Section 2: Laser Hazards (2024)

  • Beam Related Hazards

  • Non-Beam Hazards

The hazards of lasers may be separated into two general categories – beam related hazards to eyes and skin and non-beam hazards, such as electrical and chemical hazards.

Beam Related Hazards

Improperly used laser devices are potentially dangerous. Effects can range from mild skin burns to irreversible injury to the skin and eye. The biological damage caused by lasers is produced through thermal, acoustical and photochemical processes.

Thermal effects are caused by a rise in temperature following absorption of laser energy. The severity of the damage is dependent upon several factors, including exposure duration, wavelength of the beam, energy of the beam, and the area and type of tissue exposed to the beam.

Acoustical effects result from a mechanical shockwave, propogated through tissue, ultimately damaging the tissue. This happens when the laser beam causes localized vaporization of tissue, causing the shockwave analogous to ripples in water from throwing a rock into a pond.

Beam exposure may also cause photochemical effects when photons interact with tissue cells. A change in cell chemistry may result in damage or change to tissue. Photochemical effects depend greatly on wavelength. Table 2 summarizes the probable biological effects of exposure of eyes and skin to different wavelengths.

Spectral domain

Ultraviolet C

(200 nm - 280 nm)


Erythema (sunburn)
Skin Cancer
Accelerated skin aging

Ultraviolet B

(280 nm - 315 nm)


Increased pigmentation

Ultraviolet A

(315 nm - 400 nm)

Photochemical cataract

Pigment darkening
Skin burn


(400 nm - 780 nm)

Photochemical and thermal retinal injury

Pigment darkening
Photosenstive reactions
Skin burn

Infrared A

(780 nm - 1400 nm)

Cataract and retinal burn

Skin burn

Infrared B

(1.4mm - 3.0 mm)

Corneal burn, aqueous flare, cataract

Skin burn

Infrared C

(3.0 mm - 1000 mm)

Corneal burn only

Skin burn

Types of Beam Exposures (top)

Exposure to the laser beam is not limited to direct beam exposure. Particularly for high powered lasers, exposure to beam reflections may be just as damaging as exposure to the primary beam.

Intrabeam exposure means that the eye or skin is exposed directly to all or part of the laser beam. The eye or skin is exposed to the full irradiance or radiant exposure possible.

Specular reflections from mirror surfaces can be nearly as harmful as exposure to the direct beam, particularly if the surface is flat. Curved mirror-like surfaces will widen the beam such that while the exposed eye or skin does not absorb the full impact of the beam, there is a larger area for possible exposure.

A diffuse surface is a surface that will reflect the laser beam in many directions. Mirror-like surfaces that are not completely flat, such as jewelry or metal tools, may cause diffuse reflections of the beam. These reflections do not carry the full power or energy of the primary beam, but may still be harmful, particularly for high powered lasers. Diffuse reflections from Class 4 lasers are capable of initiating fires.

Whether a surface is a diffuse reflector or a specular reflector will depend upon the wavelength of the beam. A surface that would be a diffuse reflector for a visible laser may be a specular reflector for an infrared laser beam.

Eye (top)

The major danger of laser light is hazards from beams entering the eye. The eye is the organ most sensitive to light. Just as a magnifying glass can be used to focus the sun and burn wood, the lens in the human eye focuses the laser beam into a tiny spot than can burn the retina. A laser beam with low divergence entering the eye can be focused down to an area 10 to 20 microns in diameter.

The laws of thermodynamics do not limit the power of lasers. The second law states that the temperature of a surface heated by a beam from a thermal source of radiation cannot exceed the temperature of the source beam. The laser is a non-thermal source and is able to generate temperatures far greater than it's own. A 30 mW laser operating at room temperature is capable of producing enough energy (when focused) to instantly burn through paper.

Per the law of the conservation of energy, the energy density (measure of energy per unit of area) of the laser beam increases as the spot size decreases. This means that the energy of a laser beam can be intensified up to 100,000 times by the focusing action of the eye. If the irradiance entering the eye is 1 mW/cm2, the irradiance at the retina will be 100 W/cm2. Thus, even a low power laser in the milliwatt range can cause a burn if focused directly onto the retina.

