic to reinforce your body, heighten your senses and strengthen your body. They’ll help make you a physical warrior.’ He then eyed the trees warily. ‘If you need help with introductions, I'm still happy to come with you.'

Harry shook his head.

'I'll be fine, I feel like I've got some experience surviving in the wild.' He then pulled his wand from his pocket and Sirius clicked his fingers.

'Right!' he pulled a leather strap from the pocket of his coat, 'this is a wand holster. You strap it to your wrist, slide your wand in. It has a few runes crafted into it. Anytime you want to summon your wand, just flick your wrist and it'll pop out into your hand. As long as its within five feet of you, you can flick your wrist and your wand will still pop into your hand, even if it’s not in the holster.'

It was a dark piece of leather with dark purple inscriptions covering the material. Dark metal fasteners to blend in with the material.

Harry smiled as he took the strap and immediately attached it to his right wrist, and slotted his wand into it. Sirius cleared his throat and tapped his wand to the holster, whispering something under his breath. Both it and Harry’s wand vanished. As Harry turned his wrist to-and-fro, he could sometimes make out the outline of it, but the longer he looked, the more invisible it seemed.

‘A prototype. Was inspired by your dads cloak. Thought if we could somehow get the Marauders Map to work, then I could put my mind to this as well. Just give it a tap with your wand, and say “mischief managed” and it’ll turn invisible. Charm ends when you unclip the holster. Oh!’ he clicked his fingers. ‘It is only a prototype, so not sure if it works, but the clasp should only come off if you undo it. So someone else can’t take it away from you. That way you will hopefully always be a flick of the wrist away from having your wand in your hand.’

'Thanks Padfoot,' Harry said. The nickname caused Sirius' to well slightly. He nodded and wished Harry good luck as the boy from another world stepped into the wood.

The dense Welsh forest loomed before Harry, its shadows casting an eerie calm over the moonlit landscape. He took a deep breath, inhaling the damp scent of earth and foliage, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he advanced further into the territory of the Redwoods pack, the howls of werewolves echoed through the night, sending shivers down his spine.

He’d been walking for a while, he practiced summoning his wand with a flick of his wrist, he end chucked it out in front of him and practiced summoning it into his hand. It tingled when it activated the summoning, which tickled Harry.

A lot of the walking was uphill, which Harry didn’t really realise until he noticed that he wasn’t out of breath or straining. He could feel all of his muscles tensing, but he could feel his magic trickling out from his chest and into his muscles.

He never really thought of what magic looked like in people, but he figured it was like a pool. He’d heard someone refer to magic as a pool, or a reserve pool of sorts. So he imagined in his chest was a lake, and right now the lake had tiny streams going down into his muscles to stop him from getting fatigue.

Magic is so cool. He thought.

'Harry Potter,' a gruff voice called out, causing Harry to halt in his tracks. A massive werewolf stood before him, his fur as black as midnight, eyes burning like embers. This was the Alpha, the leader of the Redwoods pack, and the one who would determine Harry's fate. The aura that was coming from this werewolf was too massive not to be.

‘You have entered Redwood territory.’

His voice was harsh, like something trying to cut through thick metal.

Harry bowed slightly.

‘I seek guidance to become stronger. Strong enough to defeat a foe that possess a threat to everyone.’

‘Everyone seeks to be strong, Potter. Why do you seek us?’

Harry thought for a second.

‘Because only a True Wolf understands the importance of learning the ancient ways. The right way.’

There was a pause.

'Prove your courage to us,' the Alpha growled, baring its razor-sharp teeth. 'You must fight one of my strongest warriors. If you win, I will consider your request. If you lose, then the younger ones will have a wizard to play with tonight.'

Harry felt a surge of panic in his chest, but he quickly pushed it aside, focusing on his mission. These Redwoods were straight to the point. The consequences of failure were dire; if he lost this fight, not only would he lose the support of the werewolves, but also risk his own life.

'Very well,' Harry replied, his voice steady despite the fear that crept through his veins. 'I accept your challenge.'

'Good,' the Alpha snarled, gesturing toward a muscular silver-grey werewolf that stepped forward out from the darkness of the trees, its snout wrinkling in a menacing sneer. 'Meet Gavric, one of our most skilled fighters.'

Harry sized up Gavric, noting the way his muscles rippled beneath his silver-grey fur. He could feel the power emanating from the werewolf, and he knew he had to be strategic in order to stand a chance against him.

As Gavric stretched and cracked his knuckles, Harry reached within himself, he imagined the lake and he tried desperately for it to get bigger, or fill him with its power. But the lake barely rippled.

‘f*ck!’ Harry cursed under his breath.

'Begin!' the Alpha roared, and Gavric lunged forward, claws extended and teeth bared. Harry rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the swipe of Gavric's powerful arm. He countered with a quick spell, sending a jet of red light streaking toward Gavric’s leg.

'Stupefy!' Harry shouted, his heart pounding as the second spell struck Gavric in the shoulder, momentarily stunning him.

'Is that all you've got?' Gavric growled, shaking off the effects of the stunner before charging once more.

Harry dodged again, muttering an incantation under his breath to summon a gust of wind that sent Gavric skidding across the forest floor. He could sense the werewolf's frustration mounting, but he knew he had to keep his composure.

'Diffindo!' Harry yelled, slashing his wand through the air like a sword. The Severing Charm caught Gavric across the chest, leaving a deep gash in its wake. But the wolf just gritted its teeth, shook its body. The wound was gone.

He looked up at Harry and smirked.

‘There’s a reason True Wolves are higher on the food chain than wizards. We can do everything you can. And more.’

He then raised his arms to reveal that on the underside of his left bicep. There, a thin wand holster was held, with a wand secured inside. The tip was lit up slightly, a small ball of sky blue light that seemed to be going into Gavric’s arm.

This must be what Sirius was talking about!

The two duelled for what felt like an hour. At least it did to Harry. He tried every spell in his repertoire, and eventually managed to tire the werewolf out. But not significantly damage him.

Harry just had more stamina.

'Enough!' the Alpha barked, stepping between the two combatants. 'You have proven your courage, Harry Potter.'

Harry stood, panting and sweat-drenched, his muscles aching from the over exertion. But as he looked into the eyes of the Alpha, he knew it had all been worth it. He had earned their respect. If he could learn the magic that Gavric used, he’d be one step closer in his quest to defeat Voldemort and protecting this magical world.

'Come,' the Alpha said, extending a hand to help Harry up. 'You have earned your place among us.'

'Thank you,' Harry replied, taking the offered hand and rising to his feet.

‘Lord Black instructed us that you would try to join the pack. That you ask to learn our ways?’

Harry nodded.

‘It isn’t common for a pack to share its secrets.’ Harry nodded to the alpha. ‘If you are serious about this, Potter. Then you will need to accept a pack mark.’

‘I’ll do what it takes.’

'Then let's return to the camp,' the Alpha suggested. 'We have much to discuss.'

'Agreed,' Harry said, wiping the sweat from his brow as they began to walk through the dark woods.

'Are you alright?' the Alpha asked, genuine concern in his voice once they were away from the crowd.

'I'll be fine,' Harry replied, wincing slightly as pain seared through his side where Gavric had struck him. 'It's nothing I can't handle.'

'Your resilience is impressive,' the Alpha stated, nodding approvingly. 'I can see why Sirius spoke highly of you.'

'How do you two know each other? Did you know him?' Harry inquired.

'Only briefly,' the Alpha admitted. 'His department needed to get involved with the Blackclaw’s, one of our neighbouring packs. We helped him out, and the two of us had to communicate a lot to ensure no boundaries were crossed whilst the aurors were here. But in that short time, he showed me how much he valued the importance of loyalty and courage – the same qualities you displayed tonight.'

As they continued walking, Harry found himself taking in the packs camp.

It was an actual camp. Many tents set up, some large like the usual magically enchanted ones. Some regular. Animals on spits, pelts decorating the place. Magical paraphernalia scattered around the place.

He knew that the Faerie law would also apply to the Redwoods, they still had magical blood. The women were all beautiful. Although instead of an hourglass figure that the ‘city’ witches had, they had more of a streamlined athletic build. Petite breasts (bigger ones would get in the way, Harry assumed), but large behinds.

Most had rough cut feathery hair.

The men all seemed to be bulky, and muscly. Harry thought he was one of the most muscular wizards he’d seen, but he guessed that those were by “city” standards. The stronger men were almost a whole foot taller than Harry, were a lot more bulky.

Many were radiating their magical aura’s, and they all seemed different. Harry was excited to learn their type of magic, and their way of life.

Later that night, after trying to tend to his wounds and hearing stories from the other packmates as they ate around a fire, Harry found himself alone in one of the smaller tents in the camp. He was told that he was to share a tent with one of the hunters, Alexander, he was the son of one of alpha’s generals. Luckily he was out at that moment. He lay on the bundle of soft furs that made a makeshift bed, his body still aching from the intense duel with Gavric, he flopped onto it.

'Harry?' whispered a soft voice. He turned to see one of the female werewolves from the pack – her wild, dark blonde hair framing her striking amber eyes.

'Can I help you?' Harry asked, sitting up and studying her curvaceous form as she stepped closer.

She eyed his attempt at fixing his wounds.

'I couldn’t help but look at the… terrible job you did at mending yourself,' she murmured, her delicate fingers tracing the bruises along his chest. The touch sent shivers down Harry's spine, igniting a primal desire within him. Although his magic was almost depleted after his battle with Gavric, he could feel a familiar heat rising in his chest.

'Alright,' he agreed, his breath hitching as she began to work her magic, healing his battered body.

As her hands moved over him, Harry felt his pain dissipate, replaced by a growing need. Their eyes locked. He felt his magic hum and burn in his chest.

‘I find it strange, having you touch my body like this, you know my name, but I don’t know yours.’

She chuckled.

‘I’m Samantha, Samantha Redwood. Giles Redwood, the alpha, is my father.’ She then cleared her throat. ‘The reason I’m here, is to actually introduce myself. Father has told me that I’m to train you in our ways till you can prove yourself in—’

‘so, we’re going to be spending a lot of time together?’ Harry asked as he glanced down at the outline of her nipples through her top.

Tonks words echoed in his mind.

I can’t sleep with the first beautiful witch I meet. He scolded himself. I definitely can’t be flirting with the alpha’s daughter!

Chapter 3: Chapter Three


Harry begins learning the ways of the Redwood packs.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


THE SUN DIPPED low in the sky, casting a warm golden light over the training grounds. Harry stood at the edge of the field, watching Samantha – the Alpha's daughter and a fierce, skilled fighter – as she paced back and forth, preparing to begin their session. His green eyes sparkled with determination, his eagerness to learn and become stronger driving him forward.

'Alright, Harry,' Samantha called out, her voice strong and confident. 'Let's get started.' She faced him, her powerful muscular build evident even beneath the loose-fitting training gear she wore. Scars from numerous battles crisscrossed her skin, each one telling a story of resilience and triumph.

'Okay,' Harry replied, taking a deep breath and stepping into the training area. He observed Samantha with admiration, her toned biceps and thighs testament to her rigorous training regimen.

'The main focus of our training will be on blending your magical abilities with physical strength,' Samantha explained, her brown eyes focused on him, holding an intensity that made Harry feel that she was challenging him to say something stupid.

'Sounds great,' Harry said, his excitement palpable despite the fact that he didn’t really have much of an idea of what it was she was asking of him. They began with some basic exercises, Harry mimicking Samantha's moves, trying to find what his own limitations were. Knowing was half the battle, Samantha had told him.

As they trained, Samantha offered tips and guidance, her encouragement only serving to deepen Harry's motivation. They moved through various drills, working up a sweat as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the field.

'Remember to breathe, Harry,' Samantha reminded him, as he struggled through a particularly difficult series of movements. 'Your power comes from within – you have to let it flow naturally.'

Harry nodded, focusing on his breathing and attempting to channel the magic within him into his muscles. He could feel it, a tingling sensation that sent warmth coursing through his veins, but he couldn't quite harness it yet. He glanced over at Samantha, her own muscles rippling with an almost inhuman strength.

'Keep going,' she urged him, her voice firm but supportive. 'You can do this.'

As the evening wore on, Harry felt himself making progress, his muscles bulging and the magic glowing brighter with every flex and twist. He could sense the connection growing stronger, the flow of energy becoming more natural as he pushed himself to his limits.

She made him run a few laps, do a few push ups, nothing too strenuous, but it was taking a lot in Harry to keep up the flow of magic. A couple of times he lost concentration and would fall flat on his face. She laughed at him.

'Alright, that's enough for today,' Samantha said finally, as the last traces of sunlight faded from the sky. Harry stood there, panting and covered in sweat, but feeling energized and powerful.

When the sun went down, that is when the hunters in the pack headed out to get food, the younger wolves would train, some would go for runs, some would brawl, some would wake up to start their day.

Harry was stationed with the teachers, to assist in teaching the younger wolves the ways of the wizarding world.

'Thank you, Samantha,' he told her sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude. 'I'm starting to feel more confident in my abilities.'

'Good,' she replied, offering him a smile that spoke of pride and camaraderie. 'Tomorrow we'll push even harder. You have untapped potential, Harry, and I believe in you.'

With that, they parted ways, leaving Harry standing alone on the training field, flexing his newly strengthened muscles and feeling the surge of magical energy flowing through him. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that with Samantha by his side, he would continue to grow stronger and more capable.

'Pay close attention, Harry,' Samantha instructed, her voice steady and commanding. Her muscular arms flexed as she focused, her eyes locked on her biceps. A faint glow of magical energy began to radiate from her skin, casting an ethereal light across the dimly lit training area.

‘Wow,’ Harry whispered, unable to tear his gaze away from the captivating sight. The way the magic flowed through Samantha's muscles, enhancing their already formidable strength, was mesmerizing.

‘Your turn,’ she prompted, her green eyes meeting his with a mixture of encouragement and challenge.

Harry took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind and focus on the task at hand. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the warmth that seemed to emanate from deep within his core.

‘Let the magic flow into your muscles,’ Samantha guided, her voice soft yet strong in the stillness of the room. ‘Channel it, control it, feel it become one with your body.’

As he followed her instructions, a tingling sensation spread through Harry's muscles, like the gentlest of electric currents. It felt both alien and exhilarating, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Slowly, he opened his eyes, glancing down at his own arm as he attempted to replicate Samantha's technique.

‘Focus, Harry,’ she urged him gently, sensing his slight unease. ‘Trust yourself and your magic.’

Taking another deep breath, Harry did just that. He allowed the warmth and tingling to fully envelop his biceps, feeling the intensity of the sensations growing stronger with each passing second.

‘Ah!’ he exclaimed as the magic began to visibly manifest itself, causing his muscles to glow with the same magical aura that Samantha had demonstrated earlier. The sensation was intense, but not painful; it was as if his very flesh was infused with raw power.

‘Very good, Harry,’ Samantha praised, her eyes sparkling with approval. ‘You're a natural at this.’

‘Thank you,’ Harry replied, his chest swelling with pride at her words. He could feel the confidence surging through him, bolstered by the newfound strength in his muscles.

‘Remember to stay focused and keep practicing,’ Samantha reminded him, her tone serious once more. ‘This is just the beginning of your journey.’

Harry nodded, determined to master the art of muscle magic and unlock the full potential that lay within him. With Samantha's guidance and support, he felt ready to face any challenge that came his way.

Despite his initial success, Harry found that mastering the technique of infusing magic into his muscles was no easy task. As he stood in the training area, sweat dripping down his forehead, he could feel the power within him flickering weakly, threatening to fade away entirely. His muscles trembled with the effort of maintaining the magical aura, and he gritted his teeth, determined not to give up.

‘Focus on your breathing, Harry,’ Samantha advised, her voice calm and steady as she observed him closely. ‘Deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let the magic flow through you.’

Harry nodded, trying to follow her instructions, but it was easier said than done. The sensation of warmth and tingling seemed to slip through his fingers like sand, leaving him feeling frustrated and defeated.

‘Damn it!’ he muttered under his breath, clenching his fists as the magic dissipated once more.

‘Hey, don't be so hard on yourself,’ Samantha reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Her touch was warm and comforting, and Harry found himself inexplicably drawn to her. ‘This is a difficult skill to master, even for experienced fighters. You're doing better than most would at this stage.’

‘Really?’ Harry asked skeptically, trying to quell the doubts that gnawed at him from within.

‘Absolutely,’ Samantha confirmed, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. ‘But you can't let frustration get the better of you. It'll only make it harder for you to control your magic.’

‘Right,’ Harry agreed, taking a deep breath and attempting to centre himself. He focused on the image of his muscles glowing with magical energy, willing it to become reality once more. This time, he paid careful attention to his breathing, letting each inhale and exhale guide the flow of magic through his body.

‘Good, that's it,’ Samantha praised as she saw the flickering aura begin to reappear around his biceps. ‘Keep going, and remember to stay relaxed.’

‘Relaxed?’ Harry thought incredulously, but he tried to follow her advice nonetheless. He found that as he let go of his tension, the magical energy seemed to flow more easily, growing steadier with each passing moment.

‘See? You're getting the hang of it,’ Samantha said with a smile, her eyes filled with pride as she watched Harry's progress. ‘With time and practice, you'll be able to harness this power whenever you need it.’

‘Thank you, Samantha,’ Harry replied, feeling a renewed sense of determination. He knew there was still much to learn, but with her guidance and encouragement, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would continue to push their limits and unlock the true potential that resided within them both.

Over the course of several weeks, Harry found himself growing more adept at channelling the muscle magic under Samantha's watchful gaze. They worked diligently in the training area, their bodies slick with sweat as they practiced the techniques she taught him.

‘Harry, focus on your core,’ Samantha instructed, her voice firm but encouraging. ‘That's where your power comes from.’

‘Right,’ Harry mumbled, concentrating on the muscles deep within his abdomen as he attempted to infuse them with magical energy. He felt the familiar warmth and tingling sensation spreading throughout his body, and as he looked down, he saw the once-flickering aura around his biceps now glowing brighter and steadier.

‘Wow,’ he breathed, marvelling at the sight. He could feel the strength coursing through him, the power of the muscle magic surging like a torrent within his veins.

‘Keep going,’ Samantha urged, her eyes locked onto his progress. ‘You're doing great, but there's still more you can achieve.’

Harry nodded and pushed himself further, his muscles bulging and straining as he harnessed the magical energy within. His entire body was a symphony of power, each sinew and tendon working harmoniously to control the flow of magic.

As he continued to improve, Harry noticed a shift in his mindset. A newfound confidence was beginning to bloom within him, replacing the lingering self-doubt that had plagued him for so long. He began to trust in his abilities and believe in the strength he possessed, both physically and magically.

‘Remember, it's not just about raw power,’ Samantha reminded him one day as they took a short break from their training. ‘It's about control, precision, and balance. Don't let the magic overwhelm you.’

‘I understand,’ Harry replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He knew that this newfound power could be dangerous if left unchecked, his duel with Sirius taught him that, and he was determined to master it fully.

‘Good, let's continue,’ Samantha said, her voice filled with admiration for Harry's progress. ‘You're doing an incredible job.’

‘Thank you,’ he replied, feeling a swell of pride and accomplishment wash over him. He'd come so far under Samantha's tutelage, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for her guidance and support.

As the days turned into weeks, the bond between Harry and Samantha continued to grow. They spent countless hours together, honing their skills and pushing each other to new heights. The air between them crackled with intensity, their connection forged through sweat and determination.

‘Alright, let's see what you've got now,’ Samantha challenged one day, stepping back and gesturing for Harry to show her his progress.

With a deep breath, Harry focused his magic and channeled it into his muscles. He felt the familiar warmth and tingling sensation building within him, but this time, it was accompanied by a surge of confidence and self-assurance. He flexed his biceps, and they glowed brilliantly, the magical aura steady and bright.

'Fantastic,' Samantha praised, her eyes wide with awe as she took in Harry's display of power. ‘You're truly mastering this technique, Harry. I'm proud of you.’

‘Couldn't have done it without you,’ he responded, feeling a surge of gratitude towards her.

Samantha stood before Harry, her eyes blazing with determination. ‘You've learned so much, but you’re still nowhere near ready, really… There's still so much untapped potential within you,’ she said, her voice firm yet encouraging. ‘But don’t worry, we’ve still got time.’

‘Alright,’ he agreed, taking a deep breath. ‘What do I need to do?’

‘First, let's test where the limits of your muscle magic are,’ Samantha replied, her gaze never wavering. ‘I want you to channel as much magical energy as you can into your muscles, then use that power to lift that massive boulder over there.’

Harry glanced at the boulder, a colossal piece of stone that must have weighed several tons. He swallowed hard, there was no way that he was able to lift a bloody boulder.

As he approached the boulder, he felt doubt creeping in, threatening to overwhelm him. He always felt slightly anxious performing something new in front of Samantha. Like there was a part of him scared to embarrass himself in front of her.

‘Remember,’ Samantha called out, sensing his hesitation. ‘Believe in yourself and trust your abilities! I have faith in you Harry!’

Taking a deep breath, Harry closed his eyes and focused on the magic that coursed through him. It was like a river, flowing from the core of his being and radiating outward. As he drew upon this power, he felt a connection unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was as if he were becoming one with the magic itself.

With newfound confidence, Harry flexed his muscles, which began to bulge and glow with an intense magical aura. He wrapped his arms around the boulder, his fingers digging into the cold, rough surface. Gritting his teeth, he strained against the immense weight, feeling his muscles trembling under the pressure.

‘Come on, Harry!’ Samantha shouted, her voice filled with encouragement. ‘You can do this!’

‘Believe in yourself,’ Harry repeated to himself, his inner voice growing stronger and more resolute. ‘I can do this.’

Suddenly, as if a barrier had been shattered within him, the boulder began to rise from the ground. Inch by inch, it lifted higher, until Harry held it above his head, triumph etched across his face.

Samantha whooped with delight, rushing over to congratulate him. ‘That was incredible, Harry! I knew you could do it!’

‘Thank you, Samantha,’ he panted, his chest heaving from the effort. ‘I couldn't have done it without your guidance and support.’

As they stood there, their eyes locked, the air between them crackling with electricity, Harry felt more connected to his magic and his own abilities than ever before. He knew that with Samantha by his side, there was nothing they couldn't overcome together.

After their intense training session, Harry and Samantha sat side by side on the edge of a small cliff overlooking the vast forest below. The golden hues of the setting sun bathed the trees in a warm glow, casting long shadows that stretched out like fingers reaching for the horizon. A cool breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of pine and damp earth.

‘Sometimes, after a hard day, I come here to clear my head,’ Samantha said softly, her gaze fixed on the endless expanse before them. ‘It reminds me of what we're fighting for. It is an honour to protect my family’s history. Their legacy. The Redwood is one of the few ancient places of my people left. And it is beautiful.’

Harry nodded in agreement, his eyes never leaving her face. He couldn't help but admire the way the fading sunlight glinted off her scarred skin, highlighting her strong jawline and fierce determination. Even at rest, she seemed poised for action, her toned muscles rippling beneath her taut flesh.

‘Tell me about your favourite things.’

She seemed startled by Harry’s question, ‘What?’

‘What challenges have you faced?’

Samantha hesitated for a moment, as if deciding which memories to share. Then, with a wry smile, she began recounting tales of her early days as a fighter – her gruelling training sessions, her first victories, and the setbacks she had overcome. She spoke in detail of a time she and Alexander got into a brawl because of their opposing views. It has been said in the pack that before Sam was born, the Redwood alphas had only ever had male sons. That Giles was shocked when Sam was born. The boys in the pack treat her like the princess she is supposed to be. Except Alexander. Due to their fathers close relationship they grew up closely, which meant that they were constantly butting heads. Apart of Samantha really hated him. But most of the pack assumes that the two will one day become a mated pair, but she’d rather rip his balls off some days. As she spoke, Harry marvelled at her resilience and strength, feeling a surge of admiration for this remarkable woman who had fought so hard for her place in the world.

‘Your strength is truly inspiring,’ Harry whispered, his eyes locked on hers. ‘I can only hope to be as strong and fearless as you one day.’

A slow flush crept up Samantha's cheeks, but she held his gaze, her eyes shining with a mixture of gratitude and something else – something that made Harry's heart skip a beat. ‘You have the potential to be even stronger, Harry,’ she said softly, her hand reaching out to rest on his thigh. ‘But strength isn't just about physical power. It's also about believing in yourself and trusting your instincts. ’

As their fingers brushed against each other, Harry felt a jolt of electricity run through him, igniting a fire within that seemed to fan the flames of his newfound magical abilities. He knew Samantha was right; he needed to trust himself and embrace the magic coursing through his veins.

‘Thank you, Samantha,’ he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. ‘I’m ready to try again.’

Later, after Harry said his goodbyes to Sam, he walked over to his and Alexanders tent. As he ducked inside he saw Alexander going through Harry’s bag and holding his invisibility cloak.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Harry asked.

His voice startled the bulkier wolf.

‘What’d you—None of your business.’ He then raised the cloak. ‘Where’d you get this?’

Harry marched over and reached out to snatch one of his most prized possessions but Alexander pulled his arms back, just out of Harry’s reach.

‘I can smell the magic comin’ off of this. How did a runt like you get your hands on something like this?’

Harry clenched his jaw as his emerald eyes met Alexanders brown.

‘It was my fathers.’

‘The great and brain-dead Lord Potty-brain had something this powerful?’ he asked eyeing the cloak. ‘Bet he stole it.’

‘My father didn’t steal it.’ Harry said, clenching his fists.

Alexander smirked. He knew he hit a nerve.

‘I bet he did. I bet he was weak and pathetic. Needed other people to help him fight his battles for him.’ He then stepped towards Harry, pushing his chest against him. ‘Just like you.’

‘Don’t push your luck, Alex.’

The bigger lad squinted at Harry.

‘You don’t get to call me that. Only Sam does.’

‘I’ll call you whatever I like, Alex.’ He then eyed the cloak. ‘And what makes Sam so special that only she gets to call you nicknames?’

‘She’s going to be my mate someday. Everyone knows it. She’s only spending time with you because Giles has commanded it. There’s no way she’d willingly spend time with someone who doesn’t have a wolf in him. Like you.’

Harry gritted his teeth.

‘You’ve got a big mouth, for a mongrel.’

Alexander’s eyes widened, he muttered something under his breath, his muscles tensed as the fine hairs that usually cover a human body thickened, and darkened until his whole body was covered in dark brown fur, his eyes shimmered to a light yellow.

‘What did you f*cking say wizard scum?!’

Harry had to leap back as the True Wolf suddenly lunged forward with startling speed. Before Harry could react, he felt a powerful grip on his shoulders as Alexander picked him up effortlessly. With a roar, Alexander hurled Harry through the air, sending him crashing into the tent's tattered canvas wall.

The impact was jarring, and Harry landed just outside the tent, disoriented and winded. As he struggled to his feet, he realized that the commotion had drawn the attention of the people milling about the camp. Confusion and alarm spread through the onlookers.

Before Harry could warn them or regain his bearings, Alexander charged out of the tent, his feral instincts once again taking over. Harry rolled to the side as spells of varying strength, fueled by his determination, but lacking his wand's precision, bounced harmlessly off Alexander's thick fur.

The battle between them raged on, with Harry doing his best to mitigate the damages and avoid causing harm to anyone in the vicinity. Alexander continued to throw objects and charge at Harry, his sheer brute strength and speed making him a formidable adversary.

Realizing that he couldn't rely solely on spells, Harry made a critical decision. He slotted his wand into the holster on his wrist, freeing up both his hands. Drawing on his training with Samantha and the lessons in connecting to nature, he let his magic flow through him, filling his veins and heightening his senses.

In an instant, he felt a surge of strength coursing through his muscles. His once lean frame bulged with newfound power, and his reflexes sharpened. He charged toward Alexander, meeting the True Wolf head-on in a melee fight.

The clash was intense, with both combatants trading blows and grapples. Harry's newfound physical strength allowed him to hold his ground against the formidable True Wolf. Each punch and kick was infused with his magical energy, making him a formidable opponent.

But as the fight continued, Harry realized that he might not be able to subdue Alexander on his own. That's when two larger, stronger wolves suddenly appeared. They lunged at Alexander, grabbing him and pulling him away from Harry.

Harry watched in astonishment as the two wolves, clearly more dominant within the pack, asserted their control over Alexander. The True Wolf struggled against their grip but eventually yielded, reverting to his human form, panting and dishevelled.

Amid the chaos, Samantha appeared, her brow furrowed with concern and sweat dripping down her face. She rushed over to Harry, who was still catching his breath, and helped him to his feet.

‘Harry, are you okay?’ Samantha asked, her voice filled with worry.

He smiled, ‘never better.’ He then turned to look at his ruined tent. His invisibility cloak shimmering on the ground next to his bag. ‘But I think I need a new tent.’

Samantha nodded.

‘I’ll talk to dad.’

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A few days later, as he returned to his new tent after he’d been standing among the towering trees of the Redwood pack's territory, his breath visible in the chilly air as he observed their members preparing for the evening's activities. He’d received letters. Turns out that Sirius had dropped by to check in on Harry, drop off letters and give him a present from his mum. But Harry didn’t get to see his godfather. Giles thought it wasn’t good for his training. But Sirius had watched as Harry taught a class of young wolves about the story of Dinah Hecat and the Black Hebridean.

He hadn’t had a chance to use his birthday present from her. It was a dark acromantula silk scarf with a protective rune stitched into it to make Harry’s body always at the right temperature. Never cold, never hot.

He’d received letters from his mum, Tonks, Neville and Gringotts. The letter from Neville, who in this world was both the Boy-Who-Lived and also his best friend, was about how excited Neville was to be apart of a grand duelling tournament and couldn’t wait to tell Harry about it. He also mentioned that he’d heard that Harry hadn’t been seen in school yet and asked if everything was okay.

The letter from his mum was of her saying how much she’d missed Harry, that she’s felt so lonely at nights when Harry hasn’t been there. Her job is pretty boring, she’s thinking of looking for a new one. And that she hopes her present comes in handy for him. She clipped a muggle photograph of her wearing the scarf in the letter. She was wearing her signature vest top (although this one had a very plunging V neckline), and bootyshort pyjamas, with the scarf around her neck, both tails of the scarf drapped over her back. Her hands were together in front of her, her arms pushing her breasts together. Due to the lighting of the photograph, he could have sworn he could see her nipples pressing against her top. There was a little mirror, roughly seven inches in length, that the letter stated if Harry tapped it with his wand three times, that it would take an “instant reflection photo” that would appear in a mirror that Lily has. A new invention that she had received from a friend recently.

Harry, not really thinking much about his appearance, wrapped the scarf around his topless chiselled frame, used the levitation charm on the mirror, tapped it three times, put a hand on his hip and smiled at the mirror as it took photograph of him. He didn’t have time to check it as the mirror instantly turned dark, fell to the floor and vanished.

Weird. Harry thought.

The letter from Tonks was basically her demanding that he return and f*ck her. She then listed all the ways she’d like him to have her. She described a wet dream to him (in which he f*cked her doggy-style underneath his invisibility cloak in the middle of Diagon Alley). She was finding her training interesting, but with her mind always on Harry, Moody kept telling her off.

The letter from Gringotts was what shocked Harry the most.

It started out as a generic bank statement, telling him how much was currently in his own account, but then the letter went on to explain that the appointment that James Potter had set up with the bank between Harry and the Potter accounts manager was coming up. A friendly reminder, it stated. But warned Harry that he needed to attend the meeting, regardless.

He was filled with warmth at his mothers letter, and was reminded of his struggle with his growing attraction to Lily Potter. His magic flared up at Tonks, and he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. If he was going to be in a relationship with anyone in this world, Tonks was definitely a top contender for him.

He wrote a quick reply to Neville telling him that he was out on a private training excursion courtesy of Sirius. He told his mother that he would be back sooner than she could imagine. He wrote to Tonks of how he’d love to do that with her, and one-upped her by detailing how he was going to make her cum whilst they did it. He chuckled to himself as he sealed that letter.

He then responded to Gringotts telling them that he will be at the meeting.

As he sent the letters away, he knew that he had given himself a deadline of when he needed to leave.

Samantha approached, her stride confident and purposeful. As her head ducked into his tent, her eyes widened and a red tint graced her cheeks as she checked out his physique. Her eyes lingering on the V of his hips that almost literally pointed to his groin.

‘H-harry,’ she said, nodding in greeting, trying her best to stay composed. ‘R-ready for tonight's lesson?’

‘Definitely,’ he replied, his green eyes sparkling with determination.

As they walked together through the forest, Samantha began explaining the werewolf community's deep connection to nature. ‘We believe that our powers are derived from the earth itself, and so we must live in harmony with it.’

‘Harmony?’ Harry questioned, curious about what this entailed.

‘Exactly,’ Samantha continued. ‘Our magic is connected to the natural world, and we find strength in the elements. The trees, the soil, the water... all these things are alive with energy, and we can draw upon that energy to enhance our abilities.’

Harry watched as she crouched down, placing her palm on the damp earth. The ground beneath her hand seemed to pulse with life, and he could almost feel the energy coursing through her veins.

‘Remarkable,’ he murmured, captivated by the sight.

‘Would you like to try?’ Samantha offered, standing up and dusting off her hands.

'Can I?' Harry asked hesitantly, unsure if he possessed the same connection to nature that the werewolves did.

‘Your magic may be different from ours, but I believe you can still experience a connection to the natural world,’ she assured him. ‘Try placing your hand on the ground and focusing your thoughts.’

Harry followed her instructions, kneeling down and resting his palm on the cold, moist earth. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the sensation of the soil beneath his fingertips. As he did so, he felt an unexpected surge of warmth, a faint tingling that seemed to resonate within him.

‘Wow,’ he breathed, opening his eyes in wonder. ‘I can feel it... the energy.’

Samantha smiled, pleased by his ability to connect with the earth. ‘That's just the beginning, Harry. There's so much more for you to learn, both about our ways and your own potential.’

As they continued their exploration of the Redwoods' connection to nature, Harry's fascination grew. He learned of their rituals and practices, each one rooted in the belief that living in harmony with nature would enhance their powers and bring them closer to their true selves.

And throughout it all, the bond between him and Samantha only deepened. Their shared love for magic, their mutual thirst for knowledge, and their desire to grow stronger created an undeniable connection. A friendship with a strong foundation. Harry found himself always looking forward to the sun setting and meeting with Samanth for their training sessions. And she would be lying if she didn’t feel the same.

Harry and Samantha sat cross-legged on the moss-covered ground, their fingers interlaced as they stared into each other's eyes, deeply immersed in their discussion about werewolf abilities.

‘Your connection to nature allows you to harness unique abilities that others can't,’ Samantha explained, her eyes reflecting the dancing light of the nearby fire. ‘For example, our heightened senses give us an edge in battle or when tracking someone. We can hear the faintest sounds, smell emotions, and see in complete darkness.’

‘Wow,’ Harry muttered, completely enthralled by the fascinating world of werewolves. His mind raced with thoughts of how these abilities could aid him in his fight against Voldemort and his search for witches to bind.

‘However,’ Samantha continued, her voice tinged with sadness, ‘our abilities can also be our curse. The full moon forces us to transform into fearsome beasts, unable to control our actions. Our senses can become overwhelming, driving some to madness.’

Harry squeezed her hand gently, offering support while silently pondering the duality of their powers. ‘How do you manage the curse?’ he asked, genuinely curious.

‘Discipline and acceptance,’ she replied, her voice steady and resolute. ‘We learn to embrace both the gift and the curse, finding balance within ourselves. It's not always easy, but it's what makes us strong.’

Days passed, and Harry continued to immerse himself in the Redwoods' way of life. He joined them in their hunts, feeling the thrill of the chase as they pursued their prey through the lush forest, their magic racing through their veins, enhancing their senses and physical bodies. He observed their rituals, witnessing firsthand the raw power and beauty of their connection to nature. And all the while, his relationship with Samantha deepened, the two finding inside jokes, slight touches here and there. Despite the amount of concentration and magic used in his training with Sam, he always found his magic core burning in his chest. Always having to retreat to his tent to relieve himself of any excess magic.

One evening, after a particularly successful hunt, Harry found himself lying in his tent, alone with his thoughts. He pictured the sultry look in Tonks' eye as she swallowed his cum and made him promise to one day bind her. Of his beautiful mother baring her breasts to him. Of the prim-and-proper Narcissa Malfoy bent over a toilet as he pushed into her from behind. Of the kind of magic he would be able to add to his own if he bound them. Then his thoughts turned to Samantha. Of her smile. Of her frustrated sighs. Of her passion for magic, for fighting, for training him. He was quickly getting comfortable here. And although that was great for him. He knew that he had to remind himself of his goal. To become powerful enough to stop Voldemort before it’s too late.

He knew that if he wanted to get powerful, he’d need to take advantage of the Merlin Law, but apart of him still wasn’t sure if it was the right thing. Binding someone’s magic to yours felt like an intimate thing, and almost an invasion of privacy. He knew that he’d need to do it at some point. He just wasn’t sure he’d ever have that connection with somewhere where he felt confident enough to do it.

Although, he thought to himself. Tonks has expressed more than once how willing she is.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden light over the forest clearing as Harry and Samantha sat cross-legged on the soft grass, their magical tomes open before them. The air was alive with the hum of insects and the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.

‘Have you ever heard of the Spell of Elemental Manipulation?’ Samantha asked, her amber eyes wide with excitement as she gazed at Harry. Her fingers traced the intricate runes decorating the pages of her book.

‘Elemental Manipulation? No, I haven't,’ Harry admitted, his green eyes reflecting the curiosity that sparked within him. ‘What does it do?’

Samantha smiled, her canines glinting in the fading sunlight. ‘It allows the caster to control and manipulate the elements – earth, air, fire, and water – to a certain extent. As you further your connection to the natural magic around us, it should be easier to do over time.’

‘Really?’ Harry's heart raced at the thought of being able to control the elements. He hadn’t tried to summon the fire magic that slumbered within his core since his duel with Sirius. He didn’t trust himself to lose control. ‘Do… do you think you could teach me?’

‘Well… I’ve never been able to cast it myself, but I can show you what I know and we can work on it together?’ Samantha replied, her smile turning playful. She instructed him on the proper wand movements and incantations, her voice confident and steady. As they practiced, their hands brushing against each other occasionally, an intense connection formed between them, one that went beyond their shared love for magic.

‘Like this?’ Harry inquired, trying to mimic Samantha's fluid motions as he swished his wand through the air.

‘Almost,’ she said, gently guiding his hand to correct his form. They worked together, laughter bubbling up between them as they stumbled through the complicated spell, the thrill of learning something new driving them onward.

Finally, after several attempts, Harry managed to cast the spell successfully. There was a pull at his gut, the hairs on his upper arm stood on end as a gust of wind swirled around them, lifting their hair and causing leaves to dance in the air. Harry grinned, feeling triumphant and powerful.

‘Amazing!’ He exclaimed, turning to Samantha, his eyes alight with excitement. ‘What's next?’

'Let's try fire,' she suggested, her own enthusiasm infectious. Together, they bent over their books again, their fingers brushing as they turned the pages in search of the correct passage.

As the stars emerged in the night sky, Harry and Samantha continued to practice. As they were only able to conjure flickering flames and flowing water (nothing compared to what Harry did before), they became increasingly aware of each other's presence – the sound of Samantha's breath, the warmth of Harry's body beside her.

‘Thank you for teaching me all this, Sam,’ Harry said, his voice filled with gratitude. ‘I feel like I'm becoming a stronger wizard every day.’

‘Harry, it's been a pleasure,’ Samantha replied, her eyes meeting his. ‘I've learned so much from you too.’

In that moment, their desire to learn together transformed into a different kind of yearning – one that burned as hot as the flames they had conjured moments before. Their eyes locked, and without a word, they closed the gap between them, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss that seemed to ignite the very air around them.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Redwood forest. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth as Harry and Samantha walked along a narrow path that wound through the towering trees. Shafts of golden light broke through the canopy, illuminating the vibrant green ferns that blanketed the forest floor. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves above them, creating a soothing symphony of whispers throughout the woods.

‘Harry,’ Samantha began, her voice filled with enthusiasm, ‘I want to show you something unique about our pack.’

‘Sure, I'm always eager to learn,’ Harry replied, following her closely, his curiosity piqued.

They continued walking until they reached a small clearing where several werewolves were gathered. As they approached, Harry noticed a circle of stones in the centre of the clearing. A sense of reverence hung in the air, and he could feel the energy radiating from the gathered werewolves.

‘Welcome, Harry,’ said an elder werewolf named Thomas, extending a friendly hand. ‘We've heard so much about you. We're glad to have you here with us.’

‘Thank you,’ Harry replied genuinely, shaking Thomas's hand.

‘Today, we would like to share with you an ancient ritual of the Ture Wolves,’ Thomas explained. ‘It is a rite of passage for our young ones to witness this ritual, and it teaches them the importance of our connection with nature.’

Harry nodded, eager to learn more about their culture.

‘Before we begin,’ Samantha whispered, leaning closer to him, ‘remember that what you see here is sacred to us. Treat it with respect.’

‘Of course,’ Harry assured her, his eyes never leaving the scene before him.

The werewolves formed a tight circle around the stone formation, each person placing one hand on the shoulder of the person next to them. Their voices rose together in a hauntingly beautiful chant, harmonizing with the sounds of the forest. Harry felt a shiver run down his spine as he watched the ritual unfold.

‘By performing this ritual,’ Thomas explained to Harry, ‘our young ones learn to tap into the natural energies around them. This is the foundation of our magic and our bond with the earth.’

As the chanting reached its peak, a surge of energy rippled through the werewolves, causing the air to crackle with power. The stones in the circle began to glow, pulsating with a soft, ethereal light. A sense of awe washed over Harry as he realized the magnitude of what he was witnessing.

‘Wow,’ he whispered to Samantha, his voice barely audible amid the chanting. ‘This is incredible.’

‘Magic is powerful when it's connected to something greater than ourselves,’ she replied, her eyes shining with pride. ‘Our connection to nature holds the key to unlocking our full potential.’

As the ritual concluded, Harry felt humbled and enlightened by the experience. He thanked Thomas and the other werewolves for sharing their sacred rite with him, understanding that it was an immense privilege.

A few days later, Harry found himself invited to yet another ritual – this one involving the binding of two werewolves in matrimony. The sun had set hours ago, and the moon cast a silver glow over the forest clearing where the ceremony would take place.

He’d spent the day hearing of how the ritual was best done close to a fullmoon. Which sparked a conversation about the upcoming territory battles with the local packs. Despite his training, Harry wasn’t sure he could deal with multiple werewolves like Alexander.

Harry had actually been given a spare outfit by Alexander as an olive branch. It was a loincloth that barely covered his crouch, fur boots, and straps over his arms and chest that criss-crossed to form the Redwood pack emblem.

He’d been pleased when Sam had sat next to him.

‘Harry,’ Samantha whispered as they stood among the other pack members, all dressed in traditional ceremonial attire. ‘This is a very important moment for our kind. When we bind ourselves to another, it's not just a symbol of love and devotion, but also the sharing of our magic.’

Harry looked at her curiously, his green eyes reflecting the moonlight. ‘So, when you say 'bind,' do you mean like, the Merlin’s Law?’

He’d told her about it during one of their training sessions. When you connect to nature, it made him more… free. And as he got more comfortable with Sam, he felt more comfortable talking to her.

‘Exactly,’ Samantha nodded. ‘When two werewolves marry, they connect their magical energies through a powerful spell that can only be performed once in a lifetime. Merlin’s Law requires a powerful witch or wizard to do the binding. There’s a reason its an ancient law. No one is really powerful enough in this age to do it. But the ancient True Wolves discovered that if an alpha performs the binding during a mating ceremony, it works almost the same way. Once bound, there's no turning back. It's why virginity for both men and women is so sacred among us – because it represents the purity of our magic before it becomes intertwined with someone else's.’

'Wow,' Harry said, taking in the gravity of the situation. As a wizard, he was free to have sex with whomever he wanted, but the werewolf customs were vastly different.

As the ceremony began, a hush fell over the crowd. The couple, bathed in moonlight, stood before an altar made of intertwined branches and adorned with flowers. A sense of reverence permeated the air, and Harry felt privileged to witness such a deeply personal event.

‘By the power of the moon goddess, who blesses us with power, fertility, love, marriage, and protection,’ the alpha intoned, ‘I now bind your souls and your magic together, for all eternity.’

The couple joined hands, and a brilliant white light enveloped them, casting long shadows on the ground. Harry could almost feel the surge of energy as their magic began the merging process.

The gathered packmates began humming in unison as they stripped each other of their clothes. The man, a tall, lean fellow, held his brunette wife gently in his arms as he entered her. As the light that bathed them became more intense, their bodies shifted into their wolf forms. The man turned his wife over so that he could thrust into her from behind. The rutting couple groaned and growled until the man’s body shuddered. Everyone cheered as the light turned golden and dissipated until it was a light golden glow in their chests that then vanished. The man pulled himself from his wife, their bones cracking and body’s shrinking as they returned to human form. He had a big smile on his face as he (and everyone else) saw his cum leaking down her leg. They raised their arms and cheered. Everyone surged forward to congratulate the pair.

