Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (2024)

Zombie games may be more than a little common nowadays, but 7 Days To Die, with its sandbox nature and versatile, varied gameplay, has attracted a sizable fanbase.

And of course, with a sizable fanbase comes a sizable number of mod developers. The game may not be out of early access yet, but there’s still plenty of players out there doing their part to improve the current experience.

Below, we’ve listed twelve of our favorite mods that 7 Days To Die players have developed for the game.

We should probably note, though, that due to the fact that the game is still in early access, it’s still receiving frequent updates.

As a result, it’s fairly common for even popular mods to suddenly stop working properly in the game’s latest version. Keep that in mind when perusing them.

Quick Links

  • Best 7 Days To Die Mods
    • 25. Better Raw Meat
    • 24. Quest Locations in Titles
    • 23. Blewbarry Pup
    • 22. Add More Seats
    • 21. Slot Machine
    • 20. Craftable Nitrate Powder
    • 19. Fruits and Nuts Variety
    • 18. Craft Candy
    • 17. More Zombies X20 per Biome
    • 16. Weird Weather for Vanilla and Darkness Falls
    • 15. Ravenhearst Mod
    • 14. Age of Oblivion Farm Life Revisited
    • 13. War3zuk Aio Overhaul
    • 11. Faster Levelling
    • 10. Elite Zombies
    • 9. Server Side Zombies
    • 8. Npcs
    • 7. Smx
    • 6. Lootable Zombies
    • 5. Subquake’s Undead Legacy
    • 4. Faster Crafting
    • 3. Darkness Falls
    • 2. 7 Years To Die Survivor
    • 1. War of the Walkers

25. Better Raw Meat

With plenty of raw ingredients available in the game, players can get to cooking at crafting right away! But why do the base game’s recipes take so much meat?

The Better Raw Meat mod for 7 Days to Die makes cooking meat much simpler.

Players only need one piece of raw meat to cook a recipe that would normally require five. This makes it much easier for players to get the food they need to survive.

The mod also makes the game more immersive, as cooking meat is an important part of survival in the game, and in real life, we don’t need five steaks to cook one steak.

24. Quest Locations in Titles

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (1)

The Quest Locations in Titles mod is an amazing addition to the game that makes it super easy for players to know where they need to go in order to complete the objectives of the quests they are undertaking.

By adding the POI name to quest titles, this mod makes traveling the world and completing objectives way more seamless and enjoyable.

This mod is a must-have for any player who wants to make their experience in 7 Days to Die as smooth and simple as possible.

23. Blewbarry Pup

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (2)

As anyone who has played dystopian video games knows, dog companions can be essential for navigating these grim worlds.

BlewBarry Pup is an unexpected upgrade for 7DTD that allows players to find a cute little dog that follows them around and loves them.

Players can feed and care for the dog, make it armor, and give it a name.

The effect is only server-side, so other players will be able to see and interact with the dog as well. This mod is a must-have for any 7 Days to Die player who wants a loyal companion by their side.

22. Add More Seats

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (3)

If you’re looking to add more seats to your bike, the Add More seat mod is exactly what you’re looking for.

This handy mod adds one extra seat to vehicles like the bicycle and the normal motorcycle, as well as the mini motorcycle.

And if that’s not enough, the 4×4 actually gets an extra two seats with this mod!

Whether you’re looking to take more friends out on a ride or just need a little extra room for cargo, this mod makes it easy and hassle-free.

21. Slot Machine

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (4)

This handy slot machine is the perfect addition to any player’s arsenal.

Now you can break up the monotony of gritty survival with a fun little piece of Vegas in your 7 Days world.

All you need to do is drop in 100 coins, give the lever a pull, and watch as the reels spin and land on one of several possible outcomes.

If you are lucky, you might even win big, with prizes ranging from small wins like a single casino coin all the way up to a whopping 1000 coins, ten times your initial bet.

Anyone who’s ever played a slot machine knows that they offer a thrilling, exciting gaming experience like no other.

It might even get your character’s mind off of the impending horde of undead or the harsh weather of Darkness Falls!

20. Craftable Nitrate PowderTop 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (5)

At first glance, nitrate might seem like a highly complicated and difficult substance to produce. After all, it is an essential part of many chemical compounds, and it can be extremely toxic at high levels.

However, nitrate is quite simple to create, especially if one has access to some basic kitchen ingredients.

So why isn’t it easily craftable in 7 Days to Die? Weird.

This mod adds a crafting recipe for nitrate powder. Life is much easier when you can make this vital ingredient yourself.