NEVER point a laser at someone's eyes no matter how low the power of the laser.

Structure Of The Eye (top)

Damage to the eye is dependent upon the wavelength of the beam. In order to understand the possible health effects, it is important to understand the functions of the major parts of the human eye.

The cornea is the transparent layer of tissue covering the eye. Damage to the outer cornea may be uncomfortable (like a gritty feeling) or painful, but will usually heal quickly. Damage to deeper layers of the cornea may cause permanent injury.

Section 2: Laser Hazards (1)

The lens focuses light to form images onto the retina. Over time, the lens becomes less pliable, making it more difficult to focus on near objects. With age, the lens also becomes cloudy and eventually opacifies. This is known as a cataract. Every lens develops cataract eventually.

The part of the eye that provides the most acute vision is the fovea centralis (also called the macula lutea). This is a relatively small area of the retina (3 to 4%) that provides the most detailed and acute vision as well as color perception. This is why eyes move when you read or when you look as something; the image has to be focused on the fovea for detailed perception. The balance of the retina can perceive light and movement, but not detailed images (peripheral vision).

If a laser burn occurs on the fovea, most fine (reading and working) vision may be lost in an instant. If a laser burn occurs in the peripheral vision it may produce little or no effect on fine vision. Repeated retinal burns can lead to blindness.

Fortunately the eye has a self-defense mechanism -- the blink or aversion response. When a bright light hits the eye, the eye tends to blink or turn away from the light source (aversion) within a quarter of a second. This may defend the eye from damage where lower power lasers are involved, but cannot help where higher power lasers are concerned. With high power lasers, the damage can occur in less time than a quarter of a second.

Symptoms of a laser burn in the eye include a headache shortly after exposure, excessive watering of the eyes, and sudden appearance of floaters in your vision. Floaters are those swirling distortions that occur randomly in normal vision most often after a blink or when eyes have been closed for a couple of seconds. Floaters are caused by dead cell tissues that detach from the retina and choroid and float in the vitreous humor. Ophthalmologists often dismiss minor laser injuries as floaters due to the very difficult task of detecting minor retinal injuries. Minor corneal burns cause a gritty feeling, like sand in the eye.

Several factors determine the degree of injury to the eye from laser light:

  • pupil size - The shrinking of pupil diameter reduces the amount of total energy delivered to the retinal surface. Pupil size ranges from a 2 mm diameter in bright sun to an 8 mm diameter in darkness (night vision).

  • degree of pigmentation - More pigment (melanin) results in more heat absorption.

  • size of retinal image - The larger the size, the greater the damage because temperature equilibrium must be achieved to do damage. The rate of equilibrium formation is determined by the size of the image.

  • pulse duration - The shorter the time (ns versus ms), the greater the chance of injury.

  • pulse repetition rate - The faster the rate, the less chance for heat dissipation and recovery.

  • wavelength - determines where the energy deposits and how much gets through the ocular media.

Eye Absorption Site vs. Wavelength (top)

The wavelength determines where the laser energy is absorbed in the eye.

Section 2: Laser Hazards (2)

Source: Sliney & Wolbarsht, Safety with Lasers and Other Optical Sources, Plenum Press, 1980

Lasers in the visible and near infrared range of the spectrum have the greatest potential for retinal injury, as the cornea and the lens are transparent to those wavelengths and the lens can focus the laser energy onto the retina. The maximum absorption of laser energy onto the retina occurs in the range from 400 - 550 nm. Argon and YAG lasers operate in this range, making them the most hazardous lasers with respect to eye injuries. Wavelengths of less than 550 nm can cause a photochemical injury similar to sunburn. Photochemical effects are cumulative and result from long exposures (over 10 seconds) to diffuse or scattered light. Table 3 summarizes the most likely effects of overexposure to various commonly used lasers.

