Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (2024)

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Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (4)


Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (5)


Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (6)


Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (7)


Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (8)


Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (9)


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Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (20)Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (21)Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (22)Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (23)Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (24)Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (25)Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (28)

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Dad's Chocolate Chip Cookies have been discontinued and people are devastated (2024)


Why did they discontinue dad's chocolate chip cookies? ›

The decision by Mondelez International to discontinue the chocolate chip variety of Dad's cookies was due to poor sales. “They were discontinued late last year and took a few months to work their way through store shelves,” said Stephanie Cass of Mondelez Canada, the company that owns Dad's brand.

Are dad's Goodie Rings discontinued? ›

The company that manufacturers Goodie Rings in Canada inexplicably stopped production on the treats.

How did the chocolate chip cookie impact the world? ›

The Cultural Significance of Chocolate Chip Cookies

It's easy to see how chocolate chip cookies have become a symbol of home and comfort. They are often associated with memories of childhood and home-baked treats. This could be one reason why they remain so popular today, even in times of prosperity.

Why were chocolate chip cookies an accident? ›

In this era, the Toll House Inn was a popular restaurant that featured home cooking. A myth holds that she accidentally developed the cookie, and that she expected the chocolate chunks would melt, making chocolate cookies. That is not the case; Wakefield stated that she deliberately invented the cookie.

What happened to cookies dad? ›

He kicked Cookie out, and Cookie gave up her whole family for Lucious. When her father died of a heart attack soon after, Cookie never forgave herself, and neither did her sisters.

Who owns Dad's cookies? ›

In 2012, Mondelez — one of the world's largest snacks companies — took control of the Dad's brand.

Where did Goodie Rings go? ›

Mondelez's Facebook spokesperson did note that Goodie Rings aren't discontinued, they are just in a non-production state, giving hope to snackers that the chewy, chocolatey treats could again one day grace grocery store shelves. It's also not the first time Mondelez has dropped a cookie from its Dad's line.

What are the ingredients in dads cookies Goodie Rings? ›

Golden Syrup, Chocolatey Coating (Sugar, Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil, Cocoa, Corn Starch, Soy Lecithin, Natural Flavour), Wheat Flour, Sugar, Rolled Oats, Shortening (Vegetable, Modified Palm), Peanut Butter (Peanuts, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (Canola, Cottonseed, Soybean), Salt, Peanut Oil), Coconut (With Sulphites) ...

What does eating cookies do to your body? ›

Cookies that are kind to our liver

Consuming too much refined sugar and saturated fat can alter the functioning of the immune system, which in turn influences the absorption, accumulation and use of fats in the body.

How unhealthy are chocolate chip cookies? ›

Are chocolate chip cookies unhealthy? Traditional chocolate cookies and chocolate chip cookies are not considered to be healthy on their own due to the large amount of sugar and butter used to make them. However, you can still enjoy these cookies in moderation and as part of a healthy diet.

Is it okay to eat cookies every day? ›

While one cookie a day isn't going to completely derail your diet goals, it's often easy to eat more than one at a time, and soon enough, downing quite a few cookies throughout the day could lead to unwanted pounds.

Can chocolate chip cookies cause food poisoning? ›

Even after it's cooked, the mishandling of dough or its ingredients can cause foodborne illness. Pay special attention to chocolate and nuts, which can harbor harmful bacteria, notes Ahn. She recommends against eating any cookie or treat with these ingredients until it's fully cooked.

What country invented chocolate chip cookies? ›

Believe it or not, everyone's favorite chocolate chip cookie is now over 80 years old! The original recipe was created in the late 1930s by Ruth Wakefield who famously ran the Toll House restaurant in Whitman, Massachusetts.

Why are chocolate chip cookies so addictive? ›

Some research suggests that ingredients in chocolate chip cookies may have addictive properties. Evidence shows that sugar and sweetness can induce rewards and cravings comparable in magnitude to those induced by addictive drugs.

Are dads cookies in America? ›

We have THE crunchy oatmeal cookie that was available in Baltimore/DC, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, Kansas City, and other major metropolitan areas in the 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's. Dad's Cookie Company of St. Louis is the last Dad's Cookie Company in the U.S. that uses the ORIGINAL recipe.

What chocolate chip cookie dough was recalled? ›

The recall involves Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough “break and bake” bars that were produced on April 24 and 25, 2023, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Customers who have bought the product with batch codes 311457531K and 311557534K are being urged not to prepare or consume the product.

Why did Mother's cookies go out of business? ›

The company suffered an accounting scandal in 2008 and in October 2008, the company became a victim of the financial crisis of 2007–2010 when the company filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy and laid off all of its workers.

How old are dads cookies? ›

Since 1929, DAD'S has been making oatmeal cookies with quality ingredients and the goodness of rolled oats. These cookies are tasty snack that can be enjoyed at any time of the day.

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.