As the ceremony concluded, and the pack celebrated with joyful howls and dancing, Harry couldn't help but reflect on his own beliefs and values. Witnessing this sacred union caused him to question his own understanding of love, fidelity, and the responsibilities that came with sharing one's magic.

‘Harry,’ Samantha said, breaking into his thoughts. ‘I hope you understand now why our traditions are so important to us.’

‘I do,’ he replied sincerely, looking deep into her eyes. ‘It's beautiful, really. The level of commitment and trust required is incredible.’

‘Thank you. Most wizards would turn their nose up at the ritual. Your kind seem to not really have a stomach for intimacy like we do. Thank you for being here,’ she said softly, her hand brushing against his. Their fingers entwined, and Harry felt a warmth spread through him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hidden within the shadows of the towering trees, Harry Potter stood on a small, makeshift training ground, his muscles glistening with sweat as he pushed himself to his limits. The upcoming battle against the rival pack weighed heavily on his mind, driving him to train harder than ever before. His desire to protect Samantha and the Redwoods pack fuelled his determination and gave him the strength to endure the gruelling regimen.

‘Again!’ barked Samantha from the sidelines, her eyes locked onto Harry's every move. She had taken it upon herself to help him prepare for the fight, and her fierce, unwavering commitment only served to fuel his motivation.

Harry gritted his teeth and launched into another set of exercises, his body aching but refusing to give in. With each thrust of his wand, he sent torrents of magical energy crashing into the surrounding trees, causing them to shake violently. He moved with precision and speed, dodging imaginary attacks while simultaneously countering with his own powerful spells. His breaths came in ragged gasps, but he didn't allow himself a moment's rest.

‘Focus, Harry!’ Samantha called out again, her voice firm but laced with concern. ‘You can't afford to let your guard down! You need to be able to use your magic to move your body, quicker, more deft whlist casting spells if you want to have a shot of surviving against even one wolf!’

‘I know!’ he snapped back, frustration seeping into his tone. ‘I'm trying my hardest, Sam! I won't fail you or the pack!’

A brief flicker of vulnerability crossed her face, but she quickly masked it with a determined expression. ‘Good. Now show me what you've got!’

As the sun continued to set, casting an eerie glow over the training ground, Harry relentlessly practiced his offensive and defensive spells, honing his magical abilities to a razor's edge. His muscles screamed in protest, but he ignored the pain, driven by his unyielding resolve to protect those he cared for. He knew the battle would be brutal and unforgiving, but he refused to let fear or doubt weaken him.

‘Enough,’ Samantha finally declared, stepping into the centre of the training area. She gazed at Harry with a mixture of admiration and concern. ‘You've pushed yourself beyond your limits today. It's time to rest.’

Harry hesitated, his body quivering with exhaustion but his eyes still filled with determination. ‘I can keep going,’ he insisted, unwilling to admit defeat even to himself. ‘My body’ a little tired but,’ he grabbed her hand and placed it against his chest. It was burning. ‘I’ve still got magic to spare.’

‘Rest,’ she repeated softly, moving her hand comfortingly on his shoulder. ‘We'll continue tomorrow.’

Her hand eyes lingered on his chest. Today he wore a white tank top that was drenched it sweat and clung to his abs.

Sensing the wisdom in her words, Harry nodded reluctantly, allowing himself to collapse onto the ground. As the first stars began to twinkle above them, he lay there, staring up at the sky, his thoughts consumed by the looming battle and the people he was fighting to protect.

When he was back in his tent later, he slipped the picture of Lily from his bag, slipped his co*ck from his trousers and started pumping himself to the image of her. His eyes drunk in her blushing cheeks, the slight hint of her nipples against the fabric of her top, of the way her shorts clung to her body, showing the faintest of outlines of her puss*. His eyes drunk in the shape of her breasts, threatening to rip the top due to their size. Of her small waist, and then her eyes. Her eyes that were filled with adoration.

His mind raced to the night before he left, of the way the two shared a kiss. Of how soft her breasts felt under his palm.

He imaged her lowering to her knees and taking him in her mouth. Of the wet sounds her mouth would make as he f*cked her face. Of the gasp she’d make as he painted her face white. Of how she’d moan as she slurped his cum into her mouth with her finger.


Harry came onto the picture, a golden aura surrounding him. His heart banged in his chest, his breathing was rugged. He could have sworn he heard a gasp, a moan, and footsteps coming from right outside his tent, but he didn’t have the motivation to check it out. He quickly waved his wand to clean the picture, but his seed seemed to have vanished before he had a chance. Absorbed into the picture.

He really didn’t understand the lust that he felt for Lily. He didn’t feel this way for her back in his own world. But, then again. This Lily looks a lot different to the one he knew. And alive. Not everyone is the same. Except Sirius.

Eventually he’ll need to figure out how and why he feels this way for her, but for now, he was content secretly enjoying his taboo lust for her.

The following morning, the sun rose over the Redwoods territory, casting its golden rays through the dense foliage that surrounded Harry as he resumed his training. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as each spell he cast grew more powerful and precise.

‘Harry! You've made incredible progress!’ Samantha exclaimed, walking into the opening in the trees where they trained, her amber eyes widening with amazement as she watched him almost effortlessly lifting a massive boulder, holding it suspended in midair before gently setting it down. ‘Your control has improved immensely.’

‘Thank you,’ he replied, taking a moment to catch his breath.

‘But just because you’ve done it once, doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you. We’ve got some time left till the battling starts. I don’t want you too exhausted, but I do need you at your best.’

As Harry stood by a fallen log, his breaths came out in short, shallow gasps – the result of both his intense physical exertion and the electric anticipation that coursed through his veins.

‘Again,’ Samantha instructed, her voice husky with desire, yet still demanding as she stepped closer to him. Her eyes, like molten gold, seemed to bore into his soul, igniting a fire that threatened to consume them both.

With a determined nod, Harry raised his wand, his palm slick with sweat as he focused on the powerful magic within him. He unleashed a series of spells, each one more intricate than the last, the air crackling with energy as they combined in a dazzling display of raw power.

‘Amazing,’ Samantha whispered, her voice full of admiration and something deeper, more primal, as she reached out to trace the contours of Harry's muscled chest with her fingertips. The sensation of her touch sent shivers down his spine, his body responding instinctively to her nearness.

‘Sam,’ Harry breathed, his voice barely audible as the space between them dwindled to nothing. Their lips met in a searing, passionate embrace, desire and need fuelling their every movement. It was as if all the pent-up tension from weeks of training had finally found its release, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony.

As they explored one another, hands roaming freely over heated skin, their connection deepened beyond anything either had ever experienced before. Every caress, every kiss, seemed to forge an unbreakable bond between them, forged in the heat of their passion.

‘Harry,’ Samantha moaned softly as he trailed kisses down her neck, her voice heavy with longing. ‘I want you... I need you.’

‘Sam,’ Harry murmured in response, his own desire evident in the way his large, throbbing erection pressed against her thigh. All things said to Tonks vanishing in a swirl of primal instincts, and magically fuelled lust. ‘I need you too.’

Without hesitation, he lifted Samantha onto the log they had been training beside, her legs wrapping around him as he positioned himself at her entrance.

Slowly, he lowered himself into her, pushing until he was buried deep within her warmth. His breath caught in his throat as he felt her tremble beneath him, pleasure radiating through her body with each thrust. Harry groaned as he felt Samantha's nails dig into his taut back. He reached down, grabbing her plump ass cheeks and drilled harder into her.

'Harrrry!' Samantha moaned into his neck, nibbling on his neck to keep herself from crying out.

Harry felt his world spinning as he felt the org*smic waves of pleasure building up. He gritted his teeth as he felt her warm thickness contract around him, milking him for every last drop of pleasure.

'Gah!' Samantha cried as she pulled back from Harry and, using her weight and momentum, pushed Harry to the ground, his co*ck never once leaving her.

Now on top, she grabbed his hands and placed them to her petite breasts as she began grinding her hips into his pelvis.

'A-are you close?' she asked him.

He nodded, barely able to keep his pleasure from peaking.

'T-then… ugh… i-in side,' she gasped. 'I love you--you've taken my maiden--' her voice caught in her throat as her body began to convulse, her core tightening around his length. 'maidenhood. Claim me. Make me your mate. B-bind me, H-Harry. Harry! Harry!' she screamed as pleasure rippled through her body. Her magic coursing through her body, causing fur and claws to stretch outwards.

Harry sat up, holding her close as she came down from her high.

Once her breathing was back to normal, he brushed a strand of sweaty hair from her face and stared into her eyes.

'Are you okay?'

She smiled, a big bright smile.

'Claim me.'

‘Tonks only gave me the basics. Picture us joining together I—’ she tightened around him. ‘I’m not sure if I’m strong enough.’

She ran her fingers through his hair, pulled him close enough to moan into his ear.

‘Try. Please. Claim me Harry.’

Harry wrapped his arms around her and turned them around so that she was on the ground. Harry grabbed each of her knees, spreading her legs apart as he began thrusting harder into her. Her moans, writhing, and the slight sway of her breasts were all he needed to reach his peak.

In his mind he imagined a lake. A gentle lake of golden water. In the distance, he could see a pond, one that was filled with white water. He pictured forming a river connecting the two pools of water.

He thought of his love with Samantha. Their bond. The little moments they shared.

He looked down and could see the love and admiration on her face.

'I bind thee, Samantha Redwood!' Harry called out into the world as he buried himself deep, his body shuddering, his heart pounding in his chest as his climax rocked him through and through.

Their lovemaking was intense, fuelled by their shared desire and the knowledge that they were doing something forbidden, something that could change everything. Yet, beneath it all, there was also tenderness – a deep, abiding love that grew stronger with each beat of their hearts.

As they moved together, time seemed to slow, each moment suspended in an exquisite dance of pleasure and connection. It wasn't long before they reached their peak, their cries of ecstasy echoing through the night as they clung to one another, their bodies trembling from the force of their release.

He spilled his seed deep inside of her, filling her so much that her stomach quickly began to bloat. Golden light pulsed out from Harry's chest, circling the pair before quickly coming back in, but going into Samantha, causing her stomach to glow golden for just a moment.

Exhausted, they both fell into a tangled heap, cups of sweat dripping to the ground. Harry brushed a strand of hair from her eyes, looking down at her with affection and tenderness.

He kissed her softly, then smiled. ‘That was amazing.’

Samantha replied in kind, pressing her forehead against his. ‘It was, wasn't it?’

As they lay entwined in each other's arms, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, the weight of what they had just done settled over them like a heavy blanket.

‘Harry,’ Samantha whispered, her voice tinged with both wonder and apprehension.


‘That wasn’t your first time, was it?’ she asked.


‘Who… who was your first?’

The beautiful face of Narcissa Malfoy shimmered into view in his mind, but he didn't think it was fair to give voice to there first meeting in this world. So he decided to tell her the first time with someone who he actually felt something for.

‘A girl I grew up with, a witch named Tonks. She can transform her body at will. We’ve been pretty close since we were little kids, and at some point, that closeness just became intimate.’

She nodded, ‘I think that’s what Alexander was expecting from me, but—’ she lifted herself on to her elbows so that she could look at his face. ‘But we were never meant to be. We were meant to be. I know that I was meant to be mated with you, Harry Potter.’

‘But… what now?’ he asked. His eyes widened as he started to panic. ‘W-what have I done? I was so caught up… Your dad is going to kill me!’

She placed a hand on his chest.

‘Dad loves you. Thinks your great with the kids, and is really impressed with how your training has been coming along. He’s mentioned once or twice how he wouldn’t be upset if I ended up with a wizard like you.’

‘B-but… I’m leaving soon, Sam…’

She shrugged, ‘I already knew that. You may leave, I will have to stay. Can’t learn to become alpha if I’m sipping tea and entertaining company in London can I?’ she joked. ‘Even though we’re miles away, I will be yours, Harry. I saw… something when you bound me… other girls. You… fighting. I know I wont be the only one. But I’m proud to have been the first you bonded with Harry. I will always be yours, and I will be proud to say that I have even a fraction of your heart.’

He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

‘I… I love you, Samantha Redwood.’

Her face brightened as she kissed him.

‘And I love you, Harry Potter.’

She then rested her head again on his chest.

As he held the nude wolfgirl, he allowed his mind to drift to the mental image of the lake. He imagined himself walking around the golden lake. Seeing images flash and shimmer along its surface. He saw himself training a bunch of other teenagers. He saw himself fighting Voldemort, again, and again. He saw himself use a sword to fight a basilisk, he saw Sirius disappear into the veil. He saw himself almost kill Draco in a toilet, and of Dumbledore being shot from the Astronomy Tower. Of Bill and Fleur’s wedding.

The images quickly shifted from one to another that Harry couldn’t decipher them. He wasn’t sure if it was his memory, or his magic blocking him from remembering.

He looked to the narrow river that now connected his magic to Samantha’s. Gold liquid travelled upstream, the slightest drops of white magic seeping through and joining his golden lake.

A finger dancing along his left peck pulled him from his vision. He looked down to see Samantha was lightly circling his chest.

‘I know you can’t be here forever,’ she whispered.

‘If you want me here, with you, Sam, then I’ll stay.’

She smiled but shook her head.

‘Harry. We literally just said… You’re a powerful wizard, and I saw your power. My magic… it was nowhere near as large as yours. You will need more than just me to keep yourself sane, Harry.’ She then kissed his neck. ‘I knew when I fell for you that I couldn’t marry you. But the wolf in me will consider you my bonded mate.’ She chuckled. ‘I’m off limits. And Alexander may kill you.’

Harry chuckled.

‘At least I enjoyed myself before I went.’

The pair were interrupted by a howl that almost vibrated the ground.

‘That’s the sign.’

She hastily got off of Harry and started pulling her clothes back on.

‘Harry, get up! They’re coming!’

They quickly got dressed, once they were finished, Harry grabbed Samantha’s face and pulled her in for a searing kiss.

‘Are you ready?’ Samantha asked, her voice barely audible as she approached him from behind.

‘More than ever,’ Harry replied, giving her a reassuring smile.

A voice neither of them recognised broke their tender moment. It was a deep, almost metal scarping metal kind of voice.

‘Aww, ain’t this just beautiful. The princess has found herself a little mate. Blackclaw’s gonna love it when I tell him. He’ll gut your little toy there princess, freeing you from any bond and take you for his slu*t!’

Without thinking Harry slashed his wand in the air crying out: ‘Avis Ferocitas!’ unleashing a torrent of raw power that surged through his muscles. His body shook with the force of it, but he stood firm, his eyes locked on the approaching enemy.

‘Stay close to me,’ he told Samantha, his voice steady and commanding. She nodded, her eyes never leaving his as she shifted into her wolf form, ready to fight by his side.

More wolves emerged from the trees. Screams, shouts, howls, barks, and the sound of spells firing quickly met their ears. A few Redwood wolves from the hunting team appeared to help them out.

The battle had begun.

The fight erupted in a frenzy of snarls, growls, and the clash of magic against muscle. Harry's spells flew through the air, striking down enemies left and right. His newfound strength allowed him to overpower even the strongest of werewolves, tossing them aside as if they were mere ragdolls.

‘Expulso!’ he shouted, sending a group of attackers flying backward with a blast of concussive force. They slammed into the trees, their bodies crumpling under the impact.

Samantha fought fiercely at his side, her powerful jaws snapping and tearing through flesh and bone. Their connection had grown stronger through their shared experiences during training and the battle, and it was evident in the way they moved together, seamlessly anticipating each other's actions and working as one.

‘Reducto!’ Harry yelled, obliterating another attacker who had lunged for Samantha. She spared him a grateful glance before returning her focus to the fray.

Soon it was just Harry, Samantha, and the darker werewolf standing in the circular opening.

‘What a f*cking pitty, eh?’ He smiled, looking at one of the hunters. A ginger wolf named Jeremy. He kicked the wolf’s limp corpse into a tree. ‘He once stole my prey from me. He deserved that.’

The dark wolf then charged towards Harry, claws shining in the moonlight.

Harry chose to ignore the screams from the camp as he dodged the creature's attacks, his body moving with a fluidity and grace he had never felt before. He didn't need his wand; he relied on his magic and his instincts, and they didn't fail him. With a quick movement, Harry tackled the beast, pinning it to the ground. The creature growled and thrashed, but Harry held on, his magic coursing through him.

It was then that Samantha sprang into action. She drew her wand and cast a spell, her magic weaving around the creature, binding it in place. Harry released the beast, and watched as the beautiful brunette slipped her wand into the arm holster and quickly drunk a small phial that she had kept attached to her belt, and began shifting in front of him. The two wolves began rolling around on the ground, become a blur of claws and gnashing fangs.

He had been wondering how she hadn’t transformed yet.

It was a full moon, but she must have drunk the moonblind potion earlier in the day. It lasted for maybe a few hours, but it would cause the wolf inside to be stronger and more bloodthirsty when it finally came out. She must have just drunk the potion to get rid of the effects earlier.

To protect him.

Harry flicked his wrist but he was too far away from his wand.


He heard a whimper. He looked to the wrestling pair. The dark wolf had kicked Samantha off of him and slammed her into a tree. Now it was just glaring at Harry.

'f*ck!' Harry roared as his magic surged through him, electric sparks coursing through his veins and dancing around his fingertips like a million tiny stars. He felt the belt of magic around his chest tighten as he reached down to loosen its grip and unleash the heat in his chest. The heat rapidly pooled into his hands and erupted into a searing inferno, consuming Harry's hands in its fiery embrace yet not harming his skin. Without hesitation he unleashed a stream of fireballs at the werewolf, causing its eyes to widen in terror as it tried to protect itself from the scorching flames that were engulfing its fur.

The werewolf howled in pain as the flames licked at its skin. Harry knew that he had to finish it off quickly before it could recover. He drew upon his magic once more, feeling it surge through his body like a raging river. He focused his power into a single point, forming a ball of fiery energy that burned brighter and hotter than anything he had ever conjured before.

The werewolf tried to lurch towards him, but Harry stood his ground. With a fierce determination, Harry unleashed the fiery ball towards the creature, watching as it collided with the creature's torso and erupted into a massive inferno. The werewolf howled in pain as Harry's fireballs continued to rain down on it, scorching its flesh and leaving it writhing on the ground. Harry's eyes were fixed on the creature, his heart beating faster and faster as his magic surged through him. He felt a wild, primal desire building inside him, a desire to conquer and dominate this beast with everything he had.

From the ground, Samantha watched, impressed, as Harry unleashed his fiery wrath upon the werewolf. She could tell in their duel that he had a lot of power in reserve. It caused her own magic to vibrate in her chest as she watched him dominate the now burning creature. He was a force to be reckoned with, a true master of his magic.

The werewolf tried to get up, but Harry was too fast. He raised his hands once more, taking a few steps towards the beast, his magic flaring to life as he unleashed a final volley of fireballs. The werewolf let out a final, agonizing howl as it was consumed by the flames and finally fell still, its lifeless body smoking as parts of its body had begun to disintegrate into ash.

Harry stood there for a moment, panting and sweating, his body still tingling with the residual energy of his magic.

Samantha managed to pick herself up off of the ground, her form shrinking as she returned to her a form that was half-wolf, half-witch.

Her clothes had become ripped from transforming and fighting the other wolves, but luckily for the pair, nothing too bad was shown--just her navel was exposed. She placed her hand on Harry's shoulder, and he looked up at her and felt her whole body tremble as she fell to her knees as he looked into her eyes. His emerald eyes were glowing from the amount of magic he was exerting.

He was a head taller than her, so the wolf in her was whimpering in submission as they both kneeled before his burning conquest.

They stayed like that for a few moments as they caught their breath, then they heard the sound of someone calling them. Giles and dozen other wizards in werewolf form came bounding towards them. They all stopped when they saw the look of the charred werewolf.

Giles knelt down and wrapped his arms around his daughter.

'Are you okay?' he said as he inspected the cuts on her face.

She nodded.

'I am, thanks to Harry.'

Giles turned to Harry and stared into his glowing green eyes. he swallowed his pride and grabbed Harry hand and raised it into the air.

'Harry here has passed his trial into our tribe! He has vanquished Lionel Whitebone, lieutenant to Blackclaw!'

The other werewolves all howled into the air, growled and those that joined and were no loner in werewolf form cheered and clapped.

Harry wasn't really paying attention. His magic was stretching out like an aura, and all that he could hear was singing in his ear, and the distant sound of wings beating. But he was able to focus himself when Giles slipped his own wand from the holster on his left bicep and aimed it at Harry.

‘You are one of us, mister Potter. Where would you like your pack emblem to rest?’

Harry pointed to his right bicep.


Giles nodded as he pointed his wand up to the moon, and chanted. The other gathered wolves chanted alongside him. As did Sam.

As the tip of Giles’ wand lit up a pale blue, he placed it against Harry’s arm, the outline of a wolf’s face with three thick trees filling it, the foliage of the trees acting as shading for the wolf’s fur, eyes and other features.

The emblem of the Redwoods.


Apologies for the delay in this chapters release; there has been a few unforeseen things.

Chapter 4: Chapter Four


Harry travels out from the Redwoods territory and heads back to the real world... with a little bit of a snag in between.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


THE TWILIGHT SKY cast a deep amethyst hue over the Redwood pack's clearing, creating an enchanting atmosphere. Samantha stood by Harry's side, her hand intertwined with his as they faced the pack's elders. His heart hadn’t stopped racing since being officially accepted into this new family, and he couldn't help but glance at Samantha, her determined brown eyes meeting his green ones.

‘Harry Potter,’ began the oldest elder, his voice raspy yet commanding. ‘You have shown great courage and loyalty to our pack in defending our princess Samantha Redwood. It is with honour that we have welcomed you into our family.’

‘Thank you,’ Harry replied, his voice firm despite the nerves coursing through him. He could still feel the packs emblem burning on his bicep.

‘Kneel before us, young wizard,’ the elder instructed.

Harry complied, kneeling on the soft forest floor. An elder stepped forward, dipping a wooden needle into a bowl of dark ink. As he approached, he pressed the needle into Harry's right arm, the emblem on his shoulder glistened slightly, a small hatch mark appeared right under the tattoo – a sign of the battles he has won.

‘Rise, Harry Potter, and take your place among us,’ the elder proclaimed, his voice laced with pride. Harry stood tall, the pack surrounding him in a circle of warmth and unity. Samantha squeezed his hand gently, her pride in him mirrored in her radiant smile.

‘Thank you for accepting me into your family,’ Harry began, his voice tinged with sorrow. ‘I really appreciate it. I… wasn’t expecting to be welcomed into your pack. And it is such a shame that it has happened when I have to leave so soon.’

There was a murmur among the elders, Giles’ eyes never once left his daughter as they spoke.

The eldest elder sagely nodded to Harry, ‘Know that you will always have a home here, among us. This is a right that you have earned,’ the elder added, his tone solemn yet understanding.

‘Thank you,’ Harry whispered, his gaze lingering on Samantha, she continued to stare at the ground.

The elder besides the eldest hushed something into his ear. Alaric! Harry finally remembered. Beside him sat Esmeralda, her silver mane pulled back into a tight bun, revealing sharp cheekbones and piercing blue eyes that seemed to see into one's very soul. The other three elders formed a semicircle around the pair, each commanding respect in their own way.

‘Harry Potter,’ Alaric began, his voice deep and resonant like the rumble of distant thunder. ‘We understand your reasons for leaving us, but there is a matter we must address before you go.’

‘It has come to our attention,’ continued Esmeralda, her tone measured and deliberate, ‘that you and Samantha have been...intimate.’

A hot flush crept up Harry's cheeks, but he met her gaze head-on, determined not to show any signs of weakness.

‘Yes,’ Harry admitted, his voice steady despite his racing pulse. ‘We have shared our love, and—’

‘We are now a bonded pair.’ Samantha finished, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around Harry’s in a protective way. ‘Bound by magic.’

Alaric stroked his beard thoughtfully, his ancient eyes flicking between Harry and Samantha. ‘This bond you speak of,’ he said slowly, ‘it is… unconventional in the Redwood pack for a bonding to not occur during a ritual. This bond… it was driven by your love for her, yes? But also by your desire to gain more magical power and protect her from other male werewolves no doubt?’

‘I care deeply for Samantha, and I would do anything to keep her safe.’

‘Such a bond is powerful indeed,’ murmured Esmeralda, her icy gaze never leaving Harry's face. ‘But we must consider the implications for our pack. You have joined us, Harry Potter, but you will not remain with us. Will this bond not cause turmoil among our kind? Our princess has found her mate, but he cannot stay, and she cannot leave.’

As the council of elders exchanged uneasy glances, Harry stood tall, his emerald eyes blazing with determination. He knew that his feelings for Samantha was true and that their bond was sacred.

‘Though I may not be here physically,’ he declared, his voice firm and resolute, ‘our bond transcends any distance or obstacle. I will always be connected to Samantha, and through her, to the Redwood pack. Our bond can only serve to strengthen us all.’

A tense silence settled over the council chamber, each elder's face etched with concern and uncertainty. The fire at the centre of the room crackled menacingly, casting flickering shadows on the walls that seemed to echo their apprehension.

‘Your intentions may be honourable, Harry Potter,’ began Elder Garret, his voice gravelly and weighed down by years of responsibility, ‘but you must understand our concerns. The stability of the pack is paramount, and this bond between you two could have unforeseen consequences.’

‘Indeed,’ chimed in Elder Isabella, her piercing blue eyes narrowing at Harry. ‘If other males within the pack perceive your bond as a threat, they may challenge you, which may lead to even more unrest.’

Harry clenched his fists. Something primal within him stirred at the thought of someone trying to muscle in. He took a deep breath, he knew he had to keep himself calm if he wanted to make it out alive.

‘From the moment I met Samantha, I knew there was something special about her,’ Harry began, his voice wavering slightly under the intensity of the elders' scrutiny. ‘Her intelligence, her courage, and her fierce loyalty to her pack inspired me. I've never felt a connection like the one we now share before.’

He looked into Samantha's eyes, her gaze filled with a mixture of hope and fear. ‘I love her,’ he continued, his voice growing stronger. ‘And I believe that our love is a force for good, not chaos. I want to protect her, to support her, and to help her become even stronger than she already is.’

As Harry spoke, Samantha's gaze did not leave his face. She reached deep down, and imagined a lake, and could see waves crashing and swirling as he spoke about her. She could see his passion for her. She knew the risks that came with their bond, but she also knew the depth of their love and the power it held.

‘Furthermore,’ Harry pressed on, his emerald eyes shining with determination, ‘I understand that I cannot stay here with the pack forever. But I promise you this: our bond will not weaken the Redwood pack. Instead, it will create a bridge between our worlds, uniting us in our shared goal to protect those we care about.’

The council of elders exchanged glances, their expressions contemplative as they weighed Harry's words against their responsibilities to the pack. The fire crackled on, its flames dancing in the silence as they considered the fate of the young lovers before them.

Finally, the council of elders reached a consensus. The eldest among them, a grizzled werewolf with white fur and wise eyes, spoke up. ‘We have decided to accept your bond with Samantha, Harry. She is now off-limits to all male werewolves within our pack. The bond, regardless of its form, is one of our most sacred laws.’ Relief washed over both Harry and Samantha as the weight of the elders' decision settled in.

‘Thank you,’ Harry said sincerely, his eyes conveying his gratitude.

The celebration that night was a lively affair, filled with laughter, dancing, and the sharing of stories. Harry, now more at ease with the Redwood pack, joined in the festivities wholeheartedly, enjoying the camaraderie and sense of belonging he had found among them.

As the evening wore on and the moon rose higher in the sky, Harry felt the pull of his tent beckoning him. He bid goodnight to his newfound friends and made his way back, weaving through the revellers still enjoying the party. Upon entering his tent, he was met with an intoxicating sight – Samantha, completely naked, her body illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the canvas.

Her breasts were full and inviting, just big enough for each of his hands to hold, her nipples erect with anticipation. Her toned stomach led down to her womanly hips and the neatly trimmed patch of hair between her legs. Harry's breath hitched as his eyes roamed over her exposed form, desire coursing through him like wildfire.

‘Come here, Harry,’ Samantha murmured, her voice sultry and seductive. He complied without hesitation, closing the distance between them in mere seconds. Their lips crashed together, tongues tangling in a passionate dance as their hands explored each other's bodies.

Harry trailed kisses down her neck, nipping lightly at her collarbone before moving further south. Cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples with his thumbs before taking one into his mouth, eliciting a throaty moan from Samantha. As he continued to lavish attention on her breasts, his other hand slipped between her legs, stroking her already damp folds.

‘Harry, please,’ Samantha whispered, her voice heavy with need. ‘I want you inside me.’

He positioned himself at her entrance, teasing her with the tip of his erection before slowly pushing inside. Both gasped at the sensation, their bodies melding together in perfect harmony as they moved in unison.

Their lovemaking was slow and tender, the wet sounds of the two kissing and sucking on the others neck as Harry’s co*ck slipped within Sam’s tight tunnel. He could feel her quivering around him as her chest tightened as she held her breath trying to keep her peak from coming too soon.

Harry felt his balls tighten as she continued to pull him in as deep. Quickening his pace, driving into her with a newfound urgency. Their bodies trembled, sweat-slicked and entwined, as they reached the edge together.

‘Fill me, Harry,’ Samantha urged, her voice desperate and pleading. With a final thrust, Harry released within her, their cries of ecstasy mingling in the air. As they came down from their blissful high, a golden glow enveloped them once more, leaving them breathless in its wake, and Sam’s tummy swollen as though she were pregnant.

The next morning, as the first light of dawn crept across the forest floor, Harry knew what he had to do. His responsibilities as a wizard and the desire to protect the magical world weighed heavily on him. He made the difficult decision to leave the Redwood territory, carrying with him the love and memories of his time spent with the pack – and most importantly, with Samantha.

With the sun climbing higher in the sky, Harry pulled on his clothes and stood just outside his tent, and felt arms snake around his neck from behind. Something soft pressing into his back (or two things) he glanced behind him. Her golden-brown hair shimmered in the sunlight, and her eyes were cast downward, watering somewhat.

‘Harry,’ she whispered, her voice barely audible. She raised her gaze to meet his, revealing the raw vulnerability that resided within them. ‘I understand why you have to go, but it doesn't make it any easier.’

He reached out, gently cupping her cheek, feeling her soft skin beneath his fingertips. ‘I know, Sam. It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.’

Their emotions swirled around them, a whirlwind of love and heartbreak, as they held each other's gaze, inside their minds they could both imagine a golden lake swirling uncertainly. As much as they wished to hold onto this moment, they knew their future was uncertain.

‘Promise me you'll return,’ Samantha implored, her words laced with desperation. ‘Promise me we'll be together again.’

Harry hesitated, struggling to find the right words to convey the depth of his feelings. ‘I promise,’ he finally murmured. ‘I love you, Samantha. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, I will always think of you.’

A tear slipped down Samantha's cheek, and Harry gently wiped it away with his thumb. He pulled her close, embracing her tightly, their bodies pressed together as they sought comfort in one another's warmth.

‘Remember our bond,’ she told him, her voice muffled against his chest. ‘Feel it deep within your soul, and let it guide you back to me.’

‘I will,’ he promised, savouring the sensation of her body against his own.

As they reluctantly pulled apart, they shared one last lingering look, Harry tried his best to etch the image of her face and naked form into his mind. She slipped his bag over his shoulder, ruffled his hair (which had grown rugged in the time he’d spent with the pack) and placed a soft kiss against his lips. With a heavy heart, Harry turned away, his steps slow and deliberate as he made his way out of the Redwood territory.

Samantha watched him go, a mixture of sadness and determination in her eyes. She knew she had to be strong for both of them, to hold onto the hope that they would be reunited once more.

As Harry disappeared from view, she whispered to the wind, ‘Goodbye, my love. Until we meet again.’

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harry had been travelling for three days, keeping up his daily fitness routines, practicing using his magic to strengthen himself, tracking and hunting skills. Harry continued to travel North to where he was to meet Sirius, where he’d give Harry a nice change of clothes and head to Gringotts for his meeting, but his now stronger senses completely disorientated him as he travelled through the tall peaks. He could smell the different animals that filled the area and heard their movements. At first, it was overwhelming but he reminded himself of the lessons the Redwoods had taught him when out hunting, to refine what sounds and smells he focused on.

He’d decided to climb upwards to see the beauty of the mountains. As he reached a parting in the peaks he had only a second to see a blast of ice coming shocking upwards from the ground, piercing into the hand of an outreaching giant.

Harry's magic immediately started heating up, a sudden jolt by his ear. He had come to associate this as danger sense. It only started triggering after he and Samantha bonded together. But it was like the connection to his senses was on a passive hot alert. It had started off annoying to him when trying to sleep, but he was starting to get used to it.

He leapt from where he stood, willing his magic into his palms, the familiar heat bursting to life as he fired a ball of fire towards the grey skinned goliath. As he fell through the air he saw a platinum blonde girl racing through the opening in the mountains below. He managed to throw a few more fireballs, quickly managing to follow this with a twist of his body. Narrowly landing on his feet. He felt the shockwave of the impact jolt through his body. He had to move quick because there was multiple giants chasing the girl that he had landed just in front of, and he hadn’t really practiced using his magic to strengthen his body whilst using the golden fire magic.

Her icy blue eyes barely registered him as she raced past, jutting her arms backwards, sending a rain of ice towards the giant beasts. The beautiful woman gave off a chilling yet powerful aura that caused Harry’s magic to flare up almost as though it felt threatened.

She must be like me and Sirius, Harry thought.

Harry watched in awe as the ice rained down, forming sharp icicles that pierced the flesh of the giants, causing them to roar in agony. He knew that he needed to help the girl before the giants overpowered her. As Harry lifted his arms, his magic surged through his body and he sent a bolt of fire towards the nearest giant.

The girl turned towards him, her eyes widening as she witnessed the bright flames. Harry could see from her expression that she was surprised, likely not expecting to see a wizard who could use elemental magic too.

'What are you doing here? This is my fight,' the girl shouted over the sound of the raging giants.

'I'm here to help. Two heads are better than one,' Harry shouted back as he sent another bolt of fire towards the nearest giant.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head in agreement. Together, they worked like a well-oiled machine, their magic complimenting each other as they fought the beasts back, if either were surprised of this, they didn’’t let it show.

Harry had found that he was limited to using his fire magic three times a day. His magic would heat up too much that his chest felt like it would explode from the pressure and would force his body to cease up. His first night away from the Redwoods he overworked his practice and was frozen in place feeling like he was about to explode. It was very intense. And it seemed that the girl was in a similar position. Her lips had turned blue after her last assault on the giants.

'We've got to get cover!' Harry shouted.

'Thanks, I was thinking of staying out in sight!' she called back.

Harry slowed down to match her pace, he didn't want her to become a victim from one of the giants just because he ran ahead.

He'd have to push his limits if they were to survive.

Hearing the bounding creatures after them, Harry imagined his golden lake inside of him, and the river that connected to Samantha’s magic. He pictured himself swimming through the lake and sitting in the middle of the connecting river, instinctively drawing upon the magical bond he shared with Samantha, bolstering his own magic with hers as he launched into action. With the giants closing in, he sent a barrage of fireballs towards them, each one causing the air to vibrate with the force of its impact. The opening volley was enough to turn the giants' attention away from the fleeing girl and onto Harry, who was now their primary target.

'I'll distract them, you get ahead!'

He called, the two ended up taking turns distracting the beasts. Every single time they reached the end of the mountainous terrain, the giants would block their exit.

For what felt like hours, Harry engaged in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the giants. The blonde girl got stuck behind several of the beasts and they were quickly making their way to her. He weaved in and out of their strikes, dodging their crushing blows while simultaneously launching his own fireballs and bolts of lightning. The battle was fierce and bloody, but Harry refused to give in. He fought with a ferocity that surprised even himself, and it was not long before he had managed to carve a path through the giants and reach their intended victim.

By the time he had caught up to her, the platinum blonde girl was panting heavily, her eyes still lighting up a brilliant blue hue.

'I--I saw...' she gasped, 'a cave.'

Harry nodded, reaching down to his core and tried to spread his magic throughout his bones, trying to soothe the aching feeling he had. Knowing that the blonde girl must have been past her peak, he scooped her in his arms.

'Where?' he demanded.

She was barely able to get out her response as she pointed to a peak with the slightest peek of a cave entrance that was sandwiched between two taller mountain tops.

Harry nodded and leapt from the ground, causing a gust of wind to follow him.

He was unable to use any spells or his magic, but the blonde girl must have sensed what Harry wanted to do because she aimed her wand at the giants and fired multiple fog spells.

The mist engulfed their surroundings, effectively obscuring their retreat. Harry continued to fly towards the peak, the girl's icy blue eyes closed as she focused on the concentration of her magic.

As the thick fog spread, Harry and the girl disappeared from sight. Harry flew low, his eyes scanning the ground for any sign of the cave she had mentioned. It wasn't long before he spotted it, a small opening in the side of the rocky terrain. Harry flew towards it, landing softly at the entrance. He took a moment to catch his breath, setting the girl down gently on the ground.

The two of them entered the cave, Harry's wand at the ready. The cave was dark, but Harry's eyes adjusted to the lack of light relatively quickly. They walked for a few minutes in silence, their footsteps echoing softly off the walls. When finally, they came to a large, open chamber.

In the centre of the room was a small pool of water roughly fifteen foot wide. As Harry approached it, he could see evaporation drifting upwards. A small hotspring in the middle of a mountain cave. I love magic he thought.

The rest of the cave was dark and damp, but it was a momentary respite from the battle outside. Harry's chest heaved as he caught his breath, his magic and physical strength both depleted from the intense fight. He was able to get a good look at the girl as she struggled to catch her breath. He had only interacted with her once or twice in his previous life, but he recognised her as a blonde Daphne Greengrass.

After a few minutes, Harry managed to stand up and walk towards the cave entrance. He risked a peek outside, and was relieved to see that the fog spells had worked. The giants were struggling to find them, dispersing off from each other forming groups.

He waved his wand over the cave entrance, setting up wards, protection charms, and a triggered alarm spell that he briefly remembered Hermione teaching him. He just couldn't remember when.

He then heard a thudding noise. Greengrass had fallen to the ground. Harry quickly returned to Daphne's side, and touched her cheek. She was freezing.

'I need to get you warm,' he glanced over to the hotspring, 'will you let me help you?'

As shivered as she nodded.

'Thank you,' he said.

Harry pulled a blanket from his bag, and gently layered it over her shivering body. He aimed his wand at her and with a few fancy wand waves and incantations her clothes spun off from her body and neatly folded themselves up as a blanket quickly flung itself around her, tucking itself secure as he moved her to the hot spring and slowly lowered her into it. Luckily it was just deep enough that it reached just below her collar bone.

When her body hit the water she gasped and moaned in satisfaction. Her eyes fluttered open, and reality quickly dawned on her, pulling the blanket up to cover her body, her eyes frantically flicking around the cave till they landed on Harry, who had set his wand down and was currently undressing himself.

'W-what are you doing?!' she cried.

She made him jump. He turned around with a concerned look. He then looked down at his dirty muscular frame and back at her.

'I'm about to take a bath.'

'What if the giant's come in?!'

He showed her his wand and placed it on the ground--he made sure not to unstrap the holster--and after pulling his socks off of his feet, leaving him in just his boxers, he pulled a bar of soap from his bag, and lowered himself into the water.

It had been awhile since he had bathed in hot water. The Redwoods used a local stream. Harry's naturally hot body temperature made it bearable, but he didn't feel as though he left feeling clean half the time (especially as the last few times Samantha had been joining him as they each cleaned, her always exiting the water with a thin trail of white trailing down her leg).

'Are you feeling better?' Harry asked as he started wiping down the grime from his skin.

Daphne had turned her attention to the entrance to the cave. Clearly she was worried about the giants finding out where they had fled to.

'There's wards covering the entrance. If they get close I'll know about it. Just focus on getting your temperature back to normal, and,' he tossed the soap over to her, it ker-plonk'd just in front of her.

'Sorry,' Harry said, as sunk lower into the water and brushed the soapy lather from his skin.

She shook her head.

'It's fine,' she said as she made sure to cling the towel closer to her as she squatted to grab the soap before it hit the bottom.

The two then kickstarted a conversation. Harry averting his eyes when she asked him to so that she could wash parts of herself.

As they spoke, Harry told Daphne that he was heading to the town up north where he was going to meet his godfather Sirius where he’d then head to an important meeting at Gringotts.

‘Do you know what the meeting is about?’ she asked as she lathered up her arms. She must have realised that it sounded like she was too interested, so followed up with, ‘I mean, if you didn’t mind talking about it.’

Harry shrugged, ‘I’ve only received one letter since, it’s a meeting that my father set up before… anyway, Sirius thinks it’s got something to do with preparations for the Potter lordship.’

Daphne looked at Harry with a mix of surprise and respect. She knew what it meant to be a Lord in the wizarding society. It wasn't just a title, it came with immense power and responsibility. She had seen it first hand with her own family.

'I guess I never thought about it. I always picture lords as middle aged men and not… ‘ she looked at him and blushed. ‘wizards like you.’

He chuckled, ‘I guess I am a little young to be a lord,’ he said rubbing the back of his neck. 'But I never wanted to be one. I just want to live a normal life.'

Daphne nodded, understanding Harry's predicament.

'I can relate to that,' she offered, 'My family, just like the Potter’s are part of the Sacred Twenty Eight. My mother made sure to teach me the ins and outs of how it works. The politics of a lordship are vitally important. Perhaps I can help you with understanding the role? As a thank you for helping me with the giants?'

Harry looked at Daphne with gratitude. 'Thank you,' he said, 'I’d appreciate the advice.'

'Don't worry,' Daphne said. 'There's plenty to navigate, but if you ever get too overwhelmed, you can technically give permission for a member of your house to sit on the council till you finish school.'

Harry thought about that. Lily would be a good person for him to select. Although she worked in the admin department she was also still up-to-date on all of the politics.

After a few moments of idle chit-chat Harry risked asking Daphne about what she was doing out in the mountains.

'And I don't mean to be rude,' he started, 'but isn't it extremely rare for a witch or wizard to have elemental magic, like the way you used?'

Daphne smiled at Harry's question, her expression taking on a look of fondness. 'Yes, it is quite rare for a witch or wizard to have elemental magic like that. It's almost unheard of these days.'

She paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought before continuing. 'You see, there’s stories of ancient mages who were able to control and manipulate the elements much like we use our wands today. And although it has been lost over time, every few generations one child will be born with the spark. So I guess, where mages are born with innate magical power and understanding of how to use it, whereas wizards have a connection to magic but need to study it in order to wield it properly.'

Harry stared at Daphne in wonderment. He was almost excited at the idea that there was someone other than Sirius that he could talk to about his abilities. He knew he had to be careful, but she had been open with him so far.

'So you're saying that you possess this power?' Harry asked.

Daphne nodded and grinned widely. 'Yes! I was born with the ability to manipulate the temperature of water and freeze it. It happens every couple of generations in my family, and when our magic starts setting in, we're sent out on an aremente,' she saw his confused expression. 'It's like... like a personal quest. It's why I was out here today; I needed some place safe enough to practice using the magic. When I was younger, I wasn’t able to really control the form my ice magic took, but practice seemed to have helped refine it. In fact, I've been our here for almost two weeks. And it has been the worst two weeks of my life.'

Harry felt himself smiling too as he looked back at Daphne - this brave, powerful young woman standing before him with such strength and courage despite her young age. He suddenly felt like he was looking into a mirror of sorts - seeing all the potential within himself mirrored back against everything Daphne had achieved so far despite facing similar obstacles.

Once Daphne felt she'd warmed up enough she tried pulling herself out of the water, but she struggled. Her face was stoic as she turned to Harry, and through gritted teeth asked, 'can you help me out?'

He nodded and pulled himself out of the hotspring, stepped round the perimeter and offered her his hand, his eyes tightly shut, and pulled her out.

They both got dressed and sat against opposite walls of the cave between the entrance at the chamber where the hotspring sat.

Harry pulled his bag over to him after he heard Daphne's stomach growl, and pulled out what was left of a rabbit he'd hunted a few days prior. He gathered some pebbles together and pointing his wand he started a fire. Quickly setting up a spitroast he began cooking the rabbit.

Daphne had been watching him in wonder the entire time.

'What are you?' she asked.

'I'm a wizard. The name's Harry Potter.' He joked.

Harry had remembered that Daphne's nickname in school was the Ice Queen due to her stoic expression and impenetrable wall, no one could speak to her, but it seems he was meeting a different version of Daphne—but whenever she remembered who she was, she would hide her emotions. But neither could deny that they were having a pleasant time together in the cave, despite worried that there were giants currently hunting them.

The two spoke about Daphne's sister, and of Harry's mother. Then the conversation of obligation somehow came about, and of how the heirs of great houses are usually betrothed before their sixteenth birthday.

Harry felt his stomach drop.

‘What?’ he asked.

‘Yeah. Father and Lucius Malfoy thought that it was a good idea to join our two rich families. Something about our child having great political sway and riches.’

Of all the people in the world, she was forced into being betrothed to him? He wanted to say something, anything that would comfort her, but he knew it wouldn't be enough.

He cleared his throat, not sure what else to say. 'That's... that's rough.'