Section 2: Laser Hazards (3)

Skin (top)

Lasers can harm the skin via photochemical or thermal burns. Depending on the wavelength, the beam may penetrate both the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outermost living layer of skin. Far and Mid-ultraviolet (the actinic UV) are absorbed by the epidermis. A sunburn (reddening and blistering) may result from short-term exposure to the beam. UV exposure is also associated with an increased risk of developing skin cancer and premature aging (wrinkles, etc) of the skin.

Thermal burns to the skin are rare. They usually require exposure to high energy beams for an extended period of time. Carbon dioxide and other infrared lasers are most commonly associated with thermal burns, since this wavelength range may penetrate deeply into skin tissue. The resulting burn may be first degree (reddening), second degree (blistering) or third degree (charring).

Some individuals are photosensitive or may be taking prescription drugs that induce photo-sensitivity. Particular attention must be given to the effect of these (prescribed) drugs, including some antibiotics and fungicides, on the individual taking the medication and working with or around lasers.

Non-Beam Hazards (top)

In addition to the hazards directly associated with exposure to the beam, ancillary hazards can be produced by compressed gas cylinders, cryogenic and toxic materials, ionizing radiation and electrical shock.

Electrical Hazards (top)

The use of lasers or laser systems can present an electric shock hazard. This may occur from contact with exposed utility power utilization, device control, and power supply conductors operating at potentials of 50 volts or more. These exposures can occur during laser set-up or installation, maintenance and service, where equipment protective covers are often removed to allow access to active components as required for those activities. The effect can range from a minor tingle to serious personal injury or death. Protection against accidental contact with energized conductors by means of a barrier system is the primary methodology to prevent electrical shock.

Additional electrical safety requirements are imposed upon laser devices, systems and those who work with them by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA, the National Electric Code and related state and local regulations. Individuals who repair or maintain lasers may require specialized electric safety-related work practices training. Contact the University Safety Engineer at 258-5294 for an electrical safety inspection and/or required training.

Another particular hazard is that high voltage electrical supplies and capacitors for lasers are often located close to cooling water pumps, lines, filters, etc. In the event of a spill or hose rupture, an extremely dangerous situation may result. During times of high humidity, over-cooling can lead to condensation which can have similar effects. A potentially lethal accident occurred at Princeton University when a graduate student opened a laser to wipe condensation from a tube.

The following are recommendations for preventing electrical shocks for lasers for all classifications:

  • All equipment should be installed in accordance with OSHA and the National Electrical Code.
  • All electrical equipment should be treated as if it were “live”.
  • Working with or near live circuits should be avoided. Whenever possible, unplug the equipment before working on it.
  • A “buddy system” should be used when work on live electrical equipment is necessary, particularly after normal work hours or in isolated areas. Ideally, the person should be knowledgeable of first aid and CPR.
  • Rings and metallic watchbands should not be worn, nor should metallic pens, pencils, or rulers be used while one is working with electrical equipment.
  • Live circuits should be worked on using one hand, when it is possible to do so.
  • When one is working with electrical equipment, only tools with insulated handles should be used.
  • Electrical equipment that upon touch gives the slightest perception of current should be removed from service, tagged and repaired prior to further use.
  • When working with high voltages, consider the floor conductive and grounded unless standing on a suitably insulated dry matting normally used for electrical work.
  • Live electrical equipment should not be worked on when one is standing on a wet floor, or when the hands, feet or body is wet or perspiring.
  • Do not undertake hazardous activities when truly fatigued, emotionally stressed, or under the influence of medication that dulls or slows the mental and reflex processes.
  • Follow lockout/tagout procedures when working with hard-wired equipment.
Section 2: Laser Hazards (2024)


What are the hazards of Class 2 lasers? ›

Because of its brightness, Class 2 laser light will be too dazzling to stare into for extended periods. Momentary viewing is not considered hazardous since the upper radiant power limit on this type of device is less than the MPE (Maximum Permissible Exposure) for momentary exposure of 0.25 second or less.

What happens if you look at a class 2 laser? ›

Class 2 laser beams can easily cause eye injury after an unintentional eye exposure within the first 7 meters, and can cause temporary or permanent flash blindness up to 36 meters. After that distance, a Class 2 laser beam may cause temporary or permanent eye glare up to 159 meters.