19. Fruits and Nuts Variety

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (6)

When the apocalypse finally arrives, and the world comes crashing down around us, one thing is certain: we’ll all need some healthy snacks to get us through those dark times.

Fruits and nuts are perfect for this role, offering tons of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to help keep our bodies strong.

Fruits and Nuts Variety adds a huge selection of new food items to 7 Days to Die that can be created right at a campfire.

18. Craft Candy

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (7)

When it comes to battling zombies, candy is king! With a hefty dose of sugar and a kick of caffeine, candy makes it easy to power through hordes of the undead.

This mod allows players to make candy at the campfire with a beaker or cooking pot, giving them access to all sorts of delicious treats.

You can make your own lollipops, caramels, and gummy candies from scratch, or you can use sugar and various other ingredients that you collect from around the map.

17. More Zombies X20 per Biome

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (8)

When it comes to zombie games, more is always better.

This mod is perfect for those who want a more challenging and intense experience when playing 7 Days to Die.

By multiplying the number of zombies in any biome by 20, the mod makes the game much harder and more realistic.

It is the perfect way to add an extra level of difficulty to the game and make it more challenging for players who think of themselves as zombie survival masters.

We are confident that you’ll always find a way of slaying them in style!

16. Weird Weather for Vanilla and Darkness Falls

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (9)

One of the most dangerous aspects of life in the post-apocalyptic world of 7 Days to Die is the weather.

Whether you’re trying to gather resources in a thunderstorm or scavenging during a blinding snowstorm, conditions on the ruined landscape can quickly turn deadly.

Weird Weather shakes up the 7DTD and Darkness Falls environments in really unexpected ways.

With this particular mod, players will endure early morning fogs and get ambushed by ripping storms as well as incredibly dangerous black ice where your character’s life is in danger.

15. Ravenhearst Mod

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (10)

If you think 7 Days to Die could be challenging, then this mod is for you! The Ravenhearst mod doesn’t just throw you to the wolves but is a tough gameplay mod that eases you into it!

The game’s entire map with this mod equipped is changed. From the start, you will need to rely on your knowledge of the how the game works as this mod tests your skills.

7 Days to Die will be split into game stages with this mod, with enemies that increase in strength as you go. There are multiple effects that have been tweaked as well!

14. Age of Oblivion Farm Life Revisited

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (11)

Farming is key to your ticket to survival, and this mod makes many improvements. The Age of Oblivion Farming Revisited mod makes farming a more well-rounded experience.

The mod includes new weapons, vehicles, workstations, food, and crops. The mod will also add new quests and creatures, including animals and zombies!

This mod makes additional changes to minor actions and textures as well.

13. War3zuk Aio Overhaul

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (12)

After replaying 7 Days to Die multiple times, you might find yourself bored with the vanilla version.

The War3zuk AIO Overhaul mod adds many changes, including a multitude of new weapons and items. The mod also makes changes to current weapons as well!

This mod includes a variety of other changes as well. The creator makes sure to note that you should check back regularly for new updates, too.

12. PhD Bigger Backpack & Secure Storage Chests

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (13)

Games centered around gathering resources and crafting items invariably involve having to manage a great variety of bits and pieces.

And when you’re on a lengthy trek across the post-apocalyptic wasteland or trying to find a place to keep all your bits and bobs at your base, it can be tremendously frustrating to find out you’re running out of space.

Simple mods like the Bigger Backpack & Secure Storage Chests mod make the simple but highly convenient tweak of allowing you to put a few extra things in your inventory and storage spaces.

It’s a small thing but can save you a whole lot of headaches when it comes to managing everything you’ve gathered, which, in turn, makes the game that much more enjoyable.

11. Faster Levelling

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (14)

The Faster Levelling mod, as the name implies, levels the player up faster. On the surface, it sounds like cheating, but in reality, it’s ideal for experienced 7 Days players who are starting a new game.

For one thing, it allows you to access perks faster, letting you experience more of them quicker. For another, leveling up faster means advancing to higher game stages sooner.

This, of course, means that the game gets challenging quicker, ideal for the more practiced player.

10. Elite Zombies

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (15)

Another mod centered on adding new zombies to the game, the Elite Zombies mod, as the name implies, adds six new zombies that are specifically designed to be tougher and deadlier.

It’s ideal for the experienced player who’s after both some more variety and a bit more of a challenge.

9. Server Side Zombies

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (16)

Like many other modern forms of zombie media, 7 Days To Die puts a spin on the standard zombie setting by introducing a variety of new kinds of zombies.