Daphne nodded and turned away from him. 'Yes, it is.' Her voice was barely a whisper now.

It was then that Harry realized how alone she must have felt - here in this cave with a total stranger who just happened to be a wizard like her. He moved from his side of the wall so that he was closer and put an arm around her shoulders, hoping it'd help make her feel less alone.

She looked up at him with her big grey eyes and he couldn't help but think of how fragile she looked in that moment and how powerless he was against the situation she was facing. He wanted to make it all better for her but knew that wasn't possible; instead he promised himself he'd do what he could to protect her from harm when they were out on the road at least.

For a few moments they shared a comfortable silence - both of them lost in their own thoughts as they watched the fog roll in outside of the cave while they waited for the rabbit to cook over their makeshift fire-pit. Finally Daphne spoke up again, if only barely audible over the crackling of wood turning into ash under their spitroast;

'Are you betrothed?'

The question surprised Harry and he had to take a moment before answering thoughtfully; 'No... no I'm not.'

The surprise didn't go unnoticed by Daphne which only made Harry feel more awkward than ever under her gaze as if somehow this reflected badly on him… but he didn’t know why it did.

He slid back from Daphne and asked her how she was able to easily access her magic. He didn't know when he'd have another opportunity to meet another wizard that, as he'd been able to put together, had this “mage’ potential.

'How do you... summon your ice magic?'

Before Daphne could respond with a pretentious comment of it being useless to tell him, she thought back to the extremely muscular and lean handsome wizard chucking fireballs at giants, of him leaping up the mountain, of flipping, and racing quicker than the average wizard. He was powerful, and she could sense it.

She had her suspicions, and a part of her told her that this may be the only opportunity she would have to speak with another mage.

Daphne paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before explaining. Harry watched her with rapt attention, realizing that he was truly mesmerized by the way she spoke and the way she described her magic - it was almost like he could feel it himself.

'It's kind of like I have to get in tune with my natural magical core. It’s like… a small blue lake, I guess. I picture a small cliff on the edge of it, where the smallest of water falls pouring into a mould at the bottom for a spear or whatever I need its shape to be, and then I channel that into my physical body, and the spear or whatever appears in my hand. It's a bit exhausting actually, so I usually don't rely on summoning them too often. Its taken a lot of practice and patience.'

Harry nodded along as Daphne explained, still finding himself captivated by her every word. He couldn't help but admire her strength in such a dire situation; how bravely and calmly she had taken charge when no one else would despite all odds seemingly being stacked against them.

'That sounds incredible,' he said finally after a few moments of silence had passed between them, 'Can you show me how you do it?'

Surprised by his request, Daphne looked at him sceptically for a few moments before eventually smiling softly at him and nodding; 'I suppose so,' she said, scooting closer to him so they were side by side. Taking his hands in hers, she began guiding him through the same process that she had used earlier to summon out the ice spears; focusing on their surroundings until her awareness became one with nature, feeling the energy around them as if it was part of herself... Harry could feel his consciousness appear in a space filled with swirling blue energy. He saw a white humanoid figure swaying back and forth, the swirling's swaying like the waves in an ocean. As the figure directed the swirls towards a dip on the edge of the swirling energy, there was a pulse of eldritch energy. Harry's eyes snapped open as finally an ice spear appeared in front of them both.

Harry couldn't help but smile at this amazing feat of magic before him - never had he seen someone be able to wield such power so effortlessly before! He thanked Daphne for showing him.

She hid a blush as she let go of his hand.

'It's okay.'

Harry could feel the aura that pulsed from Daphne as she accessed her magic, and his responded in kind.

And he wasn’t the only one who felt it.

The cave itself started to shake as her aura stretched out from her, bathing the black stone walls of the cavern. The two looked up as they saw a ring of blue pulse through the cave walls till each side of the circle met at the end of the cave, where strange runic symbols appeared, lines forming as well. Soon a magic circle was glowing. The two stood up, shocked, and stepped towards the magic circle.

As they got closer the runes started to glow, and folded inwards, flipping the stones they were embedded in until a swirling mist appeared.

‘A gate?’ Daphne asked.

‘Gate?’ Harry asked her.

‘A magical portal. Ancient magic. Very rarely seen these days. I’ve only ever seen drawings of them myself in the Greengrass Magus Journal. This… shouldn’t be here.’

Harry reached his hand out, but Daphne grabbed his hand.

‘We don’t know what will happen.’

Harry must have distracted Daphne as her aura ceased its flaring, and the gate disappeared.

He smirked, ‘You’re right, I shouldn’t be messing with magic I don’t understand,’ he said, making a mental note of the gate to ask Sirius later.

The two returned to sitting on opposite sides of the caves entrance, overlooking the mountains as the sky flashed pink and the sun disappeared behind the mountains, painting long shadows along the ground.

The two continued to idly chat, the occasional accidental flirty comment passing between the two.

As night finally descended, Harry stretched his arms.

'I'll take first watch. You get some sleep. We'll head out when the sun rises.'

Daphne nodded, grateful for the chance to rest after not getting much rest the last few days. She lay down on the hard ground, pulling her coat tight around her body. Harry stood up and walked over to the entrance to the cave and rested against the crescent shape of the hole. The night was cold and the silence of the forest was unnerving.

As the night wore on, Daphne's thoughts drifted to Harry. She had known him for years, always walking quietly beside the loud Neville Longbottom. He was scrawny, but she’d seen him care for the younger students, Gryffindors or not, and he had shown talent in the classroom and she’d always thought there was a charm about him that other boys in their year didn’t have. Other than being one of the richest boys in the year. But the others wouldn’t know that. Until Harry was Lord Potter, he wouldn’t have access to that wealth. With the fire casting shadows across his face, she couldn't help but stare at him. His strong jawline and piercing green eyes were just, mesmerizing.

Suddenly, Harry turned to her and caught her staring. 'What?' he asked with a grin.

Daphne felt her heart race as she realized he had caught her admiring him. 'Nothing,' she muttered, turning away and feeling the heat rise in her cheeks.

Harry chuckled softly, 'Goodnight miss Greengrass.'

He could see the smoke from the fire was started to form a blanket of smog on the top of the cave, he was about to cast a spell but realised that his wand was still over by the hotspring so he snapped his wrist, the wooden tool zipped through the air and into his palm, and quickly formed a tunnel that sucked all of the black smoke and pushed it flat against the surface of the mountain outside as to avoid drawing attention to them. He put out the fire and cast a few warming charms on Daphne's coat. The cave was already pretty warm due to the hotspring, but as they had moved close to the entrance, the chilly October air easily snuck in to bite at their cheeks.

'And so my watch begins.' He whispered to himself.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When the sun peaked into the cave, Daphne finally stirred and stretched. It had been three days since the pair had found refuge in a cave in the mountains. The two had taken turns keeping watch. Once or twice one of them had risked stepping out, but just when they thought they were safe, a young giant caught Daphne, she'd exhausted her magic again trying to get back to the cave, luckily she was able to distract it, but both wizards agreed that the next time they made a break for it, that it would be the last time they left the cave.

She looked over and saw Harry leaning against the cave entrance. He'd had enough time to recover since spending so much of his magic a few days prior, and Daphne was finding almost unbearable to spend anytime around him. He was handsome, charismatic, smart, caring, and powerful. He was magically powerful, had ties to many great ancient families (being the heir to houses Potter and House Black) and over the last few days, the pair had come to the realisation that Harry was eligible to become legally emancipated with the consent of his mother and take on the title of Lord Potter. Something she knew would break the wizarding world. But could perhaps provide her with an ally that could help break the betrothal to Draco.

There was something about his magic that made her feel both drawn to him, and almost threatened. It was like her magic couldn’t decide how it felt about him. Just like she couldn’t.

'Morning,' Harry said as he looked over to see she was awake.

She smiled as she lifted herself from the ground, tightening the coat over her shoulders as she sat opposite Harry at the entrance to the cave.

'Anything?' she asked.

Harry nodded and pointed down to where two passes in the mountains intersected. ‘Three giants down there, been circling for the last hour. I think they've figured out where we are.’

'I thought giants were supposed to be stupid.' she huffed.

'Yeah, but they're also very territorial. They can probably smell that we haven’t left their home yet.' Harry replied.

Daphne could feel the weight of the situation pressing in on her. They couldn't stay in the cave forever, especially with giants hunting them down. But at the same time, she didn't want to leave the safety of the cave and face the giants head-on.

Harry seemed to sense her unease and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

'Don't worry, we'll come up with a plan,' he said confidently, but Daphne could hear the undercurrent of worry in his voice.

She sighed, dragging a hand over her face as she tried to wrap her head around their current predicament. They were stuck in a cave with no real supplies, which meant they hadn’t been able to refuel their magic. Their bodies had recovered somewhat, but they were still pretty exhausted. And now they were preparing to run from being hunted by giants.

'What do we do?' she asked Harry.

Harry's mind was racing as he tried to think of a plan. He knew that he couldn't take on three giants alone, not even if he was completely recovered. His time with the Redwoods, the battle, training repeatedly and fending off the giants in so little time hadn’t given his core time to really recuperate the amount of magic he’d lost. He needed to come up with a plan, and fast.

'We need to get out of here, we can't keep hiding in this cave forever. We'll have to fight our way out if we have to,' Harry said, gritting his teeth and trying to keep his fear at bay.

Daphne's eyes widened, fear etching into her features. She knew what Harry was suggesting was risky, but she also knew they had no other choice. Daphne looked down at the intersection of the two passes and saw the giants in the distance, pacing back and forth. She knew they would have to move fast if they wanted to avoid being caught, but the question was where to go? They couldn't risk going back the way they came, that would just lead them straight into the path of the giants.

'We need to find another way out,' Daphne said, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a plan.

Harry nodded in agreement, looking out at the forest below. 'I came from the south, it wouldn't take us too long to get to the end of the mountainous areas. Where did you come from?'

She told him how she had come from the North and over the last few days had told him about her journey and what she'd seen, so she quickly summarised again to him.

He nodded, 'we could try heading north, there's that river that runs through there, giants don't really like the water. And that is where Sirius said he’d meet me.'

Daphne looked at Harry, impressed by his quick thinking. He was always one step ahead of her, coming up with plans and strategies that she would never think of. She knew she could trust him, and that they made a great team.

She nodded, 'you said that when we're ready to go that you could get a message to your godfather. Do you think now's the time?' she asked.

Harry peered down to the giants, then up to the cloudy sky.

'Yeah, I'll have to do it just as we're about to leave because it'll draw attention to us. And it may take a lot of power. It’s been awhile since I’ve used the spell.'

The two grabbed their stuff, nodded to eachother as Harry pointed his wand at the cave entrance, 'expecto patronum!' he called as a silver deer stepped into the world. Daphne stepped back in shock.

'Beautiful,' she whispered under her breath.

'Sirius, I'm stuck in the mountains region surrounded by giants. we've been stuck for days and making a break for it northward. There's some kind of river North of here. Can you get there as soon as possible. This message will draw the attention of the giants as we make a break for it. My patronus will lead you back to roughly my location.'

Not a second later did the stag prance out of the cave.

Harry turned to Daphne.

'We need to make a break for it.'

At the same time they both jumped out of the cave, wands in their hands, feather fall spells on the tips of their tongues as they quickly descended down, ready to evade the grasps of the giants. As they landed on the ground, the giants roared in anger and charged towards them. Daphne's heart was pounding in her chest as she tried to keep up with Harry, who was moving at a fast pace, his wand outstretched in front of him.

'Protego!' Harry yelled, and a silver shield materialized in front of them, blocking the giants' attack.

Daphne's mind was racing as she tried to think of a way out of their current situation. The giants were getting closer and closer, and she knew they wouldn't be able to hold them off for much longer.

'Harry, we need to move faster,' she called out to him, feeling the panic rising in her throat.

Harry nodded, 'I know, just keep up with me.'

They continued to run towards the north, dodging trees and jumping over boulders. Daphne could feel the wind whipping past her face as they picked up speed.

The pair ran through the crossing paths of the mountainside as the giants roars followed them through the paths. They could see a break in the mountains. Daphne could feel an incredible heat coming from Harry's body as sparks erupted from his fingertips, he skidded, spun and started blasting fireballs at the giants, but the flames just bounced off of their skin.


He was able to quickly catch up to Daphne. Its then she realised that he was slowing down to make sure she didn't fall behind.

The pair ran through the crossing paths of the mountainside, with the giants roaring behind them. As they rounded a corner, they saw a break in the mountains. Harry wasted no time and started running towards it, while Daphne followed closely behind him. With every step, she could feel her heart pounding faster in her chest as the giant's roar echoed off the sides of the mountain.

As they neared the break, more thundering joined the cacophony of giants chasing them. Daphne risked a glance behind and saw at least half a dozen giants on their tail.

'It’s worth a shot,' she heard Harry muttered.

Suddenly, Harry stopped and pointed his wand to what looked like a river ahead of them.

'Accio boat!' he yelled, and within seconds a small boat appeared from out of nowhere. Without wasting any more time, or questioning where the boat came from, Harry jumped inside and motioned for Daphne to join him. She quickly complied and soon they were rowing away from their pursuers as fast as they could.

They saw the giants skid to stops before even a toe could touch the water. By this point they had moved too far away from the shore for them to just reach out and pluck them from the boat.

The river was surprisingly calm despite their haste, allowing them to make swift progress upriver towards their destination. The sun was setting by the time they reached a dock on the bank of an unknown lake in an unfamiliar place.

Harry hopped out of the boat and helped Daphne onto dry land before tying it to a post on the dock. He then grabbed his wand again and pointed it into the dark sky above them; 'Lumos Maxima,' he said softly as a brilliant light illuminated their surroundings revealing that they had arrived at the edge of a town. Not too far away, Harry could see two figures running towards him. Sirius Black and a tall lithe woman with mousy blonde hair. They stopped when they reached the pair.

Sirius laughed and immediately pulled Harry in for a hug.

'I am so glad to see you made it out.'

'I'm just happy the message got to you in time.'

Sirius looked to Daphne and marvelled at how unscathed the two looked. Sirius introduced the woman as Pen Billington, an auror in training. They'd just returned from a scouting mission when he got Harry's message.

Pen looked skeptical as she examined Daphne and Harry. 'You two don't look like you just escaped from the mountains with a pack of giants on your tail. Are you sure you're okay?' she asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Harry quickly explained their journey and how they managed to escape the giants. Pen listened intently, nodding along as Harry spoke. When he finished, she let out a whistle. 'Well, that was quite the adventure. You two are lucky to be alive after all that,' she said, her tone incredulous.

Sirius clapped Harry on the back. 'Don't worry, Pen. These two are tough as nails. It's not your everyday wizard that can survive a horde of giants.' he said with a grin.

Daphne felt relief wash over her as they spoke, knowing that they were finally safe. She looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings and wondered what their next move would be. 'So, what's the plan now?' she asked.

Sirius indicated for the pair to follow them as they headed into a town not too far away.

'Well, I'll be taking Harry back to his home where we can talk about what to do next. Is there anywhere I can drop you off?' Sirius asked Daphne.

She thought for a second, 'I know my parents will be worried about me, so I better head back home, let them know how I am before, well, I guess no one died by going back to school a month late,' she joked. Harry smiled. Sirius nodded his head.

'Of course, Lord and Lady Greengrass, correct?'

Daphne nodded.

'We'll floo you over as soon as possible.'

There wasn't much of a goodbye between the Daphne and Harry as she disappeared in green fire in the fireplace of Black Manor. Sirius' protégée had retired to her room that Sirius had given to her in the house as the pair sat in the library.

The two sat for hours as Harry told Sirius what had happened over the last few weeks. He told Sirius of his time with the Redwoods, of learning how to use his magic to charge him physically, how he is able to move his body now whilst wielding the powerful magic, of learning to hunt, and even told him of bounding himself with Samantha, of travelling through the mountains and running into the giants, of Daphne's magic and finding out that she was a mage, and that his magic was possibly linked to mage magic.

When Harry was done, Sirius was silent for a moment as he stared up at a portrait of his brother Regulus that sat above the fireplace. When Harry was about to apologise for putting any burdens of his story on Sirius' shoulders, the man with the dark mane started roaring with laughter.

'Ha! you go away for a few weeks and you've lived a lifetime of adventures already! And you've somehow manged to get yourself welcomed into a powerful werewolf pack after sleeping with the chiefs daughter?!' he continued to laugh. 'f*cking hades Harry, I should've gone on one of these aramente things myself.'

Harry chuckled with his godfather, 'it's not all its cracked up to be, turns out there's a lot I need to see to now I'm back. I don't think I really realised the weight that this world's Harry had. How eligible he would be. Daphne said that I could legally become the head of my house?'

Sirius stopped laughing and thought for a second, 'yes, that is true. You'd need Lily's permission, but when your magic started utilising the Fairie Law, you could take a test at either Gringotts or in the Department of Magic Authority, if you pass, you can be emancipated legally and accept all of the titles and responsibilities of your house if there is no current lord, which, I guess you unluckily don't have to worry about.'

Harry nodded.

'I'm just thinking, if my plan is to get powerful enough before Voldemort returns at the end of the year, then I'll need enough political power to stop him and Wormtail from putting their plans into place.'

Sirius nodded.

'Having another lord to back up my political moves would be great for our plan,' he said.

The two spoke about their ideas, what moves they'd make, and eventually the two chuckled and sat in silence, just as the light of a new day started peaking behind them.

'Although you're technically older Harry, you'll still need Lily's permission.' he said. 'We keep coming back to it. Do you know how you're going to convince her?'

Harry shrugged.

'I'll just tell her the truth.' he said. Causing Sirius to laugh again.

'You're f*cking crazy Potter, even your ol' dad wouldn't dare tell Lily Potter the truth.'

'I guess I just have less to fear than dad did.' Harry replied.

Sirius nodded.

'I'm starting to see that.' he then took a sip from his drink that an elf had brought in sometime around 2am. 'And about this memory loss. Have you been trying any exercises?'

Harry shrugged.

'I remember everything up to fifth year, and parts of sixth year, but the memories are all so... jaded. I have fragments of fourth and gigth year.'

'What do you mean?'

'Well, I have flashes of duelling with Draco ending with him in a puddle of his own blood, cuts covering his body, of Snape killing Dumbledore with a perfectly healthy Draco standing next to him, and of Dumbledore and I fighting off inferius... some lessons, a book, but...but there are too many blanks still.'

Sirius nodded, 'well, you go back to your mum’s. In the morning I'll start on seeing if I can find any discrete healers that can lend a hand with that.'

Harry thanked Sirius and stepped through the fireplace.

When he stepped through into the living room of his mother's house he breathed in through his nose, the place smelled like vanilla. Smelled like Lily.

He quickly jotted down a note and placed it on a table letting his mother know that he was back.

He trod up the stairs and stepped into his bedroom, dropped his bag by the foot of his bed and after a wave of his wand he was naked and fell onto his freshly clean sheeted bed.

And for the first time in weeks, he slept in a comfy bed.

The next morning, Harry woke up early, showered, and dressed up in casual clothes. He then went down to the kitchen, where Lily was already up and making breakfast. Harry could smell the aroma of bacon and hot chocolate from the hallway. He walked in, and was immediately blinded as he was enveloped in a hug, his head being pulled into the softest pillows he'd ever placed his head on. He wrapped his arms around Lily's waist and pulled her tight.

'It's good to see you too,' he said.

He could feel her wipe something away as she moved her chest a little, mashing her breasts against his face. He knew he had to move before his body started reacting to being pulled into her large breasts.

When he straightened up, Lily greeted him with a smile.

'Good morning, Harry. Did you sleep well?' she asked, wiping her eyes and turning her attention back to the frying pan.

'Yes, I did. Thanks, Mum,' Harry said, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

'So, how was your trip? Is the training over then? Did you find what you were looking for?' she asked, placing a plate of bacon and eggs in front of Harry.

'Yes, I did. In fact there's lots I think we need to talk about now.'

Lily worried her bottom lip as she placed her own plate on the table and took a seat.

'Are you okay? Are you in in any trouble?' she asked, her eyes full of concern as she looked him over for any wounds or injuries.

Harry had to tell his heart off, because it did a summersault in his chest at her expression. She was so cute.

He tried smiling to reassure her that he was okay.

'I'm fine, and I've discovered things about myself that I really wanted to discuss with you.'

She wrapped her hands around her mug filled with the steaming hot chocolate and nodded her head.

'Well, I'm all ears Harry.'

He took a deep breath, 'well, one of the reasons I went away on the training... was because I wanted to be stronger. I know that I've never really been much of a warrior, but I wanted to change that. I...' he thought carefully about what he was going to say next. 'I have a secret with Sirius, that, if you promise,' he then quickly corrected himself, 'if you vow that you will keep the promise unless I told you it was okay... I will share with you.'

Lily's eyes widened in shock. She gripped the mug tighter.

'A vow? That's a steep payment for a secret Harry,' she said. 'Do I, your mother, really need to take a vow?'

Harry just nodded.

Lily thought about it. She did. She thought hard about denying hearing this secret. That if Sirius knew, then Harry would be safe. But, her curiosity won out. She thought that perhaps Harry's secret would answer the questions she's had since the Quidditch World Cup. Why she'd been feeling this intense lust for Harry. Her every second thinking about him, of their shared nights together, of their last night together. She hadn't dared speak the event into existence--of her drunkenly baring her naked self to him, of tickling his clothed bulge with her finger, of him groping her breast, of their kiss, of the picture she sent him. She could still feel his lips linger on hers.

She knew that these things were unnatural things to be feeling towards your child, yet she didn't see Harry as her son anymore. Her feelings were a confused mess, and he didn't look the same. She peeped in on him in the morning. He was incredibly well toned, lean, handsome, and radiated power. She had to change her knickers after exiting his room.

She decided that perhaps he was going to finally give her the answer she'd spent the last month thinking about.

She locked eyes with him. Their emerald eyes searching for something in the others.

She pursed her lips, 'what would the words be?'

Harry steeled himself and stood up, indicating for Lily to join him. The tank top wearing red head stood up and stood opposite him.

Seeing her stand fully opposite him caused memories of their last night together to surge to his forethought's, which in turn caused the familiar heat to rise in his chest. As the ball of fire appeared in his chest, he heard Lily's breath hitch.

'Well, I'd like you to say; I, Lily Potter, being of sound mind, body, and spirit, agree that I will not speak a word of the secret that one, Harry Potter, will tell me. I will know that the secret has been finished divulging his secret when he finishes casting the bind.' he then nodded to Lily as he flipped his wrist, his wand popping into his hand. 'You don't have to agree, but it will make things easier between us.'

He's offering a boon! she thought, thinking that she will finally figure things out.

She smiled, nodded, reached out her hand and Harry gripped her wrist as she wrapped her delicate fingers around his. Harry started waving as Lily recited the words.

Once Lily had finished speaking, Harry cast the final enchantment, the chain that had wrapped around their wrists pulsed with silver light then faded.

'So,' Lily said. 'Can you tell me the secret now?'

Harry gulped as he slipped his hand from her wrist to her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

'I am Harry Potter. But I'm not your son. I'm from another world. And in that world, I was Harry Potter the Boy-Who-Lived, you and James Potter died and I was destined to defeat Voldemort.'


So! Harry has done his training with the Redwoods, survived a werewolf attack, has camped in a cave in the mountains with Daphne Greengrass, and has now returned home to Lily, ready to tell her the truth about who he is!
Next chapter: Lily finds out, Harry makes a visit to Gringotts!

I've been working very hard on the next collection of chapters for the second Arc of the story whilst editing the chapters for the first Arc. So far the whole story is totalling about 200K words at the moment! Because of this, I lost track of the date. As an apology, extra chapters will be uploaded before Jan 1st!

Chapter 5: Chapter Five


Harry tells Lily, SMUT insues (an almost obscene amount), Harry goes to gringotts to understand his inheritance and returns to Hogwarts!

Chapter Text


Harry had explained his story to Lily, telling her of growing up with the Dursley’s, of being friends with Ron and Hermione, of fighting a basilisk, of killing professor Quirrell, of watching Sirius die, and of his fragmented memories. Lily listened the entire time, only interrupting to ask the occasional question.

He then told her what he’d actually been doing the last few weeks, of what he discovered about himself, of his relationship with Samantha, of binding her to him using the Merlin’s Law, of his bond with the Redwood pack, once he started, he felt like he couldn’t stop. Everything he’d ever wanted to tell his mum and more was finally coming out.

He sighed once he was finished.

Lily took a second to process where she wanted to start first.

“So, you’ve somehow got to this world through the Veil, just like Sirius did, and now you’ve taken the place of my Harry and have this great power and are now... enacting your right to perform the Merlin’s Law. And you are able to use this ancient power because you could be--”

“A mage.” Harry supplied.

“Right. Because of this power you have, you want to...?”

“Get stronger. Because of my power in this body, the Fairie Law means that I could be emancipated and take on the title of Lord Potter and start preparing the world to stop Voldemort’s rise.”

“But to do this you need my permission?”

Harry nodded, “As both my mother in this world, and the current matriarch of the house, you need to give me permission in front of a licenced body that I can take the test to see if my magic is mature enough to be considered an adult.”

“Right. But you do know that one of the roles as lord is to be wedded. And if your goal is to gain the most political power, there will be plenty of dangerous waters to traverse. Especially if,” she paused. “Especially if you are going to be amassing a harem of witches to fuel your power as well. Not many brides will willingly take a husband with mistresses.”

Harry raised his hands, “I-it’s not like I plan on binding hundreds of witches. I only plan on doing it with witches I feel a real connection with. Since binding with Samantha, all of my physical attributes have heightened, and when Daphne and I were avoiding the giants, I had never felt more powerful than when I was charging my body using both mine and her magic. I can only imagine what having access to other witches may be like.”

Lily nodded.

“I guess that makes sense Harry, I’ll try to set any opinions about who my son used to be... from the one standing in front of me wanting to be a lord with many witches wanting,” she gulped, “wanting his magic,” she glanced down to the bulge between his legs. “separate. I see the logic behind your plan. Knowing who you really are makes things seem a lot clearer now.”

Any reserves she had held about her attraction to Harry had been thrown out of the window when he told her that he wasn’t really her son. And that in his world, his mother was a petite framed woman with a small chest, sharp face that Harry had never met. So he didn’t really see her as his mother. Her curiosity for his plan had drawn her in, and no longer feeling a restrain on her arousal and need for Harry, her magic was desperately trying to answer his magic’s call.

“Being classed as a mage is an incredible rarity. There have only been a handful of confirmed mages of the years. The Greengrass” being famous for having a powerful wizard every couple of generations that joined the wizarding army that had a skill with ice magic, but not the degree to be classed as a mage. This Daphne sounds to be very skilled. But what you said about using fire magic... the way that it has worked for you, the extra magical ability that you seem to possess, and your natural understanding of magic in this world, I would agree that with enough training and,” she thought carefully on her next few words. “the more select witches that you bind yourself to, you could easily be one of the most powerful wizards in our world.”

Harry nodded.

“That’s what I need. To be strong enough to protect everyone.”

Lily hummed her reply.

“A fire alignment is rare though… Could be due to a multitude of things. You received a phoenix blessing back in your second year in your world. Your wand’s core was from that very same phoenix. Perhaps its blessing was still in your veins when you passed through the veil and it somehow managed to merge it into your magical core. The other, is that you biologically attained this magic and when you joined this world, the veils power brought that bloodline magic to the surface... or perhaps a mixture of them both.” she offered.

“Are the Potter’s famous for fire magic?” Harry asked.

“No, hundreds and hundreds of years ago they had a talent with clay and earth magic, which earned them their name, so I wouldn’t say yes to that.” she said.

Harry’s eyes widened as he looked to Lily’s hair. He reached out and stroked a few strands between his fingers. Lily’s cheeks reddened as he stepped closer to her as they both were still standing.

“They do say that red hair is a sign that your family were kissed and blessed by fire.”

Lily giggled.

How old are you?! Lily scolded herself.

“Perhaps you’re right Harry.”

After a second of the pair just staring at the other, Lily managed to control her breathing enough to ask a question.

“Do you remember the night before you left?” she whispered.

Harry nodded.

“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have taken advantage like that.”

She reached up and wrapped her fingers round his wrist, eyes widening.

“I initiated everything. You were just complimenting a lonely old woman.”

Harry quickly glanced down at her wonderful figure. The Fairie Law in this world kept her looking about twenty five. He dared take another step closer to her.

“You are far from old Lily, you’re a fiery woman who any man would be honoured to hold in their arms and claim as their own.”

Lily’s cheeks flushed with an intense heat as she heard Harry’s words. Goosebumps rose on her skin, and she could feel a pulsing heat between her legs as Harry stepped even closer to her. She felt the heat of his breath on her neck as he leaned in to speak to her, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of her earlobe.

I would be honoured to hold you in my arms and claim you as my own.” He dared.

His intention was clear, and although Lily had never thought herself as the submissive kind. The thought of being owned by Harry had caused her knickers to be instantly drenched.

“Then take me, Master,” she teased.

He then quickly muffled her moan as he took her lips in a searing kiss, his tongue delving deep, expertly exploring her mouth. The heat between her legs was almost unbearable as Harry’s hands slid down her back to cup her ass, pulling her body flush against his. Lily could feel the rigid length of his co*ck pressing against her stomach, and she moaned into his mouth.

Breaking the kiss, Harry murmured, “I want you, Lily. I’ve wanted you since I first saw you.”

Lily didn’t even attempt to resist as Harry lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. He carried her up the stairs towards her bedroom, his lips attached to her neck, planting hot, open-mouthed kisses all the way along the sensitive skin. Her lips latched on to his neck.

Entering the room, Harry dropped her onto the bed, and Lily lay back, her chest heaving as she watched him hastily divest himself of his clothes until he stood naked before her, his erection jutting out from a mop of dark hair.

Her eyes widened as she finally saw it, and she could feel her magic searing to an almost unbearable heat as she realised that he was hard for her.

Crawling onto the bed, Harry slipped his hand under her ass, gripped the hem of her black jeans and easily slid them off her legs without unbuttoning the jeans. Pulling her lacy knickers with them. Once he tossed the jeans aside, he spread her legs wide apart, his gaze honing in on the intimate folds of her sex. He leaned in, running his tongue along the length of her slit, flicking it against her cl*t.

Lily’s back arched off the bed as she cried out, “Oh! f*ck!”

His hands gripped her hips, holding her steady as he licked, sucked and teased her cl*tor*s, her moans echoing around the room. He used his free hand to enter her and massage her G-spot as his tongue continued its ministrations, her wetness coating his fingers.

He let go of her hip and reached up with his spare hand and began to expertly massage her breast, his thumb teasing her nipple as he bathed his tongue in the red head’s juices.

“Cum for me, Lily.” He rasped against her folds.

Those words were all it took for Lily to fall over the edge, her body shuddering as she came hard, gripping the sheets underneath her in her fists.

Harry chuckled at her reaction and continued to work her with his tongue. Every flick had Lily squirming and writhing with pleasure, and she could feel the pressures building in her core one more. She wanted more, and the only way she could describe it was a craving, a need to be filled by Harry.

With one final flick of his tongue, Harry felt her tug at his hair, pulling her up towards her plump lips. When the two parted, Lily was left panting and sweaty, and Harry moved to cover her body, pressing her into the mattress with his own weight as he reached down and guided his full length into her tightest depths.

As they each felt his engorged head press against her tight entrance, Harry looked down to Lily. She looked vulnerable. Her chest was heaving, her cheeks were red, her bare breasts pressed into his pecks, her legs wrapped around his hips. Their individual magic was burning holes in the other, the room smelt of sex. They knew they needed this.

Lily nodded.

“Claim me.”

Lily felt as though she was in an entirely different realm of pleasure as Harry filled her body completely. His thrusts were slow and deep to start, and they built gradually in intensity, stoking the flames of her pleasure higher and higher until the only thing she could do was moan his name in pleasure. Again and again.

She was rewarded for her effort when Harry finally stilled, panting heavily. She looked up, worried she wasn’t good enough.

“I... I don’t want to end it right now...” he gasped. “I want to make this last.”

Lily reached up and pulled Harry in for a searing kiss.

She then pulled his head to her neck, his lips immediately latching on to her slender neck.

“Who said you only get to f*ck me once, my lord.” she said in the sexiest voice she could muster. “fill me up now, and I know I won’t be able to keep my hands off you before dinner.”

She felt Harry stiffen inside of her.

“Claim me. And we’ll f*ck every night we’re together. I’ll milk you dry. I’ll call you master. I’ll please you for as long as you keep me.”

Harry snaked his hands under her ass, grabbing each cheek in his hands, parting her legs and returned to pounding into her. Feeling her tight walls around him, pulling him in as deep as he could go, of hearing her gasping his name, occasionally moaning master, feeling her breasts pushed against him, of his magic singing a loud balled in his chest, her magic answering loudly, harmonising to the melody, Harry opened the gate he was trying to keep closed and thrust as deep as he could go and spilled his seed deep inside of her as he muttered the enchantment for the binding ritual. In his mind he could picture another river connecting to his pool of golden water, this time the pool was filled with red water that had veins of gold laced within. His magic burst out of him as eldritch runes covered both of their bodies. Which then quickly surged into lines and twisted to form a magic circle around Lily’s navel that flashed golden before fading as Harry’s magic pulsed inwards towards Lily”s now very full puss*.

Her stomach quickly swelled from Harry’s cum and magic filling her up. The different sensations that she felt caused her to cum just as Harry did, her puss* quickly sucking up his cum, and again when the ritual was complete.

The pair collapsed onto the bed, both of them shaken and panting, their clothes strewn carelessly around the room. Lily looked up to see Harry looking at her with an intensity she’d never before seen.

“f*ck, Lily,” he whispered. “You are everything.”

She smiled and snuggled up closer to him as he slid himself from her, the mixture of their cum leaking out on to the sheets below, he turned and laid next to her as she rested her head on his chest. Flashes of fire erupting from her fingertips as images of her facing off against powerful enemies flashed before her eyes. Of her and Harry standing in the middle of a lake, corpses racing towards them, of Harry and her making love in all different places, of her bowing to him as he sat atop a throne, the shadowed silhouettes of other feminine outlines bowed beside her. She could feel her magic swirl within her, as though it was forming a bridge inside of her. Connecting her to Harry. Even if it turned out that he didn’t get stronger from binding her, here in Harry’s arms she felt as though she had everything she could ever need.

The pair spent the rest of the day rutting, cuddling, sharing stories and refining Harry’s plan.

They spent most of the day naked. When they finally went to bed, Lily had crawled onto the bed, and Harry shuffled up behind her on his knees, his co*ck easily returning to her sweltering depths. He had f*cked her roughly, but she seemed to enjoy it when Harry treated her like something he owned. She came at least twice when he finally came, causing her belly to swell again.

The two fell asleep spooning one another. Harry’s co*ck remained hard throughout the night, and remained inside of the red headed goddess.

The next morning Harry awoke to find that the bed was empty. He took a shower and got dressed in his room as he walked downstairs where he saw Lily reading a book on the sofa. He greeted her with a chaste kiss, stepped into the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of cereal. The Potter house was an open plan house so even as Harry sat down at the table he could still see the front room. But Lily wasn’t there anymore, the book now laid on the arm of the sofa.

It was then that he felt the zipper to his trousers open, something delicate and soft reached in and fished out his quickly hardening co*ck. Lily had shifted so she was kneeling in between his legs under the table and he could see her dazzling eyes peer up at him, waiting for his permission.

He managed to stammer a simple “Yes,” and Lily smiled with delight as she went to work. Lily expertly licked and sucked and worked her tongue around Harry’s length. Every moan and gasp from Harry only spurred her on. She wanted to pleasure him until he couldn’t take anymore.

Eventually, she felt Harry’s body tense and knew that he was close. Lily took her time, savouring every second of this moment. Finally, Harry’s body spasmed and Lily could feel the back of her throat being sprayed with his cum. When Harry finished, Lily looked up at him and knew that what was between them was much more than just physical pleasure. His magic had bound them together, and she knew that as long as she had Harry, she’d never be alone. She lapped at his co*ck, trying her best to clean it. Once she was satisfied she placed a gentle kiss against it. Happy and content, Lily pulled herself off the floor and sat on the chair next to him at the table.

“I thought you needed a good luck blowj*b before we headed to Gringotts.”

Harry chuckled as he tucked himself back into his jeans.

“Thanks Lily, I just hope I don’t need the luck,” he saw her look a little deflated. He reached over and clasped her hand with his. “But I will always welcome something like that.”

“I’ll always offer it, master.” she purred in response.

Harry chuckled. He finished off his cereal after Lily kissed his cheek and went upstairs to brush her teeth. She didn’t want to meet the goblins smelling of sem*n. Which Harry understood.

Lily had been confused when Harry had told her about James setting a meeting up for Harry and the goblins of Gringotts. He never told her about anything, but regardless of what the meeting was about, she needed to go with him to give permission for Harry to take the test and be emancipated.

It wasn’t long before the time came where they stood in the fireplace and floo’d to Diagon Alley, and avoiding as many looks as possible made their way into Gringotts. When they met the teller, Lily cleared her throat, catching the head-teller’s attention.

“Yes?” came its growling voice.

“Harry Potter, here for my pre-scheduled meeting with the Potter accounts manager. The meeting was set up by Lord James Potter.”

Lily passed through several documents. A few identifying documents, one or two contracts that she had to sign that basically waived away all remaining rights she had as the matriarch of the house if Harry were ever named lord. Then another document was official and named Harry as the heir and lord to the house in the event that he (James) became unable to fulfil the duties as lord. James intended this to be about his death, and not his mind being driven from his body.

The teller swiped the documents, read through them and groaned. He pushed a few buttons and a goblin in a fine suit stepped over to them.

“Killerclaw, take these two to a unit with an examination orb. Mister Potter here wishes to become emancipated. If the examination is successful, call upon Griphook to go through the appropriate paperwork.”

The goblin nodded, then looked at the documents, his eyes squinting.

“Has Mr Potter not had his meeting yet?”

Harry shook his head.

“Not yet.”

The goblin groaned.

“Come with me.”

Harry and Lily looked to each other and followed the rough skinned creature.

The unit had a long desk with one chair on one side and two on the other. Next to the desk was a small metal black cage with golden runes inscribed on the framework, which held a black orb that was about two foot tall.

After being explained how the orb works, of which Harry was trying his best to listen to, but it was hard. Being so close to the orb, he could feel his magic being pulled towards the orb. The heat rising, wanting to escape and pressed everything against the orbs surface.

When the goblin was done talking, he pushed a parchment towards Harry that basically said that if Harry is emancipated, he accepts the responsibility of being an adult in the wizarding world.

Harry signed it, and Lily signed it confirming that she consented to everything.

She gave Harry a reassuring smile as he stood up and placed his palm flat against the orb.

The dark surface immediately became alight with runic symbols that moved and scattered across the orb, changing shape and size as swirling glowing lights appeared under the surface. After a few seconds, Harry felt his chest almost bursting with heat, Lily gasped and moaned as she too felt it. The goblin, Killerclaw gripped the table as the pressure coming from Harry pushed him away. The orb erupted in a brilliant glow of golden light that began to dissipate into the form of a winged creature before bursting into swirling golden light with red and orange lines twisting around strands of gold. The magic kept expanding under the surface until a few cracks appeared across the surface of the orb.

Killerclaw was able to get close enough to Harry to pull his hand away from the orb.

“Let go of the lacrima!” he cried. “Any longer and you’ll break it.”

Harry felt his magic cool down, he looked back to the orb to see the swirling lights now dissipate now he was no longer touching it. He turned to Lily to ask her if she saw it too, but her face was red, she was breathing heavily and her legs were crossed. She had dressed in white blouse and black skirt with traditional robes over the top, but Harry could see that she was desperately holding back an org*sm. He’d quickly learned that expression over the last day.

Harry cleared his throat and turned to the goblin who was signing multiple parchment and stepped over to him.

“Here,” he smacked the parchment into his empty arms. “Congratulations. You’re officially an adult, but before we discuss your taking over the lordship, you must first speak with Griphook regarding the meeting set up with Lord James Potter.”

The two watched as the goblin disappeared. Harry’s eyes were glued to the cracked lacrima. When he touched it, more memories flashed before his eyes. It was only a flash. He, Ron, and Hermione were running through the Ministry of Magic, something glinting in his hand as they were chased by aurors through a tonally darker Ministry.

“Well, that was weird.” Harry said, breaking the silence.

Lily grabbed Harry’s arm.

“Get. Your wand. Ready.” She grunted, her nails digging into his arm.

Without questioning it he flicked his wrist, his wand jumped up into his hand.

And he found himself paralysed at the sight as Lily wrapped an arm around his and grabbed her breast with her other hand, and forcefully pinched her nipple as she came, hard, on the chair in the office. Her legs wide, her juices racing down her leg as she forcefully bit her lip.

“Ffffucccckkkkk!” she grunted after she gained control of her body.

She limply let go of Harry’s arm as he waved his wand and banished away her juices.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She looked up at him with a brightly flushed face.

“Your magic… it just… it was too much.” She gasped. “I… couldn’t control myself.”

The two had enough time to compose themselves and discuss once more what James could have intended with the meeting.

Not too long later, Griphook, a portly goblin, came into the room. His nose instantly creasing as he sniffed the air hard.

“What is th—” he stopped talking when he saw the lacrima. “Ah. So he wasn’t exaggerating when he said you cracked the orb.” He gave Harry a hard stare as he sat behind the desk. “You’ll have to pay for that.”

“Take it from the Evans Trust vault,” Lily offered.

Griphook nodded and made a note.

“Of course.” He then looked to the two of them. “I understand it that you two do not know as to why you are here?”

They shook their heads.

He groaned, rolling his eyes.

“Right.” He clicked his fingers, a few draws in a cabinet next to him opened. He reached in and pulled out a document, along with a box. “Here,” he said holding up the parchment. “Is the very last legal document we received from Lord James Potter before he was declared legally unable to fulfil his duties as lord.”

Lily gasped and held Harry’s hand. He gave her a reassuring squeeze. Griphook didn”t even offer the pair a courtesy glance as he began reading the paper, not caring about the emotional state of the Potters. He had a job to do.

“I, James Potter, being of sound mind and reason, do hereby consent to this document, where henceforth shall be known as my last will and testament to my titles, holdings, and belongings.”

“We’ve read this,” Lily stated.

Griphook just glared at her.

“Yes. I was merely repeating for the sake of time. But, I see that you would like to get to the section that is relevant to today’s meeting.”

They nodded.

“Very well.” He then put the document down and picked up a different one. “This, is the Will of Inheritance. What you have already been presented with is one form of this document, wherein Mr Harry Potter was named heir to House Potter. This documents all elements of the inheritance. I, James Potter, do hereby declare my eldest son Harry James Potter to be heir to the title of Lord Potter of house Potter. He will be entitled to the ownership of the Potter Manor known as Springrise, and all other holdings, belongings, and funds of the Potter estate. He will be entitled to wearing the Potter ring and all inheritance objects passed through the Potter family. These rewards may be presented to Harry James Potter after a time in which he has reached his seventeenth birthday, is magically recognised as an of-age wizard, or until he is given consent into emancipation and can accept the title of Lord Potter. After his acceptance of the title, he will be obligated to fulfil the mandatory role as Lord. He will need to have entered into a betrothal before the end of his sixteenth birthday. Married before the end of his eighteenth. And have conceived an heir before his twenty-fifth birthday. These words have been written under no duress, and of my own free will, so mote it be.” Griphook then placed the box in front of Harry.

It was a dark red velvet box, no bigger than four inches in diameter with a gold lining.

Harry looked at the box then to Griphook.

“By opening the box and accepting what is inside, you will have accepted the title of Lord Potter, and will have inherited all that comes with the title.” He then looked to Lily. “Due to the emancipation, if he accepts the title, you will lose any rights and powers you possessed as the widow to the late Lord Potter, and as his legal guardian, as Mr Potter will have the right to act of his own will.”

Lily nodded her head. She’d never try to go over Harry’s head anyway.

Harry reached forward and clicked open the velvet box, inside was a black ring with a flat section that was lined with gold and had the Potter family emblem on it. Two stag horns crossing one another over a grecian urn.

“This is your emblem of power. Alongside it, you will find yourself having access to the magics that any Lord Potter had embedded into the ring. Which we do not have a list of.” He then pushed a few documents over to Harry. “Here is a copy of your estate. Here,” he pushed over a long box. “are all the keys to your properties. I will give you a moment to take it in. I will go get the key to the Potter vault so you may access your wares for yourself.”

As the goblin closed the door, Harry plucked the ring from the box and slid it onto his finger. He felt a surge of magic pulse through him as a mix of voices pounded against his skull. His power pulsed outwards in a heat. He could just barely make out an audible gasp as he tried to put the voices into a box to be opened later in his mind. As he opened his eyes, he saw Lily leaping from her chair, wrap her arms around Harry’s neck and kissed him hard, her tongue immediately searching for his. He met her in kind, his hands roaming her curves under the robe.

“So,” Harry started, “I’m officially an adult.” he smiled.

She smiled back at him.

“Looks like you are. My Lord.”

When they finally left Gringotts, the sun had already set behind the many buildings of Diagon Alley, Harry stood tall as a slick black ring with gold detailing now sat on his right pinky finger.