What is the limit of Class 2 laser? ›

Class 2: Low power lasers (CW: up to 1mW) in visible wavelength range (400-700nm). The aversion response will protect the eye from damage due to direct exposure. There is no hazard from exposure to diffuse radiation.

What hazards do laser control measures reduce ___________? ›

Use laser hazard control measures to eliminate or reduce the possibility of eye or skin exposure to hazardous levels of laser radiation and other ancillary hazards.

What are Class 2 lasers examples? ›

Class II lasers are low power (< 1mW), visible light lasers that could possibly cause damage to a person's eyes. Some examples of Class II laser use are: classroom demonstrations, laser pointers, aiming devices and range finding equipment.

What are the hazards of laser? ›

The human body is vulnerable to the output of certain lasers, and under certain circ*mstances, exposure can result in damage to the eye and skin. Research relating to injury thresholds of the eye and skin has been carried out in order to understand the biological hazards of laser radiation.

Are class 2 lasers illegal? ›

This is unsafe and is illegal -- you could be arrested and jailed. This is not a toy. Children can safely use Class 2 lasers only with continuous adult supervision.

Is there a class 5 laser? ›

Extreme power

Class 5 Photonics offers ultrafast, high power laser systems and EUV sources for demanding applications from bio-imaging to ultrafast science and attosecond science.

Which laser class is the most hazardous? ›

Class 4 is the highest class in terms of laser hazards. If you're within the hazard zone, you're exposed to severe eye and skin injuries. In addition, combustible materials shouldn't be in the laser's surroundings to avoid fire hazards. Diffuse reflections of class 4 lasers are also hazardous.

Do class 2 lasers require labels? ›

Class 2 lasers have sufficient power output to cause damage to the eyes if viewed continuously. However, their outputs are low enough to allow the natural aversion responses, such as blinking, to prevent damage. Additional hazard control measures take the form of cautionary signs or labels.

What is the difference between Class 1 and Class 2 lasers? ›

CD-ROM readers and laser printers are class 1 lasers. This class includes high-power lasers within an enclosure that prevents exposure to radiation, and that cannot be opened without shutting down the laser. Class 2: A Class 2 laser is safe because the blink reflex limits the exposure to no more than 0.25 seconds.

Does a Class 2 laser only emit visible light? ›

Class 2 laser These lasers emit only visible light and are limited to a maximum output of 1 mW. They are bright enough to cause dazzle. A deliberate attempt to stare into the beam might produce retinal damage but the period for safe viewing, 0.25 s, is about the same as the natural aversion response.

How to prevent laser hazards? ›

Laser safety control measures include administrative controls, such as procedures, training, warning signs, and personal protection, and engineering controls, which may include protective housing, interlocks, beam stops, barriers, and curtains.

What would be the most common laser hazard to a laser user? ›

The major danger of laser light is hazards from beams entering the eye. The eye is the organ most sensitive to light. Just as a magnifying glass can be used to focus the sun and burn wood, the lens in the human eye focuses the laser beam into a tiny spot than can burn the retina.

What happens if a laser hits your skin? ›

Laser effects on the skin

Thermal (burn) injury is the most common cause of laser-induced skin damage. Thermal damage is generally associated with lasers operating at exposure times greater than 10 microseconds and in the wavelength region from the near-ultraviolet to the far-infrared.

Can Class 2 laser cause blindness? ›

Exposure of a person's eyes to a momentary sweep of Class 2 or Class 3 laser beam can result in temporary flash blindness, afterimage and glare which can be particularly dangerous if the individual is engaged in a vision-critical activity.

What are the hazards of using a laser level? ›

Even though the beam coming out of a laser level has only a small amount of power, it is concentrated enough to harm your eyes. Anyone using a laser level should follow the below precautions: NEVER stare into a laser beam.

What are the hazards of CO2 lasers? ›

Because infrared wavelengths produce heat, uncontrolled exposure to CO2 laser emissions has the potential to damage the eyes and skin. Special caution is required because CO2 laser wavelengths are not visible to the human eye.

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