Naturally, mods like Server Side Zombies have taken it upon themselves to build upon this concept further.

This particular mod adds no less than 15 new kinds of zombies, each one with its own unique design and features, to give the player a few new things to be cautious of.

8. Npcs

There are lots of overhaul mods centered on adding NPCs, of course, but if you don’t want all their extra features, then mods like this one are what you’re after.

As the name implies, the NPCs mod adds NPCs to the game, something which the official game hasn’t really done so far, traders aside.

These NPCs don’t just mill around, either – they can be hired as companions, and ordered to follow you, stand guard, and various other useful roles.

Until the game officially adds NPCs, mods like this one can do a lot to make 7 Days‘ apocalyptic world feel a bit more living and breathing.

7. Smx

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (17)

A collection of various tweaks, SMX is centered on revamping the game’s user interface. Most notably, it gives the whole thing a grimier, rougher aesthetic, which, needless to say, feels a lot more appropriate in a game set in a zombie apocalypse.

A UI interface may not sound like a drastic change on the surface, but given how often you tend to pull it up in 7 Days, the change is notable, and it’s currently one of the game’s most popular mods.

6. Lootable Zombies

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (18)

A few years ago, the 7 Days To Die developers made the rather controversial decision to make dead zombies no longer lootable.

The developers stated that the intention was to reduce clutter, but many players were dissatisfied with the decision, saying it took some of the satisfaction out of exploring and killing zombies.

Naturally, in response, mods like the Lootable Zombies mod were inevitable. This mod adds unique loot to both zombies you’ve killed and static zombie corpses already in the environment.

Besides giving you an extra edge, it really lends an extra level of reward and satisfaction to the game.

5. Subquake’s Undead Legacy

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (19)

Another more general overhaul mod, Subquake’s Undead Legacy, likewise adds a number of new tweaks centered on revamping and improving the game’s experience.

There’s a variety of new vehicles, weapons, and tools to help you make your way across this post-apocalyptic wasteland.

There’s a revamped encumbrance system based on the weight of items rather than simply inventory slots. There’s a new UI that provides more detailed readouts.

A more complex and detailed crafting system requires intermediate components, making crafting feel a bit more detailed and realistic.

The list goes on, but basically, it’s another nifty effort by the community to iron out some of the issues while we wait for official improvements.

4. Faster Crafting

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (20)

Like most modern survival games, 7 Days To Die has crafting elements. And while players generally enjoy the concept of crafting, it’s somewhat divisive how it takes so long to do.

Sure, it’s realistic, but not everyone plays games about surviving zombie apocalypses for realism.

And that, of course, is why mods like Faster Crafting exist. It’s right there in the name: this mod makes the crafting process faster.

If you’re okay with the slight sacrifice of realism, this mod can really make the game as a whole feel a bit more satisfyingly paced.

3. Darkness Falls

Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (21)

Darkness Falls is essentially a husband-and-wife team’s effort to iron out the various elements of 7 Days To Die that they, as avid players, felt needed to be improved. And that, really, is the essence of what any mod should be.

Darkness Falls adds a great variety of improvements and additions with no particular theme to them. There are classes added; there’s a new type of zombie; there are new types of food, and guns…the list goes on.

It’s basically a mod made by 7 Days players, for 7 Days players, centered on making the experience better in a lot of little ways.

2. 7 Years To Die Survivor

This is the sort of mod that any game ought to have – the kind aimed at players who enjoy the base game as it is and simply think that it needs to be a bit more challenging.

The 7 Years To Die Survivor mod does just that. Centered on the concept of being set seven years after the start of the apocalypse, this mod throws you into a situation similar to the vanilla game but much more challenging.

Food, ammo, and other essential supplies are much scarcer, leveling up happens slower, and a great variety of other small tweaks combine to ensure that the game retains the structure of the base game while being way more challenging.

It’s overall something any experienced 7 Days player ought to try.

1. War of the WalkersTop 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (22)

It seems a little odd that a game that isn’t even finished development should already have a total conversion mod, but really, it’s a testimony to what a dedicated fanbase7 Days has already gathered.

Either way, if you’ve been playing the game for a while, and would like to change things up a bit while waiting for the next major update, War of the Walkers is the mod for you.

Changing the gameplay pretty heavily, this mod adds such features as farming, mining, neutral NPCs, and various fresh features to the experience.

Admittedly, there is a chance that some of these features will be added to the game officially in future updates. Until then, though, this is a nifty way to change up the experience and explore the game’s future possibilities.

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Top 25 Best 7 Days To Die Mods [2024] (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.