“So,” Lily stated. “What would you like to do first, Lord Potter.” she teased.

Harry thought about it--he now had complete control over the Potter accounts, something that Lily didn’t have before and now, in his left hand, held the keys to Springrise--the Potter family home, and pocketed them. Now wasn’t the time to check the estate out.

“Let’s go to our home, first,” he said, as he subtly wrapped his arm around her waist, his hand resting suspiciously close to her plump behind. “I’ve got a hankering for a red headed witch that’s been teasing me all day with this,” he squeezed her ass, “delicious ass.”

He let his magic flare, the witch’s legs buckled slightly under her, the only thing keeping her upright was Harry’s grip on her sides.

Somehow in a short space of time, the lust that she had for Harry had blossomed into an all out subservient love for him. She felt a giddiness, a fulfilment when he made claims on her, told her of how much he wanted her. She’d felt lonely the last few years, and now Harry was filling that loneliness. That void within her in spades, and it caused her to feel alive again. She would do anything for Harry.

“T-then we better get home,” she managed to get out. “I’ve been feeling hungry all day.”

A second later they CRACK’d out of sight in Diagon Alley and reappeared inside of their living room in the Potter house.

As soon as their feet landed on the carpet of the living room, Harry grabbed Lily’s robes with one hand and ripped her robe from her body, and parted her blouse, buttons pinging everywhere as he latched his lips onto her collar bone. Lily threaded her fingers through his hair as his hands frantically unbuckled his belt to his trousers and then her skirt once that was free. He lifted his face, gave her a hungry kiss as he then spun her around leaning her against the sofa. Lily used her arms to push against the back of the sofa for balance as she felt Harry slide her soiled panties down her slender legs and swiftly slide himself to his base into her burning wet depths.

There was a sharp intake of breath from the witch as she was now filled, memory of the magical lacrima flash back into her mind and the hot flush came back.

Harry gripped her hips before pushing her back down as he buried himself in her. Sweat prickled over his forehead and soon they were both audibly panting, Harry’s pace increasing as he pumped into her. Lily let herself moan, louder and louder as Harry’s magical field began to envelop her, her own magic rushing to her lover’s call.

Harry lifted out until the tip of his co*ck remained in the witch, then drove deeper and deeper, dragging moans and gasps from Lily as she rocked against the sofa. The pace continued rapidly until Harry hit her sweet spot, Lily came instantly with a scream.

Harry’s thrusts didn’t slow as he pulled her against him, his co*ck sliding deeper into her, attempting to trigger another powerful org*sm. Images of an orange flame being consumed by a golden light appeared in his mind. Without realising, he had flipped Lily over so that she was sitting down and began plowing into her, his lips latching on to the light pink tips of her beautiful peaks. She moaned out his name as her fingers threaded through his hair.

“f*ck! f*ck! Harder Harry! f*ck me like the whor* I am!”

He continued to thrust hard into the beautiful red head, he could feel his peak coming, and she must have sensed it because she wrapped her legs around his hips, driving him deeper within her and started sucking on his earlobe.

“Shoot your seed into me, master, just like you will to all of your other bitches! Impregnate your whor*!” she moaned into his ear. “Give me a baby that shares our incestuous eyes!”

Her groaned as his body convulsed as he pumped his seed deep within her, seeing her tummy swell up from his cum caused images of a pregnant Lily to flood his mind, causing his heart to thrum in his chest and his magic to pulse outwards. He felt his co*ck being milked by Lily’s walls as she came again.

“Harry!” she cried as her whole body tensed and shook.

After a few moments, he pulled himself from her puss* and slumped against the other end of the sofa. He felt drained of energy. The first time since defending himself against the giants. He looked over at Lily and gaped as he saw how truly ravaged she looked. Her body was covered in love bites, her body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, her legs frozen apart as his seed dribbled out from her c*nt, staining the light blue sofa cushion underneath her.

Her eyes were closed, a look of bliss on her cumdrunk face. Her body was slightly arched from resting against the sofa. Her lips were parted slightly as her chest heaved up and down, her tit* were pushed upwards, demanding to be touched.

Once Lily’s body was able to relax, Harry saw her body unstiffen, and she was breathing gently. He had f*cked her to sleep. He chuckled to himself as he flipped his wrist, his wand hopping into his hand as he summoned a blanket from the hamper by the television, and leaned against her. The two then napped together.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It took two full days before Harry and Lily accepted visitors. Harry had sent multiple letters to Sirius explaining that he had told Lily everything and that he was officially emancipated and the Lord of house Potter. He appeared through the fireplace after being invited and immediately sniffed the sex scented air and looked to the two blushing Potters. Both of which were mentally scolding themselves for not thinking of spraying air freshener. They had become so used to the smell that they no longer noticed it.

He looked to Harry then to Lily in shock.

They both prepared themselves for his admonishment when he started laughing.

“Well, at least someone’s keeping you satisfied!” he roared to Lily.

“Y-you’re not angry, upset, judging?” Lily asked.

Sirius shrugged.

“You’re both grown ups. Harry’s not really your boy. You look and act nothing like his mum did. As long as your happy, I can’t say much about it.” he smiled to them both and then lifted a trunk to them. “But I can talk about this.”

They all moved towards the kitchen table.

He placed the trunk down on the table and looked to Harry.

“So, now that you’ve put the pieces on the board, how are you going to put them into play?”

Harry thought about it.

“First things first, I want you to send an envoy to the Redwoods. The rival pack will most likely be constantly coming for them since the last attack. Mum also said that Fenrir Greyback’s pack isn’t too far from the Blackclaws?” Sirius nodded. “Second, everything this year is going to revolve around Hogwarts. I’ll need to prepare Neville for the graveyard if we’re unable to stop it. He’s this worlds Boy-Who-Lived. I can’t, in good conscience, let him duel Tom with a disarming spell.” Lily and Sirius looked to eachother then nodded to Harry.

“Perhaps Neville’s side is the best place for you this school year,” Sirius said.

Harry smiled and turned to Lily.

“Whilst I’m back at school, I want you to run the Potter estate by proxy whilst I’m busy. If we’re successful, I’d like a nice home to be able to return to after this is all done.” Lily blushed but nodded.

“I’ll turn Springrise into a beautiful ancestral home. I’ll make sure to run your estate right.”

“You can hire Andy to help with running it. She was trained to do exactly that as the eldest daughter before she married Teddy.” Sirius offered and Lily’s eyes widened.

“Of course! She’d be a brilliant assistant.”

Sirius smiled, “it’ll be nice to put some of that pureblood training to good use. I know she sometimes feels like she’s going crazy with all the pureblood knowledge she’s got.”

Harry nodded, “so that’s settled. I’m happy to attend dealings and contract negotiations in person myself when needed.” he then thought for a second, “Sirius, how long can you keep the news of my newfound title from the paper?”

Sirius thought for a second.

“Not long. If it hasn’t already been printed, then I’ll be able to keep it at bay for maybe a day or two more. It’s too big of news to hold back for too long. Sorry Harry.”

Harry shook his head.

“It’s fine, I just wanted to hold off the betrothal proposals for as long as I could. One of the conditions of being Lord Potter is to be betrothed before the day ends on my sixteenth. So if I live, I’ll have to be engaged.”

Lily looked at her feet at this and Sirius nodded.

“Well you have us, and Andy to help with any advice and suggestions.” he then cleared his throat. “Do you plan on, er, bedding any more pretty witches over the course of the next year?” Sirius asked.

Harry felt his cheeks redden, but his shrugged.

“I... I don’t plan to. The two witches I currently have bound to me were not planned. I just felt a very strong connection with them and they were the ones that demanded to be claimed--” Lily started chocking on air at Harry’s comment. “sorry Lily.” he offered. “But I know that last I spoke with Tonks, she was very keen on the whole idea… but who knows. She might have changed her mind.”

“Well, I’d suggest that a few of the rooms at the Potter house be cleaned and made ready for any friends staying with you at Christmas,” Sirius gestured to both Lily and Harry. “If you’re heading back to Hogwarts, then you best get all of your stuff together. I’d managed to hold Albus off from asking questions by telling him that you would be late returning to school this term due to a junior training course and that I would let him know when you would be back. When he sent a letter to your mother a few weeks ago, she corroborated on this. When are you heading back?”

“Tomorrow,” Harry said. “The quicker I’m back, the quicker I can start reintegrating myself and make connections. We need to stop Voldemort from all angles.”

Sirius nodded.

“Right, looks like we’ve all got our tasks,” he joked.

The three sat at the table for a few hours longer, talking more about their plans. Eventually Sirius got a call from his apprentice and had to leave. Once Sirius disappeared through the green flames, Harry clicked his fingers and Lily’s dress dropped from her shoulders instantly, revealing her beautiful naked body. Harry picked up her and dropped her onto the table and kissed her, his fingers brushing against her sex. He brought his fingers to his lips and licked them. They were drenched in her nectar. Which, just like the rest of her, smelled of vanilla.

Harry dropped his jeans and slid inside. The two f*cked on the kitchen table until Lily meekly asked to move somewhere more comfortable as the table felt hard on her bare bottom. The pair then moved upstairs where Lily pushed Harry onto the bed and mounted him, gyrating her hips until Harry grunted and came inside of her. Her tummy quickly bloating with magic causing her to look pregnant once again.

Then they took a shower together, in which Lily bent down to grab a non-existent bar of soap, Harry slid inside again and the two rutted until Lily begged Harry, repeatedly, to fill her up. To get her pregnant. To be deeper. When he came he accidentally chanted something in parseltongue, something he didn’t even recognise, but when he finally erupted inside of her, purple magic burst outwards, flashed golden then surged inwards towards Lily’s tummy where the runic circle from the binding ceremony secretly hid pulsed a few times before fading from view once again.

Lily collapsed and Harry held her and took her to bed.

The next morning Harry had woken early, he and Lily just cuddled naked for a few hours, just talking to one another. Eventually he got up, got dressed, checked his trunk and waited by the fireplace with Lily anxiously sitting on the sofa. Eventually the floo erupted a green colour and a burnt parchment sputtered out. It was a temporary password into the fireplace in Dumbledore’s office.

Harry turned to say goodbye to Lily who had already jumped from the sofa and grabbed his face, pulling him into a passionate kiss of swapping saliva. When they parted, he stared into her sparkling green eyes and smiled.

“I’ll try and see you soon. If I can’t, I’ll see you at Christmas.”

She smiled and held his cheek, “I’ll see you soon, Master. Go kick some ass.”

He smiled at her comment, gripped his trunk and stepped through the flames as he muttered the password and felt his body slipping through flames as he returned to Hogwarts once more.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As he plopped down at the table he could feel the wandering eyes of everyone in the hall peer over at him. He didn’t even need to use his senses to know that. This was one part of his life he thought was over. Before he had Hermione to back him up, or Ron to start arguments with those that would stare at Harry. Even in this world, Harry’s relationship with Draco was basically non-existent--Harry in this world barely popped up on Draco’s radar.

Here, Harry’s only friend was Neville Longbottom. Who still hadn’t returned to Hogwarts yet.

Here Harry was alone.

He looked down the table to see Hermione, hair covering her face as she read a book at the table. She looked different in this world. Just like all witches and wizards, she had received the blessing of the Faerie Law. She was still a slender woman, with bushy brown hair. She had a slight face and curves that pressed against her uniform. Her breasts were roughly handfuls, and her gaze, unlike his own Hermione, seemed calculating. No warmth there. His gaze turned to Ron, Seamus, and Dean— they all looked the same, just slightly more muscular— who were glancing over at him, whispering. But so was everyone else, so Harry didn’t give it too much thought.

He ate as many sausages and scrambled eggs as he could fit on a plate and ate them. He needed the protein, and he needed to fill up if he planned on going for his morning run afterwards. As he was eating the sixth sausage, the screech of the morning owl post caught the attention of everyone. Willis dropped three letters and the day’s copy of the Daily Oracle in front of Harry. He brushed the back of the owls head and fed it a sausage.

“Are you waiting for replies?” he asked the owl. Willis hooted and bowed his head slightly. “Okay, give me a moment.”

He opened up the letter on the top of the pile.

He recognised the scruffy scrawl of Sirius Black.

Dear Lord Potter,

I hope that your return to Hogwarts has been seamless--if any of those punters stare too hard, just give ‘em the ol’ petrificus totalus, that’ll stop ‘em!

I hear it’s not long before the other schools arrive at Hogwarts for the Triwizard tournament. The age line will still be drawn, but because of your recent emancipation you will be eligible to enter the tournament. Do with that what you will.

I’ve heard word that the Redwood Pack have been pushing the Blackclaws out of the wood—we’ve even managed to correspond and have teamed up to start capturing Fenris and his kin. Hopefully we’re able to round them all up before Riddle’s henchmen are able to convert them. Samantha seems like a really nice girl. She basically vibrated with happiness when I told her you’d told me about her.

I’ve been looking into that list you gave me, and I think I’ve been able to find those boots you wanted. I’m still not sure what they do, but I’ll get them acquired for you.

Yours sincerely,

Lord Sirius Black

P.S, it seems that although we have tried to keep the knowledge of you taking the lordship, it’ll be hitting the press any day.

Harry chuckled to himself as he wrote his response.

He folded the parchment, melted some wax and used his ring to seal it closed. He passed it to Willis and the owl snatched it from his grip, giving him a look of hurry up, I don’t have time for this.

He then picked up the second letter. As he opened the parchment a familiar vanilla smell wafted upwards.

Lily he thought with a smile.

My Dearest Lord Potter,

I cannot express into words how pleased I was to hear of your safe return to Hogwarts. Similarly, I cannot write how saddened I was after you left our little home yesterday. Spending this time with you has reignited a fire in my life that I want to put towards something helpful.

Speaking of fire, since our moment of bonding the other night, I have noticed moments of sparking energy. Similar to how you described--I feel that the intimate ritual we participated in has somehow given that missing spark my magic needed to ignite this newfound power.

I miss you greatly, and cannot wait until I am in your arms once more.

Forever yours,

Your Lily

As his memories of his night with Lily surged to the forefront of his mind, he had to try and calm himself as his chest began heating up. He quickly scrawled his response. He tried keeping his comments and compliments as tasteful as possible, but wanted to convey how he also missed her.

He sealed the letter with the ring on his pinkie and passed the letter to Willis, who again snatched the note.

The last letter was written in writing that Harry did not recognise, but it was written in a neat cursive handwriting. Each word looked carefully scribed.

Dear Lord H. Potter,

I do hope that this letter finds you in good health, and that you do not find yourself enraged by my use of your prefix--as the wife of a fellow lord, it has enabled me access to information such as the arrival of a new eligible bachelor in our society.

I dare say, I am glad to be the one to first say, “welcome”.

You may be questioning as to why I am writing, or perhaps you were expecting this first endeavour into an open correspondence. I gathered from our first conversation that you are a wizard of great discretion and power.

I hope that I do not come across as being too bold as to assume that you would not decline an invitation to the Malfoy residence for cake and a pleasant conversation? As Lord Potter, Earl of Cantwara, you may exit the Hogwarts grounds to attend to your duties. Consider this invitation as part of your lordly duties. Establishing a social relationship with House Malfoy.

Please respond when you would be available. I do hope you do not disappoint by declining this invitation.

Yours faithfully,

Lady N. Malfoy, Countess of Jorvik.

Harry held the letter in his hands, trying to process what he had just read. He was surprised that Narcissa was reaching out to him, especially considering their last meeting had been somewhat taboo.

He knew that it would be his duty to accept her invitation; not only did it offer a chance for them to build a positive relationship, but it was also good form to accept an invitation from a fellow noble house.

With this in mind, he wrote his response:

My Lady N. Malfoy, Countess of Jorvik,

I am both surprised and glad to hear from you. I would be honoured and delighted to accept your gracious invitation. I will be available in the evening of October 29th.

I look forward to enjoying your hospitality.

Yours faithfully,

Lord H. Potter, Earl of Cantwara.

After sealing his reply he gave the final letter to the owl who allowed Harry to scratch the back of his head before he spread his wings and took his leave from the Great Hall.

Harry looked around the Great Hall and still couldn’t believe how different it was compared to his own. This wizarding world had a far higher population of magicfolk than his own, had its own rules, far stronger magical presence, and definitely offered more to the growing wizard.

Harry couldn’t help but smile to himself as he looked down at his copy of the Daily Oracle. On the front cover was a flashing photograph of a lean boy with bright blonde hair, a brazen smile, holding a trophy:


Harry read the rest of the rest of the article. His best friend in this world had been entered into a 11-14 years duelling tournament in Italy and had managed to win by a dramatic margin. Seeing the big smile on Neville’s face caused Harry to feel proud of the blonde boy. In his world, Neville only began to step into who he truly was as he got older. Here, Neville had spent most of his life training with great duellist, and tutors--his grandmother would not allow her precious boy to be ridiculed. He was a famous warrior and she pushed him to be the best that he could be.

He was about to open the paper when he heard shouting coming from the opening to the Great Hall, he turned and saw Lavender Brown screaming at Daphne Greengrass. The blonde haired girl was stepping closer to the white-haired Ice Queen of Slytherin, her fists balled and her face red.

“She didn’t even apologise for the way she acted! You want to stand there and defend her Greengrass?” Harry quickly gazed around the room and saw Tracey Davis standing sheepishly in a group of other Slytherin girls.

A couple of Gryffindor’s stood up to back up their fellow lion.

sh*t. This will escalate quickly.

Harry saw the likes of the Weasley twins, Cormac, Ron, Dean, and Seamus all stand up heading to where the altercation was happening. He internally cursed the hormones of teenagers as he saw on the other side of the hall a few more male snakes getting up and joining the foray. Including the white haired Draco Malfoy and his cronies.

Lavender continued to scream at Daphne. The beautiful witch refusing to show any emotion as she allowed Lavender to continue to assault her with insults.

Harry was able to quickly gather that Tracey had been dating Lavender’s older brother. Of which Harry quickly mentally noted and put away for later reference. Cloris Brown had taken Tracey on a date in Hogsmeade and one thing lead to another, and Cloris returned to the castle alone with cuts all over his body. He was currently in the infirmary.

“Your friend needs to apologise to Cloris!” Lavender screamed. “She’s embarrassed him! Humiliated him!”

Daphne scoffed.

“I understand that you’re showing your brother support, but you have to admit that its only right to hear Tracey’s side of the story.”

But Lavender wasn’t having any of it.

“I don’t need to hear your filthy lies!”

Just as the two parties were joining the already formed groups for support, Lavender fired a paralysing spell towards Daphne. Luckily the Ice Queen was able to whip her wand in front of her in a circular motion, summoning a blue shield.

The first spell had been cast. Both groups immediately began firing spells at one another. There were too many witches and wizards duelling that they spilled out into the corridor just outside of the Great Hall. Harry’s eyes tried their best to track each spell, but the adrenaline of watching the duel, of sensing battle caused his magic to thrum in his veins.

I don’t want to get involved! Harry thought as he felt himself rise from where he sat at the Gryffindor table.

As he walked across the hall, he watched each of the Slytherin wizards firing their spells at the Gryffindor’s and vice versa.

He knew he needed to put an end to this before it got out of hand. This was not the first time there had been a conflict between the two Houses--The journal Harry kept from this worlds Harry told him that the last time the two houses clashed, every bed in the medical ward was filled with a mix of students from all houses, and Harry didn’t want it to escalate into something similar, or worse.

“Expelliarmus!” Harry shouted, disarming the nearest Gryffindor student who had his wand pointed at a Slytherin. The student stumbled backward in surprise but quickly regained his stance, now wandless.

“Potter, what are you doing?” Ron’s voice called out to him, but he ignored him.

He continued to disengage the different fighters--which was surprisingly easy. But once Harry pushed through the witches and wizards on the other side of the floor, he felt his blood chill. The fighting pulled in the other houses, and there were plenty of witches and wizards crying out in pain. It seemed that no one was holding back.


Then he heard a cry that tugged at his heartstrings. He looked down and saw Luna Lovegood, her blonde hair singed and her wand arm was twisted at an awkward angle. Her eyes met Harry’s for a brief moment, and he knew that he couldn’t just stand aside and let this fight continue.

Without a second thought, Harry stepped in between the two groups, his wand at the ready.

He felt his inner beast threatening to burst out and join the fray. So he instead channelled his power into his voice as he roared out “Stop!” that echoed through the corridor.

To his surprise, the fighting stopped almost immediately. All the students froze, wands still pointed in various directions, but none of them made any moves. Harry looked around at the students who had stopped duelling, their wands still out, and lowered them when he locked eyes with them.

“What are you thinking, Potter?” Draco sneered, his wand now pointed at Harry.

“We can’t just fight amongst ourselves,” Harry replied, trying to keep his tone even. “We’re all in the same school, trying to learn magic and make the best of our lives as wizards and witches. Fighting amongst ourselves is counterproductive and only leads to pain and suffering.”

The blonde Slytherin narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to argue, but Harry was faster.

“And I know we all have our differences, our histories, and our grudges. But that’s no excuse for violence. We need to put our differences aside and find a way to work together.”

Harry heard murmurs of agreement from both sides, but there was more groans of disagreement. He knew that words alone wouldn’t be enough to end the tensions between the houses. He needed to take action.

“I propose a truce,” Harry said, holding out his wand to indicate he was unarmed. “No more fighting between the houses. We’ll all focus on our studies, work towards achieving our goals, and maybe we’ll find that we’re not so different after all.”

There was a moment of hesitation before one of the Slytherins stepped forward, his wand lowered. Everyone’s gaze followed him as he stepped through the crowd, even slipping past Draco.

He was stout, but bulky with muscle. He looked as though he was in his late teens. He had the clear signs of thick facial hair growing on his chin. He had a square face and broad shoulders.

Harry didn’t recognise the wizard.

“You propose a truce between our houses?” He asked. Harry nodded. “Fine. Whatever. But we’re not lions. Bowing down to whoever has the biggest roar. We snakes listen to action.”

“What are you proposing?” Harry asked.

“A duel. You versus me. Duelling chamber, tonight at six.”

Harry considered that. In this world it wasn’t against school rules to duel in the duelling chamber. Curfew was at seven. And he didn’t see any other quick way to solve the issue between the houses. A truce would only be a temporary solution, but it was one he felt was the best course of action, and definitely fed into his plan to get everyone to work together so that Voldemort has less allies in the coming war.

Harry raised his hand and turned to Draco.

“Heir Malfoy, fancy being the Slytherin to bind our agreement?”

Draco’s eyes widened for a moment before he puffed out his chest.


Taking Harry’s lead, the other wizard looked to Fred.

“Weasley, you be the Gryffindor.”

The two stepped towards the pair.

“I, Gregory Strongjaw, challenge Harry Potter to a formal duel at six. If Potter wins then there will be a truce between the two houses. If Potter loses, then he will owe me three favours. Of which I can ask of anything I want.”

Harry paused.

That was a steep wager.

He looked around at the bruised, cut, and crying students around him and he swallowed his resolve.


“I, Harry Potter, agree to the terms set forth by Gregory Strongjaw.”

Fred and Draco had been forming magical chains around their gripped hands as they each spoke. Once Harry finished speaking the ropes lit up a brilliant gold and the two let go of the others hand, a spiral of golden chains still lighting up their wrists.

“I shall see you tonight, Potter.”

With that, the group dispersed. Everyone started tending to their friends wounds. Harry glanced over at Daphne and met her grey eyes. It was only a second, but the pair locked eyes, an unspoken look of acknowledgement between them.

“We will talk later.”

Harry leant down and scooped Luna’s fragile form in his arms after he saw that no one had moved to help the younger girl. He tried to be delicate with her, but she did wince as he lifted her up off of the ground.

“Sorry, I’ll try not to jog you too much.”

Tear trails had begun forming down her cheeks.

“Thank you Lord Potter.” she whispered.

The pair were in silence as Harry took Luna to the medical ward. He placed her on a bed, told Pomphrey what happened with the two houses duelling and warned her that there may be a few more injured students hobbling in soon. She thanked him and he left to head towards Potions class.

The lesson went by with plenty of tension. Many of the Slytherin’s kept glaring towards Harry, who was standing around a table with Hermione, Daphne, Seamus and some other Slytherin’s that Harry didn’t really know. This world had so many more magicfolk than his did.

As they completed the work that Professor Vincere set for them, he couldn’t help but feel that many eyes in the class were looking over at him. He looked over at the instructions to the potion and smiled as he remembered trying to brew this potion the first time round in Snape’s class—Merlin’s beard was he happy that Snape wasn’t a professor in this world. He didn’t really know much about what happened to the hook nosed potions master in this world, but he was glad that he wasn’t teaching.

He decided to ignore the looks of the other students on him as he instinctively crushed the sopophorous bean with the side of his silver knife.

“What are you doing?” he heard Hermione ask.

Harry shook his head, “I don’t know, I thought that the duel would’ve been a great way to create a truce but--”

She gave him an odd look as she interrupted him, “No. Not that. That.” she said pointing to him crushing another bean with his knife.

He looked down and shrugged.

“Crushing the sopophorous bean extracts the juices quicker and means there’s more of it. Don’t try and cut. You’ll be there for hours.” He suggested. He noted that as he finished saying it, all those on his table started crushing their beans and little smiles of triumph spread across their faces. All except for Daphne, who was glancing towards Harry with her usual stoic mask.

Professor Vincere gave Harry and his table an odd look when he noticed them all crushing their beans, but smiled and shrugged as he tried to help Ron and Seamus with the speed that they were stirring their cauldron--whips of dark smoke had been licking at the surface of the murky brown potion.

Harry flicked his wrist under the table, his wand popping into his grip as he then rotated it above the potion as he muttered the incantation. The potion pulsed purple. When the light dissipated a silver liquid was all that remained in the cauldron.

The others on Harry’s table followed quickly afterwards.

Professor Vincere checked each of the potions on their table, and when he was satisfied they were all dismissed early, which he joked under his breath gave him time to help the other students.

Once out of the classroom, the Slytherin’s all sauntered away, Hermione headed towards the library only glancing over her shoulder to glance at Harry with a look that seemed to be studying him before disappearing. He was about to head towards the Astronomy Tower to clear his head when his danger sense triggered. He whipped around to see the silver haired witch he'd hidden in a cave with.

He couldn’t help but smile at her stoic expression. In the cave he’d seen her open up and look more vulnerable. She’d almost quite literally bared herself to him, and here she was, dressed in her school uniform that was just tight enough that her robe was able to cover up how it made her look.

“Morning,” Harry said.

Daphne continued to stare at Harry.

“Do you have time to talk, Lord Potter?” she asked.

Harry nodded his head.

“Of course, we have time before the next lesson.”

The two walked through the corridor, keeping enough distance away from each other that it didn’t look like they were walking together. They quickly found an empty classroom and stepped inside. So there they stood. Daphne stepped over towards the tall windows that walled one side of the classroom, looking down at the quad. Harry stepped into the room and, for the first time, activated his magic sense skill. He could literally see a light blue aura radiating off of her form. It spread out from her body in misty whips.

He quickly dismissed the skill and stepped further into the room, he stood next to her and cleared his throat.

“I’ve been meaning to thank you for sticking by me in that cave. I think I would have gone insane if I did that by myself,” Harry said. “You helped… keep me sane... I’m truly grateful.”

The ghost of a smirk could be seen on her face as she continued to look down at a few seventh years playing gobstones down below.

She shrugged, “I’m just glad that those days we spent trying not to get killed by giants was worth it, my Lord.”

He chuckled, “yeah, only happened a few days ago. I didn’t realise that as lord of my house that I got access to so much more resources.”

Daphne nodded.

“You’re in charge of your house, so that makes sense,” she said, then added. “Did you find out about your magic?”

Harry nodded.

“I took the emancipation examination, and after a few extra tests, we discovered that I am technically classified as a pyro magus. It’s a gift that I’ve gotten from my mother’s side. Although she’s muggleborn, she does come from old magic. We’re not sure which family, but she”s from a fire mage bloodline. When my magic matured, it must have been the spark the dormant magic needed to come to the front.” he then chuckled. “You and me. Two mages in the same classroom. Two of the few mages currently alive in wizarding Britain.”

Daphne nodded.

“Potter, my family’s power its--” Harry could see that she looked uncomfortable.

“It’s okay Daphne, I’ve only told Sirius, but only because I wanted to learn more about it. But I promise not to tell anyone else. I can vow it if you like?”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

She then nodded as she returned her gaze to the view outside her window.

“So, what are you going to do about that duel?”

Harry sighed, “I really don’t know what I was thinking,”

Daphne chuckled for the first time and turned to him.

“Were you planning on killing him?”

Harry sputtered, “No, I wasn’t going to kill him. How strong of a duellist is he?”

Daphne pondered that, “he’s a pretty good. He does tournaments, but that’s as much as I know.”

Harry nodded.

“I may need to practice before duelling him later. I’m out of practice fighting against a wizard that I’m not trying to stop killing me.”

Daphne eyed him warily at the comment then hummed.

“I’ll practice with you.”

Harry smiled, “would you?”

She nodded, “the least I could do.”

Harry cast a tempus, they didn’t have time before their next lesson. They agreed to meet on the third floor corridor. Daphne wasn’t sure why, but agreed. Harry looked forward to practice together.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The students crowded around the duelling stage. Harry and Gregory stood opposite each other, wands in their hands. Susan Bones was voted as referee and stood in the centre of the stage.

“Evening all houses, we’re here to watch a duel between Harry Potter of Gryffindor House and Gregory Strongjaw of Slytherin House. If Potter wins then there will be a truce between the two warring houses. If Strongjaw wins, then Potter owes Gregory three favours of his choosing. The stakes are high. No unforgivable curses, you are limited to one magical item, no stepping outside of the duelling area, the duel ends when one of the opposing wizards is knocked out of the area, falls unconscious, or forfeits.” She announced. “Are the terms acceptable?”

Harry nodded.

Gregory nodded.

“Then, wizards, bow to your opponent.” they bowed. “turn, and take ten paces. On ten, turn and fire your first spell. Then the duel will begin.”

The two turned and started their pacing.

Harry looked around the hall, there were at least a two hundred students in the hall. Making up at least the entire cohort of fourth years and at least half of the fifth years. This world really did have higher magical population.


He could see Hermione, Daphne, Ron and the other Gryffindor’s in the crowd.


Fred and George were taking bets.


The Slytherin’s all had wicked grins or sneers on their faces.




Training with Daphne had helped him gauge how far to bring his magic down. Turns out, he didn’t have to bring his magic used through his wand down too much.





Harry whipped around, a jet of red quickly zipping towards him, danger sense activated, Harry swerved his head to the side.

Gregory is fast, Harry thought as he started firing stunners towards the bulkier wizard.

Harry kept dodging and moving, Gregory’s spells were getting too close for comfort. He had to do something else.

He spun his wand in a circle and silently cast “Protego!” A bright blue force-field surrounded Harry and protected him from Gregory’s jet of red. The jet impacted the force-field and dissipated harmlessly around the edges.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, he had managed to stay safe this time. He was starting to get the hang of using his magical skills in combat situations.

He knew he needed something else to give himself an edge in combat and he knew just what skill he was looking for. Focusing on his mental list of skills, he quickly found the one he was looking for: Physical Enhancement. This skill allowed him to increase his physical strength and speed as well as his healing factor and resistance to magical attacks. A skill he had learned when he was with the Redwoods, and had gotten stronger since bonding with Samantha.

He concentrated on it, and suddenly felt a surge of energy rush through his body, making him feel faster and stronger than ever before. His muscles bulged slightly from the strain, but he could already see the results of his new power. He moved quickly out of Gregory’s range, dodging spells with ease and launching powerful counter spells that hit their target with pinpoint accuracy.

Harry was amazed at how much easier it was to fight now; suddenly all of Gregory’s spells were nothing more than a nuisance compared to how fast Harry could move and how powerful his counter spells were. He felt like he had an edge in combat now which made him even more determined to win this duel. The two traded spells, lights flashing past the other. Gregory aimed his wand at the stage floor and transfigured some of the boards into oaken tendrils that surged upwards.

Harry felt panic rush through him as the oaken tendrils surged up and started to wrap around his legs, keeping him in place. He struggled to break free, but Gregory’s spell was too powerful for him.

He had to think fast. He channelled the heat in his chest and through the tip of his wand, summoning a small fire to burn through the wood and free himself. The flames surged forward with a whoosh, devouring the wood in their wake until they reached Gregory who jumped back in surprise at the sudden attack.

Gregory stumbled backwards as Harry’s next spell hit him square in the chest. He quickly regained his balance and retaliated with a barrage of spells, but Harry was too quick for him. Harry deftly dodged each spell and countered with his own, each one hitting its target with deadly precision.

It wasn’t long before Gregory started to tire, his spells becoming weaker and slower. Harry seized the opportunity and launched an attack so fierce that Gregory had no chance to defend himself. The last thing Gregory saw before he fell to the ground, unconscious, was Harry’s wand pointed straight at him, a look of triumph on his face.

Harry was breathing heavily, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He had never felt so alive, so powerful.

But for now, Harry had to focus on the present. He had won the duel, but he knew there would be more challenges and opponents to face in the future. And with his newfound power, he was more than ready for whatever came his way.

As Harry stood over his defeated opponent, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He always thought of himself as a sub-par wizard, with a knack for learning defence spells and was decent on the broom. But he’d never defeated another wizard like that before. Maybe he had changed. With his new abilities, he felt like he could take on the world.

But as he turned to leave the duelling arena, he caught sight of a figure in the shadows. It was someone he recognized immediately: Draco Malfoy.

“Potter,” Malfoy sneered. “You clearly cheated!” The pureblood brandished his wand and fired a spell towards Harry.

Harry didn’t respond, but he could feel the energy coursing through his body, urging him to take on this new challenge. He raised his wand and prepared to engage in battle once again.

Malfoy launched a series of curses at Harry, but they zipped past as Harry easily moved out of the way with ease. Harry countered with spells of his own, each one hitting its target with deadly accuracy. This was what he had been waiting for, a chance to prove himself against one of his greatest rivals.

As the battle raged on, Harry could feel his anger rising. He had always hated Malfoy, with his smug attitude and insufferable arrogance back in his own world, and it seemed he was no different here. But now, with his newfound power, he knew he could finally put him in his place.

And so he did. With one final spell, Harry sent Malfoy sprawling to the ground, defeated and humiliated. As he stood over his vanquished foe, he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. This was just the beginning of what he could achieve with his incredible powers.

When the surrounding Gryffindor’s began cheering, Harry felt the heat cool down, the feeling of a beast inside of him hide back into an unknown den. He had lost his cool for a second there, and was thinking things that… weren’t his own. None of the cheering triggered his danger sense. As he turned to leave he saw his best friend in this world.

Neville Longbottom, the Boy-Who-Lived.

Harry smiled and hugged his mate.

“That was some duel mate,” the wizard laughed.

Neville grabbed Harry’s wrist and raised it up, “Potter wins!”

The crowd cheered and applauded Harry as some of the other Slytherin wrapped their arms around Gregory’s shoulders and helped him up and lead him towards the infirmary.

Harry smiled and shouted to everyone, “This year at Hogwarts, there will be truce between our houses!”

There was more cheering, but Harry did make note that it was mainly the Hufflepuff’s and Ravenclaw’s.

Harry and Neville returned to the Gryffindor common room, took seats in the corner of the wide expanse.

“So, Neville Longbottom, the champ in person!” Harry teased.

Neville smiled, “Yeah, I guess I am.” he chuckled to himself.

“What was it like?” Harry asked.

“Italy?” he asked. “Wicked, there’s so much old magic from the days where we and the romans teamed up under the guise of being “gods” and I was honestly taken away with how respectful they were. Sore losers. Massively. But all of my sponsors were very happy with how I did in the tournament. Met a few up-and-coming duellists who have some great promise. Just a shame that I won’t get a chance to cross wands with them until they enter the next division now that I’m fourteen.”

Harry chuckled, “the problems of a great hero and duellist champion!” Harry exclaimed.

Neville joined his friend in the merriment. Neville updated Harry on his time abroad , of meeting world leaders and promoting the newest initiative that Madam Bones was trying to push. Harry told Neville of his time travelling at the end of the summer and being welcomed into the Redwood pack.

“And this, Samantha girl?” Neville asked, raising an eyebrow.

“We got on well,” Harry replied nonchalantly.

Before Neville could ask more questions, other students started to mill into the common room, approaching the pair to ask about Neville’s adventures and to congratulate Harry on the duel.

Before long Neville had been dragged into a conversation with Oliver Wood and the other house quidditch players. Harry felt overwhelmed by a feeling of isolation. Flashes of being sat in a corner as Neville was pulled from group to group, not knowing his best friend was content to be alone.

It was in this moment that he truly realised his lack of real connections at Hogwarts. At this point in his own world, he really only had Ron and Hermione. In this world, Ron was happy being friends with Dean and Seamus, and Hermione was as secluded as he was. She’d been the first to retreat upstairs. Harry made a mental reminder to try and put an effort into a relationship with Hermione. He wasn’t desperate to recreate his bond back on his world, but he also wanted to make an effort to create friendships. Nothing was more worse than fighting a war on your own. He’d felt that way before. He wasn’t going to do it again.

He headed up to bed, pulled the curtains closed around his bed as he stripped naked, except for his wand holster. He was just getting comfortable when he heard a knock at his window. He pulled back the curtain and looked over at the where the window pushed out of the wall. There was a black owl. Harry quickly stood, took the letter that was attached to its leg. The owl didn’t wait for Harry’s reply as it headed off into the night sky.

Harry sat on the side of his bed and opened the letter.

My Lord,

I will await your arrival.


Lady Malfoy

Harry smiled to himself as he lowered himself to the bed. His mind flashed with images of his very first encounter in this world. Of losing his virginity to the buxom beauty Narcissa Malfoy. He thought of how tight she felt, of how wet she got when he treated her roughly, of her blush, of her breasts, of her shy smile.

Harry went to sleep with a simmering flame in his chest.

Chapter 6: Chapter Six


Champions Selection. Drunk party games that lead to semi-sexy shenanigans. What's not to love?

Chapter Text


Harry stood before the imposing gates of Malfoy Manor, his heart beating fast with anticipation. He had received a letter from Narcissa, assuring him that Lucius was abroad and the staff would not be an issue.

He raised his hand to knock on the gate, but before he could even make contact, a shimmering pulse of blue appeared and formed a solid door in front of him. With a soft click, the black iron gates swung open, inviting him inside.

As he walked up the grand pathway towards the manor, Harry couldn't help but admire the perfectly manicured gardens on either side. Proud peaco*cks paraded around, their iridescent feathers catching the sunlight and adding to the air of opulence. A sense of nervous excitement filled Harry as he approached the front doors, wondering what awaited him inside.

As Harry approached the door, he saw the tall wooden entrance open and a tiny elf was there to meet him.

“Good evening, Lord Potter,” the short elf said. He looked to be a three-foot-tall elderly elf with wisps of grey that had been combed over to cover his bald scalp. “If you would remove your coat I will take it to the cloak room as you greet the lady in the drawing room.”

Harry gracefully removed his overcoat and crossed the grand hall, taking a sharp left into the drawing room.

The spacious room was lined with elegant bookshelves, filled with leather-bound volumes and antique trinkets. The warm sunlight filtered in through three large windows, offering a breathtaking view of the lush garden beyond. Sitting upon one of two plush sofas was Narcissa, dressed in a stunning lowcut blue gown adorned with intricate gold embroidery and sparkling gemstones.

As Harry approached, he couldn't help but admire how radiant and alluring she looked, like a woman in the prime of her beauty. He noticed a faint hint of a smile on her lips as he drew closer. Narcissa gracefully rose from the sofa and extended her hands to Harry, who clasped them gently and gave a respectful bow.

“Lady Malfoy,” he said.

She chuckled and motioned for Harry to sit.

“Please, I thought after our last,” she paused for a second. “Meeting,” she continued, “that I told you to call me Narcissa.”

Harry smiled.

“Of course, Narcissa.” he tried to focus his magic onto the tip of his tongue as he said her name. The faintest trace of goosebumps appeared on her arm. Narcissa quickly rubbed her arms as she smiled at Harry.

“Thank you,” she said. “I am sure that you are wondering why I’ve asked you here?”

“Well, your letter stated that it was an invitation for cake and a pleasant conversation.”

At the moment three trays of cake appeared on the table that sat next to them. Harry smiled as he picked up the cream coloured cake with a reddish swirl through it and bit down--it was delicious. He looked over at Narcissa who was politely nibbling on a tiny cupcake.

Once the pair had finished eating their cake, they sat in silence. Harry looked around the gallery and was truly amazed at some of the portraits that were in the room.

“Do you have any portraits up?” Harry asked.

Narcissa pursed her lips together and gazed around the room.

“No. I am a Black and not a Malfoy. It’s some ancient pureblood tradition of only the “true” Malfoys are to have portraits up. There are plenty of portraits of Lucius and Draco together. In Lucius” study there is a portrait of the two of them together, but there is, no evidence that I am married to Lucius in this house. If you took out my belongings from my bedroom. There would be just one more empty room in this big empty house.”

Harry felt a surge of emotion as he looked at her, knowing that if he said the wrong words she would break completely. He reached over and took her delicate hand in his own, feeling the warmth radiating from it despite its trembling.

“You’re right”, he said, looking her directly in the eyes with all the intensity of his soul. “Without you, this place would be nothing more than an empty shell with no spark of beauty.”

His heart skipped a beat as she beamed at him as her thumb rubbed the back of his hand.

“Thank you, Harry,” she said. “I... you know just what to say to a woman.” She leaned over towards him. “It makes a mature woman such as me to think of the kind of experiences a young man such as yourself has gotten. Especially if our last dalliance was any indication.”

Harry felt his breath catch in his throat as Narcissa’s hand slowly climbed up the side of his leg. As her hand reached his thigh, he looked deep into her mesmerizing grey eyes and it felt like time itself had stopped. He could hear nothing but the sound of his racing heart and he could feel the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on him like a heavy blanket.

Narcissa leaned closer to Harry, her cleavage now tantalizingly close to him. She whispered something that Harry couldn’t quite make out. His breathing suddenly became shallow, and he found himself wanting to reach out and touch her soft skin. He could feel an oh-so familiar heat surge to life in his chest.

Without warning, Harry and Narcissa surged towards the other, locked in a passionate embrace, their mouths tasting and exploring the others”. Their hands moved feverishly across each other’s bodies as if they couldn’t get enough. When they finally tore apart, barely able to breathe, Narcissa uttered the words that had been on both of their minds: “To my bedroom.”

They stumbled into the darkly opulent room, tearing off clothes with almost animalistic intensity. With a smirk, Harry grabbed either side of her dress at the opening that revealed her mouth-watering cleavage and tore it in half. She moaned loudly from pleasure and shock as hot sparks of magic shivered through her body from his touch. Her breath came faster as he reached for the tie that tied her dress around her waist and yanked it open, exposing her red satin bra and panties. His fingers curled around her panties, ripping them away as she gasped in delight. Neither was able to truly take in the other's naked form because Harry pulled her towards him, his lips meeting hers again in a fierce kiss.

He pushed her back onto the bed, his hands roaming over her body, eliciting soft moans from her throat. He couldn’t believe how amazing this was, that he was here, with Narcissa Malfoy, he thought that their first dalliance was merely a fluke. But his co*ck ached to feel her warm depths again.

She reached down and took his co*ck in her hand, stroking him with firm, practised movements. He groaned at the sensation, feeling his desire for her threaten to consume him entirely. Harry’s fingers found their way between her legs, rubbing her cl*t as he slid two fingers inside her. She arched her back and moaned loudly, the pure pleasure of it sending sparks of magic out in every direction.

“f*ck, you’re amazing,” she gasped, as she pulled him towards her as they lowered to the bed. Her hand pumps his co*ck, his fingers sending shockwaves of pleasure from her core through her body.

When he felt his finger slicken from her juices, he moved up her body, his eyes finding her as he perched his body above her. He looked deep into her grey eyes, stroking her face as he lined his co*ck against her entrance. His co*ck pulsed in pleasure, his hips rocking into her even deeper as he grabbed her waist tightly. With a smile and a nod from the goddess in his arms, he pushed in, her walls quickly welcoming him.

Narcissa moaned loudly as she felt him sinking inside of her, shuddering in pleasure with every movement. The electricity surrounding them reached an incredible intensity as Harry moved faster, their breathing and moans echoing between them. The feeling of being connected to Narcissa was so intense, it was as if their souls were intertwined in a blissful bond.

Harry thrusted deeper and harder with every passing second, the heat of their combined pleasure coursing through him. He bared down as his org*sm began to swell, biting his lip to stop himself from screaming out in pleasure. He pulled out and flipped Narcissa onto her hands and knees--remembering that she had a kink for a little rough play--Harry grabbed her a handful of her lusciously long blonde hair and yanked backwards as he slipped his co*ck back inside.

She moaned out and Harry could feel her walls clamp around him.

“Do you like being treated like an animal, Cissy?” Harry said, trialling the nickname. She only moaned in response. “Good, then you should love being f*cked like one.”

He then started thrusting into her, using her hair and her left hip for leverage as he plunged deeper into her. Harry could see her perky breasts swaying back and forth, her skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat, her breathy moans and the wet sound of their sexes meeting melded with the smell of their intimacy. Enjoying the moment, Harry felt a burst of heat pulse outwards as he raised a hand and brought it down. As it bounced off of Narcissa’s peachy bottom she groaned, burying her head into her pillows.


He continued f*cking her like that for a few moments more before he slipped out for just a moment as he flipped her body onto her side, lifting her leg and plunging back into her depths. Narcissa let out a soul-shattering moan that echoed off the walls as Harry pushed even further into her than before. Her eyes blazed with wild intensity as she clawed at his chest, the shock of the sensation rippling through her body.

“W-what the f*ck?!” she cried out, desperately trying to comprehend how he could be so deep within her, brushing against every sensitive nerve, filling her up and vanishing just as quick as he returns.

He locked eyes with her as he felt his peak nearing and he knew he couldn’t hold it off this time. Her grey eyes glistened as they stared back, she bit her lip and nodded her head.

“Ruin me, Potter! Ruin my marriage! Ruin me for anyone who dare look at me the way you did that day in the stands!” she cried, her cheeks red as though she had surprised herself in saying that.

But that is all Harry needed to hear. His thrusts became a frenzied blur as his org*sm crashed over him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge of pleasure. His co*ck twitched inside Narcissa with each pulse of pleasure as his seed filled her waiting womb. She tightened and released around him, milking every last drop of energy that Harry had to offer. Finally, a pulse of power burst from Harry’s chest and was sucked in by Narcissa’s puss*, causing her stomach to bloat before she sighed in contentment.

Finally, he fell beside her, panting heavily as he pulled her close to him, her head nestling into his neck. His hand moved from her hair and trailed its way down her spine, the heat radiating from their embrace.

Narcissa sighed loudly in contentment, her eyes finally drifting shut as she melted into Harry’s embrace. As their breathing slowed, Harry looked over at Narcissa.

“You truly are incredible, Narcissa. I didn’t expect such a well-spoken lady to be so… you’ve surprised me Narcissa. You are a perfect housewife, catering to the needs of your wizard, but you're also not afraid to be wild. I like that.”

Narcissa smiled, a blush and a mischievous glint in her eye as she replied, “We should probably do this again sometime?”

Harry chuckled, “I think that we should do it all the time.”

Narcissa simply smiled as she rested her head back against his chest. As he slowly drifted off, his thoughts drifted to the idea of binding more witches to him. He definitely wouldn’t have felt opposed to having Narcissa join his, he guessed if he had to give it a name; his harem.

He already had his mother of this world bound to him, and the wonderful Samantha as well. He was already making headway with Tonks before September came, so he knew he wouldn’t be seeing her till Christmas, and, as he hand traced the curve of Narcissa Malfoy’s alabaster skin, he knew that in time, the vixen may want more than just a good f*ck from Harry.

If he wanted the power to flush Voldemort from this world, even though he was no longer the Boy Who Lived, he still felt it was his duty to protect everyone. He needed to bind more witches to give him power. It seemed that with each binding, he was able to use the witch’s unique abilities.

He needed to get stronger.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harry had made note of several things that were similar to his own world, and those that were different; this world had an attack by death eaters at the World Cup. Moody didn’t make an appearance in this world as a professor at Hogwarts. This caused concern: will events still play out the same if important things are different? Cedric was apart of the Death Eaters, there was no evidence of Barty Crouch Jr. making an appearance. Snape did not work at Hogwarts—in this world, after the separate attacks that put James in the hospital (until his death) and killed Neville’s parents, Snape disappeared to the south of France to become the apprentice of a master potioneer and alchemist.

As he sat in the Great Hall, he felt his heart beat quick. Almost hum in his chest as he stared across the hall.

Amongst the row of four house tables, the likes of Durmstrang Academy and Beauxbatons now filled the ranks. Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall with the other head’s of the school, and announce the tri-wizard tournament.

Barty Crouch Sr spoke of the rules, that there would be a line of maturity drawn around the Goblet to ensure those that had not reached a maturity that the faerie law dictates and has outwardly projected onto the wizards body. Meaning if someone hadn’t entered their second stage of maturity, then they couldn’t even step over the line.

Harry had spotted Fleur Delacour, as beautiful and as slender as ever arrived with her French kin. The French beauty was like a lithe and graceful swan, with her slender frame and elegant curves. Her iconic beauxbaton uniform, a light blue dress with delicate buttons along the front, hugged her top-heavy figure in all the right places. The dress flowed effortlessly into a pair of matching blue high heels, elongating her toned legs and accentuating the mesmerizing blue depths of Fleur's eyes. Golden locks of blonde hair cascaded down her back, catching the light like twinkling stars in the night sky. She was a vision of effortless glamour and sophistication, radiating an otherworldly aura that left those around her enraptured. Including Harry.

Harry thought that this uniform was a little ridiculous, but knew that it was simply apart of their "away" uniform, and there usual one was rather more subdued and practical for classroom activities.

Sitting at the Slytherin table was the Bulgarian troop, of which the Quidditch star Victor Krum sat, right next to Draco and his cronies. Victor's lean frame resembled Harry's, but his muscles were now more defined and bulky since he had stopped training for the Quidditch season. Sweeping to the side, his dark hair was longer on top and neatly styled. A few days' worth of stubble adorned his chin, adding a ruggedness to his appearance.

Harry's senses did not clue him in on either of their strengths, but he assumed that this was because they either weren't as strong as he thought. Or, that they were capable of hiding their magical aura.

“Do you think that they’d let me enter?” Neville asked in a hushed voice to Harry.

He knew that his best friend would somehow find his name spat out of the goblet.

And Harry would have to spend the rest of the year trying to keep his friend from dying.

He masked his anxiety with a smirk.

“It doesn’t hurt to try. If you try putting your name in, I’ll put mine in.”

The two fist bumped as they watched the rest of the celebrations.

In the time between the new schools joining Hogwarts and the night of the champion selection, Neville and Harry tried popping their names into the Goblet. The situation caused both of them to be met with surprise, as Harry was able to step over the line to pop his name in, but when he turned around, he saw that Neville was meeting resistance as he tried to step over the line.

Harry went for morning runs through the Forbidden Forest and around the Black Lake. To his surprise, Daphne joined him on these runs. Here Harry learned about how her parents had been juggling the many betrothal requests regarding her younger sister, Astoria. About the gossip in Slytherin house. On the days where they felt an itch to release their magic, the two would practice their magic in the woods, duelling one another as friendly as possible (neither wanted to have to visit the infirmary and explain what happened).

On the rare occasion, the two would test the others access to their mage magic.

Daphne had expressed intrigue in the new types of mage magic Harry could now freely possess--his fire magic seemed more potent than before.

Harry was performing well in lessons, using his free time to research the political sphere. He wanted to be armed for the decisions that house Potter was voting for. And how and where its money went and what it was spent on.

He had interacted very little with the students of the other schools, but he had, however, spoken to Hermione in the library. He had asked for her help with the history of mages. They’d spent an evening or two looking through books together. He had never missed his best friend more, than in those moments with her doppelganger.

She still seemed cold towards him, but he enjoyed spending time with her. And, apart of him thought that she felt the same. She seemed eager to help him the one time that Neville had accompanied Harry to research the Triwizard tournament.

Then came the night of the champion selection.

The Great Hall buzzed with anticipation as the goblet, filled with flames of brilliant blue, cast flickering shadows on the enchanted ceiling above. Harry and Neville sat side by side at the Gryffindor table, their eyes glued to the magical artifact that would soon reveal the names of the champions. Not too far away the whispers of Fred and George taking bets on which Hogwarts student will be selected.

“Can you imagine being chosen?” Harry heard Ron ask. The boy hadn’t been able to get past the age line, but Dean in their year had. Ron had not stopped looking at Dean in awe since he had let slip of entering his name.

Neville hesitated for a moment before responding, “I don’t know if I could handle it, mate. I think I’ve changed my mind. The pressure, the attention... it’s all a bit overwhelming. I already get enough as the bloody Boy-Who-Lived, I think… I’m glad that I couldn’t enter my name.”

Harry nodded sagely at his friend.

“Who needs eternal glory when you could get the same excitement from living a normal life, eh?”

Just then, Dumbledore approached the Goblet, his voice cutting through the chatter in the hall as he prepared to announce the chosen champions. Silence descended upon the room, thick with tension as every student held their breath.

“Thank you for those kind words,” Dumbledore’s loud and commanding words to the ministry officials and head teachers from the visiting schools. The Goblet’s flame began changing colour from its usual blue to a bright and shimmering purple, that quickly flickered silver as a slip of paper puffed into the air. Dumbledore snatched it out of the air, “From Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, we have Fleur Delacour!” Dumbledore exclaimed, his voice echoing throughout the hall.

The beautiful witch with long, silvery-blonde hair stood gracefully, her eyes meeting Harry’s for a brief moment, sending a shiver down his spine. He couldn’t help but feel drawn to her, but any thoughts or feelings the witch may have had, were concealed behind a cool, flirtatious smile.

She was just as beautiful in this world, except she seemed to radiate delicate beauty. Her perky breasts pressed against the watery dress, pulled in at her waist and swelled into her perfect derriere. Harry felt wrong for appreciating her somehow. As though he were somehow betraying someone.

As he gave Fleur her slip of paper, the crowds cheering for her, she was directed to head down into the trophy room through the corridor that lead into the ground just to the left of the Main Hall.

Then the Goblet of Fire shifted colours again.

“From Durmstrang Institute, our champion is Victor Krum!” Dumbledore announced, the name punctuating the stillness within the hall.

The students” whispers swirled around Harry as he watched Fleur disappear as Victor stood from the Slytherin table, the snakes and Bulgarians cheering for him as he stomped his way to the front to receive his paper. A quick glance to his side told him that as Neville’s gaze followed them, his expression of relief that he would not be taking part quickly mixed to envy.

“Would you really want to be one of them?” Harry asked Neville quietly, as their eyes remained fixed on the second champion disappear into the trophy room.

“I don’t know… I think I would like to ask them both to a duel. I’d heard about Fleur and Victor from the duelling circuit. They were both pretty astounding. Victor bowed out after he made it onto the Quidditch team. Fleur stopped attending tournaments about two years ago. No one knows why.” Neville said, a flame flickering in his eyes.

The Neville of this world was desperate to duel two very skilled individuals. The Neville of his world at this age couldn’t even disarm someone.

Just as Harry pondered the sight of Neville duelling with Fleur and Victor, he hadn’t noticed the Goblet change colour again, and spit out a rather plain piece of ripped parchment, and Dumbledore’s voice boomed, “And from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... Harry Potter!”

The hall erupted into a cacophony of disbelief and shock. Harry felt his heart leap into his throat, his palms growing clammy as a cold sweat broke out across his brow. His emerald eyes widened, searching for any sign that this was some cruel prank. He quickly scolded his face before his shock could be seen by anyone. He knew that he put his name in, but it was on a whim. He knew that Neville was going to somehow be in the tournament, if things were going to be the same as they were in his world. But… Somehow Harry is a champion in the tournament again. As the Gryffindor’s all cheered for him, his gaze snapped across the hall, where he locked eyes with Daphne Greengrass, who gave him a nod as if to say “go on. You deserve this”.

“Harry!” Neville exclaimed, his own astonishment mirrored in Harry’s gaze. “It’s you!”

Harry gave his best smile and stood up, and as he walked to the front to collect his slip of paper, his mind raced as he tried to mentally rearrange his plan.

Although, he thought, being dismissed from lessons would be a boon.

As Harry approached the front, he allowed he allowed his magic to feed into his senses, fuelling them, expanding them as he got closer to Albus Dumbledore. And he instantly stopped feeding his magic into it.

The second he felt Dumbledore’s presence, he felt his nose threaten to burst, his magic began to violently shake within him, almost as though it was frightened of the Supreme Mugwump.

Only Dumbledore can truly take Voldemort down. If I can’t bare to be in his presence. Then I am not strong enough.

Dumbledore appraised Harry as he approached, looking him up and down and smiling as he handed the slip of paper. “You may join the other champions in the trophy room.”

As he walked, his mind raced with how to increase his power. What things should he research—then he realised that memory recovery magic would be a great start. Find out what he has forgotten. And as the hall erupted in gasps, he whipped his head around to see an ornate slip of paper burst into the air, the ends of it singed from the flames. Dumbledore quickly snatched it, and the hall waited with baited breath.

And Harry felt his heart sink.

Dumbledore scanned the paper. Harry could have sworn he saw the man’s eyes scan the room. Checking everyone’s face as he addressed the Hall.

“Ah, it appears we have a most unexpected development,” Dumbledore announced, his voice tense but steady. “The Goblet of Fire has chosen a fourth champion... Neville Longbottom!”

Gasps and whispers erupted throughout the hall, a cacophony of shock and disbelief. But mostly masked by cheers from the boisterous Gryffindor’s.

Harry watched as Neville stepped into view, accepting the parchment from the Headmaster.

“Mr. Longbottom, please join Mr. Potter in the Champion chambers,” Dumbledore instructed, his voice firm yet gentle.

Neville hesitated for a moment. Then the weight of everyone watching, and the pressure of the Boy-Who-Lived settled. He straightened his back and gave a wide grin to the professor.

“I don’t know how this happened, Professor,” He stated. “I didn’t put my name in, but I will go to the trophy room.”

Without another word, he began walking towards Harry.

Once the two were standing side by side, they couldn’t help but laugh to themselves as they entered the room filled with trophies and awards.

Once they had stepped inside, both Fleur and Victor looked to them.

“Do zey… wish for us to return?” Fleur asked as she stepped towards the pair. She took the two in, her eyes lingering a little too long on the two.

Harry felt the slightest pull on his mind to admire Fleur, but he quickly dismissed it as Victor stepped forward.

“Do they?” he asked.

Harry shook his head.

“You’re looking at the chosen Champion of Hogwarts,’ Harry offered then motioned his hand to Neville. “And here, you have an unexpected name that the Goblet just spat out.”

Fleur and Krum looked to Neville with wide eyes.

“Did you put your name in?” Krum asked.

Neville shook his head, “couldn’t get past the age line. I… I have no idea how this happened.”

“Someone must have put your name in. But why?” Krum asked, scratching his facial hair. “It should be impossible to have a fourth Champion.”

Fleur nodded in agreement.

“Something is amiss here.”

Before they could talk more, the teaching staff of all three schools entered the trophy room, ministry officials tagging behind.

The Champions quickly dispersed and stood in a line as they were affronted with questions.

Madame Maxime had drawn herself up to her full, and considerable, height. The top of her handsome head brushed the candle filled chandelier, and her gigantic black-satin bosom swelled.

“What is ze meaning of zis, Dumbly-dorr?” she said imperiously.

“I’d rather like to know that myself, Dumbledore,” said Professor Karkaroff. He was wearing a steely smile, and his blue eyes were like chips of ice. “Two Hogwarts champions? I don’t remember anyone telling me the host school is allowed two champions — or have I not read the rules carefully enough?”

He gave a short and nasty laugh.

“C’est impossible,” said Madame Maxime, whose enormous hand with its many superb opals was resting upon Fleur’s shoulder.

“’Ogwarts cannot ’ave two champions. It is most injust.”

“We were under the impression that your Age Line would keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore,” said Karkaroff, his steely smile still in place, though his eyes were colder than ever. “Otherwise, we would, of course, have brought along a wider selection of candidates from our own schools.”

Professor Dumbledore was now looking down at Neville, wholooked right back at him, trying to discern the expression of theeyes behind the half-moon spectacles.

“Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Neville?” heasked calmly.

“No,” said Neville. He was very aware of everybody watching himclosely. Karkaroff made a soft noise of impatient disbelief in theshadows.

“Did you ask an older student to put it into the Goblet of Fire for you?” said Professor Dumbledore, ignoring the Durmstrang Headmaster.

“No,” said Neville vehemently.

“Ah, but of course ’e is lying!” cried Madame Maxime. Karkaroff was now shaking his head, his lip curling.

“He could not have crossed the Age Line,” said Professor McGonagall sharply. “I am sure we are all agreed on that —”

“Dumbly-dorr must ’ave made a mistake wiz ze line,” said Madame Maxime, shrugging.

“It is possible, of course,” said Dumbledore politely

“Dumbledore, you know perfectly well you did not make a mistake!” said Professor McGonagall angrily. “Really, what nonsense! Harry could not have crossed the line himself, and as Professor Dumbledore believes that he did not persuade an older student to do it for him, I’m sure that should be good enough for everybody else!”

“Mr. Crouch . . . Mr. Bagman,” said Karkaroff, his voice unctuous once more, “you are our — er — objective judges. Surely you will agree that this is most irregular?”

Bagman wiped his round, boyish face with his handkerchief and looked at Mr. Crouch, who was standing outside the circle of the firelight, his face half hidden in shadow. He looked slightly eerie, the half-darkness making him look much older, giving him an almost skull-like appearance. When he spoke, however, it was in his usual curt voice.

“We must follow the rules, and the rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the tournament.”

“Well, Barty knows the rule book back to front,” said Bagman, beaming and turning back to Karkaroff and Madame Maxime, as though the matter was now closed.

“I insist upon resubmitting the names of the rest of my students,” said Karkaroff. He had dropped his unctuous tone and his smile now. His face wore a very ugly look indeed. “You will set up the Goblet of Fire once more, and we will continue adding names until each school has two champions. It’s only fair, Dumbledore.”

“But Karkaroff, it doesn’t work like that,” said Bagman. “The Goblet of Fire’s just gone out — it won’t reignite until the start of the next tournament —”

“— in which Durmstrang will most certainly not be competing!” exploded Karkaroff. “After all our meetings and negotiations and compromises, I little expected something of this nature to occur! I have half a mind to leave now!”

“Empty threat, Karkaroff,” growled a voice from near the door.

“You can’t leave your champion now. He’s got to compete. They’ve all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh?” Everyone turned around as Moody entered the room. He limped toward the fire, and with every right step he took, there was a loud clunk.

Harry felt a chill race up his spine. Was this Barty Crouch? Or was it the real Alastor Moody? If it was… why was he here? Moody wasn’t the DADA teacher this year… it was some witch, Professor Jenkins, married to some famous wizard that Harry had never heard of. But she seemed to be a competent teacher. Due to not being in school at the start of term, he hadn’t been there when she was introduced. But since arriving he had attended her lessons and they seemed to be within the same vein as Lupin’s lessons.

“Convenient?” said Karkaroff. “I’m afraid I don’t understand you, Moody.” Harry could tell he was trying to sound disdainful, as though what Moody was saying was barely worth his notice, but his hands gave him away; they had balled themselves into fists.

“Don’t you?” said Moody quietly. “It’s very simple, Karkaroff. Someone put Longbottom’s name in that goblet knowing he’d have to compete if it came out.”

“Evidently, someone ’oo wished to give ’Ogwarts two bites at ze apple!” said Madame Maxime.

“I quite agree, Madame Maxime,” said Karkaroff, bowing to her.

“I shall be lodging complaints with the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards —”

“If anyone’s got reason to complain, it’s Longbottom,” growled Moody, “but...funny thing... I don’t hear him saying a word...”

“Why should ’e complain?” burst out Fleur Delacour, stamping her foot. “ ’E ’as ze chance to compete, ’asn’t ’e? We ’ave all been ’oping to be chosen for weeks and weeks! Ze honour for our schools! A thousand Galleons in prize money — zis is a chance many would die for, and we all know zat zis competition is going to be a challenge!” she then looked to Neville. “ ‘e says zat he did not put ‘is name into ze Goblet. How did it spit ‘is name?”

“Maybe someone’s hoping Longbottom is going to die for it,” said Moody, with the merest trace of a growl.

An extremely tense silence followed these words. Ludo Bagman, who was looking very anxious indeed, bounced nervously up and down on his feet and said, “Moody, old man... what a thing to say!”

“We all know Moody considers the morning wasted if he hasn’t discovered six plots to murder him before lunchtime,” said Karkaroff loudly. “Apparently he is now teaching the students of this school to fear assassination too. An odd quality in a leading auror that trains others.”

“Imagining things, am I?” growled Moody. “Seeing things, eh? It was a skilled witch or wizard who put the boy’s name in that goblet…”

“Ah, what evidence is zere of zat?” said Madame Maxime, throwing up her huge hands.

“Because they hoodwinked a very powerful magical object!” said Moody. “It would have needed an exceptionally strong Confundus Charm to bamboozle that goblet into forgetting that only three schools compete in the tournament... I’m guessing they submitted Longbottom’s name under a fourth school, to make sure he was the only one in his category...”

“You seem to have given this a great deal of thought, Moody,” said Karkaroff coldly, “and a very ingenious theory it is — though of course, I heard you recently got it into your head that one of your birthday presents contained a cunningly disguised basilisk egg, and smashed it to pieces before realizing it was a carriage clock. So you’ll understand if we don’t take you entirely seriously…”

“There are those who’ll turn innocent occasions to their advantage,” Moody retorted in a menacing voice. “It’s my job to think the way Dark wizards do, Karkaroff — as you ought to remember…”

“Alastor!” said Dumbledore warningly. Moody fell silent, though still surveying Karkaroff with satisfaction — Karkaroff’s face was burning.

“How this situation arose, we do not know,” said Dumbledore, speaking to everyone gathered in the room. “It seems to me, however, that we have no choice but to accept it. Both Harry and Neville have been chosen to compete in the Tournament. This, therefore, they will do…”

“Ah, but Dumbly-dorr —”

“My dear Madame Maxime, if you have an alternative, I would be delighted to hear it.”

Dumbledore waited, but Madame Maxime did not speak, she merely glared. She wasn’t the only one either. Karkaroff looked livid; Bagman, however, looked rather excited.

“Well, shall we crack on, then?” he said, rubbing his hands together and smiling around the room. “Got to give our champions their instructions, haven’t we? Barty, want to do the honours?”

Mr. Crouch seemed to come out of a deep reverie.

“Yes,” he said, “instructions. Yes . . . the first task . . .”

He moved forward into the firelight. Close up, Harry thought he looked ill. There were dark shadows beneath his eyes and a thin, papery look about his wrinkled skin.

“The first task is designed to test your daring,” he told Neville, Harry, Fleur, and Viktor, “so we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard… very important…”

“The first task will take place on November the twenty-fourth, in front of the other students and the panel of judges. The champions are not permitted to ask for or accept help of any kind from their teachers to complete the tasks in the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed only with

their wands. They will receive information about the second task when the first is over. Owing to the demanding and time-consuming nature of the tournament, the champions are exempted from end-of-year tests, and any subjects that require their attendance to complete said tests.”

Mr. Crouch turned to look at Dumbledore.

“I think that’s all, is it, Albus?”

“I think so,” said Dumbledore, who was looking at Mr. Crouch

with mild concern. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay at Hogwarts tonight, Barty?”

“No, Dumbledore, I must get back to the Ministry,” said Mr. Crouch. “It is a very busy, very difficult time at the moment…I’ve left young Weatherby in charge of the case files during my absence… Very enthusiastic… a little overenthusiastic, if truth be told…”

“You’ll come and have a drink before you go, at least?” said Dumbledore.

“Come on, Barty, I’m staying!” said Bagman brightly. “It’s all happening at Hogwarts now, you know, much more exciting here than at the office!”

“I think not, Ludo,” said Crouch with a touch of his old impatience.

“Professor Karkaroff — Madame Maxime — a nightcap?” said Dumbledore.

But Madame Maxime had already put her arm around Fleur’s shoulders and was leading her swiftly out of the room. Harry could hear them both talking very fast in French as they went off into the Great Hall. Karkaroff beckoned to Krum, and they, too, exited, though in silence.

“Neville, Harry, I suggest you go up to bed,” said Dumbledore, smiling at both of them. “I am sure Gryffindor are waiting to celebrate with you, and it would be a shame to deprive them of this excellent excuse to make a great deal of mess and noise.”

Harry glanced at Neville, who nodded, and they left together. The Great Hall was deserted now; the candles had burned low, giving the jagged smiles of the pumpkins an eerie, flickering quality.

Neville turned to say something to Harry when he caught something behind Harry’s shoulder and stopped himself. Then he grinned and placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder.

“I’ll wait by the doors, don’t be too long. Like Professor Dumbledore said, we don’t want to keep our housemates waiting.”

Before Harry could respond, Neville had already walked off. Then he felt something chilly, yet comforting, reach out to him. He turned around to see Daphne Greengrass pushing herself off the wall she was just leaning on with her arms crossed and stepping towards him.

Once she was close enough, she smiled at him.

“I didn’t think you were the kind to want all that attention on you?” She chided with a smirk.

Harry shrugged, “Neville would only put his name in if I did too. By the time I had put mine in, it was too late. Nev couldn’t get past the age line that Dumbledore drew.”

Her eyes widened at that.

“I did hear that people saw the great Boy-Who-Lived struggle to get his name in. But another boy in our year from your house did, didn’t he?”

Harry nodded, ‘Yeah, Dean Thomas. He’s decent. If you give him a good look, you can tell the Faerie Law is taking its toll on him.”

Daphne hummed her reply then looked Harry up and down.

“You look mature for your age too. But I wouldn’t say that you had the aura of someone old enough to get over that line. Not even I could.” She almost whispered the last part. And Harry couldn’t help but sense jealousy in her tone.

Harry shrugged.

“Well, its too late now. I’ve been exempt from some lessons, so I have time to research and practice… I’m not supposed to ask help from the staff, and I think its bad form to ask the other Champions… so,” he felt an awkwardness rush through him, as though he all of a sudden lost any confidence in talking to girls. “I was wondering…”

“You want my help?” she asked, folding her arms under her bosom and eyeing him with a smirk.

He shrugged with a smirk, trying to match her energy with false bravado.

“If you wouldn’t mind?”

She hummed then offered him her hand.

“I’ll help you, if you agree to stop holding back when we train outside.”

Harry stared at her hand for a moment, then with a smile he shook it.

“Consider us at an accord,” he said.

She smiled then rolled her eyes, “you better get to your party Champion, because if we’re training together. You won’t have a minute to relax after tonight.”

Harry chuckled but caught himself when he saw that Daphne’s classic ‘Ice Queen’ mask hid anything she might have been feeling.

So he nodded, “See you at first light. Make sure to wear something warm. It’s getting cold out there.”

She shrugged and walked past him, “Ice magic, remember?” she then gave him the quickest wink ever. “the cold’s never bothered me.”

As he watched the sway of her hips in her tight black skirt, he saw her wrap an arm around a younger looking girl who looked just like her, except, her face seemed cuter, almost ethereal. When they both turned to look at him before they left, Harry’s breath caught in his throat. There was something… intense about the pair together.

A ball formed in his throat at the idea that the Greengrass daughters would be beholden to Draco one day. He hated that idea. It filled him with a fire to try and free them if he could. He didn’t want that girl to be unhappy.

The Gryffindor’s of this world partied so much harder than they did back in Harry’s old world. There was alcohol in everyone’s goblets (or any cup that the students could get their hands on) all students were drinking and enjoying themselves. Most first and second years had taken a sip out of a shared cup and quickly made their leave back to their dorms. One or two third years who felt like showing off stayed, but it quickly turned out that they couldn’t handle their alcohol.

The sixth and seventh years all took a few bottles of alcohol at some point in the night and disappeared, leaving the fourth and fifth years alone. They moved all of the chairs around a table, and many bottles were placed around the room as they began to dance, sing and drink. Lots.

Things began to heat up when Lavender plonked a bottle on the middle of the table and demanded that everyone sit around it so they can play spin the bottle.

As the night unfolded with raucous laughter and spirited camaraderie. The bottle continued its spins, weaving through the circle of friends. Lavender, fuelled by the alcohol, became the unofficial ringleader, her dares growing more audacious with each turn. But the mixture of alcohol, excitement, and randy witches and wizards was enough to cause the atmosphere to become electrified, and there wasn't a person willing to play chicken with this game.

They'd been playing for almost an hour filled with trivial dares and truths--most embarrassing memory, kiss a body part of someone of the same sex, of the opposite sex, take a shot of firewhisky, etc. Katie, with a sly grin, dared Ron to impersonate Professor McGonagall for the next two turns. The room erupted into laughter as Ron, with exaggerated seriousness, mimicked the stern professor's mannerisms, earning cheers and applause from his friends everytime he opened his mouth--even if he wasn't the one being asked a truth or a dare, he made sure everyone knew Ron-McGonagall had something to say. Meanwhile, it was Hermione's turn to spin the bottle, and it landed on Lavender, reveling in the daring spirit of the night, she dared Lavender to confess a secret crush. With a playful smirk, she pointed to Dean with a sultry wink. But no one couldn't help but notice the blush on the darker boys face as his eyes fell to her dishevelled parting shirt.

As the bottle continued its rounds, the dares escalated in intensity. Fred, with a glint of mischief in his eyes, dared Angelina and Alicia to swap outfits for the next hour. The room erupted into laughter as the two girls, as the good sports they were, stripped the clothes they'd changed into for the party (Angelina wore a black a-line dress and Alicia was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a white crop top that perfectly fitted Alicia's frame, but Angelina, although just as athletic, was taller and had a behind that was far bigger than Alicia's), everyone cheered and whooped as the two helped the other squeeze into their new clothes. Even giving everyone a twirl, the twins giving extra loud whoops at that.

And as that hour passed, Lavender's shirt grew more disheveled, the top button now missing and revealing a hint of lace from her pink bra underneath. She twirled a strand of her hair with a mischievous smile playing on her lips. The hours of drinking and dancing to music from the radio had caused a gleam of sweat to glisten her body, which only caused attention to be drawn to the press of her plump breasts, giving off an air of alluring confidence.

"Dare, Lavender?" George asked, mischief dancing in his eyes.

She shot him a playful wink. "Bring it on, Weasley."

George exchanged a conspiratorial glance with Fred before announcing, "I dare you to give our new Champ' Neville a lap dance for one song."

Laughter erupted, and Lavender, undeterred, stood up with a saucy grin. She pulled a surprised Neville to his feet, and the room was filled with cheers as she danced around him, teasingly swaying her hips to the rhythm of a fast-paced song against his groin. She took extra care to slowly push him down, holding him up by his tie, her nose sliding along his as she almost pressed her lips against his, but bit his nose instead, letting go of his tie and letting him sit back down. Very red faced.

Lavender turned around to a series of applause from the gathered Gryffindors. She smiled and walked back to her seat, giving a wink to Dean as she did.

"Was that the best you could do, Weasley?"

The red headed wizard couldn't help but snicker as everyone gathered watched as Neville pulled a cushion to cover his groin.

"You alright there Nev?" Harry asked.

He shot him a dirty look, "shut up." But it was all a facade, as he immediately smiled and the two fist bumped.

Although neither had a crush on Lavender, they could appreciate when someone with her sex appeal did something like that to you.

Meanwhile, Fred had his eyes on Angelina and George on Alicia. They took turns daring each other to perform ridiculous stunts, from impersonating their favourite professors to attempting impromptu magic tricks that ended in comical failures. Through their dares, they managed to keep the atmosphere light and jovial.

In the midst of the chaos, Oliver Wood found himself daring Ron to reveal his most embarrassing childhood memory--which turned out to be walking in on his parents going at it near their family pond. The twins were not impressed to hear that. Harry was asked if he had ever been on a date with a girl, and it took him a moment but he told them the truth.

"No, I haven't ever been on a date."

Everyone looked at each other. Then Lavender stood up, bottle in her hand and pointed it at everyone.

"You all have a truth to answer. Raise your hand if you've ever been on a date. Romantic or otherwise. And daddy-daughter dates don't count!" She said giving a side-eye to Katie.

Almost every hand in the room flew into the air, with the exception of Hermione and Harry.

"Ronnikins, when did you go on a date?" Fred asked.

"I told you, the last visit to Hogsmeade last year, I invited Hannah Abbott. It was a nice date, ended with a little kiss. We've been flirting a little since. I was going to ask her to the hogsmeade weekend before Christmas, for your information!" Ron chided back, his words slurring slightly.

There were a few ribbing comments but otherwise the game resumed. The dares had become a little risque and some of the truths a little too revealing. But in the spirit of fun, no one seemed to mind. George, in a cheeky mood, dared Harry to give Parvati a peck on the cheek. Harry, knowing he'd done more itimate acts in much more taboo situations, complied and the room burst into laughter and teasing as Parvati's cheeks reddened in response.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Fred raised the stakes even higher and dared Alicia and Angelina to kiss, still clad in each other's clothes. The crowd erupted into wild cheers and catcalls as the two women not only agreed, but also poured an unprecedented level of passion into the embrace. Their hands roamed hungrily over each other's curves, their bodies pressing together with a fierce intensity. As they moaned into the kiss, it was clear that this dare had ignited a scorching fire between them that seemed to be opening a door neither knew existed.

At one point Neville, his face flushed from embarrassment turned excitement turned alcohol, dared Katie to do a handstand for thirty seconds. Not one to back down from a challenge, she gamely attempted it - with some assistance from Harry who held her steady. Laughter echoed through the room as she wobbled precariously on her hands before collapsing back to the ground with a giggle.

As the two took their seats, Katie whispered something to Angelina, who's eyes widened and looked to Harry, checking him out appreciatively.

The game grew wilder with every passing moment. Ron was dared by Hermione to attempt his McGonagall impersonation again after a couple shots of firewhisky. His comedic performance was highly exaggerated this time around, causing everyone to break out into raucous laughter, even though he repeated himself a little bit.

When it was Dean's turn, he found himself on the receiving end of an unexpected dare from none other than Hermione who surprised him by daring him to kiss Lavender. The room fell silent for a fleeting second as surprise registered on everyone's faces before being replaced by anticipation.

Dean looked to Lavender, who's smile had momentarily dropped as she looked at him in anticipation.

He took a big gulp of his drink, and stood up.

"Lav?" he asked, offering her his hand.

She tried her best to put up a confident mask as she stood up on shaky heels, and would have stumbled if it wasn't for Dean holding on to her waist, holding her up.

"This... isn't how I imagined it happening," he then leaned forward, and pressed his lips to her cheek as he held her waist tight.

Lavender let out a small mewing noise as they parted ways.

Once she sat down, the bottle began spinning again. Eventually it was Fred's turn to spin (after being asked to say the truth on if he and George would ever be with the same girl together, to which he replied "how do you know we haven't already"), the bottle pointed at Harry. Fred looked at him with a sly grin. "Alright, Potter, truth or dare?"

"Dare," Harry replied, he felt that if he was able to take on a pack of wolves, defend himself against giants, duel one of the best duellist in Hogwarts, he could deal with a dare.

Fred exchanged a knowing glance with George, who nodded, with mischief dancing in his eyes, Fred declared, "I dare you and Hermione to go into the closet for seven minutes of heaven, no holds barred!"

The room fell into a stunned silence before Lavender, fueled by alcohol and a mischievous streak, chimed in, "Yeah, the two quiet ones deserve a little action!"

Amidst the cheers and hoots of their friends, Harry and Hermione exchanged an awkward glance, she briefly glanced away from Harry to next to him, took a swig of her drink (downing the rest of its content) and stood up.

"Which closet?"

Everyone pointed to the closet with the least amount of space.

"So you can be up-close and personal." Lavender said with a smirk.

With a roll of her eyes, Hermione strode towards the small closet, her shoulders squared and face flushed. As she stood outside the door, she looked to Harry with crossed arms.

"You coming Potter?"

With a chuckle he shook his head and stood, and strode over. Hermione opened the door and they both headed inside. Once they heard the sound of the door clicking locked, Harry's mind raced with thoughts of the Hermione from his world, although they were different, there were still similarities between them. She was still beautiful, and clever, and, he knew, incredibly loyal.

As he looked at the Hermione in front of him, he knew he had no romantic feelings for her. But the alcohol and the electricity in the air fuelled something in him. Causing his magic to pulse out of him. His body was so hot from the dancing and the drinking that he didn't even realise he'd let it slip as the curly-haired brunette wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and pushed him against the wall.

"Hermione, are you sure about this?"

She looked him in the eyes, then glanced to his lips.

"I've read all about it. I've seen people doing it. This," she couldn't tear her gaze away from his lips, "doesn't mean that I want a relationship with you or anything but... you're pretty nice to look at... and your not a total ass like the rest of them."

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, "this is nothing but two people, who could be friends, who have the excuse of alcohol, having a little fun whilst trapped in a cupboard. And no one will have to know if anything happened. If anything happened."

She looked into his eyes and pushed her hips into his.

"I appreciate that. I think it's," she pressed her nose against his, allowing Harry to smell every drop of alcohol on her breath and knew that she could smell it on his too. He hadn't been tipsy, let alone drunk.

He thought of feeling the rush of being drunk being with Lily, or Samantha, or Narcissa, and he knew he'd have a good time with Tonks, and would probably have to make sure that they didn't drink too much, lest she shift into people he definitely didn't want to shag.

As those thoughts raced through his mind, his magic pulsed again, and he could feel Hermione press her knees together as she gasped.

Without a second more passing between them. She pressed her lips against Harry's, her body clinging to him as though he were a lifeline. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Harry's mind went blank, lost in the sensation, the taste of firewhisky on her lips, the feel of her pressed against him. His hands found their way to her hips and he held her tightly against him.

The world outside of the small locked closet was quickly forgotten as they lost themselves in each other. The noises from their friends continuing to play the game outside, their loud cheers faded into insignificance; all that mattered was the woman in his arms and the intoxicating rush of emotions coursing through him.

Pulling back for air, they stood panting heavily, both gazing at each other with dazed expressions. Hermione smiled shyly up at Harry and he couldn't help but smile back.

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

She pressed her hips into him again, gasping as she did. He could feel her warmth pressing into his hardness. And she could feel that too. Her eyes widened as she absentmindedly ran her hand down Harry's chest and hovered it just above the waistband of his trousers.

They locked eyes, "can I?" she whispered. "I... I've always been curious... the pictures in the books... they're not..."

Harry chuckled, "Just don't be too rough."

The heat in the room became sweltering as Harry's magic pulsed again as the brunette unbuttoned his bottoms and pulled them apart, slid her boxers down allowing his length to slide out and gripped him tightly.

Their shared gasp echoed off the walls of the cramped closet as she held him. Hermione's fingers were trembling, her breath hitching as she took in his length. Harry was equally flushed, a bead of sweat trickling down the side of his face as he watched her.

She looked up at him, uncertainty reflected in her eyes. To assuage her worries, Harry gripped her hand that was wrapped around him, guiding her movements and showing her what felt good to him. A heady rush of pleasure surged through him as she followed his lead. Hermione's eyes widened at the intimate contact, at the power she had over him and the throbbing hardness in her hand.

"Harry," she whispered, her voice shaky.

"Yes?" He responded, breathless.

" this okay?"

Harry nodded. "More than okay."

Hermione smiled timidly at him before continuing where they left off. Harry looked between his half-lidded eyelashes to see that Hermione was watching each stroke she made, every dance across his head. He knew that this was just to give her the experience, but he also wanted her to enjoy it, and not look back on this as an educational moment.

So he reached up and tilted her chin to face him, her eyes were half lidded, sweat beaded on her forehead as she gasped. He leaned in and kissed her, quickly slipping his tongue into her mouth.

After a few moments he felt her relax against him, her grip softened against him as she leaned her chest into his. Harry reached down, trailing his hand down the side of her sweat soaked shirt, along her skirt and stopped at her thigh, just below her skirt, and pulled away from the kiss, the two breathing heavily against the other.

"Are you okay with me--"

"Yes!" she whispered back, speeding up her pumping of his co*ck. "Please, Harry. I want to know what it feels like to be touched... there."

Harry nodded, his fingers brushing over the smooth fabric of her underwear before he slid his hand beneath, feeling her gasp against him. The softness of her was a stark contrast to the hard lines of his own body; she was hot and wet against his fingers. He watched as Hermione closed her eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each shallow breath.

As Harry's fingers explored her, Hermione clung to him, her head falling back to rest on his shoulder as she slackened her ministrations on his co*ck. Her whimpers echoed softly through the heated air of the closet, a beautiful contrast to the bass thump of the music from outside. Harry pushed his magic into the tips of his fingers.

She bit her lower lip as she felt Harry's thumb against her cl*t, a soft moan escaping from between her clenched teeth. He grinned at that, taking it as encouragement to continue. He lowered his finger to her entrance, and began tracing the outline, using her nectar to lubricate his finger, which allowed him to slip his fingertip slightly into her. When her hand that was gripping his shirt tightened and she began lightly biting his neck; he added another finger, feeling her body stiffen then relax around him.

Harry found himself mesmerized by Hermione's reactions. The way she arched into him, the tiny sounds she made whenever he hit a particularly sensitive spot. It was an intoxicating power he held over her, something he had never expected. When he felt resistance, she tensed against him, and he slipped his fingers back out, and replaced it with his index. And she mewed against him.

Her grip on him tightened in rhythm with his movements, their bodies moving together within the confines of their hidden sanctuary. The intensity of the situation was palpable; it filled up every inch of space between them, pushing them closer and closer to the edge.

Before long, Hermione’s body tensed and Harry felt her walls clenched around his fingers. He could feel her magic pushing out against him, and he met hers in tandem. He couldn't see any rivers reaching out, but he could feel his magic reaching out to hers. Almost as though two old friends had reunited after years apart.

Hermione braced herself against him, her grip tightened on his shirt, her mouth pressed into the exposed flesh of Harry's collarbone and sucked and bit down on it, she drunkenly pumped Harry's penis quickly as her whole body began to tense. Harry's other hand held her tight as she used Harry's body to muffle her cry as she rode out her climax, whispering encouragements into her ear while she experienced sensations she had only read about before. Her walls contracted around him as she bathed his fingers in her juices, the nails on her free hand pulling at his hair.

Once she had calmed down enough, Harry slipped his fingers out of her and pulled her knickers back in place. Even though she was drunk on the alcohol and her org*sm, she returned to wanking Harry. But he placed his hand on hers and lightly tugged her away. She looked up at him, concerned.

"D-did I do it wrong?"

He shook his head as he patted her curls.

"No, but we have about thirty seconds before that door gets opened, and I don't you to be seen like this."

She stepped back slightly, her arm still clinging to Harry's hair bringing him with her.

"Y...You're right... I should... sort myself," she then straightened her uniform, and with her wand she got rid of all of the sweat on her clothes, and fixed her hair--which was difficult on shaky legs, and quickly helped Harry. But the entire time she was watching as Harry put his co*ck back into his trousers.

He caught her eye, "You okay there Hermione?"

She looked like a deer caught in headlights as she scanned him.

"I just... I didn't... I didn't finisih my job... did I not do a good job?" Her voice was a soft whisper.

"You were doing brilliantly Hermione, but you wanted the experience, and now you've experience quite a bit." He then stepped towards her. "I'm happy to help with any future experience when we're both not so--" he hiccuped. And he mentally swore. He'd been so good at not being a stereotype so far. "drunk, just let me know?"

Hermione glanced to his crouch, then back to his eyes, which, he didn't realise, were currently dimming from glowing with magic just moments before. She had a taste of his magic, of what it was like, but she now felt conflicted. She didn't have feelings for Harry, and liked someone else. But also couldn't deny that she had just enjoyed what had happened between them. And as long as Harry kept his word, he'd be an ideal partner to practice with.

She just smiled, "thank you for the help Harry. I--" she stopped herself. "I hope we can at least be friends after... this."

Harry smiled, "I'd love that!"

The door flung open and Lavender and the twins stood in the door way with big grins on their faces, but immidiately frowned when they saw that the two were on opposite walls of the room, and looking the exact same as when they went in.

"What?" was the closest word to the sound that Lavender made.

"Did you two not... make out?" George asked.

Harry shrugged, "sometimes you can really enjoy being in a cupboard with a friend."

"You just... talked?" Fred asked.

"We talked a little bit," Harry replied as he politely pushed through the gang and joined the group. But as Harry approached the circle, he saw Neville turn to see him and stand up.

"Finally, I'm heading up, but wanted to stay to make sure tweedledee, tweedledoo, and tweedledumb didn't peer pressure you into anything."

"Have you ever seen me be peer pressured?" Harry asked as the two clapped eachothers shoulders and turned to see Dean helping a fifth year up the stairs towards the boys dorms.

"Well... we're being peer pressured to be in this tournament," he joked.

Harry budged his shoulder, "actually, I think that's all you man."

The two shook their heads and tried their best to get up the stairs safely.

"Night everyone!" they called down.

The only people down was the twins, Lavender, and a few other fifth years.

Hermione had disappeared before Neville and Harry even finished their brief conversation.

Unbeknownst to everyone, as soon as the brunette entered the girl's dorm room, she jumped into her bed, pulled the curtains closed and layed on her back, and remembered her time in the closet with Harry.

He'd always been the kind of person who was charming, handsome, but always flew under the radar with everyone. He was "The Boy-Who-Lived"'s best friend. Most people never really spoke to him or noticed him. But Hermione wasn't most people. She saw whenever Harry rode a broom that he was better than any quidditch player on the field, but never put himself up to join the team. She saw how great he was at picking up spells in Defense Against the Dark Arts quicker than anyone; including Malfoy and Neville. Now that he had accepted his title and estate, that officially made him the richest person in Hogwarts--until Draco inherited the Malfoy estate, but Merlin knows if Lucius would ever give the estate over to Draco. And he is also unwed, whereas Malfoy has a betrothel contract. Making Harry the most eligible bachelor at the school.

But that wasn't what caught her attention. It was his presence.

The last few weeks Hermione had been able to sense Harry's magic presence, and it always seemed to slip out whenever he had been pushed. She knew that he returned to Hogwarts much stronger and magically powerful than before he left.

And she had a taste of it in that room.

And she couldn't stop thinking about it.

As she closed her eyes, she could still feel the feeling of his fingers on her skin, and replaced that feeling with her own fingers, trailing down and hitching her skirt down so that she could brush her fingers against her still very damp slit her eyes rolled back as her fingers traced the sensitive flesh, a soft sigh escaping her lips. The memory of Harry's touch was still fresh in her mind, his hands skilled and sure. Her heart pounded in her chest as she remembered the heat of his body against hers, the way his magic had subtly intertwined with hers.

Suddenly, the fabric of her skirt felt too restricting and she kicked it off to the end of her bed. The other girls were lost in their dreams, oblivious to Hermione's late-night rendezvous with pleasure. After her first mew, she quickly cast a silencing charm on her curtains, then tossed it to the side as she slipped her tie off and balled it up, and bit down hard on it.

As she slipped her fingers inside of herself, she couldn't help but think about how different Harry's fingers had felt; rougher and yet undeniably gentle. She moved in rhythm with the pulses of pleasure that coursed through her body, biting into her tie to stifle any errant moans.

She could still feel the vestiges of Harry's magic within her, weaving itself in complicated knots around her nervous system. Hermione was no stranger to magic, but this was different, this was intimate and personal in a way no spell or charm could ever hope to be.

And even though she denied having any feelings for Harry, there was no denying the connection they now shared. This was a physical pleasure that she couldn't comprehend before, but Harry had opened a door in her mind that she could shut, no matter how hard she shoved against it.

With a shaky hand, she slipped it under her shirt and bra, fingers seeking out the sensitive buds of her watermelon-pink nipples. The touch sent electric currents through her body as she began to circle her cl*tor*s, just as Harry had done to her earlier. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure as she imagined his large length in her hand, mimicking the motions of wanking through the air next to her. Lost in the sensations and her own thoughts, Hermione hardly noticed when the climax hit her like a tidal wave crashing against a rocky shore. The intensity was almost too much to handle as she bit into her pillow, trying to suppress the screams that threatened to escape from deep within her.

As she came down from her second org*sm of the night, she took a deep breath in.

Although her trist with Harry had been brief, it had caused an addiction.

And she desperately wanted to experience more.

When Harry had put Neville to bed, he pulled the curtains closed to his bed, cast a silencing charm and pulled out the photo Lily had given him when he was away of her in her vest top, squeezing her breasts together, and masturbat*d. As he did, he pictured himself floating just above his golden lake of magic, where he could see ripples of his golden magic flowing downstream into the rivers connected to his, and, as he focused on those rivers, he could see images of Samantha in her tent, rolling in a bed of furs as she stirred from side-to-side, her hand between her legs as she bit hard into her t-shirt. Down the other river, he could see Lily, on all four with her ass in the air as she f*cked herself with a dild* that seemed to be pumping into her without her using her hands, allowing her to use a vibrator on her cl*t.

Harry thought it was f*cking hot. And as he came, he felt his magic pulse outwards, his magic thundering down the rivers, and unbeknownst to him, causing all witches capable of receiving the blessings of the Merlin Law to become incredibly aroused. The Gryffindors had never had so many girls waking up due to cumming at the same time after having an intense wet dream.

But Hermione sensed the magic, and she wanted a taste of it.

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven


Another sexy rendezvous with Cissy, first tournament trial, and a little celebrating!

Chapter Text

Chapter Seven

The moment Harry stepped through the iron gates of Malfoy Manor, he couldn’t help but be captivated by the pristine gardens and the elegant peaco*cks that roamed freely. The sun cast a warm glow on the grounds, as if to welcome him back. He couldn’t shake the memory of his last visit, just over a week ago, when he and Narcissa had shared an intensely passionate moment, culminating in him cumming inside her.

“Harry,” a sultry voice called out from the doorway. He turned to see Narcissa, dressed in a deep emerald green robe that accentuated her slender figure. Her ice-blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing a face that was the perfect mask of confidence and sensuality.

“Hello, Narcissa,” he replied, feeling a familiar warmth rise within him. “Your letter said it was urgent.”

“Indeed,” she replied, extending her hand towards him. “Come with me, I’ll explain everything.”

As they ascended the grand staircase, Harry’s eyes were drawn to the sway of Narcissa’s hips. She moved with such grace and purpose, it was almost hypnotizing. He felt his heartbeat quicken, curious about what could have prompted the urgency in her message.

“Is everything alright?” he asked, struggling to focus on anything other than the woman before him.

“Everything is fine, Harry,” Narcissa reassured him with a mysterious smile. “I just couldn’t wait any longer. It’s been too long since we’ve been together.”

“Over a week,” Harry murmured, his thoughts echoing his earlier reflections.

“Exactly,” Narcissa purred, pausing at the top of the staircase. “And that, my dear, is far too long.”

She continued to lead him down the hallway, her eyes locked onto his, never breaking their connection. The anticipation built within Harry, realizing that the urgency in her letter wasn’t about danger or necessity, but rather desire - a desire that matched his own.

“Here we are,” Narcissa announced, opening the door to her boudoir. “Now, let’s waste no more time.”

Harry stepped into the opulent interior of Malfoy Manor, his eyes scanning the exquisite tapestries and shimmering chandeliers that adorned the lavish hallways. He couldn’t help but marvel at the elegance of the place, a stark contrast to the dark past it held.

As Narcissa led him towards her bedroom, Harry’s mind raced with vivid memories of their last encounter. His pulse quickened as the anticipation grew, and he felt a familiar stirring in his loins.

“Here we are,” Narcissa announced, opening the door to her boudoir. The room was bathed in soft candlelight, casting flickering shadows on the silk sheets that draped the enormous four-poster bed.

“Stunning,” Harry breathed, unable to tear his gaze away from Narcissa’s silhouette against the warm glow.

“Thank you, dear,” she purred before dropping to her knees in front of him. Her fingers deftly unzipped his pants, and as she released his growing erection, Harry’s breath hitched.

“God, Cissy,” he moaned, feeling her warm breath graze the sensitive skin of his arousal.

Cissy's lips brushed gently against the tip of Harry's erection, and he let out a low groan of pleasure. Her tongue darted out, tracing the length of him, and Harry's hands found their way to her hair, tangling in the soft strands as he guided her rhythm.

Narcissa looked up at him, her eyes glinting with desire as she took him deeper into her mouth. Harry's breath came in ragged gasps as she worked her magic, every touch and taste sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body.

With a final thrust, Harry reached his climax, his body trembling with the force of his release. Narcissa pulled back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she smiled up at him.

"I take it you enjoyed that?" she asked, her voice husky with desire.

Harry could only nod, still trying to catch his breath. "God, Cissy," he panted, "that was incredible." His eyes widened as she continued to suckle on his co*ck. “T-tell me what was so urgent, love,” he managed to gasp out as she took him into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head of his co*ck.

Narcissa paused, her lips still wrapped around him, and looked up at Harry with lust-filled eyes. “My husband is out until midday,” she murmured. “And I had an itch that only you could scratch.”

With that, she enveloped him once more, her skilled mouth working him with a fervour that left Harry reeling. His thoughts swirled as he fought to maintain control over the mounting pleasure coursing through his body, his hands gripping Narcissa’s silky blonde hair for support.

“Y-you’re incredible,” Harry stammered as his legs threatened to buckle beneath him. Narcissa responded with a sultry smile and redoubled her efforts, her tongue dancing along the length of him in a tantalizing rhythm.

As Harry’s climax approached again, his mind raced with the knowledge that this illicit encounter could only last so long. The thrill of their secret rendezvous fuelled his desire, spurring him towards the edge as the clock ticked away the minutes.

“f*ck, I’m close,” Harry warned, feeling his release building like a tidal wave. Narcissa hummed in approval, her eyes locked onto his, urging him on.

With a final, desperate cry, Harry succumbed to the overwhelming pleasure, his body trembling as he spilled himself into Narcissa’s waiting mouth. She drank him down greedily, leaving no trace of their indiscretion. A slight golden hue pulsed around her iris as her stomach swelled slightly from ingesting his magic laced cum.

“Delicious,” she whispered, a wicked smile gracing her lips as they parted ways, the memory of their stolen moments etched into their very souls.

“Harry,” Narcissa purred, her blue eyes sweeping over his naked form with a hunger that set his skin ablaze. “You… you really do look like one of those statues you see of the gods. The way your muscles ripple beneath your skin... it’s positively intoxicating.” She traced a single fingertip along the curve of his bicep, her touch feather-light and electric.

“Thank you,” Harry replied, slightly breathless from the praise. He felt a surge of pride at her words, knowing that he was the one to elicit such desire from the stunning witch before him.

“Your body is so powerful, so commanding,” she continued, her voice low and sultry, like a forbidden whisper. Her face a blushing mess. “It makes me want to submit to you completely, to let you take control and dominate me in every way imaginable. Is that… I don’t what it is about you that makes me so… subservient!”

Narcissa’s confession sent a thrill down Harry’s spine. He had known that their dalliances were fuelled by a potent mix of lust and rebellion, but to hear her explicitly state her desires awakened something primal within him. His eyes darkened with hunger as he studied her, taking in the graceful curve of her neck, the swell of her breasts, and the delicate arch of her back.

“Is that what you want, Narcissa?” he asked, his voice strained with the effort of holding back his own mounting desire. “Do you want me to bend you to my will?”

Her voice quivered as she whispered, her eyes wide with shock and desire, fixated on his every move. "Above all else," she confessed, "I crave your power over me, your complete control. I long to surrender myself entirely to you, to be at your mercy as your willing plaything." Her breath hitches as she awaits his response, heart racing with anticipation.

Harry’s heart raced at her words, his mind conjuring images of the tantalizing acts they could perform together. He could see her bound and exposed, vulnerable to his every whim, or kneeling before him, eager to serve. The possibilities seemed endless, limited only by their imagination and the clandestine nature of their meetings.

“Tell me, Narcissa,” he said, his voice thick with lust. “Do you want me to take you right now, to make you mine in every sense of the word?”

She paused, his co*ck gently brushing against her nose.

"I can't... marry you.. Harry... Or be your concubine, not whilst Lucius is--"

He shushed her, gently tightening his grip on her hair as she circled his co*ckhead with her tongue.

"I don't mean legally. I mean magically."

She pulled back from his co*ck, “The only way to do that would be… the Merlin’s law.” she whispered. She cleared her throat as she wrapped her fingers around Harry’s co*ck with renewed vigour. “Please, Harry,” she begged, her eyes filled with a desperate need that mirrored his own. “Dominate me. Make me yours.”

As they surrendered to their desires, time ceased to have meaning. The outside world faded away, leaving only the pounding of their hearts, the heat of their bodies, and the unbreakable bond forged between them—one that would continue to smoulder long after their stolen moment came to an end.

Harry couldn't deny the magnetic pull of Narcissa's request, her desire to surrender to his dominance igniting a fierce fire within him. His eyes hungrily traced the contours of her body, his gaze lingering on the soft curve of her backside as it rhythmically met his pelvis. Her pale skin, like porcelain, seemed to beckon for his touch, and he marveled at his own self-restraint.

A wave of familiar warmth surged through him, fueling his imagination with tantalizing scenarios. The thought of binding Narcissa with enchanted ropes, intricately crafted by his own magic, sent shivers down his spine. The possibilities that danced within his mind were endless, each one more intoxicating than the last. The temptation to explore these forbidden desires threatened to overwhelm him.

He envisioned himself delicately tracing the contours of Narcissa's body with trembling fingertips, following the delicate curve of her spine, and reveling in the softness of her skin beneath his touch. His mind played out scenes of their bodies entwined, their passions igniting like wildfire as they surrendered to the intoxicating thrill of power play.

But amidst the allure and temptation, a flicker of caution whispered in Harry's ear. He knew that giving in to these dark desires would forever change their dynamic, forever alter the delicate balance between them. It was a risky path to tread, one that could lead them down a path from which there was no return.

As he stood there, gazing at Narcissa with a mixture of desire and trepidation, Harry's heart wrestled with conflicting emotions. The intensity of his longing warred with the rational voice inside him, urging caution and restraint. For now, he held himself back, determined to navigate these uncharted waters with care.

The room was heavy with anticipation as Harry contemplated the unspoken invitation before him. He knew that once he crossed that threshold, there would be no turning back. The power dynamics between them would shift, forever altering their connection. It was a decision that required careful consideration, for the consequences were as thrilling as they were perilous.

And so, Harry stood there, locked in a silent battle of desires, his mind swirling with possibilities and uncertainties. The allure of Narcissa's request beckoned him closer, the temptation nearly overwhelming. But in the end, it would be his choice to make, a choice that could either liberate them both or shatter everything they held dear.

“Are you…are you certain?” Harry asked, his voice unsteady as he tried to keep control of his desires. He had never considered himself a sad*st, but there was something thrilling about the thought of having complete power over someone else, particularly someone as beautiful and seductive as Narcissa.

“Absolutely,” she replied, a wicked grin playing across her lips. “You claim me. You bring out a side to me that... I don’t think I have ever felt. I want to always feel that way!”

As she spoke, her fingers traced a path along her collarbone, drawing his attention to the delicate skin there. The image of her bound and at his mercy sent shivers down Harry’s spine, his heart pounding in his chest as she welcomed his length back into her sweltering sopping wet depths. He could feel the ancient magic within him, urging him to take control, to bind her to him both physically and magically. But another part of him, the one that valued trust and consent above all else, hesitated.

“Binding you would give me immense satisfaction, Cissy,” Harry admitted, torn between his desires and his conscience. “But I can’t help but wonder if it’s truly what you want, or if it’s just a fleeting fantasy.”

Narcissa’s gaze remained steady as she locked eyes with him over her shoulder, doubling her efforts to milk him for all he was worth. “I understand your concerns, Harry, but I assure you, this is something I’ve longed for. To be completely vulnerable, to surrender myself to another…especially to someone as powerful and skilled as you.”

Harry took a deep, steadying breath as he weighed his options. The thought of binding Narcissa was intoxicating, but he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that it might change their relationship in ways neither of them could anticipate. It was incredibly hot and sexy. But Harry was not the kind to do this when all he felt was lust. He told himself he’d only bound witches he had feelings for. He wasn’t there yet with Narcissa.

“Alright,” Harry said finally, his voice firm despite the uncertainty still swirling within him as he stopped thrusting. “I won’t bind you today. But let’s continue to explore our desires together, and when the time is right, then we can revisit the idea.”

Narcissa seemed to sense his inner turmoil, her eyes softening as she pulled herself forward, his co*ck slipping from her hole as she twisted to reach out to touch his face gently. “Thank you, Harry,” she murmured, gratitude evident in her voice. “No one has ever put my feelings and… well being over any pleasure… or of their own selfish desires… it means a lot.”

Her eyes glanced to his lips, but she did not make a move. And neither did he. This moment felt too tender to consummate with an intimate kiss.

They were here for f*cking. Not love making.

Harry reached for her leg and raised it, using his other arm to hold her torso up as he easily slid back inside. Her eyes widened as he pulled her close to him, gasps escaping her mouth as she felt Harry’s magical power roll off of him.

As they resumed their passionate encounter, Harry found solace in the knowledge that he had made the right decision. He had managed to maintain control, not only over Narcissa but also over himself, and in doing so had preserved the trust and connection that had brought them together in the first place. With each heated touch and whispered word, they continued to explore the depths of their desires, forging a bond that transcended the boundaries of mere physical pleasure.

The room was filled with the heady scent of their passion, and Harry felt his body respond to the intense pleasure that Narcissa had expertly provided. As he sensed his impending release, he withdrew from her waiting womb, his eyes locked onto hers.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice rough with desire.

Narcissa nodded, a wicked gleam in her eyes as she tilted her face up towards him. “Give it to me, Harry,” she whispered, barely audible yet incredibly powerful. She quickly shuffled so that she was resting on her elbows, her face inches away from his rock hard co*ck.

His breath hitched at her words, and with a final stroke of his hand, Harry let go, releasing his seed upon Narcissa’s beautiful, expectant face. The sensation was electric, sending shivers down his spine as he watched the result of their intimate encounter streak across her cheek and over her lips.

Narcissa closed her eyes momentarily, savouring the feel of him on her skin. She then opened them again, a smile of pure satisfaction playing on her lips. “Mmm, Harry… that was incredible,” she purred, her fingers tracing a line through the evidence of his climax. “You never disappoint.”

Harry could feel his cheeks heating up at her praise, his heart swelling with pride at having brought her such pleasure. He knew that their relationship was complex and fraught with risks, but in moments like this, it seemed worth every challenge they faced.

“Thank you, Narcissa,” he replied, his voice softened by the lingering glow of their shared ecstasy. “I’m glad I could satisfy you.”

As they exchanged heated glances, their desires mingling with the knowledge that they had once again defied expectations to forge something uniquely their own, Harry couldn't help but think of how much he had grown since first becoming involved with Narcissa. Since their first encounter, he had learned more about magic than he had in his own world – his strengths, his weaknesses, and the depths of his own desires.

“Until next time, Harry,” Narcissa murmured, her eyes filled with a promise that sent shivers down his spine. “I can hardly wait to see what new surprises you have in store for me.”

He ran a hand along her arm.

“Lucius doesn’t know what he’s doing, you’re a catch, Cissy,” he said. “You’re gorgeous, wonderful, tight and I know that there is an incredible mind just waiting to burst free in there.” he then locked eyes with her. “when was the last time the two of you-?”

She shook her head.

“The night Draco was conceived.” She replied.

“When can we meet again?” he asked without skipping a beat.

Narcissa paused for a moment, her brow furrowing as she considered their options. “This Sunday,” she finally proposed. “My husband will be away on business.”

“Sunday it is,” Harry confirmed, the thought of their next rendezvous already igniting a fire within him. He couldn’t help but drink in the sight of her, admiring the way her silky blonde hair framed her delicate features and how her curves begged for his touch.

“Until then, my secret lover,” Narcissa purred, leaning in to capture his lips in a searing kiss that sent shivers down his spine.

Their lips parted, and Harry took a step back, feeling both the lingering heat of their passionate encounter and the bittersweet regret of parting ways. As he turned to leave, he couldn’t help but wonder what secrets and challenges the coming days would bring.

“Goodbye, Narcissa,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

“Goodbye, Harry,” she murmured, her eyes filled with longing even as they held a promise of things yet to come.

As Harry exited the manor, the door closing behind him with a resolute thud, he knew that while their relationship was fraught with danger, there was something undeniably thrilling about the risk it entailed. And so, with each step he took away from Malfoy Manor, Harry’s thoughts turned towards the future and the tantalizing possibilities it held.

“Sunday,” he thought, a determined glint in his vibrant green eyes. “I can’t wait.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Harry spent his time from the announcement of both he and Neville as champions researching whatever he could about his Lordship, the Veil, of the history of the “dark times” when Voldemort tried to rise to glory. Of learning about his and Neville”s past.

This meant that he had spent quite a considerable time in the library, where, surprisingly, is also where the other champions spent their time. Although, not at the same time.

Neville spent time receiving help from Hermione about the history, and what kind of puzzles to expect. Harry had tried his best to hint at the dragon that they'd all need to face. Hermione seemed to pick up on the clue and was more than happy to help Neville research. Harry had looked into things himself, but his best bet was to keep up his training from the Redwoods, continue sparring with Daphne; which recently involved her trying to defend a stone from Harry using everything she had. Harry had thought about using the same strategy as he had in his own world, but he felt that he had more experience now, and knew that if he ever wanted to fight Voldemort, that he would need to be as practiced as possible. What better match up could he have than a dragon?

Krum came in, and read the same text, but sent hungry looks at Hermione the entire time. Harry didn't like that, and made a mental note to keep an eye on the Durmstrang champion.

Fleur also spent time in the library, she mostly spent it researching Britain's history, and sitting at the same table as Harry. He had to admit that there was something truly admirable about her. She was beautiful and sophisticated, and there was this almost ethereal aura about her. Every time she entered the library, all of the boys seemed to get uncomfortable and leave, or became dumbstruck with boners where they stood. This strange allure only seemed to affect some of the girls.

“It does not affect you?” Fleur had asked him one day.

Harry shrugged, “let's say I've learnt my lesson of giving into my primal needs.”

She quirked an eyebrow at him, and smirked as she turned a page.

“Or, is it because your own keeps pushing mine away?” Harry must have looked dumbfounded because she smiled bigger at that. “Ah, so you do not know of your own allure? Well, Lord Potter, perhaps I could help educate you on this?”

He felt like an idiot for his response, but a part of him did argue that he was still a teenager, and the thought of spending time with the beautiful Fleur seemed too good an opportunity to pass up.

“Yes, if you didn't mind.”

"One day, perhaps."

When Harry was on his own, he was accompanied by Daphne, who helped him research Mages. Which, there didn't seem to be a lot of information on. The two would usually then go for a run around the school grounds to keep up their physical strength. Daphne had learned the importance of keeping in your physical peak.

But soon the first trial of the Triwizard Tournament had finally arrived, and Harry stood amongst his fellow champions, his heart pounding with anticipation. He couldn't afford to lose this challenge; he had to prove himself not only as a skilled wizard but as someone capable of overcoming any obstacle thrown his way.

As they began selecting their eggs that would determine their opponents, Harry found himself standing uncomfortably close to Fleur Delacour. Her beauty was undeniable – long, silvery-blonde hair cascaded down her back like a shimmering waterfall, framing an elegant face adorned with high cheekbones and full lips that seemed to be naturally tinted a shade of pink. Ice-blue eyes sparkled with intelligence, and her lithe form exuded grace in every movement. The scent of lavender and roses drifted from her, causing the heat to rise in Harry”s chest.

Fleur caught his eye, and a faint blush coloured her cheeks. She quickly looked away, trying to regain her focus on the task at hand. Harry too, forced himself to concentrate, feeling a tingling sensation at the base of his neck when she glanced back at him for an instant.

“I was thinking when we could have that conversation about that allure of yours,” her voice dripped with casual flirtation. "Soon?" She offered, eyeing him up and down.

Harry nodded, “I could think of nothing better right now.”

The champions were all sitting at different areas of the tent. Harry and Fleur were slightly off centre as they waited nervously for the announcement of the trial. He had given her a hint at the challenge, to which she had told him “if you are honest, then I may need to reward your gallantry”.

Opposite them was Krum, sitting wide legged on the edge of a bench, staring at a crest on the back of his gloves.

Just next to the entrance stood Neville and Hermione. Neville had insisted on her accompanying him into the tent so they could review his strategy. The two were technically forbidden from sharing their plans and ideas, so they agreed to keep their distance during tournament days.

“Champions, gather round!” Dumbledore cried.

They each formed a circle, and Hermione quickly darted out of the tent.

Once he was confident that everyone was here, Dumbledore motioned for Ludo Bagman to speak.

“The first trial of the Triwizard tournament is to defeat a dragon and retrieve a golden egg that it guards. This egg will give you a vital clue to the next challenge of the tournament. Now,” Bagman said as he brought forth a velvet bag. “Inside is four eggs. The colour of the eggs corresponds to a different dragon. You will all reach into the bag and pull out your egg.”

When no one moved he rolled his eyes, “Champions, you may now select your eggs,” breaking the spell between them.

Harry reached out to grab an egg, his fingers brushing against Fleur's as she did the same. Both of them flinched back, exchanging awkward smiles before focusing on reaching for one of the eggs.

Krum pulled out a blue one, Fleur pulled out a silver one, Neville a green, and Harry a black.

“Your opponents await you,” Ludo cheerful cried as he and the other judges trailed out of the tent to make the announcements to the crowd.

“Are we expected to… kill a dragon?” Neville asked, swallowing a knot in his throat.

“Of course not,” Harry tried to comfort his friend. “The main goal is to get the egg. Avoid the dragon if you can.”

“That is a cowards thinking,” Krum spat. “We are champions. Kill if you need to kill.”

The Bulgarian wizard then stalked towards the tent entrance. He was the first to attempt, but he seemed pretty determined to win no matter what.

Harry couldn't help but feel disturbed by the change in Krum in this world.

Harry later heard that Krum was able to somehow do something to the dragons foot, causing it to fall off balance and collected his egg. Fleur had managed to use her allure to knock her dragon out (and many of the men in the crowd) but not before she had taken the brunt of her silver dragons firebreath. Luckily only her clothes seemed to have singed. But he hadn't been allowed to watch their attempts at the time, so took the rumour for gospel (as much as you could consider rumour as the truth).

Then it was Harry’s turn. Neville and Fleur had wished him luck as he pushed through the tent exit.

As Harry stepped into the arena, the dragon he was to face became visible: a monstrous beast with scales the colour of midnight, its massive wings casting shadows over the ground. Its eyes glowed like dying embers, and razor-sharp claws dug into the earth, releasing puffs of dust. A row of menacing spikes lined its spine, culminating in a tail that whipped through the air like a deadly weapon. The dragon’s presence seemed to fill the entire space, making the task appear near impossible.

“Good luck, Harry,” Fleur whispered as they parted ways, her voice soft yet filled with genuine concern.

“Thanks,” he replied, his voice cracking under the intensity of the moment.

The golden egg lay on the other side of the arena, guarded by the fearsome dragon. It appeared deceptively small and innocent amidst the chaos, but Harry knew it was the key to succeeding in this trial. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the fight ahead. No matter how impossible the challenge seemed, he would face the dragon and claim that golden egg.

As the cannon signalled the start of the task, Harry took a moment to gather his focus and summon his physical enhancement magic. He needed all the help he could get to survive this. The dragon roared, unleashing a torrent of flames from its maw that threatened to engulf Harry in an inferno. He narrowly dodged the fire, leaping to the side with lightning-fast reflexes amplified by his magic.

“Come on, Harry! You can do it!” he heard someone shout from the sidelines, they sounded familiar, but he didn't have the mental capacity to think about it in the moment.

The dragon lunged again, its claws slashing through the air like deadly scythes. Harry twisted and ducked beneath the attack, feeling the heat of the beast’s breath on his face as he narrowly avoided the swipe. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline fuelling his movements as he searched for an opening to strike back.

“Is that all you’ve got?” Harry taunted the dragon, hoping to distract it and find an opportunity to reach the golden egg.

In response, the dragon bellowed, angered by Harry’s defiance, and unleashed another barrage of flames. Harry sprinted, weaving between jets of fire and trying to close the distance between himself and the egg. The intense heat scorched his skin, but he focused on the pain, using it as a reminder of the stakes at hand.

I need to prove myself. I won't let this dragon stop me, Harry thought, gritting his teeth against the searing heat.

“Almost there,” he whispered under his breath, sweat beading on his forehead as he calculated his next move. He knew he couldn’t keep avoiding the dragon’s attacks forever – one misstep and it would all be over.

As the dragon reared back for another assault, Harry noticed a brief moment when its guard lowered. Seizing the opportunity, he dashed forward, sliding under the dragons scaled head, the momentum propelling himself toward the golden egg behind the beast.

“Gotcha!” he cried triumphantly as his fingers closed around the egg. However, his victory was short-lived, as the dragon whipped its head back in a desperate attempt to dislodge him away from the egg.

Was this allowed? Harry thought.

“Keep back!” he could hear the panicked crowd yell in panic.

He found himself jumping, rolling, and sliding away from the thrashing of the beast. He was able to avoid being hit for almost a whole minute until the beasts tail smacked into his torso, the egg falling to the ground as Harry went flying backwards, impacting the ground with a thud. He felt winded, and could feel something definitely cracked, but he was still alive. Which was better than any other wizard he knew. So he took it as a win.

As the black scaled beast surged towards him, he reached inside and pulled up his magic, even after all this time, and all of his research, he still wasn't able to find any spell that could cause harm to a dragon -- he would later make a mental note to ask Krum what he did, once, of course, he had heard the rumours -- so, knowing he had only his physical abilities to help him, he raced towards the dragon and channelling all of his power into his legs, he pushed upwards, summersaulting over the beast, his back scraping agaisnt the scales as he rolled back to his feet on the other side and wrapped his arms around the egg. And with a grunt, heaved it up and procalimed himself the winner.

The crowd went wild with cheers, Harry couldn't help but grin, “I did it,” he breathed, exhaustion setting in as the reality of his accomplishment washed over him. As the dragon vanished with an audible pop.He noticed the faintest whisp of red hair in the crowd. But it disappeared before he could get a good look. He saw Daphne, and her little sister Astoria clapping for him. Astoria looked up at Daphne with a confused expression as Daphne smiled at Harry.

“Amazing, Harry!” Neville cheered as Harry returned to the tent. “That was incredible!”

Harry couldn’t help but feel a rush of pride and relief. He had faced the impossible and emerged victorious. Maybe his training really was proving useful.

But deep within his thoughts, he knew that this was only the beginning.

Harry knew he couldn’t rely solely on his physical prowess to overcome the beasts of this world. He needed more magic and more knowledge. He needed to really research more spells for situations when his unique magical abilities couldn't be used.

Neville’s face was grim as he was called out.

“Good luck Nev,” Harry offered.

Neville gave him a toothy grin, “I’m the f*cking Chosen One, can’t be failing at fighting a bloody dragon now, can I?”

And before his bravado vanished, he rushed out of the tent.

Now he was alone, he began walking over to his section of the tent when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Fleur holding the front of her uniform close to her body with one arm.

“Fleur?” Harry asked.

“Can you help put this cream on, Harry?” She asked as she nodded to the lotion on the chest in her nook. Harry nodded. He was happy to help.

As they walked over, he couldn’t help but watch the sway of her hips. She was beautiful and tantalising. How he didn’t see it in his world was beyond him.

He glanced around the room, and couldn’t see Krum anywhere. Perhaps he had gone to the toilet.

“Can you close the curtains Harry?” Fleur asked, and he did so once they were in Fleur’s nook. As he turned around he heard the sound of clothing shuffling as she sat on the bench with her bare back fully exposed to him. The slightest hint of side-boob as he stepped towards her. Even under her clothes she had creamy white skin, as though it was untouched from the sun.

He poured some lotion onto his hand, rubbed them together and began massaging it into her back. She winced when he first pressed his hands on her.

“Are you okay?” he asked, pulling his hands back.

“Oui, it is just… it stings a little,” she replied as she looked over her bare shoulder to him. Her blue eyes shimmering in the candlelight.

He nodded, “I’ll try to be careful.”

And he was. Whilst Neville was fighting the dragon, Harry gave Fleur Delacour a back massage that caused her to arch her back into his touch and moan at his ministrations. It was hard for him to lie and say it didn’t make him hard.

But she was a friend asking for help.

Once he was satisfied that he had massaged all of the lotion into her back, he whipped his wand into his hand, cast a mending charm on her uniform and helped zip it back up.

Fleur’s eyes were wide when she turned around, standing up to face him.

“You helped repair my clothing?” she asked, briefly glancing at his impressive bulge.

“You needed help. I was happy to oblige,” he offered as he gave her a smile and began pulling the curtains open. “Now I need to support my best friend.”

He felt his heart jump as he felt a pair of arms wrap around his chest, two soft warm pillows pressed against his muscular back as a pair of plump lips pressed against his cheek.

“You are a good friend, Harry Potter. Merci.”

And with that he left her nook and watched as Neville rolled underneath the Welsh Green and picked up his egg, the dragon instantly vanishing as the crowd cheered out Neville’s name.

A wide grin stretched across Harry’s face as he began applauding Neville too.

“Couldn”t have done it without you, Nev,” Harry replied, clapping his friend on the back. Together, they made their way back to the castle, their hearts still racing from the adrenaline of the day’s events.

Upon reaching the Gryffindor common room, they were greeted with raucous cheers and applause from their fellow students. The room was alive with energy as everyone celebrated their house’s victory in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament.

“Congratulations, Harry!” Katie, a member of the quidditch team, beamed, giving him a tight hug. Ron slapped him on the shoulder, grinning proudly.

“Thank you,” Harry said, feeling a little overwhelmed by the sudden attention.

A few others congratulated him, but everyone seemed to prefer giving Neville the attention. Which Harry was fine with. He was never the kind to like attention on him. So when he was able to, he decided to sneak away to a corner in the common room and take a seat. Right next to Hermione who was watching Neville being pulled around the room so people had a chance of touching him and his egg.

“His life has always been like that, hasn’t it?” Hermione asked.

Harry let startled by the question, but looked back over to his best friend.

“I think he’s been raised to expect that. His grandma was all about making sure he was in the spotlight.”

“But not one of those people helped him get where he is,” Hermione replied again.

Harry shrugged, “people are usually more than happy to share in the heroes rewards, but very rarely want to help them get there.”

Hermione nodded at that.

“But you help him all the time.”

“And you helped him with the tournament,” Harry replied just as quick. The two locked eyes. “I guess it means neither of us care about the heroes light. Just want to make sure he survives.”

Hermione’s cheeks reddened at that as she looked away from Harry and back at the group cheering Neville on. Her eyes widened slightly as Ginny Weasley pulled him in for a snog.

“Why does a reward always end up like that?” she asked herself, not expecting an answer.

“Because how magic works. The magic inside of powerful wizards calls to witches. When said powerful wizard get’s a powerful witch excited, they respond on instinct.” Harry replied without really thinking about it.

“Does a witch have to be powerful to get the attention of a powerful wizard?” Hermione asked, worrying her bottom lip.

Harry shrugged, “depends how you want to get their attention.”

She then looked right into Harry’s eyes.

“What draws your attention to a witch?” She asked.

Without skipping a beat, Harry replied: “power.”

Eventually Neville was able to break away from the group and offer his hand to Harry.

“come on,” he whispered. “let’s open this baby’s up!”

With a grin, Harry stood and (trying not to obviously brace himself) the pair grabbed the knobs at the top of the eggs, twisted them and allowed them to open, revealing a swirling golden bubbles inside of a silvery liquid. And welcomed the common room to an ear bleeding shriek. Startled, they fumbled to close them again as quickly as possible, their faces a mixture of shock and confusion.

“Blimey, what was that?” Neville exclaimed, rubbing his ears.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Harry responded, wincing at the piercing sound. He looked around the common room. Who the f*ck would be his special person? There wasn’t anyone in the school he was insanely close to, other than Neville.

“Let’s not worry about it tonight,” Harry suggested to Neville, who nodded in agreement. They joined their friends in the revelry, but deep down, Harry couldn’t push away the nagging sensation that something important lay within that golden egg.

As the night wore on and the party continued, Harry felt a sudden urge to clear his head. He glanced around the room and, seeing that no one was paying him any particular attention, he slipped out of the common room and into the dimly lit corridors.

He needed some fresh air and decided to go for a late-night run around the castle grounds. As he jogged through the darkness through the castle corridors, not caring of getting caught as he made his way to the stone archway that lead towards the woods, Harry’s mind raced with thoughts of the tournament, of the impending showdown at the graveyard, and his relationship with his girls. If he closed his mind and tried to picture his magical core, the vision of a golden lake and the rivers that stretched out, connecting to pools appeared in his mind. If he really focused, he could see shifting silhouette’s of the women that the pools of magic connected to. In the pool of silver, he could see a very blurry, almost non-corporeal vision of Samantha, running, picking flowers, sleeping, practising fighting. In the pool of red, he could see a slightly more realised vision of Lily. Cleaning, cooking, practising her magic, sitting down and going through paperwork, occasionally shouting or laughing. But the images were not always there. And it usually cost a lot of focus. Which wasn’t something Harry was able to do often.

When he thought about his magic, he knew that there were plenty of aspects that he didn’t understand. He knew there was more to his power. More to understand about being a mage in this world. He knew that his plan to defeat Voldemort was his number one priority with plenty of steps, of which did involve him binding beautiful and powerful women to him so that he could increase his (and their) magical power, but also gain magical skills that no one else had access to. But when the events of this world were so similar, he couldn’t help but feel... isolated. His memory of his old life was shaky. He remembered key events, but his mind struggled pulling on those tethers, to remember the little details.

He knew that at the end of the year Voldemort would be back. That it had something to do with the Triwizard tournament. He could picture scenes, but nothing concrete. It was so frustrating, to be somewhere and not have the memories to help the world.

Nor remember how you left your own world, he thought.

He missed Ron and Hermione.

But, despite the whirlwind of emotions and questions, there was also a sense of exhilaration – he was alive, he had faced incredible danger, and he had come out on top.

“Focus, Harry,” he whispered to himself as his footsteps echoed through the night. “There’s still so much to do.”

The cool air against his skin and the rhythmic pounding of his feet on the ground helped centre him and prepare for whatever lay ahead. And although there were many unknowns in his future, Harry knew that with determination and the support of his friends, he would face each challenge head-on.

As he rounded a bend on the flying green, Harry caught sight of the woods bathed in moonlight, its towering trees casting long shadows across the grounds. He paused for a moment, taking in the beauty and magic of Hogwarts and its grounds– a place where he always felt a sense of belonging.

“Let’s do this,” he muttered under his breath, before picking up speed and continuing his run, the distant sound of music from the Gryffindor common room fading into the night.

As Harry stepped out of the castle, he breathed in the crisp, cool air of the night. The scent of damp earth and the faint whispers of distant magical creatures filled his senses. He felt alive, invigorated by his recent victory and the promise of challenges to come.

“Potter,” a voice called out from the shadows. Harry’s heart skipped a beat as he saw Daphne Greengrass emerge, her ice-blue eyes fixing on him. She was dressed in tight-fitting workout clothes that accentuated her curves, her long, silver-blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. “Fancy meeting you here,” she said, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

“Hey, Daph,” Harry replied, trying to keep his composure. “Just needed a bit of fresh air.”

“Me too,” she said, stretching her toned legs against a nearby stone bench. “Congratulations on your win today, by the way. And for not showing off all your true magic. That took restraint.”

“Thanks,” Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I figured it was best to keep some secrets up my sleeve.”

“Smart move,” Daphne agreed, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Ready for a run?”

“Let’s do it,” Harry said with a grin, still feeling the buzz of the earlier events.

They took off together, their footsteps echoing in unison as they raced through the grounds of Hogwarts. Harry couldn’t help but steal glances at Daphne as they ran, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow on her features. A part of him wondered if this was just another test, but he pushed that thought aside – he needed to enjoy this moment, no matter how fleeting.

Chapter 8: Chapter Eight


Three in one day! These were once one whole chapter, but they needed to be split into three to not break the pacing too much, but, who can complain about a few intimate scenes with Cissy?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter Eight

AS THEY APPROACHED the Greengrass Library, Harry felt a tingle of anticipation. He had never stepped foot in such a place before, with knowledge and secrets stretching back so far in time that it was almost overwhelming.

She had told him that she had managed to get permission from her father to let Harry see the family library to research mage magic. The only thing Harry needed to do was have dinner with the family. So Harry took a ‘lordship’ day, and took Daphne as his intermediary, and they visited her home.

Daphne opened the door and led them into the chamber. On either side were shelves, filled with books both new and old, some even written in languages Harry could not understand. At the centre of the library was an ornate marble table where Daphne's family kept their most important texts.

Harry and Daphne began to methodically search through the books as they looked for any clues that might lead to memory magic. After hours of work, Daphne finally came across an ancient tome about mind-altering spells. Excitedly she called for Harry and he hurried over to take a look at what she'd found.

The book didn't contain any spells but it did have information on memory charms, which allowed one to alter or erase memories from another's mind. Not quite what he was hoping for, but it was the clue they needed to know that the Greengrass' had texts on memory magic.

The two tried to look in the same area, but there was no more texts on memory magic. But there was an old book that detailed the story of a world where mages and wizards were two separate races that fought for dominance, then, a few years later, mages ceased to exist. Their blood only evident in some wizarding families. A few pages of the book had been ripped out, so the two were unable to find out what had happened to the mages.

The pair were sitting a long desk, Daphne researching the practical uses of ice magic, and Harry researching more about the three ancient laws that, for some reason, only pure bloods seemed to know; the Merlin Law, the Maiden Law, and the Fairie Law. It still astounded Harry how aging could slow down just because someone had a magically powerful core. In this world, the women who he thought to be old, like McGonagall looked to be in her late thirties. Dumbledore looked to be in his mid-forties.

He wondered how slow his aging could become as he binds more witches to him.

‘Hey,’ Daphne said softly, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. ‘I know we haven’t found anything useful yet, but it’s only a matter of time.’

Harry looked up at her, grateful for her words. Daphne had been an unexpected ally in this fight, but a welcome one. She was smart, resourceful, and had a fierce determination that rivalled his own. And as he looked into her steel-blue eyes, he felt a warmth blooming within him, a feeling he couldn't quite put into words.

‘Thanks, Daphne. I don't know what I'd do without you.’

She smiled, her lips curving upwards in a way that made Harry's heart skip a beat. ‘Hopefully you'll never have to find out.’

The two made their way out of the library and into the cool night air. As they walked, Harry couldn't help but feel distracted, his mind wandering to thoughts of Daphne. She was beautiful, there was no denying that, but there was something else about her that drew him in. Maybe it was her intelligence, or her fierce independence, or the way she looked at him like he was the only person in the world that mattered.

‘I had a really good time tonight,’ Daphne said, breaking Harry from his thoughts.

‘Me too,’ Harry replied, turning to face her. ‘Thanks for showing me your family's library.'

Daphne was about to say something when an audible CRACK caught their attention. A very finely dressed elf appeared just next to the table.

'Baldson?' Daphne asked.

He bowed then waved his hand towards the door.

'Dinner is awaiting you and your guest, Miss Greengrass.'

She nodded her head and looked to Harry.

'Did you bring your tails?'

Harry looked down at his white shirt and black trousers.

'I... I didn't.' He looked to the elf. 'Is it important?'

The elf nodded.

'We have a spare set in the changing room. A valet elf will help you change. Miss Greengrass, I would recommend changing as well. Your ladies maid is awaiting you.'

The two said their goodbyes and retreated to get changed.

Once dressed, the two entered the dining room of Greengrass Manor. Lady and Lord Greengrass already sitting at the end of the long table, Lady Greengrass turned to them with a smile. She was stunning, with platinum blonde hair cascading down her shoulders and a curvaceous figure that had Harry mesmerized.

'I hope you both had a good time in our library,’ she said in a soft voice, her eyes locking onto Harry's. ‘Daphne tells me that you're quite the reader yourself.'

Harry nodded, feeling a warmth spreading through his body at her gaze. ‘I do enjoy a good book,’ he said, his eyes flickering over to Daphne who was blushing and looking down at her plate.

The conversation continued throughout dinner, with Lord Greengrass showing interest in Harry's thoughts on the current state of wizarding politics. Harry found himself surprised by how much he enjoyed talking to him, especially since he usually steered clear of pureblood families due to their unwavering loyalty to the old ways.

It was sometime around dessert that Lord Greengrass cleared his throat and brought up the conversation about Harry and his recent rise to Lordship.

‘So, Harry,’ Lady Greengrass said, her voice honeyed and smooth. ‘Tell us about yourself. What do you plan to do after finishing school?’

Harry paused for a moment, taken aback by the question. He had never really thought that far ahead, not with everything that was happening in the wizarding world.

‘Well, I've always wanted to travel,’ he said, playing it safe. ‘Maybe explore some of the lesser-known magical cultures in the world.’

‘I see,’ Lord Greengrass said, nodding thoughtfully. ‘And what about marriage?’

Harry felt his face heat up at the sudden change of subject. ‘Um, I haven't really thought about it.’

‘Well, you should,’ Lady Greengrass said, a sly smile playing at the corners of her mouth. ‘With your wealth and standing, you should have plenty of offers.’

Harry felt his heart skip a beat at the thought of being betrothed.

'I, uh, I don't think that would be necessary right now,’ Harry stuttered, feeling a wave of panic rising in his chest. He couldn't imagine being tied down to one person for the rest of his life, especially not when he was just starting to explore his options.

‘Our Astoria would make a great match for you,’ Lord Greengrass said, Harry’s eyes flickering over to Daphne who was looking down at her lap, her brow creased, her fingers shaking slightly. She was upset.

Harry didn’t want to upset his friend by talking about marrying her sister, that he didn’t really know.

Harry's mind raced, trying to come up with a way to diffuse the situation. He couldn't possibly lead Daphne on like that, not when he didn't feel that kind of way for the younger Greengrass. But at the same time, he didn't want to offend the Greengrass family, they had been nothing but gracious to him since he arrived.

'I, uh, I appreciate what you're trying to say,' Harry said, trying to sound as diplomatic as possible. ‘But I don't think it would be fair to anyone if I made a rash decision and accepted any betrothals so soon.’

Daphne looked up then, her eyes locking onto Harry's. There was a hint of something there.

The rest of the dinner was spent in polite conversation of the Grenngrass’ asking about the renovations on Springrise and of how Lily is doing. Daphne was brought into conversation. Lady Greengrass thanked Harry for bringing Daphne home, even if it was just to use the library. She was happy to see her daughter.

'If possible, could you try and sneak Astoria out of Hogwarts? I do wish to see my baby.'

The way she spoke stirred something inside of Harry. The love of a mother was something that he thought was incredibly strong. He knew that Lady Greengrass must be worried about Daphne being betrothed to Draco Malfoy.

It wasn't until after dinner, when Harry and Daphne were walking through the gardens, that he finally had a chance to speak to her alone. They walked along a winding path, the smell of fragrant flowers filling the air.

'I have to admit, I was impressed with your parents,' Harry said, breaking the comfortable silence.

Daphne nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. 'They can be intimidating, but they mean well.'

'I can tell,' Harry replied. 'It's clear that they care about you both a great deal.'

Daphne looked up at him, her eyes shining. ‘They do,' she looked wistfully at the garden around her. 'I'll be honest. I hope to one day have a similar relationship with my children. I want to be a mother that my children know that I will always prioritise them. That I will defend them.'

Harry felt something hot rise in his chest as he watched Daphne, her blue dress billowing around her.

He placed his hand on hers.

'You will make a wonderful mother one day,' he whispered. 'but the life you live before that will be an inspiration to witches everywhere.'

She smiled.

The two locked eyes as the moon caused Daphne's hair to glitter in the light.

'Thank you, Harry.'

He nodded.

The two parted and continued to walk around the garden as they spoke about Harry's golden egg.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Narcissa writhed in ecstasy as Harry's hand connected with her backside, leaving a satisfying sting that echoed through her body. Her breath hitched as she heard his voice, dripping with dominance and desire, asking her the question that always sent a shiver down her spine.

"Who's a good little slu*t?" he growled, his tone sending waves of pleasure coursing through her.

"Meeeee!" she moaned, her voice barely audible as she sank further down onto Harry's co*ck, taking him deeper inside her. She loved the feeling of him filling her up, the sensation of his hard length pressed against her inner walls.

With a swift movement, Harry pulled out of her and flipped her over onto her back, his dark eyes meeting hers in the dim light of the bedroom. Narcissa's breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him, her heart pounding in her chest. She loved this moment, the anticipation, the thrill of not knowing what he would do next.

"Narcissa," he murmured, his voice soft and gentle. "You are so beautiful."

Narcissa gasped, her eyes widening in surprise and pleasure. Alongside her dominating kink, she had a praise kink, and there was something about being complimented while being dominated that made her heart race and her body tremble with desire.

"Have you gotten tighter?" Harry grunted, his voice strained as he fought to hold back his release. Narcissa could feel him close to the edge, and the thought only served to heighten her own pleasure.

"F-faster, Master," she gasped, her body writhing beneath him as she begged for more. "I'm close!"

"M-me too!" Harry groaned, his thrusts becoming faster and more urgent as he chased his own release.

"I-inside!" Narcissa cried out, her body clenching around him as she came hard, her org*sm rippling through her like a tidal wave. With a cry, Harry followed suit, his seed filling her waiting womb as they came together in a blinding burst of pleasure.

Afterwards, they lay in each other's arms, their breathing slowly returning to normal as they basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Narcissa cuddled closer to Harry, feeling safe and loved in his embrace.

"That was wonderful," she sighed contentedly, tracing patterns on his chest with her finger as those words almost slipped out. Under her breath, she whispered out, "I love you, Harry."

Harry smiled down at her, his eyes filled with love and adoration. Although he wasn’t there with her, it was good . "I’m… not there yet Cissy, but I can see myself… feeling that way with you.” He whispered back, tracing circles on her back with his fingerand leaning in to press a light kiss to her forehead. 'I've enjoyed our meetings these last few weeks, Cissy.'

Narcissa nodded, her eyes fluttering closed in pleasure. 'Me too Harry,' she said, snuggling even closer to him. 'I don't think I've met anyone so powerful with such magical abilities in the bedroom.'

'I could even show you some of my magical abilities,' Harry offered, mind still drunk from cumming. 'Merlin's Law has offered me some interesting gifts.'

Narcissa's eyes went wide, her head popping up to look at him. 'What do you mean?' she asked, her voice a low whisper.

'Well, I’m sure you know all about it, I mean, we spoke it about it last time, but, y’know, the reason behind why only powerful wizards can do it,' Harry explained. 'It allows me to bind a witch to me. The wizard gains more power, and access to magical gifts the witch has, and the witch's bond, her feelings, to the wizard is deepened and her magical power also increases.'

Narcissa looked up at him, her eyes searching his face and Harry could see the curiosity and awe in her expression.

'I... I know what it is, I just... didn't… realise the true extent… Mother always said it was like a powerful marriage bond, but that it was rare to find a wizard strong enough to invoke it,' she then thought about it as Harry scratched her back. 'So, does that mean that you have already bound a witch to you.'

'A... A few.' he replied.

She looked up at him, her violet eyes drawing him in.

'More than one? So... So you can't bind any more?'

Harry shrugged, he genuinely didn't think about if he had a limit on the witches he could bind to him. He could use the Merlin Law because of his magical power, but he was using that to make witches powerful.

'I don't know. I haven't thought about it.' A thought then hit him. 'Your... your not upset that I've been with other witches?'

She shrugged.

'You’re a handsome and powerful wizard Harry. I'm not surprised that other witches want you. But...' she trailed off.

'What?' Harry asked.

'I wouldn't mind being another witch on that list. I'd be honoured to be bound to you Harry.'

‘We spoke about it before, Cissy, we said when you were ready.’

‘Who says that I’m not ready?’

‘Your husband, Lucius?'

She shook her head.

'I told you. He's not so much as touched me since Malfoy was conceived. Take me.'

Harry gulped.

'Take you?'

'I want you to bind me to you.' Narcissa replied, her voice barely above a whisper. 'I want to feel what it would be like to be bound to you. To have these… feelings I have for you to be deeper. To feel wanted all the time. Of feeling powerful. I trust you to make me strong.'

'I-I don't know what to say.'

Narcissa smiled.

'Say yes. Bind me to you Harry. I want to be yours. You’ve seen me in this bedroom. I f*cking love to be dominated, and I…' she moved away from him, so that she was sitting opposite him, and spread her legs, revealing her sopping wet c*nt, his cum leaking into the crack of her delicious ass, her nectar dripping from her hole.

She swiped a finger across her pink sex and as her finger moved away, strands of her arousal connected the two. She raised her finger to her mouth and swirled her fingertip along her lips, moaning as she did so.

‘I’ve learnt… with you, that I love nothing more than earning your attention. Of being dominated. I… am aroused at the idea of being around other women who love your co*ck as much as me.’

Without another word, Narcissa reached up to press her lips against Harrys. Her plush lips forming a perfect cushion for his. His hands trailed down, each hand grabbing a bare butt cheek.

Narcissa moaned into his mouth as she lifted her pelvis upwards, grabbing Harry's quickly hardening co*ck as she aimed it at her entrance and with a thrust, impaled herself upon his length.

Harry let out a gasp, his hands instinctively gripping onto her hips as he lined up his thrusts. She grabbed his hands and trailed them up her body to grab each of her voluptuous breasts. A wonderfully pink nipple rolling between each palm.

'Ah!' she moaned, her walls tightening around Harry as she had a mini-org*sm.

Due to her org*sm, she lost her momentum. Harry wrapped his arms around her back and spun the two so that she was laying on her back. Harry then proceeded to thrust into her, his peak already in sight.

In his mind he pictured the lake, golden water rippling violently, two rivers branching outwards.

Her walls kept pulling him in. He needed to bind her now, otherwise he may cum too soon.

He pictured another river carving into the blank canvas of his magical core and followed his golden magical water as it began forming a river, one that lead towards a pool of black water, ripples of white and blue shimmering across the surface like veins.

He didn’t love her like that. But he enjoyed every moment they shared, she wa powerful, both politically, magically, and socially. She was both a great ally and a brilliant addition to his harem. He did love her. Just not romantically. And he knew that she was more than okay with that.

'I-I'm close Cissy!' Harry cried.

'Inside!' she demanded, wrapping her legs around Harry's ass. 'Bind me, Harry! Please!'

With those words said, the river connected to the black pool of magic. With a cry, Harry came deep inside of Narcissa, a golden pulse of magic surging outwards, forming a ring around the two. The ring was quickly pulled in as Narcissa started moaning from her org*sm. The golden light surged into her stomach, where her womb was.

Not a second later did Narcissa's eyes shoot open, her usually violet irises now glowing a bright white as sparks of black started dancing across the surface of her skin. Then she came again, and jets of black lightning bolts with white outlines arced out of Narcissa's hands, zapping and blasting the furniture in the room.

Just as Harry bent down to ask if she was okay, he felt the heat in his chest burst upwards, similar bolts of black lighting blasting out of him.

After a few moments, the lightning calmed down, sparks sizzling across the surface of the different pieces of now broken furniture in the room.

Gasping, Harry slid his co*ck out of Narcissa's soaking depths. As lightning came out of them, they had both reached org*sm another two times.

Once Harry's length was no longer plugging up Narcissa, her puss* began flooding the bedsheets below her.

'Ah!' she sighed in satisfaction. 'I don't know what the f*ck that was, but I want to do it again.'

Harry chuckled as he fell backwards, his magic feeling like it had been drained from him.

'Well, if you want to f*ck again like that, I'm going to need a few days to recover.'

She giggled as she fell backwards.

'Lucius is going out on a business trip to France just before the Christmas break?' Narcissa offered.

A smile stretched across Harry's face.

'I look forward to seeing your owl, Cissy.'


AND Narcisssa is officially been bonded!

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine


The Yuleball! Who will Harry ask? And when emotions are so high, there has got to be at least one revelation, right?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter Nine

The old Potter cottage came into view as Harry walked up the winding dirt path. His heart raced with each step, a mix of excitement and trepidation swirling in his chest.

He knocked twice before entering, the familiar scent of cinnamon and pine wafting over him. "Lily?"

"In here, love." Lily's voice floated from the sitting room.

Harry found her curled up on the sofa, a book open in her lap. She looked up at him, vibrant green eyes lighting up behind her glasses. "You're home."

"I am."

He crossed the room with a sense of urgency, his strides purposeful and determined. As he reached her, his hands gently cradled her face, his touch both tender and possessive. The intensity of his desire pulsed through him as he captured her lips in a searing kiss, a merging of their souls in that fleeting moment.

Lost in the intoxication of their connection, Lily's book slipped from her grasp, surrendering to the pull of gravity as her arms instinctively wrapped around his neck. A sigh escaped her lips, a soft melody of longing and surrender that echoed in the space between them.

The heat between them intensified, an electric current coursing through their bodies. Harry's arousal pressed insistently against the confines of his trousers, a testament to the hunger that consumed him. His hands slid down to grip Lily's hips, their bodies moving together in a primal rhythm, their desire igniting an inferno that threatened to consume them whole.

Lily's moan resonated deep within him, a harmonious melody that reverberated through his core. It was a symphony of pleasure that spurred Harry on, urging him to delve deeper into the depths of their passion. Her plea, barely a whisper against his lips, fueled the fire that burned within him.

Responding to her plea, Harry lifted Lily effortlessly into his arms, his strength both protective and exhilarating. Ascending the stairs with purposeful steps, he carried her towards the sanctuary of the master bedroom, their bodies entwined and hearts racing in perfect synchrony.

Upon reaching their destination, Harry gently laid Lily upon the soft expanse of the bed. His wand danced through the air with practiced precision, shedding their clothes like discarded layers of inhibition. The room was cloaked in a haze of anticipation as they shed the physical barriers that separated them.

Crawling over her, Harry marveled at the sight before him. Lily, exposed and vulnerable, her body a canvas upon which he could paint his desires. Their eyes locked, an unspoken promise passing between them as he positioned himself above her.

In perfect harmony, Lily parted her legs, inviting him into the sanctuary of her warmth. As Harry sank into her, he groaned at the exquisite sensation of their bodies merging, a joining that transcended mere physicality. She enveloped him with a slickness that bespoke of her readiness and longing, the embodiment of their shared passion.

Their movements were a symphony of desire, a dance of ecstasy that had Lily writhing beneath him. Harry's thrusts were deliberate, each one a testament to the depths of his ardour. His hips moved in rhythmic synchrony with hers, their bodies becoming one in a sublime union.

Lily's pleas for more filled the air, her voice a siren's call that spurred Harry on. Nails dug into his back, leaving imprints of desire etched upon his skin. The sound of their skin meeting, the symphony of their carnal connection, reverberated through the room.

With each thrust, the coil of pleasure tightened within Harry, driving him relentlessly towards the precipice of release. Lily's inner walls spasmed around him, her cry of ecstasy shattering the confines of their passion-fueled cocoon. The sensation was his undoing, the dam of restraint breaking as his release surged forth in hot spurts.

In that moment of climactic bliss, their bodies intertwined in an embrace that transcended physicality. The warmth of his seed spilled within her, the bedside table simmering with smoke as the sheets of the bed became singed from the small flames that licked up around them.

They lay in a tangle of limbs, catching their breath. "Did you miss me?" Lily asked softly, fingers carding through his hair.

"Every second we're apart," Harry said truthfully.

"I have good news. Potter Manor will be ready for us to move in by the Christmas break, which isn't too far away now," Lily smiled up at him, eyes gleaming. "Perhaps we should have an intimate Yule celebration to mark the occasion, just the usual group?"

"I'd like that," Harry said, arousal already stirring again at the thought of the two being alone for Christmas in such a big house.

Lily kissed him, slow and deep. "Welcome home, love."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It finally arrived. The week from hell that still caused a knot to form in Harry's stomach. He could fight werewolves, race from giants, seduce pureblooded princesses, but, asking a girl to a dance? No chance in hell.

Despite having much more experience with dancing since his first time round, it somehow still triggered a reaction in him. Feelings that he'd rather push away than deal with.

The crisp morning air filled Harry's lungs as he and Daphne Greengrass ran side by side around the Black Lake. The sun peeked over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the water's surface. Daphne's ice-blue eyes sparkled with determination as she kept pace with him. As the weeks drew on, he was more and more impressed with her rapid progress as they trained their bodies.

When he had asked her why she had kept training with Harry, she responded, with a serious look in her eyes, that she had seen first hand the benefits of being physically strong. Plus, she had said, it meant that she can clear some of the cobwebbed thoughts the castle gave her. Harry couldn't help but steal glances at her toned form, her white skin glistening in the sunlight. She was beautiful, the Faerie Law, great genes, and powerful magic being amazing contributing factors.

“Can you believe the Yule Ball is just around the corner?” Daphne asked breathlessly, maintaining her stoic expression even amidst their run.

“Time flies,” Harry replied in a monotone voice, shifting his thoughts away from oogling Daphne towards the idea of forging new connections with other people in this world. “I still haven't got a clue who I should invite.”

“Really?” Daphne slowed her pace slightly, her eyes widening in surprise. “I thought you'd be swamped with invitations.”

Harry chuckled. “Not exactly. Lots of people staring at me, but no one has actually asked me. I think, as a Champion, I've got to ask myself.”

“Just ask a friend Potter, make it easy on yourself,” Daphne suggested.

“How about you? Someone of such, high repute like yourself must be surrounded with invitations.”

She rolled her eyes. The pair had just started going up a hill.

“The infamous yet aptly named Ice Queen of Slytherin does not get swamped with invitations. But as a pureblood I have to make an appearance.”

“I guess we're just destined to go to the ball alone.” Harry joked.

“Except as a champion you have to go with a date. For the first dance.” She commented with a huff.

Harry groaned.

“Fucckk!” he screamed. “Why does it have to happen to me?!”

She rolled her eyes with a smile as they reached the summit of the hill and started running down.

“Better make up that mind of yours Potter, this is the ideal time to start forming relationships with the others in the upper circles. Especially if you want to rebuild House Potter.”

Harry nodded along, the two continued running till they reached an opening in the woods, here the two practiced using their magic. First with wands, then once they had warmed their magic up (that was the excuse that Harry had agreed for the sake of Daphne, who seemed unable to access her mage magic as quickly as he could), they began using their mage elemental magic. Daphne still couldn't summon her magic for long periods of time, but her magical stamina was increasing. Slowly. Harry's control was better, but the amount he could access the mage magic remained the same. He gathered that he could use the fireball magic around fives times a day for around a minute each time. But no matter how much he trained the magic, he couldn't extend the amount of uses.

After Daphne looked like she was tiring, the two began their run back towards the castle. Neither of them talking due to the exhaustion. Daphne had been frustrated that an ice spear literally fizzled into a puddle on the ground when her magic reached the end of its tether.

As they rounded a bend, Harry spotted Neville near the entrance to the Hogwarts castle, he was leaning against the wall, writing something into a leather bound journal. They jogged toward him, slowing to a walk as they approached.

“Morning, Neville,” greeted Harry, patting his friend on the shoulder. Neville almost dropped his journal due to the surprise. Clearly deep in thought. It was hard to believe that Neville was this worlds saviour, and that he was his best friend here too. Harry guessed that that made him the Ron of this world. Which, he realised, was a pretty cool position to be in.

Once he composed himself, Neville offered a weak smile, his blonde hair sticking up in various directions.

“Hey, you...two?” he asked, looking to Harry quizzically.

“We were out for a morning run. Nothing weird, Longbottom.' Daphne answered, a warning in her tone.

“How was the run?” Neville asked, trying to sound casual.

“Refreshing,” Harry replied, wiping sweat from his brow. “What brings you here so early?”

“Needed some fresh air,” Neville admitted, scratching the back of his head. “But listen, there's something I need to talk to you about—"

“Leave me alone!”

A loud voice broke through the stillness of the morning. It was around eight, so most of the castle should be awake and moving about by now. The three of them shared a worrying look and stepped into the castle quad. There, they saw a tall white haired teen surrounded by a group of cronies, all slightly bent down. It looked like they were trying to hide something. Using beasti*al Surge Harry was able to focus his hearing and sight to see that they were cornering a very beautiful and frightened-looking Beauxbaton girl, that Harry remembered as being named Amelie, cowering under their taunts.

“Leave her alone, Malfoy,” Harry snapped, his fists clenching at his sides.

The crowd of boys stopped what they were doing, stood up and turned to face them.

The blonde boy, Draco, adopted a sneer on his face once he saw Harry and Neville.

“Walk away from us,” Harry whispered.

“Or what?” Draco taunted, stepping closer to Amelie as she shrank back further towards the wall behind her.

“Or I'll duel you right here,” Neville interjected, surprising everyone listening.

Harry wanted to say something. There was a truce between the two houses. But that was technically between randomly starting fights with the other. Here he and Neville were trying to defend someone’s honour, and to stop Draco and his lackeys from being pricks.

This was justified.

Back in Harry's world, that would not have been much of threat. But in this world, Neville was the Boy-Who-Lived and a world class duellist.

It would be stupid to accept a challenge from him.

But in this world, Draco wasn’t just the spoiled child of Lucius Malfoy. He had access to some twisted magic, and at one point had been trained and was also a consistent name in the duelling circuits. Just not as prevalent or as internationally known as Neville’s.

Draco's sneer twisted into a smirk and whipped out his wand out, and so did three of the boys around him. The others moving to keep their distance.

"Fine," Draco hissed, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and determination. Harry and Neville exchanged a silent, tense glance before steeling themselves for the inevitable duel.

"Are you ready?" Harry whispered fiercely, his hand tightening around his wand.

"Let's end this," Neville replied, his grip on his own wand white-knuckled.

The duel began with a violent barrage of spells, each one aimed with precision and deadly intent. The air crackled and sparked with the sheer force of their magic, filling the space around them with an ominous aura. Despite Draco's impressive skills, Harry and Neville fought back with equal ferocity, their determination unbreakable.

But it was Neville who landed the final blow, unleashing a powerful disarming spell that sent Draco's wand flying out of his grasp and clattering to the ground.

Before anyone could catch their breath, Professor McGonagall suddenly appeared in their midst like a furious phoenix. Her voice boomed over the chaos, demanding answers and reprimanding the wayward students for their reckless behavior. For a moment, all was still as they stood before her, trembling with adrenaline and fear.".

“Malfoy was harassing Amelie,” explained Harry, doing his best to look as though he was struggling for breath. Which wasn’t really that hard considering the time expending his magic in the woods not too long ago.

‘Ten points from Gryffindor and Slytherin, for each of you. This is not how we represent our school, boys.” she said sternly, her eyes scanning the students. “Now, go get cleaned up, all of you.”

As the group dispersed, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in Neville's bravery. He turned to Daphne, who looked equally impressed.

“I hope you boys are prepared to deal with them now you’ve upset them.” She warned as she eyed the sneers that were now painted onto the boys’ faces.

“Yeah,” he replied sheepishly, rubbing a bruise forming on his cheek. “I just...couldn't let Malfoy get away with it.”

“Good for you,” Harry agreed, clapping him on the back. As they walked toward the castle, he glanced over at Daphne, her advice still weighing heavily on his mind. With Samantha and Tonks unresponsive and the Yule Ball fast approaching, perhaps it was time to make a decision. But deep down, he worried about the consequences that might follow.

“Amélie,” Neville called out hesitantly, catching up with the Beauxbaton girl as she walked away from the scene of the duel. “Are you okay?”

Amélie turned around, her dazzling blue eyes causing Neville's breath to hitch. She smiled at him and reached out to clasp one of his hands with both of hers.

“Thank you, Mr Longbottom.” she looked towards the slytherin boys who were licking their wounds as they trudged back into the castle under McGonagal's watchful eye. “I am okay thanks to you.”

Neville almost shivered at the sound of melodious voice -- she spoke in a thick French accent, but luckily Neville spent enough time in France to not find a problem understanding her.

“Good, I'm glad!” there was a pause between them. The beautiful French witch seemed to be looking at him expectantly. Realising his earlier predicament, he took a gulp of air, and swallowing nervously said, “I was wondering– if you'd like to go to the Yule Ball with me?”

Amélie turned to face him, her blue eyes sparkling with gratitude and admiration. “I would be honoured, Neville. Thank you for standing up for me,” she said, extending an elegant hand towards him.

“Of course,’ he replied, taking her hand gently in his own and giving it a reassuring squeeze. His cheeks flushed with pride and happiness at her acceptance, and he felt a renewed sense of confidence.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Harry watched from a short distance away, his thoughts racing. Seeing Neville's bravery was inspiring. His memories of his own Neville were far from being a fierce fighter, or someone who had the confidence to ask a girl to a dance. If Neville Longbottom, Chosen One or not, could do it, so could he. Right?

He turned to Daphne, who at this moment was subtly tucking her wand back into the holster on her leg.

“Daphne,” Harry said, his voice almost a whisper.

“Potter?” Daphne said, her voice soft yet firm as she looked to him. Their eyes met, and the warmth in her ice-blue gaze gave him the courage to speak his mind.

“Daphne, I've been thinking about the Yule Ball,” he began, his heart pounding in his chest. “And I… I would like to go with you.”

A rare smile spread across her face, lighting up her features and making her eyes shine even brighter. “I would love that, Harry,” she replied, her stoicism momentarily replaced by genuine emotion.

“G-great,” he stammered, feeling a mixture of relief and excitement wash over him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Yule Ball was a dazzling affair, with ice sculptures glistening amidst enchanted snowflakes that floated gently down from the ceiling. The Great Hall was transformed into a winter wonderland, complete with sparkling silver trees and an enormous crystal chandelier casting a soft glow over the dancing couples. A live orchestra played melodious tunes that filled the air with magic and romance. Parents had come to chaperone the many students attended the event. The boys in beautiful black robes, and the girls in the most dazzling dresses.

Harry's heart swelled with pride as he led Daphne, his beautiful date for the evening, onto the dance floor. As they moved with the other champions, he couldn't help but notice how her icy-blue eyes sparkled like stars, and her stunning white gown clung to her curvaceous body, accentuating her ample breasts and rotund bum. In his peripheral, he could see Lily Potter, looking radiant and elegant in a deep emerald green dress, stood among the other chaperoning parents. She caught her son's eye and smiled warmly at him, her green eyes matching his own.

“Ready for our first dance, Harry?” Daphne asked, her stoic expression giving way to a small, genuine smile.

“Absolutely,” Harry replied, taking her hand in his. The two came together, their bodies moving in time with the music. As they danced, Harry felt a mixture of emotions swirling inside him – joy, desire, and a hint of confusion as he continued to feel something for Daphne.

“Harry, you're quite good at this,” Daphne said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Thanks,” he replied, his mind racing a mile a minute. He focused on the feel of her hand in his, the gentle sway of her hips, and the warmth of her breath against his cheek. They moved gracefully around the dance floor, lost in the music and each other's presence. The mixture of everything caused his magic to thrum slightly. To warm and surge to the surface.

Luckily, as he felt his magic reaching out, he was able to mentally grab hold of it, and reign it back in. Stopping it before anyone could sense it.

“Is everything alright?” Daphne asked, concern etched on her face.

“Yes, I'm just...thinking,” Harry admitted, his eyes briefly flickering to Lily and then back to Daphne. “I'm trying to understand... magic.”

Daphne nodded, her gaze unwavering, yet the slightest hint of annoyance in her tone. “Of course your thinking about magic. But... tonight... “

Harry nodded, “Sorry, tonight I'll focus on you and this dance. Thank you, Daphne, for agreeing to be here with me,” he said sincerely, feeling his heart swell with appreciation for the enigmatic witch by his side.

As the music continued to play, Harry allowed himself to be swept up in the moment, his body moving in harmony with Daphne's. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her, their connection growing stronger with every beat of their hearts. And as they danced together, surrounded by the magic and beauty of the Yule Ball, Harry knew he had never felt more alive.

As the music shifted to a slower tempo, Harry and Daphne made their way over to the Champions Table, where Krum, Neville, and their dates were seated. The table was situated at the head of the Great Hall, adorned with extravagant gold and silver decorations that shimmered in the candlelight. Plush red velvet chairs surrounded the table, making it clear that this was a place of honour.

“Ah, Harry!” Neville exclaimed, catching sight of his friend as they approached. “Glad you could join us!”

“Thanks, Nev,” Harry replied, pulling out a chair for Daphne before taking a seat himself. He glanced around the table, taking in the various faces – Krum's stern expression, Fleur's radiant beauty, and Neville's warm smile. Roger Davis, Fleur's date, appeared slightly intimidated by the illustrious company, squirming in his seat, his light blue robes ruffling slightly.

“Harry, I must say you are an excellent dancer,” Fleur commented, her blue eyes locked onto him. There was a teasing edge to her voice that caused Harry to shift uncomfortably in his seat.

“Uh, thank you,” he stammered, feeling Daphne's hand on his knee under the table. She gave a reassuring squeeze, which helped keep him grounded. Although he would later wonder if it was reassuring, or territorial. But, Daphne had nothing to be territorial about, right? “You looked quite graceful out there as well.”

“Merci, Harry,” Fleur's lips curled into a small, knowing smile, and she leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs elegantly. Her gaze lingered on him, causing a flush to creep up his neck. It was difficult to ignore the tension that seemed to crackle between them.

“Are you enjoying the ball so far?” Neville asked, attempting to alleviate the awkwardness.

“Definitely,” Harry replied, forcing a smile. “It's been a great night.”

“Perhaps we should all dance together later,” Fleur suggested, her eyes still fixed on Harry. “It would be a shame not to take advantage of such a lovely evening.”

“Sure,” Harry agreed, his heart racing at the thought. He couldn't help but wonder what Fleur's intentions were, and whether he should risk further complicating his already tangled web of emotions.

“Great!” Neville chimed in, oblivious to the undercurrents flowing around the table. “Let's enjoy the rest of the night, then!”

Neville and Amelie danced a few more times together. Her head resting on his shoulder when there was a slow moment. Hermione, Krum’s date, had only danced once. The rest of the evening she had spent sitting at the champions table, listening to the conversation, and watching Neville on the dance floor.

Krum had left her after the third or fourth song and was spending time with the Slytherin’s. Seemed he and Draco had a lot in common.

As the conversation continued, Harry found it difficult to concentrate on anything other than Fleur's lingering glances and the warmth of Daphne's hand on his knee. He knew he had to tread carefully, the smallest wrong action could have disastrous ramifications.

“I like this song, can we dance, Harry?” Daphne asked with the rare sight of her eyes sparkling with excitement. How could Harry say no? He nodded and the two headed to the dancefloor. The music swelled around them as Harry and Daphne moved gracefully across the dance floor. The warmth of her body next to his, combined with the lingering tension from Fleur's flirtatious glances, made it difficult for Harry to concentrate on anything but the feel of Daphne in his arms.

He couldn't help but acknowledge that there was an undeniable connection between them, one he hadn't quite expected. And it surprisingly worried him.

As they danced, the silvery fabric of Daphne's gown shimmered like moonlight against her smooth, pale skin. Her eyes, a piercing ice blue, held Harry's gaze captive, and he found it impossible to look away. Their movements were fluid and effortless, as if they had been dancing together for years.

“Harry,” Daphne whispered, her breath warm against his ear, “I really didn’t know you could dance so well.”

“Neither did I,” he admitted with a shy smile. A sudden, unexpected thrill coursed through him as he realized just how close they were, their bodies almost pressed against each other. That familiar heat beginning to thrum in his chest, his magic seeping from his pores, mingling with each breath.

It was then that Daphne's hand brushed against Harry's in what seemed like an innocent accident, but the touch sent a jolt of electricity through him. His skin tingled where her fingers had grazed his, and he could feel the magic within him surge, responding to the contact.

Without warning, the candles surrounding the dance floor flickered wildly, their flames casting eerie shadows across the faces of the students and professors gathered at the ball. Hushed whispers broke out among the crowd, and even the music seemed to falter for a moment.

“D-did you feel t-that?” Daphne asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

“Y-yeah,” Harry stammered, his heart pounding in his chest. “do you think it could have been—"

“Your magic?” she questioned, her voice barely audible over the sound of the orchestra resuming its melody.

“Well, I think it was more like... our magic.” he replied, uncertain. But deep within him, he knew it to be true – the power that had coursed through him at Daphne's touch was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. And in that moment, Harry understood that his connection with her went beyond simple physical attraction. It was something deeper, rooted in the very magic that defined who he was as a wizard. A wizard who was controlled by the unwritten laws of this world.

As they continued to dance, Harry tried to push aside the unsettling realization, focusing instead on the way Daphne's body moved against his own. Her touch seemed to have unleashed something within him that only she could control, and as the night wore on, Harry found that he didn't mind being under her spell.

As the initial shock of the magical surge began to fade, Harry felt a newfound confidence and power coursing through him. The connection between him and Daphne seemed to grow stronger as they moved in harmony to the music, their steps becoming more fluid and graceful.

“Harry,” Daphne murmured, her gaze locking with his. “Do you think its dangerous us being so close together?”

He blinked as he felt her head rest on his chest, as though she was listening to his heartbeat, it seemed as everyone around them had been enjoying the moment with their dates, the two mages were thinking of the possible ramifications of their magic being so close to one another. In this capacity.

He took a deep breath, savouring the newfound strength that seemed to hum beneath his skin. “It felt like an explosion of power in me.”

Daphne's eyes widened, a mixture of awe and concern. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Maybe,” Harry admitted, his heart pounding in his chest. But despite the uncertainty, he felt invigorated by this new development – the surge of magic had sparked an idea, an idea that now left a small hollow hole in his heart. It was as though their touching had doubled any emotion, any power he held, and by no longer touching, it caused his normality, to become less than ideal. “Or maybe it means we're meant for something greater together.”

“Greater?” Daphne asked, her brow furrowing as they continued to dance amid the twirling couples on the ballroom floor.

“Like a partnership,” Harry explained, his voice low and intense. “A bond that goes beyond friendship or romance – something rooted in our very magic itself.”

He watched as Daphne processed his words, her ice-blue eyes searching his face for any hint of doubt. But Harry felt certain of what he was saying – the surge of magic had only served to strengthen the already powerful connection between them.

“A partnership? Magic is a mysterious thing,” Daphne mused, her voice thoughtful. “But if what you say is true, then... what does that mean for us?”

“Maybe it means we're on the right path with helping each other grow stronger,” he suggested, his grip on her waist tightening ever so slightly. “That together, we can overcome any obstacle.”

She hummed at that, “Even stronger than the great wizards? Dumbledore, Grindelwald, He Who Must Not Be Named?’ she asked, her eyes meeting his with a fierce determination that matched his own.

He didn't reply.

Her eyes shining with resolve as they continued to dance, their bodies moving in perfect sync with each other and the magic that bound them together. As the music swelled around them, Harry felt a newfound sense of control over his plan. Pieces falling into place, he just need help keeping track of everything. He could almost imagine his magic pulsing within him, responding to his every thought and movement like an extension of his very being. He could feel it in the way he effortlessly guided Daphne through the intricate steps of the dance, their bodies twirling gracefully across the polished floor.

Not too long later, they returned to the table. Once Harry had helped Daphne sit back down next to Hermione, Fleur had appeared at his side, her delicately manicured hand resting on his chest.

“Harry, surely it is the champions turn to dance together?”

He didn’t get a chance to reply as she dragged him over to the dance floor during a rather slow song.

She wrapped her arms round his neck and locked eyes with him as he rested his on her waist. The two mere inches away from the other.

He felt his heat rising in his chest, but this time he focused on it. He could feel his inner lake causing waves that splashed out from him in a pulse, that seemed to be reaching out to those around him. Yet when he followed its trajectory towards Fleur, he was met with a silvery-blue wave of her own. One that intermingled with his own like a pair of outstretched hands with interlacing fingers.

“You are a powerful wizard Harry, how you don’t have ladies throwing themselves at you is ridiculous,” she began. “If you were in France, you would have your pick of wives. They clearly lack the brain cells over here.”

Harry chuckled, “who says I haven’t received betrothal requests?”

Fleur’s eyebrow arched at that, “but I heard—"

“That I’m not betrothed? That would be true. I haven’t accepted any yet. I have until the end of this year to be betrothed.”

Fleur watched him for a moment then smirked, learning her forehead against his, their warm breath dancing across the others lips.

“You are… most intriguing. Monsieur. I look forward to becoming closer this year,” she whispered.

Harry hummed his response as they continued dancing, completely oblivious to the looks they were receiving from around the room. And if they did notice, they pretended not to.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The evening wore on, the soft golden light from the enchanted candles flickering gently against the walls and casting a warm glow over the ballroom. The laughter and chatter of the other students gradually began to fade as couples drifted off to explore the castle's many hidden nooks and crannies, leaving Harry and Daphne to dance in a world of their own.

As the clock struck midnight, signalling the end of the Yule Ball, Harry reluctantly pulled away from Daphne, his fingers lingering on her waist for a moment longer than necessary.

“Thank you for tonight,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “It's been... magical,” she joked.

The flickering torchlight danced on the stone walls as Harry walked Daphne to her dormitory. The tension between them was as tangible as the cool night air, and Harry found himself feeling a mix of attraction and confusion towards the enigmatic girl at his side.

“Harry,” Daphne said softly, breaking the silence that had settled over them like a thick fog. ‘Thank you for tonight. Its meant a lot to me.’

Harry glanced at her, noting the way her ice blue eyes shimmered in the dim light. He remembered what he'd discovered in the Black Library all those months ago – mages were not compatible with other mages, their magic didn't work well together. His heart pounded in his chest, uncertainty gnawing at the edges of his thoughts.

“Of course, Daphne,” he replied, forcing a smile. “I'm glad you enjoyed it.”

They stopped before the entrance to her dormitory, the heavy wooden door standing like a barrier between them. Despite the knowledge weighing on him, Harry couldn't resist the magnetic pull he felt towards Daphne. He tentatively raised his hand and cupped her cheek, feeling the soft warmth of her skin beneath his fingertips. He understood the tradition, and he could not deny feeling something for the Greengrass heiress, and so, he swallowed any fear.

“Goodnight, Daphne,” he whispered, leaning in to press a delicate kiss upon her lips.

She closed her eyes, the ghost of a smile on her face as she leaned in to meet his lips with her own. She mentally scolded herself as she moaned. The second their lips met a pulse of magic flared from Harry and into hers. It tingled her skin, caused her own magic to flare, and her thighs to clamped together.

For a brief moment, their desire for each other flared to life, palpable in the charged air surrounding them. The kiss stirred something deep within Harry, causing his magic to surge through his veins. He felt Daphne's arousal respond in kind, their energies intertwining like strands of silk. And unbeknownst to them both, a web of swirling blue light flickered to life behind them.

Albeit briefly.

Daphne's cheeks flushed a deep red as she broke away from the kiss, her breathing slightly laboured.

“Goodnight, Harry,” she murmured, her voice trembling with emotion. As she turned to walk through the doorway, Harry noticed the way she moved awkwardly, her arousal evident in every step. He could have sworn he saw the outline of her nipples pressing against the fabric of her thin dress. He had wondered how she hid the straps to her bra. She didn’t, he realised. They were simply non-existent.

His heart ached with longing and uncertainty as he watched her disappear into the dormitory, unable to shake the foreboding feeling that lingered in the back of his mind.

“Good night, Miss Greengrass,” Harry whispered.

As Harry walked back to the Gryffindor common room, the dimly lit corridors seemed to echo with the memory of his kiss with Daphne. He couldn't help but replay the moment in his mind, his arousal still simmering beneath the surface. Despite the potential consequences looming over them, mage magic is incompatible, he couldn't deny the connection he felt with her. He just wasn’t sure if it went beyond a friendship that may occasionally teeter on the edge of friendship.

As his mind was clouded with thoughts of his relationships. His senses warned him that someone was watching him nearby.

“Harry?” a voice whispered from the shadows, startling him out of his thoughts. He glimpsed strands of auburn in the pitch of an old abandoned classroom. He pushed through the door and closed it behind him.

Emerging from the darkness, wearing nothing more than a sheer negligee that left little to the imagination, her green eyes sparkling with a mixture of desire and mischief as she looked at him. “I've been waiting for you.”

It was his Lily.

“Lily, what are you doing?” Harry asked, attempting to keep his voice steady as his gaze wandered over her scantily clad form.

“Can't I surprise my lover?” She teased.

“Lily, there are plenty of people walking the corridors, the ball just ended, this isn't –“ he began, only to be cut off by Lily's finger pressing against his lips.

“Shh, just enjoy the surprise,” she whispered, her warm breath sending shivers down his spine.

Harry's heart raced as he watched his mother saunter over to a desk, her hips swaying seductively. She leaned forward, placing her hands on the wooden surface, bending over to showcase her curvaceous figure. The sight of her naked flesh beneath the transparent fabric was both intoxicating and alarming, leaving him torn between his desires and the fear of getting caught. Exposing their relationship.

“Like what you see, Harry?” Lily asked, her voice sultry, as she glanced over her shoulder. The provocative image made it increasingly difficult for him to resist her advances.

“Lily, we shouldn't…” Harry trailed off, his words laced with uncertainty as he fought the urge to give in to temptation.

“Harry, sometimes we need to embrace our desires,” Lily said, her voice soft yet persuasive. “I know I’ve given in to every single one since you told me your secret.”

His resolve wavered as his mother's words echoed in his head. As much as he wanted to resist, he was still horny from his kiss with Daphne. He had only been expelling his magic when training with Daphne, which was proving to be barely an exercise as Daphne had been struggling with keeping up her magic whilst duelling.

So, he was pretty pent up. His body ached with desire, his arousal refusing to be ignored any longer. He hesitated. But only for a moment.

As Harry looked into her eyes as she looked over her shoulder at him. He had missed her warmth, of hearing her moan his name as he came inside of her depths.

“What if we get caught?” he asked, his voice shaking with uncertainty.

“I don't care,” Lily replied, her green eyes filled with desire.

Feeling emboldened by her assurance, Harry closed the distance between them and tentatively placed his hands on her hips. The fabric of her attire was thin, leaving little to the imagination as his fingers traced her curves. He watched her reactions closely, unable to look away from her flushed face.

“Touch me, Harry,” she whispered, her breaths coming out in short gasps. “Please.”

Giving in to his desires, Harry slipped his hand beneath the hem of her dress, feeling her smooth skin beneath his fingertips. The naughtiness of their actions only heightened his arousal, making it nearly impossible to think straight. Unable to resist any longer, he found himself pulling her closer, pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss.

Their bodies moved together in a rhythm both familiar and foreign. With every touch, every caress, the connection between them seemed to strengthen, their magic intertwining and feeding off one another's energy.

Lily moaned as she lightly grabbed Harry's hand, guiding his hand lower until he could feel her wetness. She moaned softly as he teased her cl*t, her hips bucking slightly in response.

“Take me, Harry,” she urged, her voice thick with want.

He hesitated for only a moment before pulling his co*ck free from his robes, positioning himself behind her and slowly pushing inside, filling her completely. The sensation was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. It was his first time having sex in school, and the thrill of their forbidden act only added to the intensity of the moment.

Together, they moved as one, their bodies slick with perspiration and desire, lost in a world where nothing else mattered but the sensations they were sharing. As Harry felt himself nearing the edge, he slipped out of Lily just in time, she knew the routine. She fell to her knees, pressed her breasts together and opened her mouth willingly, tongue out waiting as she looked up to him with hooded eyes. With a few more pumps he released his seed onto her face. She yelped in surprise and delight as she began licking herself clean.

Once she was satisfied, she smacked her lips in satisfaction and rose to her feet. She clasped Harry’s hand in hers and kissed his cheek. The two Potter’s locked emerald eyes. She could feel the dampness between her legs moisten with each passing second as his magic called out to her. And what turned her on more was that he didn’t know he was doing it half the time.

“Harry,” she whispered breathlessly, “I have something important to tell you.”

“What is it?” he asked, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

“I'm pregnant.”

The words hit him like a tidal wave, leaving him momentarily stunned. In that moment he realised the impact of his activities. He would be lying if he said that he had been educated. He knew that sex was something fun, and that it made babies, but he had never really joined the two thoughts together.

f*ck. I am such a virgin, he chided himself. He made a mental note to research pregnancy next.

He realised that as his mind was reeling, Lily was still waiting for him, her eyes searching his.

As the shock began to subside, Harry found himself filled with a sense of joy and excitement. He had always wanted a family, and though this was not exactly how he'd envisioned it happening (he hoped that the threat of Voldemort would have gone by this point), although, the thought of raising a child with Lily did make his heart swell.

He imagined his pools of magic, and followed the trail to Lily's, and could see the thinnest of threads teetering away, forming the smallest of puddles. Their love and magic was creating new life within her.

“Really?” he breathed, unable to contain his happiness.

“Yes,” she smiled, tears glistening in her eyes. “And I couldn't be happier… are… you?”

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Harry's heart raced as he drew her into his arms, their love radiating through the intimate connection of their lips. Their tender kiss spoke volumes, each gentle brush conveying a depth of affection that transcended words. As they reluctantly parted, Harry, overcome by desire, guided Lily onto the smooth surface of the desk, their bodies melding together once again. This time, their lovemaking unfolded with a deliberate slowness, every movement infused with a passionate intensity.

Lily's voice, a soft murmur filled with tenderness, caressed Harry's ears. "Harry," she whispered, her words carrying the weight of her devotion, "I love you."

Their bodies continued to sway in perfect harmony, a symphony of longing and fulfillment. A warmth blossomed within Harry's chest, spreading like a comforting embrace that enveloped them both. With every measured thrust, Lily's pleasure intensified, cascading over her like a tidal wave. Her cries of ecstasy pierced the air, mingling with the crackling sound of chairs spontaneously igniting into flames, casting an orange glow that illuminated her hair.

Taking a moment to savor the culmination of their passion, Harry cradled Lily in his arm, drawing her close to him. Her ample bosom pressed against his firm chest, their rapid breaths intermingling as they sought solace in each other's embrace. Lips met once more in a fervent kiss, but it was his precise rhythm that sent waves of pleasure coursing through Lily's body, causing her to arch her back and release throaty moans that echoed in the empty classroom.

"Mast—H-Harry," she groaned, her voice a delicious blend of desperation and desire, "p-please! Reward me."

The plea hung in the air like an invitation, urging Harry further into a realm of shared bliss.

He grabbed her ass, holding a cheek in each hand and lifted her up off the table, allowing him to sink deeper into her, and causing her to be above him, looking down to him, her mouth agape and her eyes wide.

“Y-you don’t need a reward,” Harry grunted. “You have… b-blessed me with a family… you…” he could feel his peak approaching fast. “Ungh!”

He slowly lowered the two down to the wooden floor. The pair using Harry’s discarded robe as a blanket, him still inside, thrusting gently into her.

“Thank you,” she whispered as they lay entwined in each other's arms. “For everything.”

Harry could only smile in response.

“Harry...I… love you,” Lily whispered, breathing each word out with each thrust from her son, her emerald green eyes locked onto his as they moved together in a slow, tender rhythm.

“I love you too, Lily,” Harry replied, his voice soft and filled with emotion.

As their bodies continued to intertwine, Harry lost himself in the intricate dance of their lovemaking. The sensation of Lily's velvety warmth enveloping him, combined with the loving gaze of her eyes, only made Harry feel every movement.

“Ugh, Harry...y-you're amazing,” Lily moaned, her nails digging into his back as she clung to him for support. Her breathy sighs mingled with his own heavy panting, creating an intimate soundtrack that echoed through the dimly lit classroom.

“Me? You're incredible,” he marvelled at the way her body seemed to fit him like a glove. As they moved together, he could feel the familiar pressure building inside him, urging him towards his second release.

“Close...” he murmured, feeling the telltale signs of his impending climax approaching.

“Let go, Harry,” Lily encouraged, her voice strained with pleasure, her fingers threading into his hair. “Give yourself to me.”

With a guttural groan, Harry surrendered to the overwhelming sensations coursing through him, releasing deep inside of Lily as their bodies convulsed together in ecstasy. A golden glow pulsing outwards, her stomach swelling from his cum, looking as though she were pregnant.

The air snapped with power as more furniture erupted in flames, and, Lily could have sworn that a bolt of lighting jetted down just outside the window, and Harry’s muscles bulged and rippled beneath his skin.

“Wow,” he panted, collapsing against her sweat-slicked chest as they both struggled to catch their breath.

“Agreed,” Lily gasped, her fingers gently caressing his damp hair. “That was...indescribable.”

“Thank you, Lily,” Harry whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her collarbone.

“Always,” she replied, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “I'm so proud of the man you've become, Harry.”

As they lay there, tangled together in the aftermath of their passion, Harry couldn't help but reflect on his extraordinary life. He had faced unimaginable challenges and triumphed over insurmountable odds, but perhaps the most incredible aspect of his journey was the love he had found along the way.

“Can't believe how lucky I am,” he mused, thinking about the beautiful women who had entered his life – not just Lily, but Tonks, Samantha, Narcissa, and others yet to come.

“Sometimes, it feels like a dream,” Lily agreed, snuggling closer to him as they basked in the afterglow of their intimate encounter.

“Maybe it is,” Harry pondered, feeling contentment wash over him like a warm embrace. “But if this is a dream, I never want to wake up.”


Next chapter? The Christmas Break and settling into the Potter family home; Springrise.

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten


It's the Christmas Break, Lily shows Harry Springrise, and they're very happy celebrating, until something calls Harry and Sirius to action.

Chapter Text


As Harry and Lily walked away from the train station, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the road. The air was cool and crisp, a harbinger of the coming winter. Harry glanced at his mother and noticed her shivering slightly.

“Here,” he said, draping his coat around her shoulders. “You look cold.”

“Thank you,” she replied, pulling it tighter around her. They reached the car, the sleek black exterior gleaming in the fading light. Harry opened the door for Lily and they both climbed inside and drove away from Kings Cross Station. The Christmas Break had finally arrived.

Goodbyes hd been very sweet, Harry having received invitations to visit Neville (who was inviting a number of people over), and Daphne, who’s younger sister Astoria seemed very excited at the idea of Harry coming over. Before they left Hogwarts, Fleur had even slipped him a letter inviting him to her families home in London over the break to “help keep the boring English life from taking over”.

As they drove towards their family home, Springrise, Harry felt a surge of excitement. There was so much he wanted to learn about his newfound powers and the witches he had bound to him. He turned to Lily, his eyes filled with determination.

“Once we get settled in, I want to start working on understanding the magic inside me, and how it connects me to the others,” he said, not realising that the two hadn't spoken a word in a while until Lily jumped at his words. “Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump.”

Lily nodded, concern etching lines into her smooth forehead. “I understand, Harry. You know I support your quest for power by... having relations with other witches, but just remember, power comes with responsibility. And I... no, we,” she said laying a hand on her stomach. “Don't want you spreading your attention too thin.”

“I won't,” he promised, catching her gaze for a moment before returning his attention to the road as Lily continued to navigate through traffic on the roads.

After an hour or so of traffic, they had finally begun their approach Springrise, the mansion came into view, its majestic stone walls towering over the surrounding gardens. The front gates swung open as they neared, and Harry expertly guided the car up the winding driveway.

“Welcome home,” Lily said, a warm smile playing on her lips as they stepped out of the car.

The grand entrance to Springrise loomed before them, its ornate wooden doors flanked by tall windows that allowed the glow of the interior lights to spill outside. Harry gave his beautiful red head a passionate kiss on the lips as his heart swelled with pride as they stepped inside.

“Let me give you a tour,” Lily offered, leading him through the opulent foyer. Their footsteps echoed on the polished marble floors as they made their way towards the grand staircase, its elegant banisters carved with intricate designs.

“Wow,” Harry breathed, taking in the sight of the sweeping staircase that seemed to soar upwards like a majestic bird. He could almost feel the history of the Potter family etched into every detail.

As they ascended the stairs, Lily led him to the library. The towering bookshelves were filled with volumes upon volumes of ancient and modern texts, some so old that the ink had begun to fade. The rich scent of leather and parchment filled the air, mixed with the faint aroma of burning candles.

“I've been told that your grandfather spent countless hours in here,” Lily said wistfully, her fingers tracing the spines of the books. “You should be able to find everything you need about all of the pureblood magic. Like your powes ande the Merlin Law. And any possible repercussions on the witches you've bound.” She gave him a wink with her hand on her tummy.

Harry's eyes sparkled with anticipation at the thought of immersing himself in the knowledge contained within these walls.

“Come on,” Lily urged, leading him towards the ballroom. As they entered, Harry couldn't help but be awestruck by the sheer size and grandeur of the space. The high vaulted ceilings were adorned with delicate frescoes, and crystal chandeliers hung from above, casting a soft golden glow across the room.

“Imagine the parties and dances that used to be hosted here,” Lily mused, a distant look in her eyes as she remembered a time long past.

“Maybe someday we can have another one,” Harry suggested, the corners of his mouth turning up in a hopeful smile.

“Perhaps,” Lily agreed, her own smile returning. “But for now, let's focus on your future, and everything you must learn to face the challenges ahead.”

“Right,” he said, determination hardening his features. As Harry and Lily stepped out of the ballroom, their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the front door creaking open. A sudden rush of excitement surged through them both as they hurried to greet their unexpected guests.

“Sirius! Andromeda! What a surprise!” Harry beamed as he embraced his godfather and then Andromeda, feeling the warmth of genuine affection between them.

“Teddy, Tonks, Pen, it's wonderful to see you all,” Lily chimed in, her eyes shining with delight at hosting family and friends in their long-empty home.

“Couldn't resist dropping by for a visit, could we?” Sirius grinned, his familiar mischievous twinkle evident despite the lines of age and experience marking his face. “We thought we'd come and see how you two were settling in. Hope we weren't interupting.” the man teased with a knowling look between the two.

“Would you like a tour?” Harry offered, not entertaining Sirius' comment, eager to share Springrise with those dear to him. There was a murmur of agreement from the group, and they set off through the halls, each footstep echoing softly on the polished wood floors.

“Here's the dining hall,” Lily said, gesturing grandly to an immense room with a long wooden table that could comfortably seat twenty or more. Intricate carvings adorned the walls, depicting scenes of magical creatures and ancient battles. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows over the faces of their guests as they marveled at the craftsmanship.

“Your father loved to entertain here,” she continued, nostalgia coloring her voice. “He always said that breaking bread together was one of the strongest forms of magic.”

Harry couldn't help but smile, imagining the lively conversations and laughter that must have once filled this space. He glanced over at Tonks, who seemed entranced by the artwork, her ever-changing hair shifting colors like a kaleidoscope. Harry felt a stirring within him, a burgeoning curiosity about the kind of magic that would hopefully soon connect the two. Could I change my hair colour too? he thought to himself as he thought of how some lingering magic from each of his bonded seemed to seep into him.

“Shall we continue?” he asked, leading the group to the conservatory. The glass-enclosed room was filled with lush, verdant plants and exotic flowers, their vibrant colors and fragrances saturating the air. “This is a haven for magical flora,” Harry explained, watching as Teddy reached out curiously to touch a delicate blossom that seemed to shimmer in response.

“I once spent hours here with your grandmother, cultivating these magical plants,” Lily added softly, her gaze lingering on a particularly rare species that emitted a faint, otherworldly glow.

As they moved from room to room, Harry found himself increasingly aware of Tonks's presence beside him, her laughter and animated expressions igniting a sense of familiarity, yet something more—a connection that drew him towards her like a moth to flame. It had been too long since they had last seen each other.

“Are you enjoying the tour?” he asked her during a quiet moment, his voice barely audible above the rustle of leaves in the courtyard outside.

“Very much,” she replied, her eyes meeting his with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. ‘The Potter home is truly incredible, Harry.”

“Thank you,” he murmured, feeling a flush rise in his cheeks at her sincere compliment. They exchanged a knowing smile, both acutely aware of the unspoken undercurrent flowing between them.

“Let's show them the potions lab next,” Lily suggested, drawing Harry's attention back to the group.

As the tour came to an end, Tonks leaned in close to Harry, her warm breath brushing against his ear. “Would you mind showing me your room? I'm curious to see where the rich and recently titled Harry Potter will rest his head.”

“Of course,” Harry replied, feeling a mixture of excitement and anticipation coursing through him as he led the way up the grand staircase and down a long corridor, each step bringing them closer to the intimacy of his private quarters.

Upon reaching the door, Harry hesitated for a moment before pushing it open, revealing a spacious chamber with a high vaulted ceiling, dark wood paneling, and a massive four-poster bed draped in rich green and silver linens. A roaring fire burned in the hearth, casting flickering shadows across the room.

“Wow,” Tonks breathed, stepping inside and looking around in wonder. “This is... incredible.”

“Thank you,” Harry said, feeling a surge of pride at her admiration. He watched her take in the floor-to-ceiling bookshelf filled with magical texts, the ornate desk piled high with scrolls and parchment, and the display cases containing various enchanted artifacts.

‘Your family’s collection really is impressive,” she remarked, her fingers gently tracing the spine of a worn tome on advanced spellwork. “Although should I be concerned with some of these titles? ‘the pureblood guide to bonding a witch safely’, ‘ancient marriage rituals and what they do’? You must have a pretty honest relationship with your mum if our conversations before Hogwarts were any indicator… Lily, uh, did a good job at stocking these shelves.”

Harry nodded, acknowledging her statement as truth. “She knows whats important to me. Improving my magic is one of them.”

“Then we have something in common,” Tonks murmured, locking eyes with him once more, her gaze fraught with meaning.

The air between them seemed to crackle with electricity, and Harry found himself taking a step towards her, their bodies mere inches apart. He could feel the heat radiating off her skin, mingling with his own. The weight of their shared desire hung heavy in the air, undeniable and impossible to ignore.

“Tonks—" he began, only to be silenced as she closed the distance between them, pressing her lips against his in a fierce and passionate kiss that left him breathless.

Their hands roamed each other's bodies, fingers fumbling with buttons and zippers as they hastily undressed one another. The room was filled with the sounds of their ragged breathing, the rustling of fabric, and the thud of discarded clothes hitting the floor.

Arousal radiated off of her in palpable waves, and Harry had to remind himself not to lose control. He wanted to make sure that Tonks knew how badly he wanted her; he didn't want this encounter to be over before it even began.

He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Tonks' exposed collarbone. Her skin was soft and warm beneath his lips, and he could smell the underlying scent of her arousal. She made a small noise in her throat, a jumbled mix between desire and disappointment as Harry pulled away from her.

“Please,” she whispered again as if sensing his retreat.

Harry understood what she wanted, and without breaking eye contact, he slowly lowered himself to his knees, planting soft kisses down her stomach until he reached the apex of her thighs.

Tonks spread her legs, granting him access, and Harry hesitated for just a moment before diving in, his tongue teasing her cl*t, drawing a sharp cry from her lips. He continued his ministrations, alternating between licking and sucking, reveling in the way her body quivered beneath his touch.

With their bodies entwined, flushed and glistening from their passionate exchange, Harry's breath hitched as Tonks looked deeply into his eyes, a question forming in her mind.

“Harry,” she whispered, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest, “you've changed. You seem... stronger. Have you… the.. Merlin Law?'she moaned out.

He hesitated for a moment, but he knew there was no point in hiding it. “Yes, Tonks,” he admitted, his voice barely audible. “I've already enacted the ritual.”

Her eyes widened slightly, then narrowed in determination. “If you know what to do, prove it. Bind me, Harry,” she said firmly, her gaze never leaving his. “I can feel the power within you, and I know that together, we can become stronger than ever before… that our… relationship would be… stronger!” She cried out.

Harry could see the yearning in her eyes, but also the fierce resolve behind it. He couldn't deny that the thought of having Tonks bound to him, sharing in his growing power, was exhilarating. He felt a mixture of guilt and excitement at the prospect of adding another powerful witch to his circle, knowing full well that it would further complicate his relationships with the others. Yes the magic did something to make it easier to have other women bound to him... he still didn't feel guilt-free.

“Are you sure about this, Tonks?” he asked, his voice laced with concern. “Binding ourselves is not something.... we can't take it back once its happened.”

“I understand the risks, Harry,” she assured him, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek. “But I'm willing to face them if it means being by your side and helping you achieve great things.”

Harry searched her face, looking for any signs of doubt or uncertainty, but found none. Her unwavering determination both amazed and frightened him. Yet, deep down, he knew that having her bound to him would offer them both untold advantages in the inevitable battles that lay ahead.

“Alright, Tonks,” he finally agreed, his heart pounding in his chest. “I'll bind us together.”

Her answering smile was fierce and triumphant, her eyes alight with the knowledge that they were about to embark on a new and unpredictable journey together. As they stared at each other, their breaths mingling in the dimly lit room, Harry couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them – and how many more powerful witches he would bind before it was over.

“Then let's do this, Harry,” Tonks urged, her voice filled with anticipation. “Let's take this step together and face whatever comes our way.”

“Together,” Harry echoed, sealing their pact with a searing kiss that spoke of both passion and newfound purpose. “Are you ready?” Harry whispered into Tonks' ear, as they stood at the edge of the bed. The room was dimly lit by a flickering candle, casting shadows that danced upon their naked bodies.

“More than ever,” she replied with a seductive smile and a sultry look in her eyes.

Harry leaned in, his heart pounding with a mix of desire and anticipation, capturing her lips in a searing, soul-stirring kiss. A surge of electricity coursed through their bodies, only acting as a prompt for him to grip his length in his hand as he positioned between her open thighs, Harry's gaze caressed the contours of the enchanting witch beneath him. Her chest rose and fell with a rhythm that mirrored his own racing heartbeat, her eyes shimmering with a combination of desire and vulnerability. Sensing her need, she reached up with trembling fingers, tracing the curve of his jawline, drawing him closer to the precipice of their desires.

Her plea, whispered with a breathless urgency, hung in the air like a delicate promise. Harry's hesitated for only a mere moment, as he dismissed any reservations and entered Tonks. A primal moan escaped their lips, reverberating through the room as pleasure surged through every nerve ending. The tightness of her core welcomed him with an irresistible allure, drawing him deeper into their shared ecstasy. Each movement synchronized with an innate rhythm, an unspoken understanding of one another's desires.

Tonks, consumed by the overwhelming intensity of their connection, dug her nails into Harry's back. The sharp sting mingled with the intoxicating pleasure coursing through their veins. Their cries melded into one harmonious sound, resonating off the walls and filling the air with an ethereal symphony of passion.

Beads of sweat formed on their entwined bodies as they sought pleasure beyond earthly boundaries.

“Are you sure about this?” Harry panted, desperation lacing his voice even as he continued to move inside her. He didn’t want to make a mistake here.

“Yes,” she cried out, her eyes entrapping his very soul. “Bind us together, stud.”

In an instant it was done: no more holding back, no more doubts. His thrusts turned wild and urgent until finally, he spilled himself within her depths. They screamed in unison as rapture filled them, every nerve alighted with joyous pleasure.

As he reached deeper and deeper into her, he pictured that familiar lake, of a river ripping away at the ground, and reaching and connecting to a pool filled with kalaidescoping water that flowed and flashed and eagerly reached out to the golden water of Harry’s own lake, the gold mixing with the greens, pinks, purples, blues, yellows, and reds of Tonks’ pond. Her own water flowing back down his own. Her pond pulling at the banks to the river, causing the pond to get bigger, the river to be wider. Nothing of the like had happened with the other bondings.

As Harry's essence melded with hers, a beautiful golden glow filled the room, quickly surging into Tonk’s womb. Tonks' body trembled beneath him as the energy coursed through her, and her eyes flew open wide. Her face shifted through multiple forms – from a young girl to an old woman, shifting through different beautiful faces, her breasts swelling and shrinking, scales and feathers mottling her skin, her c*nt spasming and shifting around Harry's girthy co*ck, until finally she rested back into her usual appearance, her form only shifting subtly into other appearances, and Harry was starting to recognise the people's faces, and was surprised when Tonks' body shifted to match the faces. Her figure shifted into that of Andromeda, Lily, Narcissa, Penelope, Amelia Bones, Lady Greengrass, and a few other women that Harry didn’t recognise, but could feel around his co*ck. And now knew the shape of their bodies, of their breasts, the colour of their most intimate parts. He decided that he may have a few new crushes – each shift telling a different story about her unique gift.

Inside Harry's mind, he could see the new trench violently dig itself until it was fully connected to Harry's lake of golden magic, to one that Harry realised was just as big as Lily's or Narcissa's, that seemed to change colour rapidly glow and pulse once Harry's golden magic interspersed with the kaleidoscope magic.

“Harry,” she gasped, pulling him from the image, her voice strained. “It's… it's so intense...”

He watched, his heart pounding, as her body continued to transform. The golden glow began to fade, but not before one final change took place: her hair turned a brilliant shade of red, similar to his mother's, but her body more slender, almost petite, her breasts barely a handful, but she looked roughly around the age Harry did. Then, exhausted by the ordeal, she passed out beneath him. Her appearance back as her 'base' form.

“Tonks!” he called out frantically, panic rising within him. But as he pulled away, he saw her chest rise and fall evenly, signalling that she was merely sleeping.

I've bound her to me, he thought, a mix of guilt and awe coursing through him. He knew that this powerful connection would have lasting consequences for both of them, but he couldn't help but feel that together, they were stronger than ever.

And as he lay beside her, watching her sleep, he hoped that their newfound bond would be enough to help them face whatever challenges lay ahead. He had been so distracted by the ordeal, that he hadn’t noticed his co*ck changing shape within her, to perfectly fit the size of the vagin* it was in. Didn’t see his hair shifting colour, or of his body growing and shrinking slightly. Facial hair quickly growing and fading away.

In the dimly lit room, the soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a silvery sheen on their entwined bodies. Harry's strong arm cradled Tonks in a protective embrace as she lay nestled against his chest, her head resting on his heartbeat. The warmth of her skin and the slow rise and fall of her breathing brought him a sense of comfort he had never known before.

“Harry,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, eyes still closed. “I can feel it… our connection… I can… see it.”

He glanced down at her, his green eyes filled with concern and curiosity. The other girls hadn't shared that they could also see the magic pools connecting. “Is it... overwhelming?”

Tonks opened her eyes, gazing up at him with a mixture of awe and vulnerability. “No, it's like something has come alive inside me. It's powerful, but also incredibly intimate. I see my own magic connecting to yours... and I can… see… if I really focus… other… trails? No… more like small rivers and streams, stretching out from yours... more than the one I was expecting,” she teased.

A faint smile played on his lips as he brushed a stray lock of her red hair away from her face. “I was worried that it might be too much for you. I hope having other witches bound to me won't make you regret your—"

“Never,” she replied with conviction, interrupting him, her fingers tracing delicate circles on his bare chest, sending shivers down his spine.

“This bond has made us stronger, together. I trust you, Harry. And I don't mind sharing, if it means we can still have fun.”

“Thank you, Tonks.” His voice trembled slightly as emotions welled up within him. Am I worthy of this trust? he wondered silently, his thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty and hope.

“Can you feel it too?” she asked, her eyes searching his for answers.

“I can,” he admitted after a moment of hesitation. “It's just like you described. I'm still trying to figure it all out, but I at least know that all of our magic is connected, somehow, and when we're intimate it makes you stronger and somehow me too. I think it will take time to understand it fully.”

“Take all the time you need,” Tonks murmured, her hand coming to rest over his heart. “Me and your other whor*s can figure this out together.' The two laughed at Tonks' joke. He was happy that she was taking this in stride.

Harry closed his eyes, the weight of their bond settling around him like a warm embrace. For the first time in his life, he felt truly connected to people. His relationships in this world were truly deeper than they were in his own world.

“Tonks,” he began, his voice laced with determination, “I don't know what the future holds, but I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. We're in this together, bound by something far greater than ourselves.”

Her eyes shone with unshed tears as she pressed her lips to his in a tender kiss filled with promise and resolve. Tonks pulled away and reached down for her tank top (she didn't need bras thanks to her metamorph gifts) and pulled it over her head.

“Come on sex god, I probably made more noise than I should've but for appearances sack, and so my mother doesn't have a heart attack, we better join the others.” she was about to pull on her thong when she saw Harry's co*ck spring to life, something hot thrummed in her stomach, a dampness seeping down her inner thighs instantly. She smirked as a drop of pre-cum dribbled down the length of his co*ck. “Well, maybe they can wait for me to have my snack.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The warm glow of candlelight flickered across the walls of the Potter Mansion's grand dining hall, casting long shadows that danced like spectres in the corners. A lavishly set table groaned under the weight of succulent roast turkey, honey-glazed ham, and an array of colourful vegetables. The scent of cinnamon and nutmeg mingled with the rich aroma of mince pies, making mouths water in anticipation.

“Shall we exchange gifts before dinner?” Harry asked, his voice filled with eagerness as he looked around at the gathered family. His vibrant green eyes sparkled with excitement at the memory of having bound Tonks only a few hours previous. Lily kept trying to catch his eye, she had felt something pull on her connection to Harry. She wanted to pull him aside to ask about it, but he seemed to be too far into his hosting role as the Lord of the house.

“Of course,” Lily replied, her own eyes reflecting the deep and intense love she felt for her son. As they exchanged presents, their bond was almost tangible, rising to a fever pitch as an unseen sense of urgency clenched around them.

“Here, Mum,” Harry said, handing Lily a small, delicately wrapped box. His voice held an edge of excitement despite the heavy atmosphere in the room.

It was always a little strange, calling eachother mum and son. They knew that it was only for appearances, but it did cause a certain kind of spark between the two. The kind that fed into a kink neither really wished to address.

“I hope you like it.”

Lily carefully unwrapped the gift to reveal a beautiful silver necklace. Dangling from the chain were several intricately designed charms, each seemed to a have a rune inscribed into it, she arched an eyebrow at Harry.

“It’s been imbued with extraordinary protection magic. That way you will always be safe.”

She knew immediately that this was no ordinary present - Harry had poured his heart and soul into selecting the perfect gift for her.

“Harry, this is beyond lovely,” Lily exhaled, her voice quavering with emotion. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

She could feel a powerful energy emanating from the necklace - its beauty was a reflection of their profound connection and growing strength within Harry. As he bound witches to him through their shared magical connections, his abilities continued to expand, and Lily understood that the protection charms were an extension of his concern for her wellbeing, something she felt was more important to him now that she was secretly baring his child. She couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the young man her lover was becoming, even as she struggled with the knowledge of the dangerous path he walked.

“Anything to keep you safe, Mum,” Harry said softly, his eyes filled with sincerity. He reached over to help fasten the necklace around Lily's neck, the charms resting against her chest like an unspoken claim.

As they stood together in that moment, enveloped by the warm embrace of family and the flickering shadows cast by the candles, neither could ignore the growing urgency that tugged at their consciousness.

“Alright,” Harry announced with a grin, “I've got something for everyone here.” He reached into the small velvet bag he held and pulled out a stack of silver bracelets. ‘These have protection charms. Not quite as extensive as the ones on mum’s, but you should all be safe with these too.”

He handed a bracelet to each person around the table. They marvelled at the intricate runes etched on the surface. Tonks, however, received something different: a wand holster crafted from supple black leather. It was similar to the one Sirius had given Harry earlier in the year.

“Mine has come in handy so many times, that, I thought that it would really help a clumsy witch like yourself!”

“Thanks, Harry!” Tonks beamed, fastening the holster around her wrist. She gave it an experimental flick, and her wand shot smoothly into her hand. “This will come in handy! I somehow keep finding my wand not where I last left it. I think my trainers were starting to get a little tired with me.”

As the others admired their gifts, Lily stepped forward, holding a delicately wrapped package. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she handed it to Harry. “This belonged to your father, Harry,” she said softly. “It's time you had it.”

Harry carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a silken, silvery material that seemed to ripple like water in his hands. He recognized it instantly: his father's Invisibility Cloak. Instead of thoughts of his father, his mind was instead filled with memories of himself using it, along with Hermione and Ron. His eyes welled as he thought of his best friends. He currently had his invisibility cloak from his own world hidden in his trunk upstairs. The thought of now having two was... interesting.

“Thank you, Mum,” Harry whispered, tracing the patterns on the cloak.

Lily's eyes filled with pride as she watched her son cradle the precious gift. “Your father would be proud of you, Harry,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “He'd want you to have this.”

The weight of the cloak in his hands brought forth a torrent of thoughts within Harry. His father's mischievous spirit, his mother's love, and the daunting responsibility they'd passed onto him all swirled together in a dizzying mixture. The fabric seemed to whisper promises of protection, adventure, and the unknown.

“Thank you, Mum,” Harry repeated, his voice cracking under the weight of his gratitude. He folded the cloak carefully and placed it on the table beside him, silently vowing to honour James’ memory and embrace the destiny that lay ahead.

The flickering candlelight danced across Sirius' face, casting his features in a warm glow as he rose from his chair. “Harry, I have something for you too,” he said, his voice filled with anticipation. He handed over two packages, one much larger than the other.

Harry tore open the smaller gift first, revealing a dragonhide leather robe that stopped around Harry's mid-thigh. The soft, supple material seemed to shimmer beneath the light, reflecting an array of colours like the scales of some ancient beast. Harry ran his fingers along the intricate stitching and marvelled at the craftsmanship – it was clear that this was not a simple a garment.

“Thought you could use a proper jacket, what with all your adventures and...other activities,” Sirius said, a knowing twinkle in his eye. “It's enchanted to be resistant to most spells and hexes, and should keep you warm even in the coldest weather... or protect you from pissed off wizards.” he joked.

“Thank you, Sirius. It's amazing,” Harry replied, slipping the robe on. It fit him perfectly, as though it had been tailored to his exact measurements. The power and protection it provided seemed to envelop him, infusing him with a renewed sense of purpose.

Next, Harry turned his attention to the larger package. As he ripped away the wrapping paper, excitement coursed through him when he saw a sleek, state-of-the-art broomstick nestled within. Its handle gleamed with polished wood, and the bristles appeared to hum with magical energy.

“Sirius...” Harry breathed, hardly able to contain himself. “This is… incredible!”

“Figured you could use a new broom,” Sirius said, grinning broadly. “That one's the latest model of the Firebolt series. Faster and more maneuverable than anything else out there. Should come in handy if you find yourself in any high-speed chases.”

“Or if I just want to fly circles around Neville,” Harry added with a smirk, eliciting chuckles from the room. He traced his fingers along the smooth handle of the broom, feeling a surge of gratitude and love for the man who had given him so much.

“Alright, enough gift-giving for now,” Sirius declared. “It's time for dinner!”

The dining table seemed to groan under the weight of the feast that had been prepared. Platters overflowed with succulent turkey, honey-glazed ham, and steaming roast potatoes. Bowls brimmed with fresh vegetables and fluffy Yorkshire puddings, while the scents of cinnamon and nutmeg wafted through the air.

As Harry and his loved ones dug into the meal, laughter and conversation flowed like wine. Stories were shared, memories reminisced, and plans for the future discussed in hushed tones. Despite any stresses or confusion happening in each of their own private lives, for this brief moment, they were simply a family enjoying a Christmas meal together.

Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding creep into his mind as he glanced around the table. These people, bound to him by magic, love and care, would soon face untold dangers and challenges. But he knenw that, although they were not of his owlrd, he had made the right decision in trying his best to try and defend it. To prepare himself as much as possible to be its champion. To ensure that Neville didn’t have to fight on his own.

“Here's to us,” he said quietly, raising his glass. “To family.”

“Family,” they echoed, and the word seemed to hang in the air like a promise. A vow that, come what may, they would face it together.

As the laughter died down and the clinking of glasses filled the air, a sudden sharp noise pierced the room. Sirius glanced down at his wrist, where a small silver charm on his bracelet pulsed with an urgent red light. A frown creased his brow as he tapped the charm, causing it to expand into a parchment scroll.

“An alert from the Order,” he muttered, scanning the words quickly. The room went silent, the earlier jovial atmosphere evaporating like mist before the sun.

“Sirius, what's wrong?” Harry asked, worry lining his face. His gaze flickered between his godfather and the parchment, trying to make sense of the situation.

“The Redwood pack,” Sirius said, his voice strained. “They've been attacked. We need to go, Harry. Now.”

The moment the words left Sirius' mouth, Harry felt a chill run down his spine. It was as if the very air around him had shifted, his magic responding to the unseen threat. He felt a tingling sensation in his fingertips, an uncomfortable pressure building in his chest, as if his body were preparing for battle.

He nodded, “Something's wrong,” he whispered, gripping the edge of the table. “I can feel it – in my magic. It's like it's trying to warn me.” He shared a worried glance with Sirius, knowing they couldn't waste any time.

Harry quickly glanced around the room, and he could see both Lily and Tonks had grown pale, as though they could feel it too. Andromeda turned to Lily, “are you okay dear, you look quite pale? Who is this Redwood pack?”

“Whatever's happening, it's serious,” Sirius said, determination hardening his features. “We need to get there and help the others. You ready?”

“Always,” Harry replied, his green eyes blazing with resolve. He stood, feeling the others watching him with a mixture of concern and admiration.

“Be careful,” Lily whispered, her eyes filled with unshed tears as she clutched the necklace he had given her.

“Promise,” Harry said, giving her one last look before turning to Sirius. They nodded at each other and, with a crack that echoed through the suddenly empty room, they disappeared into the night.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The darkness of the night surrounded Harry and Sirius as they appeared in a hidden alleyway near the attack site. The smell of smoke and burnt wood permeated the air, making it difficult to breathe. They could hear the distant cries and shouts from those involved in the battle.

“Death Eaters, must be,” Sirius muttered, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of their foes. ‘They must be targeting the Redwood pack.”

“Why'd they do that? It doesn't make sense,” Harry questioned, his heart racing as he tried to make sense of the situation.

“An old werewolf rivalry.” Sirius explained, his voice tense. “They've been trying to maintain peaceful relations with the magical community, but some still see them as a threat. Recently found out that Fenris Blackclaw had close ties to the Death Eaters, just like Fenrir Greyback did. After your help a few months back, seems he's called in reinforcements for revenge.”

Harry felt a surge of anger at the thought of innocent lives being targeted by Death Eaters because of him. He clenched his fists, his magic pulsing through his veins, the familliar heat in his chest, ready to be unleashed against those who would harm others.

“Let's move,” Sirius said, determination etched on his face.

As they moved cautiously through the shadows, they saw groups of Death Eaters casting spells indiscriminately, destroying huts and sending werewolves flying through the air. Some of the werewolves fought back, using their enhanced strength and agility to dodge the deadly curses and launch counterattacks.

“Expelliarmus!” Harry shouted, disarming a Death Eater before stunning him with another swift spell.

“Nice shot,” Sirius praised, taking down two more with impressive precision.

Harry felt the weight of the situation pressing down on him – lives were on the line, and every second mattered. He couldn't afford to hesitate or hold back, not when the consequences of failure were so dire.

“Let's split up,” he suggested, his voice filled with urgency. “We can cover more ground that way.”

“Be careful, Harry,” Sirius warned, his eyes filled with concern. “Remember, we don't know how many Death Eaters are here, or what kind of traps they might've set. They shouldn’t be organised yet. This is all kinds of wrong.”

Harry nodded, “Same goes for you,” he replied, his mind racing as he considered the possible threats they might face.

With a nod, the two wizards separated, each moving towards different groups of Death Eaters and werewolves, their wands at the ready.

As Harry fought, he couldn't help but think about the women bound to him through magic – Samantha, Lily, Narcissa and now Tonks. The power they shared with him surged through him like never before, allowing him to cast spells with incredible accuracy and force. It was exhilarating, intoxicating, but also sobering, reminding him of his connection with each witch, and how they power has become intimately linked.

“Stupefy!” he yelled, sending a Death Eater crashing into a wall, unconscious.

Just as he turned to face another opponent, a sudden, searing pain shot through Harry's back. Gasping, he staggered back, clutching his side as the world around him blurred.

f*ck this, Harry thought, and for the first time he imagined the pools of magic, and imagined pulling on them, bringing any available magic close to him.

He felt his stamina rejuvenate as the molten ball in his chest began pulsing out of him, the cold winter air steaming of his body, his skin glowing bronze, his eyes literally sparking as he began channelling his fire magic, incinerating enemy werewolves one by one. His anger fuelled him, the raw power surging through his veins like liquid fire. He felt invincible, unstoppable – yet, even as he helped the Redwoods destroy their enemies, his thoughts were elsewhere. His vibrant green eyes flicked back and forth across the battlefield, searching desperately for Samantha. He called out to her with his magic, but it was as if something kept stopping him, a barrier that he couldn't break through.

“Where is she?” Harry muttered to himself, his frustration growing with every passing moment. He sent another fireball hurtling towards an approaching werewolf, the beast's howls of pain echoing in his ears as it was consumed by flame.

“Focus, Harry!” Sirius shouted from a distance. The older wizard was fighting alongside him, providing support where needed. Harry glanced over at his mentor, only for his breath to catch in his throat as he witnessed Sirius summoning his mage powers. A cloak of black lightning materialized around him, crackling and hissing like a living thing. Any werewolf that dared to get too close was instantly paralyzed, twitching helplessly on the ground as the electricity coursed through their bodies.

“Right,” Harry gritted his teeth, forcing himself to concentrate on the battle at hand. Pushing his worry for Samantha aside, he continued to unleash fireballs upon the enemy werewolves. Each time he struck, the ancient magic within him – fuelled by his bonds with Samantha, Lily, Tonks and Narcissa – pulsed stronger, reminding him of the power he had amassed. He allowed the fire to envolpe his hand as he rushed up behind the cloaked figures and smashed his flaming fist through the belly of a death eater.

“Sirius, any idea where Samantha could be?!” Harry asked between spells and attacks, his voice tense with concern.

“Her father said she's safe!” Sirius called back, not taking his eyes off an approaching werewolf. “We'll find her after we've dealt with these mangy curs!”

Harry nodded, knowing that Sirius was right. They needed to focus on the task at hand. But as he sent another fireball hurtling towards an enemy werewolf, a small part of him couldn't help but wonder what could be preventing him from reaching Samantha with his magic. And it terrified him.

Adrenaline coursed through Harry's veins as he fought alongside Sirius, his heart pounding in sync with the heat of the battle. As the power surged through him, Harry felt an overwhelming urge to summon a new weapon.

Black Lightning whip!” Harry called out, extending his arm. The air crackled around him as tendrils of electricity coalesced into a long, sinuous whip. Harry gripped it tightly and with a mighty swing he slashed across the space, the black lightning dancing across its length, hungry for the touch of its enemies, searing into any vulnerable flesh.

“Nice,” Sirius grinned, his eyes alight with pride. “Show them what you've got, Harry!”

With a fierce determination, Harry lashed out at the enemy werewolves, the whip cutting through the air like a bolt of dark energy. Each strike sent waves of black lightning coursing through their bodies, immobilizing them with pain. Harry wielded the weapon effortlessly, the whip's movements fluid and precise, an extension of his own will.

“Take that bastards!” Harry shouted, his voice filled with intensity as he struck down one werewolf after another.

As the battle raged on, the enemy werewolves began to diminish in number. The tide had turned in favour of Harry and the Redwoods, but victory came at a cost. Both Harry and Sirius bore injuries from the fierce fighting – gashes and bruises that would need tending once the battle was over.

“Harry, behind you!” Sirius warned, launching a spell at a werewolf attempting to take advantage of Harry's brief distraction.

Harry nodded to his godfather and whipped his head to face the remaining werewolves. Sweat dripped down his brow, stinging the cuts on his face, but he knew he couldn't let up now. With one final surge of determination, Harry struck out with his Black Lightning whip, incapacitating the last few werewolves. Every second that passed zapped Harry of all strength and energy. The fire he summoned had begun to char his hands, the lightning crackled up his arms and singed and caused his hair to become smoke. Steam streamed up from his body as he magic had spread throughout his entire body, causing him to feel that he would combust at any moment.

As the final enemy fell, Harry and Sirius surveyed the battlefield, their breaths heavy with exhaustion. The ground was littered with the bodies of fallen werewolves from both sides, their fur singed and smoking from the force of Harry's magic. Despite the pain in his body, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at their victory.

“Good work, pup,” Sirius said, giving Harry a tired grin as he clapped him on the shoulder. “We make one hell of a team.”

“Thanks, Sirius,” Harry replied, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his arm where a werewolf had managed to land a bite. “Now let's find Samantha.”

“Right,” Sirius nodded, his gaze serious as he looked around the battlefield. “I'll follow your lead.”

Harry's heart raced as he and Sirius navigated the chaotic aftermath of the battle, desperately searching for Samantha. Harry's thoughts were consumed by worry for her safety, and his injuries seemed to fade into insignificance, dulled by the urgency of his mission.

“Harry!” a gruff voice called out from behind them. It was Samantha's father, a tall, imposing werewolf with fur the colour of midnight. As he approached, the two shared a nod. It’s nice to be back, Harry thought. It had been awhile since he left. “Follow me.”

“Thank you,” Harry replied, relief washing over him. He exchanged a glance with Sirius before they both hurried after Samantha's father through the ravaged battlefield.

The older werewolf led them to a secluded area in the woods where several large tents had been concealed among the trees, their entrances protected by runic circles drawn carefully in the dirt. The air was heavy with the scent of magic and Harry could feel its power pulsing around him. He could feel his connection to Samantha waning the closer he got to the runes. These were what had stopped him from reaching her.

“Here, this has been her home these last few weeks,” Samantha's father said, stopping in front of one of the tents. It was slightly larger than the others and shaped like a dome, the dark green fabric blending seamlessly with the surrounding foliage. Two sentries stood guard outside, their eyes watchful and alert.

“Only you may enter, Harry,” Samantha's father warned. “These protection runes are not to be taken lightly.”

“Understood,” Harry replied, nodding at Sirius who gave him a reassuring pat on the back before stepping aside, respecting the boundary set by Samantha's father.

Taking a deep breath, Harry crossed the runic circle and entered the tent, his heart pounding in his chest.

The moment he crossed the threshold, Harry's eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior of the tent. It was surprisingly spacious and smelled of herbs and incense. His heart leapt as his gaze fell upon Samantha, her amber eyes meeting his from where she lay on a pile of furs in the centre of the space.

“Harry,” she whispered, her voice a mixture of relief and surprise. She tried to sit up, but winced in pain, and he rushed to her side, his hands hovering over her protectively.

“Take it easy,” he murmured, concern etched in his features. He took a moment to study her appearance, noting the physical changes she had undergone since their last encounter. Her once shortly cropped hair had grown out, now brushing against her shoulders in soft waves. The contours of her face had softened, giving her an ethereal glow. However, what truly caught his attention was the unmistakable swell of her belly beneath the thick blanket draped over her.

“Is this...?” he trailed off, his hand instinctively moving towards her stomach, only to stop hesitantly just above the fabric.

Samantha nodded, her eyes moistening with unshed tears. “Yes, Harry. I'm pregnant.”

He finally allowed his hand to rest gently on her belly, feeling the life growing within her. He closed his eyes and saw his lake and the many paths that now broke away, and followed the pale white one that lead to Samantha’s pool of magic, of which he hadn’t been able to focus on before. But now that he was touching her, he could. He followed the trial till he found her lake, of which had doubled… perhaps tripled in size since the two bonded. And over on the other side, he could see a thin river trailing out forming its own small puddle of pearlescent water.

As he absorbed the news, he couldn't help but marvel at how his magic and the pregnancy had transformed her normally athletic figure into something more curvaceous. Her breasts were fuller, straining against the fabric of her tunic, and her lips appeared plusher than he remembered.

“Whoa...” Harry finally breathed, a flood of emotions washing over him. He looked into Samantha's eyes once more, searching for any hint of fear or regret. Instead, he found warmth, love, and a fierce protectiveness that mirrored his own feelings.

“Everything is going to be okay,” she assured him, her words both a promise and a plea. “I am… so happy.”

Harry nodded, his hand still resting on her stomach as he let the reality of their situation sink in. “Tell me everything,” Harry said gently, wanting to understand what she had been going through. “When did you find out?”

Samantha closed her eyes briefly, collecting her thoughts. “It was a few weeks after you left,” she began. “I started feeling...different. I couldn't transform into my werewolf form or use my beasti*al surge magic anymore. It was like my body was rejecting it.”

She opened her eyes again, locking her gaze onto Harry's.

“I didn't want to tell you because I had heard about you claiming your title of Lord Potter. I didn't want to ruin things for you by announcing you were going to have a bastard child.”

Harry's heart clenched at her words, but he held her gaze steadily. “You should have told me, Samantha. We're in this together, I will always be your bonded mate, no matter what.”

“I know,” she whispered. “But I also sensed that you were making more connections with your magic. I could visualise them… at first, but I can’t anymore, it's like they're just beyond my reach now.”

“I have been making... connections with other witches,” Harry revealed.

“Harry,” Samantha hesitated before continuing, “I had a dream... In my dream, you told me that you plan to become powerful enough to defeat any enemy, but to do that you had to be with other powerful witches the same way you were with me. to protect the world from evil. And I believe in you. I want to help you in any way I can.”

“Thank you,” Harry said softly, touched by her unwavering support. “We'll find a way to make this work, for all of us.”

With that resolve echoing in their hearts, Harry leaned down to capture Samantha's lips in a tender kiss. Their connection deepened as the kiss grew more passionate, their hands exploring each other's bodies with a newfound intimacy.

Samantha guided Harry's hand to her swollen belly, letting him feel their child's presence. As if responding to their touch, something warm shifted under his palm, eliciting a gasp from them both. It was a moment of pure magic that bound them together even more tightly.

Slowly, with an almost reverent tenderness, they undressed each other. Each article of clothing peeled away revealed a body transformed by time and experience, curves and muscles that had evolved since their last intimate encounter. The soft, diffused glow of the magical lanterns within the tent cast delicate shadows upon their entwined forms, creating an ethereal ambience that seemed to exist solely for their union.

Harry's lips and hands moved across Samantha's skin with a gentle purposefulness, his touch worshipping every inch of her body. He lingered on her full breasts, tracing the contours with a feather-light caress, his fingertips eliciting shivers of pleasure. A subtle arousal had caused her nipples to become slightly swollen, and as he explored them, Samantha felt a delicate release of moisture, evidence of her desire growing under his ministrations. Her body responded with electric sensitivity, arching and trembling with each stroke, while her fingers instinctively sought solace in the strands of his hair.

With an exquisite hunger, Harry took one of Samantha's raised nipples into his mouth, suckling on it as if savouring a sweet elixir. The taste of her milk, laced with a captivating sweetness, mingled with the air between them, further intoxicating their senses. In this intimate exchange, they revelled in the unique connection forged between them, a bond that transcended physicality.

As desire surged within them both, Harry positioned himself between Samantha's legs, but before proceeding further, he paused to meet her gaze. The depth of their love and the unwavering trust they shared radiated from their eyes. It was a testament to how swiftly their relationship had blossomed into something profound and transformative.

His voice carried a cherished tenderness as he softly asked, "Are you ready?" His concern for her comfort was evident in every word.

The reply came in a hushed whisper, dripping with longing. "More than anything."

With a deliberate slowness, Harry entered her, feeling the warmth and wetness of her embrace. It had been so long that it was like welcoming an old friend as the two connected and began their gasping and grunting dance of love making. Every thrust, every groan, every moan, and kiss set Harry's heart aflame, his magic, despite its use, reaching out to Sam's, summoning her own, causing her nails to shift into claws, her eyes to glow amber, her muscles to ripple taut, Harry's own body hardened, sparks danced across his back, flames licked up at the ground next to them, his co*ck shifting as to fill every crevice of Samantha's most intimate place.

At the thought that this beautiful woman was going to bring his child into the world, he felt himself quickly reach his peak.

Her claws ripped at the back of his skin as her legs locked behind his back. He pistoned into her, causing the wet sound of their skin slapping against each other to echo in the tent, as both of t heir climax arrived like an explosion of energy that crackled and boomed around them. A golden glow enveloped them, a radiant aura that encapsulated their bond surged out and was sucked into Samantha's womb. Samantha's belly swelled with the magical essence, even as Harry's co*ck remained inside of her. The two gasped as they held the other, Harry stared into Samantha's glowing amber eyes.

"I've missed you, Harry," she gasped, and pulled him in closer with her legs. "You will need to make it up to me before you leave again."

He chuckled to himself.

This woman, Harry thought, she is truly a gift.

Harry lowered his head to Samantha's left breast and took her nipple between his teeth.

"It would be my pleasure," he grunted as he slowly slipped his tongue from her core.

"N-no!" she groaned as she ran her fingers through Harry's hair, "I-it will beour pleasure Harry," and with a swift move, she turned the two, causing them to tumble to the singing ground so that she was now on top. She held onto Harry's enck and began grinding into him as his hands found their place on each of her plump asscheeks, using them as purchase to thrust harder into her.

The two would continue their lovemaking well into the night.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.